Religion Muslim
Gender Boy
MeaningFull of compassion, Merciful
Origin Arabic Sanskrit
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Below is the popularity graph of the name Rahman from 1959 to 2023, based on data from the SSA.

Based on the popular names list by SSA, the Arabic Sanskrit origin boy name has remained popular over the last ten years. The name ranked highest in 2020, at 880th place, and lowest in 2021, at 920th place.

Year Baby Name Rank
2023 890
2022 908
2021 920
2020 880
2019 905

Names with similar meaning: Full of compassion, Merciful

Rahman, Karunamaya, Poornachandra, Purnima, Mehreen, Poornayu, Ashfaq, Karunaanidhi, Karunya, Asfaq, Karuna, Mercy, Hanaan, Karun, Abhikama

Numerology details of name Rahman

Numerology Number1
Destiny Number1
Inner Dream Number8
Soul Urge Number
(Heart's Desire or Motivation Number)
Personality Number8
Numerology Calculator

Astrology details of name Rahman

NakshatraChitra (Pe, Po, Ra, Ri)
RasiLibra / Tula (Ra, Rha, Ri, Ree, Rhi, Ru, Roo, Rhu, Rey, Ray, Rhe, Ro, Rau, Rho, Rhau, Ta, Tii, Tee, Thee, Thii, Tu, Thu, Tho, Te, The, Tay)

Personality details of name Rahman

Ruling PlanetSun
Positive NatureDaring and Resourceful
Negative TraitsAlways the ‘I’ factor and never ‘Us, comes into their minds
Lucky ColoursGold, Orange, Saffron, Yellow
Lucky DaysSunday and Monday
Lucky StonesRuby, Yellow Topaz, Sapphire
Harmony Numbers1,2,4 7
Problematic Numbers8
Best Suited ProfessionsDirector Of Companies, One who belongs to the Management Boards
Health IssuesEye Problems and Spine Cord Ailments
What people would generally like about you?Self starter and great leader
What people would generally dislike about you?Stubborn and will boast a lot

Names Similar to Rahman

Abdul-Rahman, Raman, Raymon, Ramani, Hriman, Ramana, Ziaur Rahman, Zillur Rahman, Ramon, Abdul Rahman