The Best Celebrity Smiles (Men)

Christie Buckner
Updated July 10, 2024 267.4K views 21 items
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51.0K votes
5.0K voters
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Famous male celebrities with great smiles

A list of the best male celebrity smiles, voted on by fans of handsome men. In Hollywood, the faces of these gorgeous guys light up the screen with their mega-watt grins, sexy smirks, and delightful demeanor. Many of these famous smiles, not surprisingly, also place these men among the hottest celebrities of all time and have landed them on the covers of top fashion and beauty magazines, major advertising campaigns, and billboards all over the world. From perfectly plump lips to a set of pearly white teeth, the photogenic dudes on this list can captivate everyone with just one smile.

Male celebrities with the best smiles include award-winning actors like George Clooney, Tom Cruise, Jon Hamm, and Matt Damon all of whom have delivered some of the most memorable film scenes with the help of an all-star smile. This gallery of gorgeous smiling faces also includes blockbuster action heroes like Chris Pine, Ryan Reynolds, and Chris Hemsworth, as well as Hollywood's hottest dads like Matthew McConaughey and Mark Wahlberg. There are also some international hotties here like Cuban-American stud William Levy, Scottish superstar Ewan McGregor, and Irish bad boy Colin Farrell.

Which male celebrity has the best smile? Vote for your favorite or add those not listed to determine the sexiest men's celebrity smile! Be sure to check out Ranker's lists of the most captivating celebrity eyes (men), celebrities with the best abs, and most kissable male celeb lips.