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Showing posts with label 8086. Show all posts

Talking to memory: Inside the Intel 8088 processor's bus interface state machine

In 1979, Intel introduced the 8088 microprocessor, a variant of the 16-bit 8086 processor. IBM's decision to use the 8088 processor in the IBM PC (1981) was a critical point in computer history, leading to the success of the x86 architecture. The designers of the IBM PC selected the 8088 for multiple reasons, but a key factor was that the 8088 processor's 8-bit bus was similar to the bus of the 8085 processor.1 The designers were familiar with the 8085 since they had selected it for the IBM System/23 Datamaster, a now-forgotten desktop computer, making the more-powerful 8088 processor an easy choice for the IBM PC.

The 8088 processor communicates over the bus with memory and I/O devices through a highly-structured sequence of steps called "T-states." A typical 8088 bus cycle consists of four T-states, with one T-state per clock cycle. Although a four-step bus cycle may sound straightforward, its implementation uses a complicated state machine making it one of the most difficult parts of the 8088 to explain. First, the 8088 has many special cases that complicate the bus cycle. Moreover, the bus cycle is really six steps, with two undocumented "extra" steps to make bus operations more efficient. Finally, the complexity of the bus cycle is largely arbitrary, a consequence of Intel's attempts to make the 8088's bus backward-compatible with the earlier 8080 and 8085 processors. However, investigating the bus cycle circuitry in detail provides insight into the timing of the processor's instructions. In addition, this circuitry illustrates the tradeoffs and implementation decisions that are necessary in a production processor. In this blog post, I look in detail at the circuitry that implements this state machine.

By examining the die of the 8088 microprocessor, I could reverse engineer the bus circuitry. The die photo below shows the 8088 microprocessor's silicon die under a microscope. Most visible in the photo is the metal layer on top of the chip, with the silicon and polysilicon mostly hidden underneath. Around the edges of the die, bond wires connect pads to the chip's 40 external pins. Architecturally, the chip is partitioned into a Bus Interface Unit (BIU) at the top and an Execution Unit (EU) below, with the two units running largely independently. The BIU handles bus communication (memory and I/O accesses), while the Execution Unit (EU) executes instructions. In the diagram, I've labeled the processor's key functional blocks. This article focuses on the bus state machine, highlighted in red, but other parts of the Bus Interface Unit will also play a role.

The 8088 die under a microscope, with main functional blocks labeled. This photo shows the chip's single metal layer; the polysilicon and silicon are underneath. Click on this image (or any other) for a larger version.

The 8088 die under a microscope, with main functional blocks labeled. This photo shows the chip's single metal layer; the polysilicon and silicon are underneath. Click on this image (or any other) for a larger version.

Although I'm focusing on the 8088 processor in this blog post, the 8086 is mostly the same. The 8086 and 8088 processors present the same 16-bit architecture to the programmer. The key difference is that the 8088 has an 8-bit data bus for communication with memory and I/O, rather than the 16-bit bus of the 8086. For the most part, the 8086 and 8088 are very similar internally, apart from trivial but numerous layout changes on the die. In this article, I'm focusing on the 8088 processor, but most of the description applies to the 8086 as well. Instead of constantly saying "8086/8088", I'll refer to the 8088 and try to point out places where the 8086 is different.

The bus cycle

In this section, I'll describe the basic four-step bus cycles that the 8088 performs.2 To start, the diagram below shows the states for a write cycle (slightly simplified3), when the 8088 writes to memory or an I/O device. The external bus activity is organized as four "T-states", each one clock cycle long and called T1, T2, T3, and T4, with specific actions during each state. During T1, the 8088 outputs the address on the pins. During the T2, T3, and T4 states, the 8088 outputs the data word on the same pins. The external memory or I/O device uses the T states to know when it is receiving address information or data over the bus lines.

A typical write bus cycle consists of four T states. Based on The 8086 Family Users Manual, B-16.

A typical write bus cycle consists of four T states. Based on The 8086 Family Users Manual, B-16.

For a read, the bus cycle is slightly different from the write cycle, but uses the same four T-states. During T1, the address is provided on the pins, the same as for a write. After that, however, the processor's data pins are "tri-stated" so they float electrically, allowing the external memory to put data on the bus. The processor reads the data at the end of the T3 state.

A typical read bus cycle consists of four T states. Based on The 8086 Family Users Manual, B-16.

A typical read bus cycle consists of four T states. Based on The 8086 Family Users Manual, B-16.

The purpose of the bus state machine is to move through these four T states for a read or a write. This process may seem straightforward, but (as is usually the case with the 8088) many complications make this process anything but easy. In the next sections, I'll discuss these complications. After that, I'll explain the state machine circuitry with a schematic.

Address calculation

One of the notable (if not hated) features of the 8088 processor is segmentation: the processor supports 1 megabyte of memory, but memory is partitioned into segments of 64 KB for compatibility with the earlier 8080 and 8085 processors. The 8088 calculates each 20-bit memory address by adding the value of a segment register to a 16-bit offset. This calculation is done by a dedicated address adder in the Bus Interface Unit, completely separate from the chip's ALU. (This address adder can be spotted in the upper left of the earlier die photo.)

Calculating the memory address complicates the bus cycle. As the timing diagrams above show, the processor issues the memory address during state T1 of the bus cycle. However, it takes time to perform the address calculation addition, so the address calculation must take place before T1. To accomplish this, there are two "invisible" bus states before T1; I call these states "TS" (T-start) and "T0". During these states, the Bus Interface Unit uses the address adder to compute the address, so the address will be available during the T1 state. These states are invisible to the external circuitry because they don't affect the signals from the chip.

Thus, a single memory operation takes six clock cycles: two preparatory cycles to compute the address before the four visible cycles. However, if multiple memory operations are performed, the operations are overlapped to achieve a degree of pipelining that improves performance. Specifically, the address calculation for the next memory operation takes place during the last two clock cycles of the current memory operation, saving two clock cycles. That is, for consecutive bus cycles, T3 and T4 of one bus cycle overlap with TS and T0 of the next cycle. In other words, during T3 and T4 of one bus cycle, the memory address gets computed for the next bus cycle. This pipelining significantly improves the performance of the 8088, compared to taking 6 clock cycles for each bus cycle.

With this timing, the address adder is free during cycles T1 and T2. To improve performance in another way, the 8088 uses the adder during this idle time to increment or decrement memory addresses. For instance, after popping a word from the stack, the stack pointer needs to be incremented by 2.5 Another case is block move operations (string operations), which need to increment or decrement the pointers each step. By using the address adder, the new pointer value is calculated "for free" as part of the memory cycle, without using the processors regular ALU.4

Address corrections

The address adder is used in one more context: correcting the Instruction Pointer value. Conceptually, the Instruction Pointer (or Program Counter) register points to the next instruction to execute. However, since the 8088 prefetches instructions, the Instruction Pointer indicates the next instruction to be fetched. Thus, the Instruction Pointer typically runs ahead of the "real" value. For the most part, this doesn't matter. This discrepancy becomes an issue, though, for a subroutine call, which needs to push the return address. It is also an issue for a relative branch, which jumps to an address relative to the current execution position.

To support instructions that need the next instruction address, the 8088 implements a micro-instruction CORR, which corrects the Instruction Pointer. This micro-instruction subtracts the length of the prefetch queue from the Instruction Pointer to determine the "real" Instruction Pointer. This subtraction is performed by the address adder, using correction constants that are stored in a small Constant ROM.

The tricky part is ensuring that using the address adder for correction doesn't conflict with other uses of the adder. The solution is to run a special shortened memory cycle—just the TS and T0 states—while the CORR micro-instruction is performed.6 These states block a regular memory cycle from starting, preventing a conflict over the address adder.

A closeup of the address adder circuitry in the 8086. From my article on the adder.

A closeup of the address adder circuitry in the 8086. From my article on the adder.


The 8088 prefetches instructions before they are needed, loading instructions from memory into a 4-byte prefetch queue. Prefetching usually improves performance, but can result in an instruction's memory access being delayed by a prefetch, hurting overall performance. To minimize this delay, a bus request from an instruction will preempt a prefetch, even if the prefetch has gone through TS and T0. At that point, the prefetch hasn't created any bus activity yet (which first happens in T1), so preempting the prefetch can be done cleanly. To preempt the prefetch, the bus cycle state machine jumps back to TS, skipping over T1 through T4, and starting the desired access.

A prefetch will also be preempted by the micro-instruction that stops prefetching (SUSP) or the micro-instruction that corrects addresses (CORR). In these cases, there is no point in completing the prefetch, so the state machine cycle will end with T0.

Wait states

One problem with memory accesses is that the memory may be slower than the system's clock speed, a characteristic of less-expensive memory chips. The solution in the 1970s was "wait states". If the memory couldn't respond fast enough, it would tell the processor to add idle clock cycles called wait states, until the memory could respond.7 To produce a wait state, the memory (or I/O device) lowers the processor's READY pin until it is ready to proceed. During this time, the Bus Interface Unit waits, although the Execution Unit continues operation if possible. Although Intel's documentation gives the wait cycle a separate name (Tw), internally the wait is implemented by repeating the T3 state as long as the READY pin is not active.


Another complication is that the 8088 has a HALT instruction that halts program execution until an interrupt comes in. One consequence is that HALT stops bus operations (specifically prefetching, since stopping execution will automatically stop instruction-driven bus operations). A complication is that the 8088 indicates the HALT state to external devices by performing a special T1 bus cycle without any following bus cycles. But wait: there's another complication. External devices can take control of the bus through the HOLD functionality, allowing external devices to perform operations such as DMA (Direct Memory Access). When the device ends the HOLD, the 8088 performs another special T1 bus cycle, indicating that the HALT is still in effect. Thus, the bus state machine must generate these special T1 states based on HALT and HOLD actions. (I discussed the HALT process in detail here.)

Putting it all together: the state diagram

The state diagram below summarizes the different types of bus cycles. Each circle indicates a specific T-state, and the arrows indicate the transitions between states. The green line shows the basic bus cycle or cycles, starting in TS and then going around the cycle. From T3, a new cycle can start with T0 or the cycle will end with T4. Thus, new cycles can start every four clocks, but a full cycle takes six states (counting the "invisible" TS and T0). The brown line shows that the bus cycle will stay in T3 as long as there is a wait state. The red line shows the two cycles for a CORR correction, while the purple line shows the special T1 state for a HALT instruction. The cyan line shows that a prefetch cycle can be preempted after T0; the cycle will either restart at TS or end.

A state diagram showing the basic bus cycle and various complications.

A state diagram showing the basic bus cycle and various complications.

I'm showing states TS and T3 together since they overlap but aren't the same. Likewise, I'm showing T4 and T0 together. T4 is grayed out because it doesn't exist from the state machine's perspective; the circuitry doesn't take any particular action during T4.

The schematic below shows the implementation of the state machine. The four flip-flops represent the four states, with one flip-flop active at a time, generating states T0, T1, T2, and T3 (from top to bottom). Each output feeds into the logic for the next state, with T3 wrapping back to the top, so the circuit moves through the states in sequence. The flip-flops are clocked so the active state will move from one flip-flop to the next according to the system clock. State TS doesn't have its own flip-flop, but is represented by the input to the T0 flip-flop, so it happens one clock cycle earlier.8 State T4 doesn't have a flip-flop since it isn't "real" to the bus state machine. The logic gates handle the special cases: blocking the state transfer if necessary or starting a state.

Schematic of the state machine.

Schematic of the state machine.

I'll explain the logic for each state in more detail. The circuitry for the TS state has two AND gates to generate new bus cycles starting from TS. The first one (a) causes TS to happen with T3 if there is a pending bus request (and no HOLD). The second AND gate (b) starts a bus cycle if the bus is not currently active and there is a bus request or a CORR micro-instruction. The flip-flop causes T0 to follow T3/TS, one clock cycle later.

The next gates (c) generate the T1 state following T0 if there is pending bus activity and the cycle isn't preempted to T3. The AND gate (d) starts the special T1 for the HALT instruction.9 The T2 state follows T1 unless T1 was generated by a HALT (e).

The T3 logic is more complicated. First, T3 will always follow T2 (f). Next, a wait state will cause T3 to remain in T3 (g). Finally, for a preempt, T3 will follow T0 (h) if there is a prefetch and a microcode bus operation (i.e. an instruction specified the bus operation).

Next, I'll explain BUS-ACTIVE, an important signal that indicates if the bus is active or not. The Bus Interface Unit generates the BUS-ACTIVE signal to help control the state machine. The BUS-ACTIVE signal is also widely used in the Bus Interface Unit, controlling many functions such as transfers to and from the address registers. BUS-ACTIVE is generated by the complex circuit below that determines if the bus will be active, specifically in states T0 through T3. Because of the flip-flop, the computation of BUS-ACTIVE happens in the previous clock cycle.

The circuit to determine if the bus will be active next cycle.

The circuit to determine if the bus will be active next cycle.

In more detail, the signal BUS-ACTIVE-PRE indicates if the bus cycle will continue or will end on the next clock cycle. Delaying this signal through the flip-flop generates BUS-ACTIVE, which indicates if the bus is currently active in states T0 through T3. The top AND gate (a) is responsible for starting a cycle or keeping a cycle going (a1). It will allow a new cycle if there is a bus request (without HOLD) (a3). It will also allow a new cycle if there is a CORR micro-instruction prior to the T1 state (even if there is a HOLD, since this "fake" cycle won't use the bus) (a2). Finally, it allows a new cycle for a HALT, using T1-pre (a2).10 Next are the special cases that end a bus cycle. The second AND gate (b) ends the bus cycle after T3 unless there is a wait state or another bus request. (But a HOLD will block the next bus request.) The remaining gates end the cycle after T0 to preempt a prefetch if a CORR or SUSP micro-instruction occurs (d), or end after T1 for a HALT (e).

The BUS-ACTIVE circuit above uses a complex gate, a 5-input NOR gate fed by 5 AND gates with two attached OR gates. Surprisingly, this is implemented in the processor as a single gate with 14 inputs. Due to how gates are implemented with NMOS transistors, it is straightforward to implement this as a single gate. The inverter and NOR gate on the left, however, needed to be implemented separately, as they involve inversion; an NMOS gate must have a single inversion.

The bus state machine circuitry on the die.

The bus state machine circuitry on the die.

The diagram above shows the layout of the bus state machine circuitry on the die, zooming in on the top region of the die. The metal layer has been removed to expose the underlying silicon and polysilicon. The layout of each flip-flop is completely different, since the layout of each transistor is optimized to its surroundings. (This is in contrast to later processors such as the 386, which used standard-cell layout.) Even though the state machine consists of just a handful of flip-flops and gates, it takes a noticeable area on the die due to the large 3.2 µm feature size of the 8088. (Modern processors have features measured in nanometers, not micrometers.)


The bus state machine is an example of how the 8088's design consists of complications on top of complications. While the four-state bus cycle seems straightforward at first, it gets more complicated due to prefetching, wait states, the HALT instruction, and the bus hold feature, not to mention the interactions between these features. While there were good motivations behind these features, they made the processor considerably more complicated. Looking at the internals of the 8088 gives me a better understanding of why simple RISC processors became popular.

The bus state machine is a key part of the read and write circuitry, moving the bus operation through the necessary T-states. However, the state machine is not the only component in this process; a higher-level circuit decides when to perform a read, write, or prefetch, as well as breaking a 16-bit operation into two 8-bit operations.11 These circuits work together with the higher-level circuit telling the state machine when to go through the states.

In my next blog post, I'll describe the higher-level memory circuit so follow me on Twitter @kenshirriff or RSS for updates. I'm also on Mastodon as If you're interested in the 8086, I wrote about the 8086 die, its die shrink process, and the 8086 registers earlier.

Notes and references

  1. The 8085 and 8088 processors both use a 4-step bus cycle for instruction fetching. For other reads and writes, the 8085's bus cycle has three steps compared to four for the 8088. Thus, the 8085 and 8088 bus cycles are similar but not an exact match. 

  2. The 8088 has separate instructions to read or write an I/O device. From the bus perspective, there's no difference between an I/O operation and a memory operation except that a pin on the chip indicates if the operation is for memory or I/O.

    The 8088 supports I/O operations for historical reasons, going back through the 8086, 8080, 8008, and the Datapoint 2200 system. In contrast, many other contemporary processors such as the 6502 used memory-mapped I/O, using standard memory accesses for I/O devices.

    The 8086 has a pin M/IO that is high for a memory access and low for an I/O access. External hardware uses this pin to determine how to handle the request. Confusingly, the pin's function is inverted on the 8088, providing IO/M. One motivation behind the 8088's 8-bit bus was to allow reuse of peripherals from the earlier 8-bit 8085 processor. Thus, the pin's function was inverted so it matched the 8085. (The pin is only available when the 8086/8088 is used in "minimum mode"; "maximum mode" remaps some of the pins, making the system more complicated but providing more control.) 

  3. I've made the timing diagram somewhat idealized so actions line up with the clock. In the real datasheet, all the signals are skewed by various amounts so the timing is more complicated. See the datasheet for pages of timing constraints on exactly when signals can change. 

  4. For more information on the implementation of the address adder, see my previous blog post

  5. The POP operation is an example of how the address adder updates a memory pointer. In this case, the stack address is moved from the Stack Pointer to the IND register in order to perform the memory read. As part of the read operation, the IND register is incremented by 2. The address is then moved from the IND register to the Stack Pointer. Thus, the address adder not only performs the segment arithmetic, but also computes the new value for the SP register.

    Note that the increment/decrement of the IND register happens after the memory operation. For stack operations, the SP must be decremented before a PUSH and incremented after a POP. The adder cannot perform a predecrement, so the PUSH instruction uses the ALU (Arithmetic/Logic Unit) to perform the decrement. 

  6. During the CORR micro-instruction, the Bus Interface Unit performs special TS and T0 states. Note that these states don't have any external effect, so they are invisible outside the processor. 

  7. The tradeoff with memory boards was that slower RAM chips were cheaper. The better RAM boards advertised "no wait states", but cheaper boards would add one or more wait states to every access, reducing performance. 

  8. Only the second half of the TS state has an effect on the Bus Interface Unit, so TS is not a full state like the other states. Specifically, a delayed TS signal is taken from the first half of the T0 flip-flop, and this signal is used to control various actions in the Bus Interface Unit. (Alternatively, you could think of this as an early T0 state.) This is why there isn't a separate flip-flop for the TS state. I suspect this is due to timing issues; by the time the TS state is generated by the logic, there isn't enough time to do anything with the state in that half clock cycle, due to propagation delays. 

  9. There is a bit more circuitry for the T1 state for a HALT. Specifically, there is a flip-flop that is set on this signal. On the next cycle, this flip-flop both blocks the generation of another T1 state and blocks the previous T1 state from progressing to T2. In other words, this flip-flop makes sure the special T1 lasts for one cycle. However, a HOLD state resets this flip-flop. That allows another special T1 to be generated when the HOLD ends. 

  10. The trickiest part of this circuit is using T1-pre to start a (short) cycle for HALT. The way it works is that the T1-pre signal only makes a difference if there isn't a bus cycle already active. The only way to get an "unexpected" T1-pre signal is if the state machine generates it for the first cycle of a HALT. Thus, the HALT triggers T1-pre and thus the bus-active signal. You might wonder why the bus-active uses this roundabout technique rather than getting triggered directly by HALT. The motivation is that the special T1 state for HALT requires the AND of three signals to ensure that the state is generated once for the HALT rather than continuously, but happens again after a HOLD, and waits until the current bus cycle is done. Instead of duplicating that AND gate, the circuit uses T1-pre which incorporates that logic. (This took me a long time to figure out.) 

  11. The 8088 has a 16-bit bus, compared to the 8088's 8-bit bus. Thus, a 16-bit bus operation on the 8088 will always require two 8-bit operations, while the 8086 can usually perform this operation in a single step. However, a 16-bit bus operation on the 8086 will still need to be broken into two 8-bit operations if the address is unaligned (i.e. odd). 

The Intel 8088 processor's instruction prefetch circuitry: a look inside

In 1979, Intel introduced the 8088 microprocessor, a variant of the 16-bit 8086 processor. IBM's decision to use the 8088 processor in the IBM PC (1981) was a critical point in computer history, leading to the dominance of the x86 architecture that continues to the present.1 One way that the 8086 and 8088 increased performance was by prefetching: the processor fetches instructions from memory before they are needed, so the processor can execute them without waiting on the relatively slow memory. I've been reverse-engineering the 8088 from die photos and this blog post discusses what I've uncovered about the prefetch circuitry.

The die photo below shows the 8088 microprocessor under a microscope. The metal layer on top of the chip is visible, with the silicon and polysilicon mostly hidden underneath. Around the edges of the die, bond wires connect pads to the chip's 40 external pins. I've labeled the key functional blocks; this article focuses on the prefetch queue components highlighted in red. The components in purple also play a role, and will be discussed below. Architecturally, the chip is partitioned into a Bus Interface Unit (BIU) at the top and an Execution Unit (EU) below. The BIU handles memory accesses, while the Execution Unit (EU) executes instructions. In particular, the BIU fetches instructions, which are transferred from the prefetch queue to the Execution Unit via the queue bus.

The 8088 die under a microscope, with main functional blocks labeled. This photo shows the chip's single metal layer; the polysilicon and silicon are underneath. Click on this image (or any other) for a larger version.

The 8088 die under a microscope, with main functional blocks labeled. This photo shows the chip's single metal layer; the polysilicon and silicon are underneath. Click on this image (or any other) for a larger version.

The 8086 and 8088 processors present the same 16-bit architecture to the programmer. The key difference is that the 8088 has an 8-bit data bus for communication with memory and I/O, rather than the 16-bit bus of the 8086. The 8088's narrower bus reduced performance, since the processor only transfers one byte at a time rather than two. However, the 8-bit bus enabled cheaper computer hardware. The 8-bit bus was also a better match for hardware based on the older but popular 8-bit Intel 8080 and 8085 processors, allowing the reuse of 8-bit I/O circuitry for instance. Much of the IBM PC was based on the little-known IBM DataMaster, a computer built around the Intel 8085. Thus, selecting the 8088 processor was a natural choice for the IBM PC.

For the most part, the 8086 and 8088 are very similar internally, apart from trivial but numerous layout changes on the die. The biggest differences are in the Bus Interface Unit, the circuitry that communicates with memory and I/O devices, since this circuitry handles 16 bits in the 8086 versus 8 bits in the 8088. There are a few microcode differences between the two chips. One interesting change is that for performance reasons the 8088 has a smaller prefetch queue than the 8086 (four bytes instead of six). (I wrote about the 8086's prefetch circuity earlier.)

Prefetching and the architecture of the 8086 and 8088

The 8086 and 8088 were introduced at an interesting point in microprocessor history, when memory was becoming slower than the CPU. For the first microprocessors, the speed of the CPU and the speed of memory were comparable.2 However, as processors became faster, the speed of memory failed to keep up. The 8086 was probably the first microprocessor to prefetch instructions to improve performance. While modern microprocessors have megabytes of fast cache3 to act as a buffer between the CPU and much slower main memory, the 8088 has just 4 bytes of prefetch queue. However, this was enough to substantially increase performance.

Prefetching had a major impact on the design of the 8086 and thus the 8088. Earlier processors such as the 6502, 8080, or Z80 were deterministic: the processor fetched an instruction, executed the instruction, and so forth. Memory accesses corresponded directly to instruction fetching and execution and instructions took a predictable number of clock cycles. This all changed with the introduction of the prefetch queue. Memory operations became unlinked from instruction execution since prefetches happen as needed and when the memory bus is available.

To handle memory operations and instruction execution independently, the implementors of the 8086 and 8088 divided the processors into two processing units: the Bus Interface Unit (BIU) that handles memory accesses, and the Execution Unit (EU) that executes instructions. The Bus Interface Unit contains the instruction prefetch queue; it supplies instructions to the Execution Unit via the Q (queue) bus. The BIU also contains an adder (Σ) for address calculation, adding the segment register base to an address offset, among other things. The Execution Unit is what comes to mind when you think of a processor: it has most of the registers, the arithmetic/logic unit (ALU), and the microcode that implements instructions. The segment registers (CS, DS, SS, ES) and the Instruction Pointer (IP) are in the Bus Interface Unit since they are directly involved in memory accesses, while the general-purpose registers are in the Execution Unit.

Block diagram of the 8088 processor.
This diagram differs from most 8088 block diagrams because it shows the actual physical implementation, rather than the programmer's view of the processor.
The "Internal Communication Registers" consist of the Indirect Register (IND) and the Operand Register (OPR). These hold a memory address and memory data value respectively.
From The 8086 Family User's Manual page 243.

Block diagram of the 8088 processor. This diagram differs from most 8088 block diagrams because it shows the actual physical implementation, rather than the programmer's view of the processor. The "Internal Communication Registers" consist of the Indirect Register (IND) and the Operand Register (OPR). These hold a memory address and memory data value respectively. From The 8086 Family User's Manual page 243.

It may seem inefficient for the Bus Interface Unit to have its own adder instead of using the ALU, but there are reasons for the separate adder. First, every memory access uses the adder at least once to add the segment base and offset. The adder is also used to increment the PC or index registers. Since these operations are so frequent, they would create a bottleneck if they used the ALU. Second, since the Execution Unit and the Bus Interface Unit run asynchronously with respect to each other, it would be complicated to share the ALU without conflicts.

Prefetching had another major but little-known effect on the 8086 architecture: the designers were considering making the 8086 a two-chip microprocessor. Prefetching, however, required a one-chip design because the number of control signals required to synchronize prefetching across two chips exceeded the package pins available. This became a compelling argument for the one-chip design that was used for the 8086.4 (The unsuccessful Intel iAPX 432, which was under development at the same time, ended up being a two-chip processor: one to fetch and decode instructions, and one to execute them.)

Implementing the queue

The 8088's instruction prefetch queue is implemented with four 8-bit queue registers along with two hardware "pointers" into the queue. One two-bit counter keeps track of the current read position from 0 to 3, i.e. the queue register that will provide the next instruction byte. The second counter keeps track of the current write position, i.e. the queue register that will receive the next instruction from memory.5 As bytes are fetched from the queue, the read pointer advances. As bytes are added to the queue, the write pointer advances.

The diagram below shows an example queue configuration with two prefetched bytes. The middle two queue registers (Q1 and Q2) hold data. The read pointer indicates that the Execution Unit will get its next byte from Q1. The write pointer indicates that the next prefetched byte will go into Q3.

A queue configuration with two bytes in the prefetch queue. Bytes in blue hold prefetched data.

A queue configuration with two bytes in the prefetch queue. Bytes in blue hold prefetched data.

The diagram below shows how the queue pointers can wrap around. In this configuration, two more bytes have been written to the queue (Q3 and Q0), so the queue is full. The write pointer now points to Q1, the same as the read pointer.

A queue configuration with four bytes in the prefetch queue.

A queue configuration with four bytes in the prefetch queue.

There is an important ambiguity, however. Suppose that four bytes are read from the queue, so the read pointer advances four positions, wrapping around back to Q1. The queue is now empty, as shown below, but the pointers have the same position as the full case above. Thus, if the read pointer and the write pointer both point to the same position, the queue may be empty or full. To distinguish these cases, a flip-flop is set if the queue enters the empty state. This flip-flop generates a signal that Intel called MT (empty).

A queue configuration with the queue empty.

A queue configuration with the queue empty.

To determine how many bytes are in the queue, the queue circuitry uses a two-bit queue length value, along with the MT flip-flop value to distinguish the empty state. Conceptually, the queue length is generated by subtracting the read position from the write position. However, the implementation does not use a standard subtraction circuit, but instead uses hardcoded logic to determine the two bits of the length, as shown below.

The circuitry to determine the queue length.

The circuitry to determine the queue length.

The low bit of the length is the XOR of the two positions. In NMOS logic (used by the 8088), an AND-NOR gate is easy to implement, while an XOR gate is difficult. Thus, XOR is implemented as shown in the top circuit. (You can verify that if one input is 1 and the other is 0, the output is 1.) The high-order bit of the length is also based on an AND-NOR gate, one with six inputs. Each input is a combination of read and write positions that yields an output bit 1; each input is computed by a NOR gate, which I haven't drawn.6 As a result, the amount of logic circuitry to compute the length is fairly large.

The diagram below zooms in on the queue control circuitry on the die, with the main flip-flops and circuitry labeled. The circuitry in the middle computes the queue length with the 6-input NOR gate stretched across the whole region. The flip-flops for the read and write positions are in the lower region. Despite the relative simplicity of the queue circuits, they take up a substantial part of the die. Compared to modern chips, the density of the 8088 is very low; you can almost see the flip-flops with the naked eye. But this isn't all the circuitry as prefetching also required queue registers and memory cycle control circuitry. Thus, prefetching was a moderately expensive feature for the 8088, as far as die area.

The queue and prefetch circuitry on the die. The metal layer has been removed for the closeup to show the silicon of the underlying transistors.

The queue and prefetch circuitry on the die. The metal layer has been removed for the closeup to show the silicon of the underlying transistors.

The loader

To decode and execute an instruction, the Execution Unit must get instruction bytes from the Bus Interface Unit, but this is not entirely straightforward. The main problem is that the queue can be empty, in which case instruction decoding must block until a byte is available from the queue. The second problem is that instruction decoding is relatively slow so it is pipelined. For maximum performance, the decoder needs a new byte before the current instruction is finished. A circuit called the "loader" solves these problems by providing synchronization between the prefetch queue and the instruction decoder. The loader uses a small state machine to efficiently fetch bytes from the queue at the right time and to provide timing signals to the decoder and microcode engine.

In more detail, as the loader requests the first two instruction bytes from the prefetch queue, it generates two timing signals that control the microcode execution. The FC (First Clock) indicates that the first instruction byte is available, while the SC (Second Clock) indicates the second instruction byte. Note that the First Clock and Second Clock are not necessarily consecutive clock cycles because the prefetch queue could be empty or contain just one byte, in which case the First Clock and/or Second Clock would be delayed. The instruction decoding circuitry and the microcode engine are controlled by the First Clock and Second Clock signals, so they remain synchronized with the bytes supplied by the prefetch queue.

At the end of a microcode sequence, the Run Next Instruction (RNI) micro-operation causes the loader to fetch the next machine instruction. However, fetching and decoding the next instruction is a bit slow so microcode execution would be blocked for a cycle. In many cases, this slowdown can be avoided: if the microcode knows that it is one micro-instruction away from finishing, it issues a Next-to-last (NXT) micro-operation so the loader can start loading the next instruction. This achieves a degree of pipelining in most cases; fetching the next instruction is overlapped with finishing the execution of the previous instruction.

The state machine for the 8086/8088 "loader" circuit.
The 1BL signal indicates a 1-byte instruction implemented in logic rather than microcode.
From patent US4449184.

The state machine for the 8086/8088 "loader" circuit. The 1BL signal indicates a 1-byte instruction implemented in logic rather than microcode. From patent US4449184.

The diagram above shows the state machine for the loader. I won't explain it in detail, but essentially it keeps track of whether it is waiting for a First Clock byte or a Second Clock byte, and if it is performing a fetch in advance (NXT) or at the end of an instruction (RNI). The state machine is implemented with two flip-flops to support its four states.

Microcode and the prefetch queue

The loader takes care of fetching an instruction that consists of an opcode byte and a Mod R/M (addressing mode) byte. However, many instructions have additional bytes or don't follow this format For example, an opcode such as "ADD AX" can be followed by an 8- or 16-bit immediate value, adding that value to the AX register. Or a "move memory to AX" instruction can be followed by a 16-bit memory address The microcode uses a separate mechanism for fetching these instruction bytes from the queue. Specifically, each micro-instruction contains a source register and a destination register that specify a data move. By specifying "Q" (the queue) as the source, a byte is fetched from the prefetch queue. If the queue is empty, microcode execution blocks until the Bus Interface Unit loads a byte into the prefetch queue. Thus, the complexity of instruction fetching and the prefetch queue is invisible to the microcode.7

A jump, subroutine call, or other control flow change causes the prefetch queue to be flushed since the queue contents are no longer useful. This is accomplished in microcode with the FLUSH micro-instruction, which resets the queue read and write pointers and sets the MT (empty) flip-flop. Note that the queue is flushed even if the target address is in the queue, for example if you jump one byte ahead.

One complication due to the prefetch queue is that the processor's Instruction Pointer points to the next instruction to be fetched, not the next instruction to be executed. This becomes a problem for a subroutine call, which needs to push the return address. It is also a problem for a relative jump, which is computed from the current instruction. The solution is the CORR micro-instruction, which corrects the Instruction Pointer by subtracting the queue length to determine the current execution position. This is implemented by the Bus Interface Unit, which holds correction constants in the Constant ROM, and subtracts them using the address adder (not the ALU).8

The queue registers

The 8086 and 8088 partition the registers into upper registers (in the Bus Interface Unit) and lower registers (in the Execution Unit). The upper registers are the registers associated with memory accesses (e.g. Instruction Pointer, segment registers) while the lower registers are more general purpose (e.g. AX, BX, SI, SP). The upper registers are connected to two 16-bit internal buses: the B bus and the C bus.

The queue registers are physically part of the upper registers, but are wired into the buses slightly differently, as shown below. In particular, the 8088's queue registers are written 8 bits at a time from the C bus. (In contrast, the 8086's queue registers can be written 16 bits at a time to support two-byte prefetches.) When accessing the queue, the queue registers are read 16 bits at a time, but only one byte is transferred to the Q bus for instruction processing.9

The queue registers in the 8088.

The queue registers in the 8088.

The diagram below shows how the queue registers appear on the die, comparing the six-byte prefetch queue in the 8086 (top) to the four-byte 8088 queue (bottom). The 8086 prefetch registers are structured as three rows of 16-bit registers, while the 8088 prefetch registers are structured as four rows of 8-bit registers. In both cases, each bit is stored in a cross-coupled pair of inverters. The bit lines (not present) are vertical, while the control lines to select a register are horizontal. The layout is different between the processors to support 16-bit versus 8-bit writes. Note the empty space at the bottom of the 8088 registers. Because the rest of the chips are mostly the same, the 8088 couldn't be "compacted" to avoid this wasted space.

The prefetch registers in the 8086 (top) and 8088 (bottom). For the 8086, the metal and polysilicon layers were removed, exposing the underlying silicon. For the 8088, the polysilicon and silicon are visible.

The prefetch registers in the 8086 (top) and 8088 (bottom). For the 8086, the metal and polysilicon layers were removed, exposing the underlying silicon. For the 8088, the polysilicon and silicon are visible.

Intel used simulations to determine the best queue sizes for the 8086 and 8088, balancing the performance cost of prefetching against the benefit. (The cost is that prefetching makes the bus unavailable for other memory or I/O operations.) The prefetch queue is discarded on a jump instruction or other change of control flow, causing the prefetched bytes to be wasted. Thus, as the queue gets longer, the chance of discarding a prefetched byte becomes larger, so the potential benefit of prefetching becomes smaller. Since the 8088 prefetches one byte at a time, compared to two bytes at a time on the 8086, prefetching on the 8088 costs twice as much as on the 8086 in terms of bus cycles used per byte. This changes the tradeoffs in favor of a shorter queue.

Because of the difference in queue lengths, the queue control circuitry is different between the 8086 and 8088. In particular, the 8086 needs three-bit counters for the read and write positions, while the 8088 uses two-bit counters. Because of this, the length computation circuitry is also different between the processors.

I plan to continue reverse-engineering the 8088 die so follow me on Twitter @kenshirriff or RSS for updates. I've also started experimenting with Mastodon recently as If you're interested in the 8086, I wrote about the 8086 die, its die shrink process and the 8086 registers earlier.

Notes and references

  1. Whenever I mention x86's domination of the computing market, people bring up ARM, but ARM has a lot more market share in people's minds than in actual numbers. One research firm says that ARM has 15% of the laptop market share in 2023, expected to increase to 25% by 2027. (Surprisingly, Apple only has 90% of the ARM laptop market.) In the server market, just an estimated 8% of CPU shipments in 2023 were ARM. See Arm-based PCs to Nearly Double Market Share by 2027 and Digitimes. (Of course, mobile phones are almost entirely ARM.) 

  2. Steve Furber, co-creator of the ARM chip, mentions that "The first integrated CPUs were coincidentally quite well matched to semiconductor memory speeds, and were therefore built without caches. This can now be seen as a temporary aberration." See VLSI Risc Architecture and Organization p77. To make this concrete, the Apple II (1977) used a MOS 6502 processor running at about 1 megahertz while its 4116 DRAM chips could perform an access in 250 nanoseconds (4 times the clock speed). The 8088 processor ran at 5-10 MHz which meant that 250 ns DRAM chips were slower than the clock speed. Nowadays, processors run at 4 GHz but DRAM access speed is about 50 nanoseconds (1/200 the clock speed). 

  3. Modern processors use caches to improve memory performance. Accessing data from a cache is faster than accessing it from main memory, but the tradeoff is that caches are much smaller than main memory. The prefetch queues in the 8086 and 8088 are similar to a cache in some ways, but there are some key differences. First, the prefetch queue is strictly sequential. If you jump ahead two bytes, even if the prefetch queue has those instruction bytes, the processor can't use them. Second, the prefetch queue can't reuse bytes. If you have a 6-byte loop, even though all the code fits in the prefetch queue, it will be reloaded every time. Third, the prefetch queue doesn't provide any consistency. If you modify an instruction in memory a couple of bytes ahead of the PC, the 8086 or 8088 will run the old instruction if it's in the queue. 

  4. The design decisions for the 8086 prefetch cache (and many other aspects of the chip) are described in: J. McKevitt and J. Bayliss, "New options from big chips," in IEEE Spectrum, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 28-34, March 1979, doi: 10.1109/MSPEC.1979.6367944. Prefetch provided a 50% performance benefit to the 8086. 

  5. The queue read process doesn't use an explicit read operation. Instead, the selected queue register continuously puts its value onto the queue bus. When the Execution Unit uses this byte, it sends an increment signal to the queue to advance the read pointer. If the queue empty (MT) flip-flop is set, the Execution Unit will wait until a byte is ready. 

  6. The NOR gates are used as AND gates, following DeMorgan's laws. For example to produce a 1 output for write position 00 and read position 01, the logic is: NOR(write bit 1', write bit 0', read bit 1', read bit 0). Note that the bits into the NOR gate are all inverted from the "desired" values; if they are all 0, the NOR output is 1. Thus, there are also some inverters on the inputs. 

  7. Arbitrary memory reads and writes are performed directly on memory, bypassing the prefetch queue. The 8086/8088 do not provide consistency; if you modify an instruction byte in memory and the byte is in the queue, the processor will execute the old byte. (This type of self-modifying code can be used to determine the queue length, distinguishing the 8086 from the 8088 in software.) 

  8. The Constant ROM is used for more than just address correction. For example, it is also used to increment the Instruction Pointer after a prefetch. Other constants are used for the 8088's string operations, which act on a block of memory. The index registers are incremented or decremented by 1 for bytes or 2 for words. When popping a value from the stack, the stack pointer is decremented using the Constant ROM. 

  9. Are the 8088's queue registers 16 bits wide or 8 bits wide? It's ambiguous, since the registers are written 8 bits at a time, but read 16 bits at a time. This implementation was probably selected to support the 8088's 8-bit bus while reusing as much of the 8086 design as possible. In particular, the 8088 can only prefetch one byte at a time, so writes need to happen a byte at a time. Thus, there are four control lines selecting which queue byte is written. (The 8088 could write to half of a 16-bit register but that would require moving the prefetched byte to the correct half of a 16-bit bus.) On the read side, it would make sense to have four read lines, selecting one byte from the 8088's queue. However, since the 8086 already had a multiplexer to select one byte from two, the 8088 designers probably felt it was easier to keep that circuit. And with the smaller queue on the 8088, there was no need to try to save space by removing the circuit. Thus, the queue has two read-select lines and a multiplexer control line. All these lines are controlled by the write position and read position flip-flops. 

How flip-flops are implemented in the Intel 8086 processor

A key concept for a processor is the management of "state", information that persists over time. Much of a computer is built from logic gates, such as NAND or NOR gates, but logic gates have no notion of time. Processors also need a way to hold values, along with a mechanism to move from step to step in a controlled fashion. This is the role of "sequential logic", where the output depends on what happened before. Sequential logic usually operates off a clock signal,1 a sequence of regular pulses that controls the timing of the computer. (If you have a 3.2 GHz processor, for instance, that number is the clock frequency.)

A circuit called the flip-flop is a fundamental building block for sequential logic. A flip-flop can hold one bit of state, a "0" or a "1", changing its value when the clock changes. Flip-flops are a key part of processors, with multiple roles. Several flip-flops can be combined to form a register, holding a value. Flip-flops are also used to build "state machines", circuits that move from step to step in a controlled sequence. A flip-flops can also delay a signal, holding it from from one clock cycle to the next.

Intel introduced the groundbreaking 8086 microprocessor in 1978, starting the x86 architecture that is widely used today. In this blog post, I take a close look at the flip-flops in the 8086: what they do and how they are implemented. In particular, I will focus on the dynamic flip-flop, which holds its value using capacitance, much like DRAM.2 Many of these flip-flops use a somewhat unusual "enable" input, which allows the flip-flop to hold its value for multiple clock cycles.

The 8086 die under the microscope, with the main functional blocks.
I count 184 flip-flops with enable and 53 without enable.
Click this image (or any other) for a larger version.

The 8086 die under the microscope, with the main functional blocks. I count 184 flip-flops with enable and 53 without enable. Click this image (or any other) for a larger version.

The die photo above shows the silicon die of the 8086. In this image, I have removed the metal and polysilicon layers to show the silicon transistors underneath. The colored squares indicate the flip-flops: blue flip-flops have an enable input, while red lack enable. Flip-flops are used throughout the processor for a variety of roles. Around the edges, they hold the state for output pins. The control circuitry makes heavy use of flip-flops for various state machines, such as moving through the "T states" that control the bus cycle. The "loader" uses a state machine to start each instruction. The instruction register, along with some special-purpose registers (N, M, and X) are built with flip-flops. Other flip-flops track the instructions in the prefetch queue. The microcode engine uses flip-flops to hold the current microcode address as well as to latch the 21-bit output from the microcode ROM. The ALU (Arithmetic/Logic Unit) uses flip-flops to hold the status flags, temporary input values, and information on the operation.

The flip-flop circuit

In this section, I'll explain how the flip-flop circuits work, starting with a basic D flip-flop. The D flip-flop (below) takes a data input (D) and stores that value, 0 or 1. The output is labeled Q, while the inverted output is called Q (Q-bar). This flip-flop is "edge triggered", so the storage happens on the edge when the clock changes from low to high.4 Except at this transition, the input can change without affecting the output.

The symbol for a D flip-flop.

The symbol for a D flip-flop.

The 8086 implements most of its flip-flops dynamically, using pass transistor logic. That is, the capacitance of the wiring (in particular the transistor gate) holds the 0 or 1 state. The dynamic implementation is more compact than the typical static flip-flop implementation, so it is often used in processors. However, the charge on the capacitance will eventually leak away, just like DRAM (dynamic RAM). Thus, the clock must keep going or the values will be lost.3 This behavior is different from a typical flip-flop chip, which will hold its value until the next clock, whether that is a microsecond later or a day later.

The D flip-flop is built from two latch5 stages, each consisting of a pass transistor and an inverter.6 The first pass transistor passes the input value through while the clock is low. When the clock switches high, the first pass transistor turns off and isolates the inverter from the input, but the value persists due to the capacitance (blue arrow). Meanwhile, the second pass transistor switches on, passing the value from the first inverter through the second inverter to the output. Similarly, when the clock switches low, the second transistor switches off but the value is held by capacitance at the green arrow. (The circuit does not need an explicit capacitor; the wiring has enough capacitance to hold the value.) Thus, the output holds the value of the D input that was present at the moment when the clock switched from low to high. Any other changes to the D input do not affect the output.

Schematic of a D flip-flop built from pass transistor logic.

Schematic of a D flip-flop built from pass transistor logic.

The basic flip-flop can be modified by adding an "enable" input that enables or blocks the clock.7 When the enable input is high, the flip-flop records the D input on the clock edge as before, but when the enable input is low, the flip-flop holds its previous value. The enable input allows the flip-flop to hold its value for an arbitrarily long period of time.

The symbol for the D flip-flop with enable.

The symbol for the D flip-flop with enable.

The enable flip-flop is constructed from a D flip-flop by feeding the flip-flop's output back to the input as shown below. When the enable input is 0, the multiplexer selects the current Q output as the new flip-flop D input, so the flip-flop retains its previous value. But when the enable input is 1, the multiplexer selects the new D value. (You can think of the enable input as selecting "hold" versus "load".)

Block diagram of a flip-flop with an enable input.

Block diagram of a flip-flop with an enable input.

The multiplexer is implemented with two more pass transistors, as shown on the left below.8 When enable is low, the upper pass transistor switches on, passing the current Q output back to the input. When enable is high, the lower pass transistor switches on, passing the D input through to the flip-flop. The schematic below also shows how the inverted Q' output is provided by the first inverter. The circuit "cheats" a bit; since the inverted output bypasses the second transistor, this output can change before the clock edge.

Schematic of a flip-flop with an enable input.

Schematic of a flip-flop with an enable input.

The flip-flops often have a set or clear input, setting the flip-flop high or low. This input is typically connected to the processor's "reset" line, ensuring that the flip-flops are initialized to the proper state when the processor is started. The symbol below shows a flip-flop with a clear input.

The symbol for the D flip-flop with enable and clear inputs.

The symbol for the D flip-flop with enable and clear inputs.

To support the clear function, a NOR gate replaces the inverter as shown below (red). When the clear input is high, it forces the output from the NOR gate to be low. Note that the clear input is asynchronous, changing the Q output immediately. The inverted Q output, however, doesn't change until clk is high and the output cycles around. A similar modification implements a set input that forces the flip-flop high: a NOR gate replaces the first inverter.

This schematic shows the circuitry for the clear flip-flop.

This schematic shows the circuitry for the clear flip-flop.

Implementing a flip-flop in silicon

The diagram below shows two flip-flops as they appear on the die. The bright gray regions are doped silicon, the bottom layer of the chip The brown lines are polysilicon, a layer on top of the silicon. When polysilicon crosses doped silicon, a transistor is formed with a polysilicon gate. The black circles are vias (connections) to the metal layer. The metal layer on top provides wiring between the transistors. I removed the metal layer with acid to make the underlying circuitry visible. Faint purple lines remain on the die, showing where the metal wiring was.

Two flip-flops on the 8086 die.

Two flip-flops on the 8086 die.

Although the two flip-flops have the same circuitry, their layouts on the die are completely different. In the 8086, each transistor was carefully shaped and positioned to make the layout compact, so the layout depends on the surrounding logic and the connections. This is in contrast to modern standard-cell layout, which uses a standard layout for each block (logic gate, flip-flop, etc.) and puts the cells in orderly rows. (Intel moved to standard-cell wiring for much of the logic in the the 386 processor since it is much faster to create a standard-cell design than to perform manual layout.)


The flip-flop with enable input is a key part of the 8086, appearing throughout the processor. However, the enable input is a fairly obscure feature for a flip-flop component; most flip-flop chips have a clock input, but not an enable.9 Many FPGA and ASIC synthesis libraries, though, provide it, under the name "D flip-flop with enable" or "D flip-flop with clock enable".

I plan to write more on the 8086, so follow me on Twitter @kenshirriff or RSS for updates. I've also started experimenting with Mastodon recently as @[email protected] so you can follow me there too.

Notes and references

  1. Some early computers were asynchronous, such as von Neumann's IAS machine (1952) and its numerous descendants. In this machine, there was no centralized clock. Instead, a circuit such as an adder would send a pulse to the next circuit when it was done, triggering the next circuit in sequence. Thus, instruction execution would ripple through the computer. Although almost all later computers are synchronous, there is active research into asynchronous computing which is potentially faster and lower power. 

  2. I'm focusing on the dynamic flip-flops in this article, but I'll mention that the 8086 has a few latches built from cross-coupled NOR gates. Most 8086 registers use cross-coupled inverters (static memory cells) rather than flip-flops to hold bits. I explained the 8086 processor's registers in this article

  3. Dynamic circuitry is why the 8086 and many other processors have minimum clock speeds: if the clock is too slow, signals will fade away. For the 8086, the datasheet specifies a maximum clock period of 500 ns, corresponding to a minimum clock speed of 2 megahertz. The CMOS version of the Z80 processor, however, was designed so the clock could be slowed or even stopped. 

  4. Some flip-flops in the 8086 use the inverted clock, so they transition when the clock switches from high to low. Thus, there are two sets of transitions in the 8068 for each clock cycle. 

  5. The terminology gets confusing between flip-flops and latches, which sometimes refer to the same thing and sometimes different things. The term "latch" is often used for a flip-flop that operates on the clock level, not the clock edge. That is, when the clock input is high, the input passes through, and when the clock input is low, the value is retained. Confusingly, the clock for a latch is often called "enable". This is different from the enable input that I'm discussing, which is separate from the clock. 

  6. I asked an Intel chip engineer if they designed the circuitry in the 8086 era in terms of flip-flops. He said that they typically designed the circuitry in terms of the underlying pass transistors and gates, rather than using the flip-flop as a fundamental building block. 

  7. You might wonder why the clock and enable are separate inputs. Why couldn't you just AND them together so when enable is low, it will block the clock and the flip-flop won't transition? That mostly works, but three factors make it a bad idea. First, the idea of using a clock is so everything changes state at the same time. If you start putting gates in the clock path, the clock gets a bit delayed and shifts the timing. If the delay is too large, the input value might change before the flip-flop can latch it. Thus, putting gates in the clock path is frowned upon. The second factor is that combining the clock and enable signals risks race conditions. For instance, suppose that the enable input goes low and high while the clock remains high. If you AND the two signals together, this will yield a spurious clock edge, causing the flip-flop to latch its input a second time. Finally, if you block the clock for too long, a dynamic flip-flop will lose its value. (Note that the flip-flop circuit used in the 8086 will refresh its value on each clock even if the enable input is held low for a long period of time.) 

  8. A multiplexer can be implemented with logic gates. However, it is more compact to implement it with pass transistors. The pass transistor implementation takes four transistors (two fewer if the inverted enable signal is already available). A logic gate implementation would take about nine transistors: an AND-OR-INVERT gate, an inverter on the output, and an inverter for the enable signal. 

  9. The common 7474 is a typical TTL flip-flop that does not have an enable input. Chips with an enable are rarer, such as the 74F377. Strangely, one manufacturer of the 74HC377 shows the enable as affecting the output; I think they simply messed up the schematic in the datasheet since it contradicts the function table.

    Some examples of standard-cell libraries with enable flip-flops: Cypress SoC, Faraday standard cell library, Xilinx Unified Libraries, Infineon PSoC 4 Components, Intel's CHMOS-III cell library (probably used for the 386 processor), and Intel Quartus FPGA

Tracing the roots of the 8086 instruction set to the Datapoint 2200 minicomputer

The Intel 8086 processor started the x86 architecture that is still extensively used today. The 8086 has some quirky characteristics: it is little-endian, has a parity flag, and uses explicit I/O instructions instead of just memory-mapped I/O. It has four 16-bit registers that can be split into 8-bit registers, but only one that can be used for memory indexing. Surprisingly, the reason for these characteristics and more is compatibility with a computer dating back before the creation of the microprocessor: the Datapoint 2200, a minicomputer with a processor built out of TTL chips. In this blog post, I'll look in detail at how the Datapoint 2200 led to the architecture of Intel's modern processors, step by step through the 8008, 8080, and 8086 processors.

The Datapoint 2200

In the late 1960s, 80-column IBM punch cards were the primary way of entering data into computers, although CRT terminals were growing in popularity. The Datapoint 2200 was designed as a low-cost terminal that could replace a keypunch, with a squat CRT display the size of a punch card. By putting some processing power into the Datapoint 2200, it could perform data validation and other tasks, making data entry more efficient. Even though the Datapoint 2200 was typically used as an intelligent terminal, it was really a desktop minicomputer with a "unique combination of powerful computer, display, and dual cassette drives." Although now mostly forgotten, the Datapoint 2200 was the origin of the 8-bit microprocessor, as I'll explain below.

The Datapoint 2200 computer (Version II).

The Datapoint 2200 computer (Version II).

The memory storage of the Datapoint 2200 had a large impact on its architecture and thus the architecture of today's computers. In the 1960s and early 1970s, magnetic core memory was the dominant form of computer storage. It consisted of tiny ferrite rings, threaded into grids, with each ring storing one bit. Magnetic core storage was bulky and relatively expensive, though. Semiconductor RAM was new and very expensive; Intel's first product in 1969 was a RAM chip called the 3101, which held just 64 bits and cost $99.50. To minimize storage costs, the Datapoint 2200 used an alternative: MOS shift-register memory. The Intel 1405 shift-register memory chip provided much more storage than RAM chips at a much lower cost (512 bits for $13.30).1

Intel 1405 shift-register memory chips in metal cans, in the Datapoint 2200.

Intel 1405 shift-register memory chips in metal cans, in the Datapoint 2200.

The big problem with shift-register memory is that it is sequential: the bits come out one at a time, in the same order you put them in. This wasn't a problem when executing instructions sequentially, since the memory provided each instruction as it was needed. For a random access, though, you need to wait until the bits circulate around and you get the one you want, which is very slow. To minimize the number of memory accesses, the Datapoint 2200 had seven registers, a relatively large number of registers for the time.2 The registers were called A, B, C, D, E, H, and L, and these names had a lasting impact on Intel processors.

Another consequence of shift-register memory was that the Datapoint 2200 was a serial computer, operating on one bit at a time as the shift-register memory provided it, using a 1-bit ALU. To handle arithmetic operations, the ALU needed to start with the lowest bit so it could process carries. Likewise, a 16-bit value (such as a jump target) needed to start with the lowest bit. This resulted in a little-endian architecture, with the low byte first. The little-endian architecture has remained in Intel processors to the present.

Since the Datapoint 2200 was designed before the creation of the microprocessor, its processor was built from a board of TTL chips (as was typical for minicomputers at the time). The diagram below shows the processor board with the chips categorized by function. The board has a separate chip for each 8-bit register (B, C, D, etc.) and separate chips for control flags (Z, carry, etc.). The Arithmetic/Logic Unit (ALU) takes about 18 chips, while instruction decoding is another 18 chips. Because every feature required more chips, the designers of the Datapoint 2200 were strongly motivated to make the instruction set as simple as possible. This was necessary since the Datapoint 2200 was a low-cost device, renting for just $148 a month. In contrast, the popular PDP-8 minicomputer rented for $500 a month.

The Datapoint 2200 processor board with registers, flags, and other blocks labeled. Click this image (or any other) for a larger version.

The Datapoint 2200 processor board with registers, flags, and other blocks labeled. Click this image (or any other) for a larger version.

One way that the Datapoint 2200 simplified the hardware was by creating a large set of instructions by combining simpler pieces in an orthogonal way. For instance, the Datapoint 2200 has 64 ALU instructions that apply one of eight ALU operations to one of the eight registers. This requires a small amount of hardware—eight ALU circuits and a circuit to select the register—but provides a large number of instructions. Another example is the register-to-register move instructions. Specifying one of eight source registers and one of eight destination registers provides a large, flexible set of instructions to move data.

The Datapoint 2200's instruction format was designed around this principle, with groups of three bits specifying a register. A common TTL chip could decode the group of three bits and activate the desired circuit.3 For instance, a data move instruction had the bit pattern 11DDDSSS to move a byte from the specified source (SSS) to the specified destination (DDD). (Note that this bit pattern maps onto three octal digits very nicely since the source and destination are separate digits.4)

One unusual feature of the Datapoint instruction set is that a memory access was just like a register access. That is, an instruction could specify one of the seven physical registers or could specify a memory access (M), using the identical instruction format. One consequence of this is that you couldn't include a memory address in an instruction. Instead, memory could only be accessed by first loading the address into the H and L registers, which held the high and low byte of the address respectively.5 This is very unusual and inconvenient, since a memory access took three instructions: two to load the H and L registers and one to access memory as the M "register". The advantage was that it simplified the instruction set and the decoding logic, saving chips and thus reducing the system cost. This decision also had lasting impact on Intel processors and how they access memory.

The table below shows the Datapoint 2200's instruction set in an octal table showing the 256 potential opcodes.6 I have roughly classified the instructions as arithmetic/logic (purple), control-flow (blue), data movement (green), input/output (orange), and miscellaneous (yellow). Note how the orthogonal instruction format produces large blocks of related instructions. The instructions in the lower right (green) load (L) a value from a source to a destination. (The no-operation NOP and HALT instructions are special cases.7) In the upper-left are Load operations (LA, etc.) that use an "immediate" byte, a data byte that follows the instruction. They use the same DDD code to specify the destination register, reusing that circuitry.


The lower-left quadrant (purple) has the bulk of the ALU instructions. These instructions have a regular, orthogonal structure making the instructions easy to decode: each row specifies the operation while each column specifies the source. This is due to the instruction structure: eight bits in the pattern 10AAASSS, where the AAA bits specified the ALU operation and the SSS bits specified the register source. The three-bit ALU code specifies the operations Add, Add with Carry, Subtract, Subtract with Borrow, logical AND, logical XOR, logical OR, and Compare. This list is important because it defined the fundamental ALU operations for later Intel processors.8 In the upper-left are ALU operations that use an "immediate" byte. These instructions use the same AAA bit pattern to select the ALU operation, reusing the decoding hardware. Finally, the shift instructions SLC and SRC are implemented as special cases outside the pattern.

The upper columns contain conditional instructions in blue—Return, Jump, and Call. The eight conditions test the four status flags (Carry, Zero, Sign, and Parity) for either True or False. (For example, JFZ Jumps if the Zero flag is False.) A 3-bit field selects the condition, allowing it to be easily decoded in hardware. The parity flag is somewhat unusual because parity is surprisingly expensive to compute in hardware, but because the Datapoint 2200 operated as a terminal, parity computation was important.

The Datapoint 2200 has an input instruction as well as many output instructions for a variety of specific hardware tasks (orange, labeled EX for external). Typical operations are STATUS to get I/O status, BEEP and CLICK to make sound, and REWIND to rewind the tape. As a result of this decision to use separate I/O instructions, Intel processors still use I/O instructions operating in an I/O space, different from processors such as the MOS 6502 and the Motorola 68000 that used memory-mapped I/O.

To summarize, the Datapoint 2200 has a fairly large number of instructions, but they are generated from about a dozen simple patterns that are easy to decode.9 By combining orthogonal bit fields (e.g. 8 ALU operations multiplied by 8 source registers), 64 instructions can be generated from one underlying pattern.

Intel 8008

The Intel 8008 was created as a clone of the Datapoint 2200 processor.10 Around the end of 1969, the Datapoint company talked with Intel and Texas Instruments about the possibility of replacing the processor board with a single chip. Even though the microprocessor didn't exist at this point, both companies said they could create such a chip. Texas Instruments was first with a chip called the TMX 1795 that they advertised as a "CPU on a chip". Slightly later, Intel produced the 8008 microprocessor. Both chips copied the Datapoint 2200's instruction set architecture with minor changes.

The Intel 8008 chip in its 18-pin package. The small number of pins hampered the performance of the 8008, but Intel was hesitant to even go to the 18-pin package. Photo by Thomas Nguyen, (CC BY-SA 4.0).

The Intel 8008 chip in its 18-pin package. The small number of pins hampered the performance of the 8008, but Intel was hesitant to even go to the 18-pin package. Photo by Thomas Nguyen, (CC BY-SA 4.0).

By the time the chips were completed, however, the Datapoint corporation had lost interest in the chips. They were designing a much faster version of the Datapoint 2200 with improved TTL chips (including the well-known 74181 ALU chip). Even the original Datapoint 2200 model was faster than the Intel 8008 processor, and the Version II was over 5 times faster,11 so moving to a single-chip processor would be a step backward.

Texas Instruments unsuccessfully tried to find a customer for their TMX 1795 chip and ended up abandoning the chip. Intel, however, marketed the 8008 as an 8-bit microprocessor, essentially creating the microprocessor industry. In my view, Intel's biggest innovation with the microprocessor wasn't creating a single-chip CPU, but creating the microprocessor as a product category: a general-purpose processor along with everything customers needed to take advantage of it. Intel put an enormous amount of effort into making microprocessors a success: from documentation and customer training to Intellec development systems, from support chips to software tools such as assemblers, compilers, and operating systems.

The table below shows the opcodes of the 8008. For the most part, the 8008 copies the Datapoint 2200, with identical instructions that have identical opcodes (in color). There are a few additional instructions (shown in white), though. Intel Designer Ted Hoff realized that increment and decrement instructions (IN and DC) would be very useful for loops. There are two additional bit rotate instructions (RAL and RAR) as well as the "missing" LMI (Load Immediate to Memory) instruction. The RST (restart) instructions act as short call instructions to fixed addresses for interrupt handling. Finally, the 8008 turned the Datapoint 2200's device-specific I/O instructions into 32 generic I/O instructions.


Intel 8080

The 8080 improved the 8008 in many ways, focusing on speed and ease of use, and resolving customer issues with the 8008.12 Customers had criticized the 8008 for its small memory capacity, low speed, and difficult hardware interfacing. The 8080 increased memory capacity from 16K to 64K and was over an order of magnitude faster than the 8008. The 8080 also moved to a 40-pin package that made interfacing easier, but the 8080 still required a large number of support chips to build a working system.

Although the 8080 was widely used in embedded systems, it is more famous for its use in the first generation of home computers, boxes such as the Altair and IMSAI. Famed chip designer Federico Faggin said that the 8080 really created the microprocessor; the 4004 and 8008 suggested it, but the 8080 made it real.13

Altair 8800 computer on display at the Smithsonian. Photo by Colin Douglas, (CC BY-SA 2.0).

Altair 8800 computer on display at the Smithsonian. Photo by Colin Douglas, (CC BY-SA 2.0).

The table below shows the instruction set for the 8080. The 8080 was designed to be compatible with 8008 assembly programs after a simple translation process; the instructions have been shifted around and the names have changed.15 The instructions from the Datapoint 2200 (colored) form the majority of the 8080's instruction set. The instruction set was expanded by adding some 16-bit support, allowing register pairs (BC, DE, HL) to be used as 16-bit registers for double add, 16-bit increment and decrement, and 16-bit memory transfers. Many of the new instructions in the 8080 may seem like contrived special cases— for example, SPHL (Load SP from HL) and XCHG (Exchange DE and HL)— but they made accesses to memory easier. The I/O instructions from the 8008 have been condensed to just IN and OUT, opening up room for new instructions.


The 8080 also moved the stack to external memory, rather than using an internal fixed special-purpose stack as in the 8008 and Datapoint 2200. This allowed PUSH and POP instructions to put register data on the stack. Interrupt handling was also improved by adding the Enable Interrupt and Disable Interrupt instructions (EI and DI).14

Intel 8085

The Intel 8085 was designed as a "mid-life kicker" for the 8080, providing incremental improvements while maintaining compatibility. From the hardware perspective, the 8085 was much easier to use than the 8080. While the 8080 required three voltages, the 8085 required a single 5-volt power supply (represented by the "5" in the part number). Moreover, the 8085 eliminated most of the support chips required with the 8080; a working 8085 computer could be built with just three chips. Finally, the 8085 provided additional hardware functionality: better interrupt support and serial I/O.

The Intel 8085, like the 8080 and the 8086, was packaged in a 40-pin DIP. Photo by Thomas Nguyen, (CC BY-SA 4.0).

The Intel 8085, like the 8080 and the 8086, was packaged in a 40-pin DIP. Photo by Thomas Nguyen, (CC BY-SA 4.0).

On the software side, the 8085 is curious: 12 instructions were added to the instruction set (finally using every opcode), but all but two were hidden and left undocumented.16 Moreover, the 8085 added two new condition codes, but these were also hidden. This situation occurred because the 8086 project started up in 1976, near the release of the 8085 chip. Intel wanted the 8086 to be compatible (to some extent) with the 8080 and 8085, but providing new instructions in the 8085 would make compatibility harder. It was too late to remove the instructions from the 8085 chip, so Intel did the next best thing and removed them from the documentation. These instructions are shown in red in the table below. Only the new SIM and RIM instructions were supported, necessary in order to use the 8085's new interrupt and serial I/O features.


Intel 8086

Following the 8080, Intel intended to revolutionize microprocessors with a 32-bit "micro-mainframe", the iAPX 432. This extremely complex processor implemented objects, memory management, interprocess communication, and fine-grained memory protection in hardware. The iAPX 432 was too ambitious and the project fell behind schedule, leaving Intel vulnerable against competitors such as Motorola and Zilog. Intel quickly threw together a 16-bit processor as a stopgap until the iAPX 432 was ready; to show its continuity with the 8-bit processor line, this processor was called the 8086. The iAPX 432 ended up being one of the great disaster stories of modern computing and quietly disappeared.

The "stopgap" 8086 processor, however, started the x86 architecture that changed the history of Intel. The 8086's victory was powered by the IBM PC, designed in 1981 around the Intel 8088, a variant of the 8086 with a cheaper 8-bit bus. The IBM PC was a rousing success, defining the modern computer and making Intel's fortune. Intel produced a succession of more powerful chips that extended the 8086: 286, 386, 486, Pentium, and so on, leading to the current x86 architecture.

The original IBM PC used the Intel 8088 processor, a variant of the 8086 with an 8-bit bus. Photo by Ruben de Rijcke, (CC BY-SA 3.0).

The original IBM PC used the Intel 8088 processor, a variant of the 8086 with an 8-bit bus. Photo by Ruben de Rijcke, (CC BY-SA 3.0).

The 8086 was a major change from the 8080/8085, jumping from an 8-bit architecture to a 16-bit architecture and expanding from 64K of memory to 1 megabyte. Nonetheless, the 8086's architecture is closely related to the 8080. The designers of the 8086 wanted it to be compatible with the 8080/8085, but the difference was too wide for binary compatibility or even assembly-language compatibility. Instead, the 8086 was designed so a program could translate 8080 assembly language to 8086 assembly language.17 To accomplish this, each 8080 register had a corresponding 8086 register and most 8080 instructions had corresponding 8086 instructions.

The 8086's instruction set was designed with a new concept, the "ModR/M" byte, which usually follows the opcode byte. The ModR/M byte specifies the memory addressing mode and the register (or registers) to use, allowing that information to be moved out of the opcode. For instance, where the 8080 had a quadrant of 64 instructions to move from register to register, the 8086 has a single move instruction, with the ModR/M byte specifying the particular instruction. (The move instruction, however, has variants to handle byte vs. word operations, moves to or from memory, and so forth, so the 8086 ends up with a few move opcodes.) The ModR/M byte preserves the Datapoint 2200's concept of using the same instruction for memory and register operations, but allows a memory address to be provided in the instruction.

The 8086 also cleans up some of the historical baggage in the instruction set, freeing up space in the precious 256 opcodes for new instructions. The conditional call and return instructions were eliminated, while the conditional jumps were expanded. The 8008's RST (Restart) instructions were eliminated, replaced by interrupt vectors.

The 8086 extended its registers to 16 bits and added several new registers. An Intel patent (below) shows that the 8086's registers were originally called A, B, C, D, E, H, and L, matching the Datapoint 2200. The A register was extended to the 16-bit XA register, while the BC, DE, and HL registers were used unchanged. When the 8086 was released, these registers were renamed to AX, CX, DX, and BX respectively.18 In particular, the HL register was renamed to BX; this is why BX can specify a memory address in the ModR/M byte, but AX, CX, and DX can't.

A patent diagram showing the 8086's registers with their original names.  (MP, IJ, and IK are now known as BP, SI, and DI.) From patent US4449184.

A patent diagram showing the 8086's registers with their original names. (MP, IJ, and IK are now known as BP, SI, and DI.) From patent US4449184.

The table below shows the 8086's instruction set, with "b", "w", and "i" indicating byte (8-bit), word (16-bit), and immediate instructions. The Datapoint 2200 instructions (colored) are all still supported. The number of Datapoint instructions looks small because the ModR/M byte collapses groups of old opcodes into a single new one. This opened up space in the opcode table, though, allowing the 8086 to have many new instructions as well as 16-bit instructions.19

4AND bAND wAND bAND wAND biAND wiES:DAA        
5SUB bSUB wSUB bSUB wSUB biSUB wiCS:DAS        

The 8086 has a 16-bit flags register, shown below, but the low byte remained compatible with the 8080. The four highlighted flags (sign, zero, parity, and carry) are the ones originating in the Datapoint 2200.

The flag word of the 8086 contains the original Datapoint 2200 registers.

The flag word of the 8086 contains the original Datapoint 2200 registers.

Modern x86 and x86-64

The modern x86 architecture has extended the 8086 to a 32-bit architecture (IA-32) and a 64-bit architecture (x86-6420), but the Datapoint features remain. At startup, an x86 processor runs in "real mode", which operates like the original 8086. More interesting is 64-bit mode, which has some major architectural changes. In 64-bit mode, the 8086's general-purpose registers are extended to sixteen 64-bit registers (and soon to be 32 registers). However, the original Datapoint registers are special and can still be accessed as byte registers within the corresponding 64-bit register; these are highlighted in the table below.21

General purpose registers in x86-64. From Intel Software Developer's Manual.

General purpose registers in x86-64. From Intel Software Developer's Manual.

The flag register of the 8086 was extended to 32 bits or 64 bits in x86. As the diagram below shows, the original Datapoint 2200 status flags are still there (highlighted in yellow).

The 32-bit and 64-bit flags of x86 contain the original Datapoint 2200 registers. From Intel Software Developer's Manual.

The 32-bit and 64-bit flags of x86 contain the original Datapoint 2200 registers. From Intel Software Developer's Manual.

The instruction set in x86 has been extended from the 8086, mostly through prefixes, but the instructions from the Datapoint 2200 are still there. The ModR/M byte was changed in 32-bit mode so the BX (originally HL) register is no longer special when accessing memory (although it's still special with 16-bit addressing, until Intel removes that in the upcoming x86-S simplification.) I/O ports still exist in x86, although they are viewed as more of a legacy feature: modern I/O devices typically use memory-mapped I/O instead of I/O ports. To summarize, fifty years later, x86-64 is slowly moving away from some of the Datapoint 2200 features, but they are still there.


The modern x86 architecture is descended from the Datapoint 2200's architecture. Because there is backward-compatibility at each step, you should theoretically be able to take a Datapoint 2200 binary, disassemble it to 8008 assembly, automatically translate it to 8080 assembly, automatically convert it to 8086 assembly, and then run it on a modern x86 processor. (The I/O devices would be different and cause trouble, of course.)

The Datapoint 2200's complete instruction set, its flags, and its little-endian architecture have persisted into current processors. This shows the critical importance of backward compatibility to customers. While Intel keeps attempting to create new architectures (iAPX 432, i960, i860, Itanium), customers would rather stay on a compatible architecture. Remarkably, Intel has managed to move from 8-bit computers to 16, 32, and 64 bits, while keeping systems mostly compatible. As a result, design decisions made for the Datapoint 2200 over 50 years ago are still impacting modern computers. Will processors still have the features of the Datapoint 2200 another fifty years from now? I wouldn't be surprised.22

Thanks to Joe Oberhauser for suggesting this topic. I plan to write more on the 8086, so follow me on Twitter @kenshirriff or RSS for updates. I've also started experimenting with Mastodon recently as @[email protected] so you can follow me there too.

Notes and references

  1. Shift-register memory was also used in the TV Typewriter (1973) and the display storage of the Apple I (1976). However, dynamic RAM (DRAM) rapidly dropped in price, making shift-register memory obsolete by the mid 1970s. (I wrote about the Intel 1405 shift register memory in detail in this article.) 

  2. For comparison, the popular PDP-8 minicomputer had just two main registers: the accumulator and a multiplier-quotient register; instructions typically operated on the accumulator and a memory location. The Data General Nova, a minicomputer released in 1969, had four accumulator / index registers. Mainframes generally had many more registers; the IBM System/360 (1964), for instance, had 16 general registers and four floating-point registers. 

  3. On the hardware side, instructions were decoded with BCD-to-decimal decoder chips (type 7442). These decoders normally decoded a 4-bit BCD value into one of 10 output lines. In the Datapoint 2200, they decoded a 3-bit value into one of 8 output lines, and the other two lines were ignored. This allowed the high-bit line to be used as a selection line; if it was set, none of the 8 outputs would be active. 

  4. These bit patterns map cleanly onto octal, so the opcodes are clearest when specified in octal. This octal structure has persisted in Intel processors including modern x86 processors. Unfortunately, Intel invariably specifies the opcodes in hexadecimal rather than octal, which obscures the underlying structure. This structure is described in detail in The 80x86 is an Octal Machine

  5. It is unusual for an instruction set to require memory addresses to be loaded into a register in order to access memory. This technique was common in microcode, where memory addresses were loaded into the Memory Address Register (MAR). As pwg pointed out, the CDC mainframes (e.g. 6600) had special address registers; when you changed an address register, the specified memory location was read or written to the corresponding operand register automatically.

    At first, I thought that serial memory might motivate the use of an address register, but I don't think there's a connection. Most likely, the Datapoint 2200 used these techniques to create a simple, orthogonal instruction set that was easy to decode, and they weren't particularly concerned with performance. 

  6. The instruction tables in this article are different from most articles, because I use octal instead of hexadecimal. (Displaying an octal-based instruction in a hexadecimal table obscures much of the underlying structure.) To display the table in octal, I break it into four quadrants based on the top octal digit of a three-digit opcode: 0, 1, 2, or 3. The digit 0-7 along the left is the middle octal digit and the digit along the top is the low octal digit. 

  7. The regular pattern of Load instructions is broken by the NOP and HALT instructions. All the register-to-register load instructions along the diagonal accomplish nothing since they move a register to itself, but only the first one is explicitly called NOP. Moving a memory location to itself doesn't make sense, so its opcode is assigned the HALT instruction. Note that the all-0's opcode and the all-1's opcode are both HALT instructions. This is useful since it can stop execution if the program tries executing uninitialized memory. 

  8. You might think that Datapoint and Intel used the same ALU operations simply because they are the obvious set of 8 operations. However, if you look at other processors around that time, they use a wide variety of ALU operations. Similarly, the status flags in the Datapoint 2200 aren't the obvious set; systems with four flags typically used Sign, Carry, Zero, and Overflow (not Parity). Parity is surprisingly expensive to implement on a standard processor, but (as Philip Freidin pointed out) parity is cheap on a serial processor like the Datapoint 2200. Intel processors didn't provide an Overflow flag until the 8086; even the 8080 didn't have it although the Motorola 6800 and MOS 6502 did. The 8085 implemented an overflow flag (V) but it was left undocumented. 

  9. You might wonder if the Datapoint 2200 (and 8008) could be considered RISC processors since they have simple, easy-to-decode instruction sets. I think it is a mistake to try to wedge every processor into the RISC or CISC categories (Reduced Instruction Set Computer or Complex Instruction Set Computer). In particular, the Datapoint 2200 wasn't designed with the RISC philosophy (make a processor more powerful by simplifying the instruction set), its instruction set architecture is very different from RISC chips, and its implementation is different from RISC chips. Similarly, it wasn't designed with a CISC philosophy (make a processor more powerful by narrowing the semantic gap with high-level languages) and it doesn't look like a CISC chip.

    So where does that leave the Datapoint 2200? In "RISC: Back to the future?", famed computer architect Gordon Bell uses the term MISC (Minimal Instruction Set Computer) to describe the architecture of simple, early computers and microprocessors such as the Manchester Mark I (1948), the PDP-8 minicomputer (1966), and the Intel 4004 (1971). Computer architecture evolved from these early hardwired "simple computers" to microprogrammed processors, processors with cache, and hardwired, pipelined processors. "Minimal Instruction Set Computer" seems like a good description of the Datapoint 2200, since it is about the smallest, simplest processor that could get the job done. 

  10. Many people think that the Intel 8008 is an extension of the 4-bit Intel 4004 processor, but they are completely unrelated aside from the part numbers. The Intel 4004 is a 4-bit processor designed to implement a calculator for a company called Busicom. Its architecture is completely different from the 8008. In particular, the 4004 is a "Harvard architecture" system, with data storage and instruction storage completely separate. The 4004 also has a fairly strange instruction set, designed for calculators. For instance, it has a special instruction to convert a keyboard scan code to binary. The 4004 team and the 8008 team at Intel had many people in common, however, so the two chips have physical layouts (floorplans) that are very similar. 

  11. In this article, I'm focusing on the Datapoint 2200 Version I. Any time I refer to the Datapoint 2200, I mean the version I specifically. The Version II has an expanded instruction set, but it was expanded in an entirely different direction from the Intel 8080, so it's not relevant to this post. The Version II is interesting, however, since it provides a perspective of how the Intel 8080 could have developed in an "alternate universe". 

  12. Federico Faggin wrote The Birth of the Microprocessor in Byte Magazine, March 1992. This article describes in some detail the creation of the 8008 and 8080.

    The Oral History of the 8080 discusses many of the problems with the 8008 and how the 8080 addressed them. (See page 4.) Masatoshi Shima, one of the architects of the 4004, described five problems with the 8008: It was slow because it used two clock cycles per state. It had no general-purpose stack and was weak with interrupts. It had limited memory and I/O space. The instruction set was primitive, with only 8-bit data, limited addressing, and a single address pointer register. Finally, the system bus required a lot of interface circuitry. (See page 7.) 

  13. The 8080 is often said to be the "first truly usable microprocessor". Supposedly the source of this quote is Forgotten PC history, but the statement doesn't appear there. I haven't been able to find the original source of this statement, so let me know. In any case, I don't think that statement is particularly accurate, as the Motorola 6800 was "truly usable" and came out before the Intel 8080.

    The 8080 was first in one important way, though: it was Intel's first microprocessor that was designed with feedback from customers. Both the 4004 and the 8008 were custom chips for a single company. The 8080, however, was based on extensive customer feedback about the flaws in the 8008 and what features customers wanted. The 8080 oral history discusses this in more detail. 

  14. The 8008 was built with PMOS circuitry, while the 8080 was built with NMOS. This may seem like a trivial difference, but NMOS provided much superior performance. NMOS became the standard microprocessor technology until the rise of CMOS in the 1980s, combining NMOS and PMOS to dramatically reduce power consumption.

    Another key hardware improvement was that the 8080 used a 40-pin package, compared to the 18-pin package of the 8008. Intel had long followed the "religion" of small 16-pin packages, and only reluctantly moved to 18 pins (as in the 8008). However, by the time the 8080 was introduced, Intel recognized the utility of industry-standard 40-pin packages. The additional pins made the 8080 much easier to interface to a system. Moreover, the 8080's 16-bit address bus supported four times the memory of the 8008's 14-bit address bus. (The 40-pin package was still small for the time; some companies used 50-pin or 64-pin packages for microprocessors.) 

  15. The 8080 is not binary-compatible with the 8008 because almost all the instructions were shifted to different opcodes. One important but subtle change was that the 8 register/memory codes were reordered to start with B instead of A. The motivation is that this gave registers in a 16-bit register pair (BC, DE, or HL) codes that differ only in the low bit. This makes it easier to specify a register pair with a two-bit code. 

  16. Stan Mazor (one of the creators of the 4004 and 8080) explained that the 8085 removed 10 of the 12 new instructions because "they would burden the 8086 instruction set." Because the decision came near the 8085's release, they would "leave all 12 instructions on the already designed 8085 CPU chip, but document and announce only two of them" since modifying a CPU is hard but modifying a CPU's paper reference manual is easy.

    Several of the Intel 8086 engineers provided a similar explanation in Intel Microprocessors: 8008 to 8086: While the 8085 provided the new RIM and SIM instructions, "several other instructions that had been contemplated were not made available because of the software ramifications and the compatibility constraints they would place on the forthcoming 8086."

    For more information on the 8085's undocumented instructions, see Unspecified 8085 op codes enhance programming. The two new condition flags were V (2's complement overflow) and X5 (underflow on decrement or overflow on increment). The opcodes were DSUB (double (i.e. 16-bit) subtraction), ARHL (arithmetic shift right of HL), RDEL (rotate DE left through carry), LDHI (load DE with HL plus an immediate byte), LDSI (load DE with SP plus an immediate byte), RSTV (restart on overflow), LHLX (load HL indirect through DE), SHLX (store HL indirect through DE), JX5 (jump on X5), and JNX5 (jump on not X5). 

  17. Conversion from 8080 assembly code to 8086 assembly code was performed with a tool called CONV86. Each line of 8080 assembly code was converted to the corresponding line (or sometimes a few lines) of 8086 assembly code. The program wasn't perfect, so it was expected that the user would need to do some manual editing. In particular, CONV86 couldn't handle self-modifying code, where the program changed its own instructions. (Nowadays, self-modifying code is almost never used, but it was more common in the 1970s in order to make code smaller and get more performance.) CONV86 also didn't handle the 8085's RIM and SIM instructions, recommending a rewrite if code used these instructions heavily.

    Writing programs in 8086 assembly code manually was better, of course, since the program could take advantage of the 8086's new features. Moreover, a program converted by CONV86 might be 25% larger, due to the 8086's use of two-byte instructions and inefficiencies in the conversion. 

  18. This renaming is why the instruction set has the registers in the order AX, CX, DX, BX, rather than in alphabetical order as you might expect. The other factor is that Intel decided that AX, BX, CX, and DX corresponded to Accumulator, Base, Count, and Data, so they couldn't assign the names arbitrarily. 

  19. A few notes on how the 8086's instructions relate to the earlier machines, since the ModR/M byte and 8- vs. 16-bit instructions make things a bit confusing. For an instruction like ADD, I have three 8-bit opcodes highlighted: an add to memory/register, an add from memory/register, and an immediate add. The neighboring unhighlighted opcodes are the corresponding 16-bit versions. Likewise, for MOV, I have highlighted the 8-bit moves to/from a register/memory. 

  20. Since the x86's 32-bit architecture is called IA-32, you might expect that IA-64 would be the 64-bit architecture. Instead, IA-64 is the completely different architecture used in the ill-fated Itanium. IA-64 was supposed to replace IA-32, despite being completely incompatible. Since AMD was cut out of IA-64, AMD developed their own 64-bit extension of the existing x86 architecture and called it AMD64. Customers flocked to this architecture while the Itanium languished. Intel reluctantly copied the AMD64 architecture, calling it Intel 64. 

  21. The x86 architecture allows byte access to certain parts of the larger registers (accessing AL, AH, etc.) as well as word and larger accesses. These partial-width reads and writes to registers make the implementation of the processor harder due to register renaming. The problem is that writing to part of a register means that the register's value is a combination of the old and new values. The Register Alias Table in the P6 architecture deals with this by adding a size field to each entry. If you write a short value and then read a longer value, the pipeline stalls to figure out the right value. Moreover, some 16-bit code uses the two 8-bit parts of a register as independent registers. To support this, the Register Alias Table keeps separate entries for the high and low byte. (For details, see the book Modern Processor Design, in particular the chapter on Intel's P6 Microarchitecture.) The point of this is that obscure features of the Datapoint 2200 (such as H and L acting as a combined register) can cause implementation difficulties 50 years later. 

  22. Some miscellaneous references: For a detailed history of the Datapoint 2200, see Datapoint: The Lost Story of the Texans Who Invented the Personal Computer Revolution. The 8008 oral history provides a lot of interesting information on the development of the 8008. For another look at the Datapoint 2200 and instruction sets, see Comparing Datapoint 2200, 8008, 8080 and Z80 Instruction Sets