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David Rakoff's Quotes
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Born: 1964-11-27
Profession: Writer
Nation: Canadian
Biography of David Rakoff

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David Rakoff's quote #1

Altruism is innate, but it's not instinctual. Everybody's wired for it, but a switch has to be flipped.

Tags: Altruism, Everybody, Switch

I do tend to be an anxious fellow, and I do tend to see the world as a little darker than perhaps it genuinely is, but I also do appreciate much more than a rosy scenario, I appreciate straight news.

Tags: Appreciate, News, Perhaps

I was going to say that writing is about disclosure and acting is about obfuscation, but that's such a little lie. Both of them are about obfuscation and masking oneself.

Tags: Acting, Lie, Writing
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