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Estelle Fanta Swaray's Quotes
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Born: 1980-01-18
Profession: Musician
Nation: English
Biography of Estelle Fanta Swaray

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Estelle Fanta Swaray's quote #1
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Estelle Fanta Swaray's quote #3

Collaboration is the way to go. It's very timely and fun to do.

Tags: Fun, Timely

I like to write about the things I care about. It's no fun to sing about things you don't like.

Tags: Care, Fun, Write

I never do a show where the people just sit there and look at me. They always sing along. It's going to be a fun time.

Tags: Fun, Show, Time

I went to New York and Miami and hung out by the beach, and I love the American boys, so I wrote a song about it.

Tags: American, Love, Song

Conservatives, they're like the Republicans to me. They don't do much. They have this whole hierarchy and boys' club thing going on. That doesn't help the regular person.

Tags: Club, Help, Whole

I'm so, so full of joy that America elected Obama. He didn't win because he was black - people voted for him because he had a plan and because he talked sense and because you believed him.

Tags: Black, Him, Win
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Estelle Fanta Swaray's quote #3
Estelle Fanta Swaray's quote #3
Estelle Fanta Swaray's quote #3
Estelle Fanta Swaray's quote #3
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