taking a dip in the Hotel del Coronado’s plunge pool, 1915
The Young Girlby Robert Cozad Henri, 1915
Rozsika Dolly in Hello, Broadway! at the Astor Theatre
Girl in Red Dress Pinning on Hat by William James Glackens, circa 1915–1916
A Model (Nude Self-Portrait) by Florine Stettheimer, circa 1915
asleep while awake circa 1915 by Atelier Wigsten, Bollnäs, Sweden
pogphotoarchives: Pottery firing demo, Indian Village, Painted Desert Exhibit, San Diego Exposition, California Photographer: Jesse NusbaumDate: 1915Negative Number 060447 Native American bobs!
Rose Lanza (left) and Josephine Farrara (as a cupid) in fancy dress for a parade on Cherry Street, Manhattan, New York City, circa 1915. The parade is being organized by […]
Sybil Carmen in the Ziegfeld Midnight Frolic, 1915
leaving 1914 in the dust HELLO 1915!!!!!!!