Cybelle got 'Best Poster' at the Immunogenomics Symposium!
Vivi got first place in the BBS 3 Minute Thesis competition!
Zack was awarded the Loan Repayment grant. Congrats Zack.
The Rudd lab bids farewell to Scarlett who is off to work at the CDC as an epidemiological intelligence service officer.
Congratulations to Scarlett on becoming a double doctor!
Cybelle defended her dissertation and now only answers to "Dr. Tabilas"!
Our paper showing neonatal CD8+ T cells are programmed for innate defense is available on BioRxiv! Read it here!
Congrats to Norah for being awarded the Jackson lab Diversity Outbred Pilot Grant!
Norah was awarded a VERGE grant!
Congratulations to Zack for being awarded the American Association for Immunologist Intersect Fellowship!
Kristel's paper is now out in Cell Reports! Read it here!
Vivi received an F30 from NIH ORIP! ¡Felicidades!
Cybelle was awarded an F31 from the NIAID! Binabati!
Brian was awarded the 'SUNY Chancellors Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Scholarly Activities! Read about here! Congrats Brian!
Neva and Cybelle were selected to give oral presentations at AAI! Be sure to register for this year's virtual AAI and tune in to their talks!
Brian got a dog!
Congratulations to Janelle for being awarded the CIHMID post-doctoral fellowship!
The Rudd lab is excited to turn 10 years old this year!
Congratulations to Vivi for being awarded a Center for Vertebrate Genomics fellowship!
Kristel is now Dr. Yee Mon-Kendal! A massive congratulations on a successful Ph.D.!
Scarlett was awarded a NIH loan forgiveness grant! Congratulations Scarlett!
Welcome to our new post-doctoral associate, Janelle!
Our new post-doctoral associate Zack has officially started! Welcome Zack!
Our review describing how the CD8+ T cell compartment is built is out. Read it here!
Cybelle has been awarded the Microbiology and Immunology's 'Best Paper in 2019' award sponsored by Biocytogen
Dr. Rudd's article in Annual Review entitled Neonatal T Cells: A Reinterpretation is now available! Read it here!
Cybelle won the Best Poster at the IMP retreat!
Kristel and Cybelle were chosen to present Blitz presentations at the Weill Cornell-Memorial Sloan Kettering-Rockefeller Immunology and Microbial Pathogenesis (IMP) retreat! Truly the Rudd Rats dream team!
Cybelle and Jocelyn's paper describing metabolic programs in neonatal CD8+ T cells is now out! Read it here!
Scarlett passed her A exam!
Cornell Research wrote a brief article about our recently funded NIH grant! Read it here!
Cybelle won "Best Oral Presentation" at the BBS symposium!
Congratulations Kristel for receiving the Liz Hanson Graduate Scholarship!
Brian was named Associate Professor of Empire Innovation! Read more about it here!
Kristel's first first author publication is published! YAY!
Norah won the Biocytogen award for Best Immunology and Microbiology paper! WAY TO GO! Norah's having a great week. Read more about the award here.
Huge round of applause to Norah who has been promoted to Senior Research Associate! What an awesome accomplishment.
Our paper titled Fate mapping reveals the age structure of the peripheral T cell compartment has been published in PNAS! Read it here.
Cybelle and Kristel won Best Posters at the BBS winter symposium. These ladies are truly the Ruddie Buddie dream team!
Norah's first NIAID R21 titled Developmental Layers in the CD8+ T Cell Response to Infection was funded!
Welcome Scarlett Lee, who is our newest graduate student and will be joint with the Vanderven lab
Congratulations to Cybelle who has been selected for the NIH Immuno-Engineering T32 fellowship!
Kristel is now an American Association of Immunologists Young Investigator!
Cybelle won Best Poster at the Biological and Biomedical Sciences Symposium and Kristel was selected to give an oral presentation. These ladies are always making us look good!
Cybelle has changed her email signature to "Cybelle Tabilas, Ph.D. candidate"!
A Cell preview was written about our newest story!
Cornell Chronicle wrote a story about our newest publication in Cell! Read it here!
Congratulations to our very own Smith et. al for our most recent publication in Cell! Smith et al., Developmental Origin Governs CD8+ T Cell Fate Decisions during Infection, Cell (2018), https://
Cornell Research wrote a feature entitled Towards Stronger Immunity in Infants about the most recent NIH award the Rudd lab received. Read it here!
The Rudd lab is here to stay. Congratulations to Brian who has been promoted to Associate Professor!
The Rudd lab is proud to announce Dr. Jocelyn Wang! Congratulations on a fantastic graduate research and Ph.D. defense! We'll miss you.
Kristel the graduate student is now Kristel the Ph.D. candidate! Look out world, here comes future Kristel Yee Mon, Ph.D.!
Cybelle's poster got voted Fan Favorite at the Biomedical and Biological Sciences Symposium!
Science@CornellVet features Norah Smith's work on their blog.
Rudd lab welcomes Cybelle Tabilas as the newest graduate student.
Brian was awarded the Robert Hovey Udall Assistant Professorship!
The Rudd lab opened for business in 2011 and six years later, we decided it was time to launch a website!