Static Sign-Off Maximizing design & verification efficiency

Static Sign-Off

Real Intent static sign-off products lead the market in breadth, precision, performance, and capacity.

RTL Linting &
Formal Linting

Clock Domain Crossing

Hardware Security

Reset Domain Crossing

Connectivity &
Glitch Sign-Off

Multimode DFT

Static Sign-off Customers & Cases

HCL used this methodology to successfully verify connectivity and glitches on an active SoC design using Real Intent’s SafeConnect in a few days.

This is in contrast to several weeks work required with alternative methods.

– Arun Selvaraju, HCLTech


STMicroelectronics ran Real Intent Meridian RDC and a competitive tool on a dual CPU subsystem with 150,000 gates, 15 clock domains, ~25,000 CDC paths and ~450,000 RDC paths.

Meridian RDC achieved a 25X reduction in noise, and a ~4X reduction in runtime and RAM usage.

– Julien Faucher, ST Microelectronics


NVIDIA has been a customer of Real Intent since 2000. We are extremely happy with the products, they are a regular part of our flows, and the quality of technical support is excellent.

Real Intent is a reliable business partner for us because of their friendly business practice and dedication to make their customers successful.

– Dan Smith, NVIDIA


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What is Static Sign-off?

Static sign-off uses search and analysis to check for design failures under all possible test cases. Static sign-off technologies can address functional (Clock Domain Crossing, Reset Domain Crossing, Linting, X-Propagation, DFT, Connectivity, Glitch…), layout (DRC), and timing (STA) domains. Real Intent’s focus is functional static sign-off.

Static Sign-off

Real Intent provides intent-driven static sign-off tools to improve digital design efficiency by accelerating early functional verification .

Its product capabilities for eliminating complex SoC failure modes include: clock domain crossing sign off from RTL through gate level, including multimode CDC; reset domain crossing sign off, advanced RTL linting & analysis, and connectivity & glitch sign-off.

Real Intent products lead the market in breadth, precision, performance, and capacity, with more than 50 major semiconductor and systems company customers.