Fast & Accurate Distribution of Financial & Material Information

Meet compliance requirements by leveraging our global content distribution network for timely and secure news delivery to disclosure points, editorial systems and financial news organisations.

Deliver securely and mitigate regulatory risk

Satisfy disclosure and compliance requirements by using our content distribution network to release your earnings, financial and material information. 

  • Direct Disclosure: Delivery of news and material announcements to financial insitutions' portals and systems, including Bloomberg, Thomson Reuters and financial media in all 27 EU member states (in compliance with TOD regulations). 
  • Meet Requirements & Mitigate Risk: Satisfy exchange and regulatory requirements and reduce financial disclosure risks by delivering material news swiftly and securely. 
  • Streamlined & Intuitive Platform: Upload and convert original Word documents quickly and easily into the format required by varied recipients, ready for simultaneous distribution.


Boost visibility and engage with investors

Engage more deeply with shareholders and provide powerful visibility to investors, whilst being safe in the knowledge that your news is distributed with adherence to all of the latest legislative changes.

  • Go Beyond Simple Disclosure: Leverage our Investor Network to deliver directly to the desktops of portfolio managers and buy-side and sell-side analysts, to tell your company’s equity story, both its narrative and financial detail. 
  • Increase Visibility: Harness lists drawn from the Ipreo database, featuring over 100,000 contacts at more than 22,500 financial institutions globally and including thousands of updates per day. 
  • Trusted Source: Rely on standardised content guidelines to ensure full compliance with the EU Transparency Obligations Directive (TOD) and the US Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC).
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