Martha Waleska T104 / Flairs
A flair is an achievement that shines next to your display name for as long as you meet its conditions. Read more about flairs here.
You have not earned any flairs yet.Now is a good time to play a game.
Triple Winner, Single Streak
When you score all three games in the daily triple, you unlock this flair.
Play the triple, to unlock this flair
Triple Winner, Week Long Streak
Finish the daily triple, 7 days in a row to unlock this flair.
Played 0 of 7 days
Play and achieve at least 50 All Time Highs the last 30 days in games not created by yourself and where the game is older than 90 days.
Yet to be unlocked
Triple Winner, Month Long Streak
Finish the daily triple, 30 days in a row to unlock this flair.
Played 0 of 30 days
Tournament Winner
Win at least one public tournament in the current tournament cycle (this week) to hold on to this flair during the week to come.
Yet to be unlocked
Popular Creator
Games played 100 times during last 24 hours
Lost It
Lost flair vor 4 Monate
0 of 100 plays
Tremendous Creator
Games played 1000 times during last 24 hours
0 of 1,000 plays
Tournament Champion
Win the current tournament cycle (this week) to hold on to this flair as the current champion in the week to come.
Yet to be unlocked
Player on Fire
Play games and earn 200 points in 24 hours time.
Lost It
Lost flair vor 3 Wochen
0 of 200 points
Rocket Player
Play games and earn 1000 points in 24 hours time.
0 of 1,000 points
Outstanding Creator
Games played 200 times / day during last 20 of 30 days
Phenomenal Creator
Games played 500 times / day during last 28 of 30 days
Avid Player
Play games and earn 100 points for at least 20 of the last 30 days.
Keen Player
Play games and earn 200 points per day for 28 of the last 30 days.
Triple Winner, Year Long Streak
Finish the daily triple, 365 days in a row to unlock this flair.
Played 0 of 365 days
Creator Gold Coin
The current number one in the 24 hour creators leaderboard on PurposeGames gets the Creator Golden Coin.
In place 10522, chasing 1st
Creator Silver Coin
The current number two in the 24 hour creators leaderboard on PurposeGames gets the Creator Silver Coin.
In place 10522, chasing 2nd
Creator Bronze Coin
The current number three in the 24 hour creators leaderboard on PurposeGames gets the Creator Bronze Coin.
In place 10522, chasing 3rd
Bronze Coin
The current number three in the 24 hour leaderboard on PurposeGames gets the Bronze Coin.
In place 1662, chasing 3rd
Silver Coin
The current number two in the 24 hour leaderboard on PurposeGames gets the Silver Coin.
In place 1662, chasing 2nd
Gold Coin
The current number one in the 24 hour leaderboard on PurposeGames gets the Gold Coin.
In place 1662, chasing 1st
Creator Silver C
The current number two in the all-time creators leaderboard on PurposeGames gets the Creator Silver C
In place 24781, chasing 2nd
Creator Bronze C
The current number three in the all-time creators leaderboard on PurposeGames gets the Creator Bronze C.
In place 24781, chasing 3rd
Creator Golden C
The current number one in the all time creators leaderboard on PurposeGames gets the Creator Gold C.
In place 24781, chasing 1st
Bronze Crown
The current number three in the all-time leaderboard on PurposeGames gets the Bronze Crown.
In place 2725, chasing 3rd
Silver Crown
The current number two in the all-time leaderboard on PurposeGames gets the Silver Crown.
In place 2725, chasing 2nd
Gold Crown
The current number one in the all-time leaderboard on PurposeGames gets the Gold Crown.
In place 2725, chasing 1st
PurposeGames Teacher
This flair is only available to subscribing members of PurposeGames. Subscriptions are not yet available to the public but you can add yourself to the queue for early access to subscription possibility as soon as it becomes available.
How to get it
This flair requires a subscription
PurposeGames Student
This flair is only available to subscribing members of PurposeGames. Subscriptions are not yet available to the public but you can add yourself to the queue for early access to subscription possibility as soon as it becomes available.
How to get it
This flair requires a subscription