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Dominique Swain's Quotes
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Born: 1980-08-12
Profession: Actress
Nation: American
Biography of Dominique Swain

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Dominique Swain's quote #1
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Dominique Swain's quote #3
Dominique Swain's quote #4

Boys always like to see girls kiss. I don't get it; girls don't want to see boys kiss.

Tags: Kiss

Everybody thinks people who promote PETA don't eat meat, but I think animals were made to be eaten.

Tags: Eat, Everybody, Thinks

I eat meat, the rarer the better.

Tags: Eat, Meat, Rarer

I just don't think animals should be slaughtered for their fur.

Tags: Fur

I take my part in the food chain very seriously.

Tags: Chain, Food, Seriously

I'm open to anything. I think everyone should enjoy every moment that they experience.

Tags: Enjoy, Experience, Moment

Sometimes I think I might insult people by being openly flirtatious, then snatching it back.

Tags: Insult, Might, Sometimes

Things that bring out your emotions are what should be in theaters and in books. That's what art is. It makes you feel things.

Tags: Art, Emotions, Makes
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