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John Raitt's Quotes
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Born: 1917-01-19
Profession: Actor
Nation: American
Biography of John Raitt

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John Raitt's quote #1
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John Raitt's quote #3

I like the work. If I upped the price, I wouldn't get the work.

Tags: Price, Work

I'll sing as long as people want to hear me, and I'll be able to sing as long as I'm alive.

Tags: Able, Alive, Hear

If I can talk, I can sing.

Tags: Sing, Talk

I cannot accept a divide between Malagasy people and a civil war.

Tags: Between, Cannot, War

The Malagasy people must have the liberty to choose their own future.

Tags: Choose, Future, Liberty

What is important is the victory of the people, not of a candidate. We must unite for the good of Madagascar's people, and we are going to succeed.

Tags: Good, Succeed, Victory
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