Comment by ayeee
Legion season 4 reward.Extremely badass looking lion.
The only problem is wining 100 arenas 3s.
Comment by Wootmane
Does anyone know if this mount was implemented yet? I was at Necrolord Sipe and I wasn't able to find it.Comment by p0gman
The npc is not selling the mount, hes only selling the new turtle one. ?Comment by Wrynn1
Vicious War Turrtle was added, but Lion and Bear not. I wonder why?Яростную боевую черепаху добавили, а Льва и Медведя нет. Интересно почему?
Comment by Zanabest
Sadly, your character will still hold that stupid guild flag.Comment by SilverDragon234
King Anduin would be proud to ride this to battle, should his horse have a bad hoof-ache.Comment by Sipder2
To get this mount do you need Vicious Saddle you unlock this item to grind after got your seasonal pvp mount.To the seasonal mount do you need reach 100% on pvp mount progress bar, to check it press "H".
The progress just count if you have 1400+ rating.
The fast way to grind it is by doing 3v3, you'll receive 1-2% per win.
After get 100% progress the seasonal mount will be available for all toons in your account including opposite faction toons.
After get the seasonal mount you will unlock Vicious Saddle to grind, this item is used to buy another pvp mounts, open your mount table and search for Vicious war to see all mounts.
I spend a total of 2 days to get the seasonal mount on my disc priest 200ilvl.
Alliance Mounts you can purchase with Vicious Saddle:
- Reins of the Vicious Warsaber
- Vicious War Ram
- Vicious War Mechanostrider
- Vicious War Elekk
- Reins of the Vicious War Steed
- Vicious War Bear
- Vicious War Lion
- Vicious War Turtle
- Vicious War Fox
- Vicious Gilnean Warhorse
Horde Mounts you can purchase with Vicious Saddle:
- Reins of the Vicious Skeletal Warhorse
- Vicious War Raptor
- Vicious War Kodo
- Vicious Warstrider
- Horn of the Vicious War Wolf
- Vicious War Bear
- Vicious War Scorpion
- Vicious War Turtle
- Vicious War Fox
- Vicious War Trike
After shadowlands pvp season 1 you can buy Vicious War Spider using Vicious Saddle.
How to get Vicious War Mounts in 2 days:
Vicious War Lion
Item Level 10 Binds to Warband Mount (Account-wide) Requires any Alliance race |
Use: Teaches you how to summon this mount. Summons and dismisses your Vicious War Lion. Requires level 1 to 80 (80) Requires Apprentice Riding Sell Price: 2 50 "Many squires were harmed in the making of this mount." Vendor: Necrolord Sipe Zone: Stormwind City Cost: 1 |
Vendor Locations
This item can be purchased in Stormwind City
A Guide for Obtainable Feats of Strength
The Littlest Mountain: A collector's overview of EVERY Mount and Pet in the game!
Vicious Saddle Mounts from WoW PvP Guide
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