Qtonix believes in offering genius solutions to its clients in every aspect to maximize their chances at success. The importance that the "Content" is given by the search engines has propelled Content management system to the top of business agenda.
Our uniquely designed CMS Website Packages (Bronze, Silver, and Gold) helps your website gain access to all types of services and information to operate competitively and take the best business decisions that will drive you to success.
Basic Design | |
Premium Design | |
Design Revisions | 2 |
Shopping Cart | |
Product Management | |
Content Management | |
Shipping Options | |
Online Payments | |
Marketing Tools | |
Multi-Currency | |
Multi-Language | |
Discounts & Promos | |
Phone Orders | |
Search Friendly | |
Google Analytics | |
Mobile Friendly | |
Mobile Design | |
Social Feeds | |
Social Logins | |
Social Invites | |
Social Shopping | |
Daily Deals | |
Product Carousel | |
Product Zoom | |
Other Features | Quote |
Website Maintenance | $15/hour |
Basic Design | |
Premium Design | |
Design Revisions | 3 |
Shopping Cart | |
Product Management | |
Content Management | |
Shipping Options | |
Online Payments | |
Marketing Tools | |
Multi-Currency | |
Multi-Language | |
Discounts & Promos | |
Phone Orders | |
Search Friendly | |
Google Analytics | |
Mobile Friendly | |
Mobile Design | |
Social Feeds | |
Social Logins | |
Social Invites | |
Social Shopping | |
Daily Deals | |
Product Carousel | |
Product Zoom | |
Other Features | Quote |
Website Maintenance | $15/hour |
Basic Design | |
Premium Design | |
Design Revisions | 5 |
Shopping Cart | |
Product Management | |
Content Management | |
Shipping Options | |
Online Payments | |
Marketing Tools | |
Multi-Currency | |
Multi-Language | |
Discounts & Promos | |
Phone Orders | |
Search Friendly | |
Google Analytics | |
Mobile Friendly | |
Mobile Design | |
Social Feeds | |
Social Logins | |
Social Invites | |
Social Shopping | |
Daily Deals | |
Product Carousel | |
Product Zoom | |
Other Features | Quote |
Website Maintenance | $15/hour |
Qtonix brings to you a unique mix of innovative architecture, intellectual business solutions, and high-end data management to improve your online performance for maximum results. We promise to deliver you expectation exceeding content management system with proven techniques and superior skills. We works profoundly to make the content of your website search engine rich, unique and information. Our CMS packages include powerful tools that have the ability to tailor the content of your website to user specific needs.
At Qtonix, you get to manage digital content from its creation to publication in the best way possible. Get highly productive systems working for you to manage, store and enhance all the documents and data related to your business. Access all your critical business data anywhere, anytime with the best workflow productivity.
Qtonix works day and night to keep your content afresh and secured on the Internet. If you are thinking of investing in a really productive, effectual Content management system then trust Qtonix for the best results.