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Articles by Max Gordon

Forestplot ❤️ dplyr

August 10, 2021 | Max Gordon

Since initial publishing my forestplot package, dplyr and tidyverse have become evermore dominant in how we think about data and data management. I have therefore just published a 2.0 version that uses many of the awesome select & group features … Continue reading →
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Easiest flowcharts eveR?

August 30, 2020 | Max Gordon

A flowchart is a type of diagram that represents a workflow or process. The building blocks are boxes and the arrows that connect them. If you have submitted any research paper the last 10 years you have almost inevitably been … Continue reading →
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News in htmlTable 2.0

July 4, 2020 | Max Gordon

The htmlTable 2.0 package was just released on CRAN! It is my most downloaded package with 160 000+ downloads/month and this update is something that I have been wanting to do for a long time. For those of you that never encountered htmlTable it is a package that takes a matrix/data.... [Read more...]

Long-awaited updates to htmlTable

January 7, 2019 | Max Gordon

One of the most pleasant surprises has been the popularity of my htmlTable-package with more than 100k downloads per month. This is all thanks to more popular packages relying on it and the web expanding beyond its original boundaries. As a thank you I have taken the time to update ...
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Dealing with non-proportional hazards in R

March 29, 2016 | Max Gordon

[caption id="attachment_1837" align="aligncenter" width="640"] As things change over time so should our statistical models. The image is CC by Prad Prathivi[/caption] Since I'm frequently working with large datasets and survival data I often find that the proportional hazards assumption for the Cox regressions doesn't hold. In my ... [Read more...]

R trends in 2015 (based on cranlogs)

January 20, 2016 | Max Gordon

It is always fun to look back and reflect on the past year. Inspired by Christoph Safferling's post on top packages from published in 2015, I decided to have my own go at the top R trends of 2015. Contrary to Safferling's post I'll try to also (1) look at packages from previous ... [Read more...]

Introducing the htmlTable-package

April 22, 2015 | Max Gordon

My htmlTable-function has perhaps been one of my most successful projects. I developed it in order to get tables matching those available in top medical journals. As the function has grown I've decided to separate it from my Gmisc-package into a separate package, and at the time of writing this ... [Read more...]

How-to go parallel in R – basics + tips

February 16, 2015 | Max Gordon

Today is a good day to start parallelizing your code. I've been using the parallel package since its integration with R (v. 2.14.0) and its much easier than it at first seems. In this post I'll go through the basics for implementing parallel computations in R, cover a few common pitfalls, ... [Read more...]

An exercise in non-linear modeling

September 7, 2014 | Max Gordon

In my previous post I wrote about the importance of age and why it is a good idea to try avoiding modeling it as a linear variable. In this post I will go through multiple options for (1) modeling non-linear effects in a linear regression setting, (2) benchmark the methods on a ... [Read more...]

Fast-track publishing using the new R markdown – a tutorial and a quick look behind the scenes

July 29, 2014 | Max Gordon

The new R Markdown (rmarkdown-package) introduced in Rstudio 0.98.978 provides some neat features by combining the awesome knitr-package and the pandoc-system. The system allows for some neat simplifications of the fast-track-publishing (ftp) idea using so called formats. I've created a new package, the Grmd-package, with an extension to the html_document ... [Read more...]

Pimping your forest plot

February 23, 2014 | Max Gordon

In order to celebrate my Gmisc-package being on CRAN I decided to pimp up the forestplot2 function. I had a post on this subject and one of the suggestions I got from the comments was the ability to change the default box marker to something else. This idea had been ... [Read more...]

Fast-track publishing using knitr: table mania (part IV)

January 15, 2014 | Max Gordon

Fast-track publishing using knitr is a short series on how I use knitr to speedup publishing in my research. While illustrations (previous post) are optional, tables are not, and this fourth article is therefore devoted to tables. Tables through knitr is probably one of the most powerful fast-track publishing tools, ... [Read more...]

Fast-track publishing using knitr: intro (part I)

December 30, 2013 | Max Gordon

Fast-track publishing using knitr is a short series on how I use knitr to get my articles faster published. By fast-track publishing I mean eliminating as many of the obstacles as possible during the manuscript phase, and not the fast-track some journals offer. In this first introductory article I will ... [Read more...]

The forestplot of dreams

December 8, 2013 | Max Gordon

Displaying large regression models without overwhelming the reader can be challenging. I believe that forestplots are amazingly well suited for this. The plot gives a quick understanding of the estimates position in comparison to other estimates, while also showcasing the uncertainty. This project started with some minor tweaks to prof. ... [Read more...]

Too crude to be true?

October 8, 2013 | Max Gordon

The key to programming is being lazy; it has actually been called a virtue by some. When I discovered the update() function it blew me away. Within short I had created a monster based upon this tiny function, allowing quick and easy output of regression tables that contain crude and ... [Read more...]

Visualizing transitions with the transitionPlot function

June 19, 2013 | Max Gordon

[caption id="attachment_749" align="aligncenter" width="504"] A transition between states - the above is a simulation of before and after surgery where I've highlighted the large proportion that doesn't improve in the moderate group.[/caption] As an orthopaedic surgeon I'm often interested in how a patient is doing after surgery ... [Read more...]
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