Apostle John on Isle of Patmos

Click charts to enlarge
Charts from Jensen's Survey of the NT - used by permission
Another Chart from Charles Swindoll
See the Schematic depiction of the major interpretative views. There is considerable disagreement on how the book of the Revelation should be interpreted. Therefore it is strongly recommended that you consider performing your own inductive study prior to consulting a commentary. The greatest challenge in studying the Revelation is to allow God to say what He says and not try to spiritualize or allegorize the text. The single best inductive study in my opinion is the Precept Ministries International 4 part study on the Revelation (see below ). I would also recommend the Precept inductive study on Daniel (Click Daniel 1-6 - Living Out a Biblical Worldview or Daniel 7-12 -Gaining Understanding of the Time of the End) (Click here for links to commentaries on Daniel) because the truths in the book of the Revelation have their foundation in the prophesy in Daniel. To state it another way, a full understanding of the book of the Revelation is virtually impossible without an accurate understanding of the book of Daniel, especially Daniel 2, Daniel 7, Daniel 8 and Daniel 10-12 (Clue: These last three chapters deal with the same subject).
Before you consult any commentary, it is important to recognize that there are four schools of interpretation of the Revelation and it is critical to know which view the commentary you are consulting espouses. More importantly you should strive to have a good foundation from your own inductive study before you consult even the most respected commentary or otherwise you will almost certainly be confused by the wide diversity of interpretations of the same passage! The four views of interpretation are summarized in the following chart (see also Bibliography).
Cyril Barber in The Minister's Library - Volume 3 has some cautions on a popular book edited by Steve Gregg, Steve, ed. Revelation: Four Views. A Parallel Commentary writing the following -
"Combines four major ways to interpret John’s vision taking a careful look at the postmillennial, amillennial, and premillennial views before discussing the preterist, historicist, futurist, and idealist interpretations. Though lauded by some modern neo-orthodox theologians, this work suffers from some unfortunate limitations (e.g., where futuristic approaches are criticized for assigning everything after chapter 4 to a very limited period of history, and the critique of a literal millennium, etc.). Often the arguments of the contributors is weak (e.g., the identity of the 24 elders), but the editor gives no evidence of the fact that the interpretation of the text is thereby weakened." (Caveat emptor!) (Bolding added)
- Here is a link to a youtube video I made entitled Introduction to Study of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. This is a brief introduction of how to approach the book of the Revelation using the tools of Observation. This clip is a bit "less polished" as it was given without much preparation to a group beginning a 40 week study of the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
Preterist (from Latin praeter meaning "past") holds that through the use of symbols and allegory, the Revelation deals with events that were fulfilled in John's time (they are "past") and that it was written primarily to provide hope and comfort to the first century church persecuted by Rome. In short, preterism holds that all prophecy in the Bible is really history. Preterims (full or consistent preterism) teaches that end time prophecies were fulfilled in 70AD with the destruction of Jerusalem. Thus preterists interpret the beasts of (Rev 13:1, 2, 11-note) as imperial Rome and the imperial priesthood, but notice that they are clearly interpreting the passage allegorically, not literally, for no where in the context is this interpretation even suggested! The preterist view is held by many modern scholars, especially liberals and others who deny that the Revelation is predictive of specific future events. "Preterism teaches that the Law was fulfilled in AD 70 and God’s covenant with Israel was ended. The “new heavens and new earth” spoken of in Revelation 21:1 is, to the preterist, a description of the world under the New Covenant. Just as a Christian is made a “new creation” (2Cor 5:17), so the world under the New Covenant is a “new earth.” This aspect of preterism can easily lead to a belief in replacement theology." Indeed, preterist interpretation is essentially the antithesis of futuristic interpretation!
Dr Anthony Garland has a lengthy discussion of various aspects of the Preterist view:
- The Importance of Interpretation
- Preterist Interpretation
- Idealist Interpretation
- Historicist Interpretation
- Futurist Interpretation
- Ecclectic Interpretation
Related Resources -
- Jesus: A Preterist or a Futurist? - Richard Mayhue
- What is replacement theology - supersessionism?
- What is the preterist view of the end times?
- Systems of Interpretation - Preterist (Types of, Motivations of, )
- The Israel of God - on site
- What is Israel's role in the end time?
- Replacement Theology - What We Should Know - Part 1 - Gabe Morris - Sugarland Bible Church
- Replacement Theology - What We Should Know - Part 2 - Gabe Morris
- Replacement Theology - What We Should Know - Part 3 Acts 11:15-16 - Gabe Morris
- Replacement Theology - What We Should Know - Part 4 Galatians 6:16 - Gabe Morris
- The Evils of Replacement Theology - Dr David Reagan - very informative presentation at prophecy conference, Feb, 2024
The historicist approach views the Revelation as a symbolic or allegorical prophetic survey of church history from the first century up to the Second Coming of Christ. This was the view espoused by most of the "reformers" and thus dominated Protestant eschatological teaching for centuries. This view however has been discounted by many as it does not adequately address the prophecies in the Revelation. The discerning reader needs to be aware that the historicist view is reflected in most of the "older" commentaries (many of which are public domain works easily accessible on the internet) including the works of John Knox, Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Wesley, Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, C. H. Spurgeon (although Spurgeon did believe in the Millennium), Matthew Henry, Adam Clarke and Albert Barnes. Unless you understand their historicist approach to prophecy, you may become very confused when reading these older "classic" commentaries. Note that with the exception of Spurgeon, these works are not included in the list of resources. It is also important to realize that many of these "classic" commentaries tend to treat many of the OT promises to Israel as primarily applying to the NT Church, a view that is strongly disavowed by this website (see discussion of The Israel of God). An example of a historicist interpretation is the belief that the strong angel of Revelation 10 symbolizes the Reformation and that the harlot in Revelation 17 represents the Roman Catholic church, both interpretations which a plain reading of the text simply does not allow!
Related Resource
This approach argues that the symbols in the Revelation do not relate to historical events but rather to timeless spiritual truths. Idealists feel that Revelation relates primarily to the church between the first and second coming of Christ. They feel Revelation relates to the battle between God and evil and between the church and the world at all times in church history. The seals, trumpets, and bowls are thought to depict God’s judgments on sinners at all times, and the beast refers to all the anti-Christian empires and rulers in history. Thus the Revelation is viewed as describing the victory of Christ and His people down through history. The Millennium in this approach is not a future event but the final cycle of the book describing the church age. The weaknesses of this view include the failure to see the futuristic aspects of many of the prophecies or to connect them in any way with history. (Adapted from Grant Osborne: Revelation. Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament - available free in pdf)
This view is variously referred to as the spiritual approach, the idealist approach or the symbolic approach and makes no attempt to find individual fulfillments of John's visions, instead viewing Revelation as a great drama depicting transcendent spiritual realities, such as the spiritual conflict between Christ and Satan, between the saints and the antichristian world powers. Fulfillment is seen either as entirely spiritual or as recurrent, finding representative expression in historical events throughout the age, rather than in one-time, specific fulfillments. (From Steve Gregg. Revelation, Four views: A Parallel Commentary)
Related Resources
A Literal reading of prophecy will generally lead to a "futurist" interpretation. Thus futurists interpret Revelation 4-22 as predictive of future end time historical events preceding, during and after the return of Jesus Christ, the establishment of His 1000 year (thus futurist are usually "premillennial". Amillennialists spiritualize the 1000 years and postmillennialists spiritualize the resurrection which precedes it), millennial kingdom on earth, followed by the creation of a new heaven and new earth. Variations of this view were held by many of the so-called early church fathers, including men like Justin Martyr (164AD), Irenaeus (195AD), et al. This futuristic approach has enjoyed a revival since the 19th century and is widely held by many if not most modern evangelicals. Note that most of the resource links listed below take a futuristic approach to interpret the Revelation.
Related Resources
- What is the futurist interpretation of the Book of Revelation?
- How can I understand the Book of Revelation?
- What signs indicate that the end times are approaching?
- The Genre of the book of Revelation
- Interpreting Symbols
- The Rise of Allegorical Interpretation
- Understanding Symbols and Figures
- Understanding Numbers
- Dispensational Premillennialism
Name | Time Period | Revelation Chapters 4-19 |
past |
Describes the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 or the fall of Rome in A.D. 476. | |
present |
Describes major events of Christian history spanning from John’s time to the Second Coming of Christ. | |
future |
Describes a future period prior to the Second Coming of Christ. | |
timeless |
Describes spiritual truths. Good will eventually prevail over evil. Readers are encouraged in their current trials. | |
mixed |
Typically favors idealism while borrowing some elements from other systems. |
- Source: Tony Garland - Testimony of Jesus (Bibliography includes 100 references)
- Click here for an excellent in depth discussion of the interpretative approaches to the Revelation
The interpretative approach taken by this website regarding Revelation 4-22 is that these passages describe literal people and places and literal events that will be fulfilled in the future. As someone has well said "If the plain sense makes good sense seek no other sense lest it result in nonsense." Most of the resources on this page espouse the futuristic view, but this fact does not necessarily mean that we agree with every comment in all of the resources.
The wide divergence of interpretative views makes it imperative that the reader of the Revelation be a "true blue" Berean (Acts 17:11+) and perform his or her own inductive study prior to consulting any commentary, tape set, web site or sermon, lest he or she become mired down in confusing rhetoric and specious speculation.
The Revelation of Jesus Christ was written to edify, equip, encourage and bless God's children, not to hopelessly confuse or divide them. Maranatha!
This Latin phrase "Apocalypsis Solus" means "Revelation Alone" and is an apt description of the following resource which simply charts out the Word of God in the Revelation. In other words this chart is Sola Scriptura with a few questions interspersed. The links below are to the 4 sections. You can print this chart out by selecting the button in the top right which will give you a Pdf that has all 4 sections on one 10 page Pdf.
Background Color in the chart is significant as it is an attempt to identify where the events John is describing are taking place.
- Blue - Heaven
- Brown - Earth
- Green - Time phrases
Carefully observe the time phrases and interpret them as you would any similar phrases in normal language. Thus the time phrase "after these things" occurs 30 times in the entire Bible (NAS) but 9 times in the Revelation (Rev. 1:19; Rev. 4:1; Rev. 7:9; Rev. 9:12; Rev. 15:5; Rev. 18:1; Rev. 19:1; Rev. 20:3 and "after this" in Rev 7:1)! Do you think the Spirit intends for this phrase to be a significant marker in this final book of the Bible? (That's rhetorical of course!) In addition the word when occurs 28 times in the Revelation. When can mean at the time that something else happens or as soon as another action or event has finished. Every time you encounter a time phrase, pause and ponder, asking questions like "What has just happened?," "What is getting ready to happen?", "Where is it taking place, on earth or heaven?", etc. (See Expressions of Time) If you pay close attention to these simple time phrases (and let them say what you would in normal conversation), you will be amazed at how your Teacher, the Holy Spirit (cf 1 Jn 2:20+, 1 Jn 2:27+, Jn 14:16, 16:13, 14, 1 Cor 2:12-16+), will guide you through the book. Our "God is not a God of confusion!" (1 Cor 14:33) Remember that by definition, the Revelation was inspired by the Spirit not to confuse us but to encourage us and enable us to be continually "looking for (present tense = the habit of our life to be looking expectantly for) the Blessed Hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus." (Titus 2:13+).
Buster Keaton looking expectantly
"The Navigator" 1924
Comment - Note that the very first word in the Greek manuscript of the Book of the Revelation (not "Revelations" as is so commonly called) is the noun apokalupsis (apokalypsis) derived from apo- which means from and kalupto which means to cover or conceal. Taken together the simple idea is to take the cover off and expose to open view that which was heretofore not visible, known or disclosed. It means to make manifest or reveal a thing previously secret or unknown. In all its uses, “revelation” refers to something or someone, once hidden, becoming visible and now made fully known. And so using this word first, the Spirit is showing us that He is unveiling truth about the future which was previously concealed. The point is that the Revelation has been given to men by God to reveal not to confuse. And yet it is the most confused book in the Bible. This chart is an attempt to let John's words literally "say what they say" in order to help you understand what God has clearly revealed.
Father grant great illumination by Your Holy Spirit to all who read the literal Holy Words of Your great Book of Revelation, so that the Spirit might greatly glorify the Lord Jesus Christ in each reader's heart and mind, so that all are motivated by His grace to live passionately and purposefully for the soon coming King, boldly sharing the Gospel of the Kingdom, for the King is "coming quickly." In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Jesus said "Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done." (Revelation 22:12+)
Related Resources: Consider the "5P's" - Pause to Ponder the Passage then Practice it in the Power of the Spirit
- Context
- Key words
- Mark key words
- Interrogate with the 5W/H questions
- Term of conclusion
- Term of explanation (see also Youtube video on "Hinge Words")
- Terms of purpose or result - so that, in order that, that, as a result
- Term of contras
- Expression of time - e.g. then; until
- Term of comparison// simile// metaphor
- Guidelines for Figuring our Figurative Language
- Observe With a Purpose
- Keep Context King
- Read Literally
- Compare Scripture with Scripture
- Consult Conservative Commentaries
Verse by verse comments now on preceptaustin.org courtesy of Dr Anthony Garland. In my opinion this is one of the best commentaries ever written on the Revelation interpreted from a literal perspective. Garland does not replace Israel with the church and accepts a literal 1000 year reign of Christ on the earth.
- Revelation 1
- Revelation 2
- Revelation 3
- Revelation 4
- Revelation 5
- Revelation 6
- Revelation 7
- Revelation 8
- Revelation 9
- Revelation 10
- Revelation 11
- Revelation 12
- Revelation 13
- Revelation 14
- Revelation 15
- Revelation 16
- Revelation 17
- Revelation 18
- Revelation 19
- Revelation 20
- Revelation 21
- Revelation 22
Most of these books are newer resources which previously were available only in book form or purchasing in a Bible computer program. This is potentially a very useful resource to supplement your study. In general these books do not allow you to copy and paste.
Note - NO CHARGE. But you must log in to borrow most of these books by creating a login account! Click picture of the person in right upper corner and set up your free login. Then you can read many excellent modern commentaries free of charge! After you have checked it out for an hour, in my experience you can usually check it out again which gives you sufficient time to read the section in which you are interested.
Be Victorious - In Christ You Are an Overcomer - Book of Revelation by Warren Wiersbe. Literal. Millennial. Conservative. 397 ratings
With the Word - Comments on each chapter - Warren Wiersbe - 428 ratings
Wiersbe's Expository Outlines on the New Testament - Warren W Wiersbe
Cyril Barber - This is a book (Wiersbe's Expository Outlines) of exceptional merit. Pastors, missionaries, and Christian workers will profit from its use. Wiersbe introduces each book of the NT, provides an outline, and then furnishes his readers with a chapter-by-chapter discussion of the contents. The homiletic style is a “plus.” Recommended.
Expository Sermons on Revelation by Criswell, W. A Literal. Millennial. Conservative. Only Revelation 1 (177 pages)
Expository Sermons on Revelation by Criswell, W. A (Rev 1:11, 16, 20 and Rev 2-3 sermons) (192 pages)
Believer's Bible Commentary - William MacDonald
Revelation 1-11 by MacArthur, John (See his sermons)
The Identity of Babylon in Revelation 17-18 Part 1 of 2 Charles H. Dyer
The Identity of Babylon in Revelation 17-18 Part 2 of 2 Charles H. Dyer
THOUGHT - Before you are biased by Dr Dyer's article take a few minutes and make your own observations of Revelation 17 and Revelation 18. Your objective is simply list the facts about Babylon in each chapter. Then compare your observations in the two chapters. Let me give you a "jump start" -- compare Revelation 17:2 and Revelation 18:3,9. What do you observe? Now do the same comparison regarding the other facts you observe in both chapters. Is the Babylon described in Revelation 17 the same as or different from the Babylon described in Revelation 18? God is not a God of confusion (1Co 14:33+) and my contention is that if you do the simple observations suggested, you will arrive at a confident conclusion regarding Babylon. Then you can read Dr Dyer's articles and the commentaries like a good Berean (Acts 17:11+)!
Dyer opens with these comments: The world is rushing toward a catastrophic period of time referred to as the Tribulation. God has sovereignly chosen to reveal many details of that period through the inspired writings of His prophets. A correct interpretation of these details is essential for a proper understanding of God's program for the future. One key factor in interpreting God's prophetic program is the identification of the eschatological Babylon described by John in Revelation 17-18. This section occupies a significant portion of the Book of Revelation, and it provides a graphic account of God's future judgment on evil. However, one faces many problems in attempting to identify the end-time system of evil that the section presents. This two-part series attempts to provide answers for these problems through an analysis of the chapters individually, synthetically, and prophetically. The relationship between chapters 17 and 18 is crucial to a proper understanding of the Babylon referred to in both. Do Revelation 17 and 18 separately describe two distinct Babylons? Or are the two chapters a unit that presents but one Babylon?
The Old Testament in the Book of Revelation - Ferrell Jenkins - Interesting book.
Jenkins writes "The book of Revelation is the most thoroughly Jewish in its language and imagery of any New Testament book. This book speaks not the language of Paul, but of the Old Testament prophets Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel."
Things to Come: a Study in Biblical Eschatology - Dwight Pentecost
The Book of the Revelation: Outlined Studies - Lehman Strauss
The Revelation Record - Dr Henry Morris
Interpreting Revelation (234 pages) - Merrill Tenney
The Book of Revelation (128 pages) - Merrill Tenney
The Expositor's Bible Commentary - 1994 edition - Abridged - Merrill Tenney
Preacher's Outline and Sermon Bible - POSB - Revelation
Exploring Revelation - John Phillips
Behold, He Cometh!": A Verse-by-Verse Commentary on the Book of Revelation - John R Rice A Baptist pastor. Millennial. Comments less technical but very insightful. A sleeper in my opinion.
Revelation (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament) - Grant Osborne
The Book of Revelation - New International Commentary New Testament - Robert Mounce
The Defender's Study Bible - BORROW
The Final Countdown by Ryrie, Charles (Dispensationalist) - Short, summary of end times events. Literal, millennial perspective.
Revelation: Ryrie, Charles Caldwell
KJV Bible Commentary - Hindson, Edward E; Kroll, Woodrow Michael. Over 3000 pages of the entire OT/NT - no restriction on length of time one can use it. No copy and paste. Well done conservative commentary that interprets Scripture from a literal perspective (pre-millennial) Has nice, readable maps. User reviews (ED: VERY USEFUL COMMENTS - BH)
Holman Study Bible : Holman Christian Standard Bible General Editor Jeremy Royal Howard (2010) 2360 pages. Conservative. Good notes. Include Holmans excellent maps.
NKJV Study Bible: New King James Version Study Bible by Radmacher, Earl D; Allen, Ronald Barclay; House, H. Wayne; 917 ratings Very helpful notes. Conservative.
The David Jeremiah Study Bible - (2013) 2208 pages. Logos.com - "Drawing on more than 40 years of study, Dr. David Jeremiah has compiled a legacy resource that will make an eternal impact on generations to come. 8,000 study notes. Hundreds of enriching word studies"50+ Essentials of the Christian Faith" articles."
Escape the Coming Night - 273 page study of Revelation by David Jeremiah - premillennial. (2002 edition not the newer 2018 edition but still very readable resource.) Read some of the 908 ratings
New Bible Commentary - See user reviews Not thoroughly millennial.
The NIV study Bible by Barker, Kenneth L; Burdick, Donald W (1995) 2250 pages. Note this is the first edition. This resource has been fully revised in 2020.
Revelation illustrated and made plain - Tim Lahaye
Thru the Bible Commentary: The Prophecy (Revelation 1-5) - J Vernon McGee
The Prophecy - Revelation, Chapters 6-13 - J Vernon McGee
The Book of Revelation: A Series of Outline Studies in the Apocalypse - James McConkey This is a 94 page book with brief pithy comments from a literal perspective. Interesting. Online but cannot copy and paste.
Revelation, Four Views: a Parallel Commentary Editor Steve Gregg 335 ratings Be a Berean - Acts 17:11+
The Ryrie Study Bible - Charles Ryrie (1978) 2142 pages. Conservative.
101 Answers to Questions About the Book of Revelation - Mark Hitchcock - the following are also available online
- Global Reset Do Current Events Point To The Antichrist And His Worldwide Empire (SEE Table of Contents) - by Mark Hitchcock. Released in 2022 and addresses the role of such events as the COVID Pandemic. The Global Reset does not need to be borrowed but is fully available free of charge at archive.org (AS OF 9/8/23)
- What Jesus says about earth's final days
- Who is the Antichrist?
- Cashless - Bible Prophecy, Economic Chaos and the Future Financial Order
- The late great United States : what Bible prophecy reveals about America's last days
- 101 answers to the most asked questions about the end times
- Corona crisis : plagues, pandemics, and the coming apocalypse
The MacArthur Study Bible - John MacArthur. Brief but well done notes for conservative, literal perspective.
Life Application New Testament Commentary - Bruce Barton, et al (2001) - About 100 pages of notes on the Revelation. This is more verse by verse notes but not strictly speaking a classic expositional commentary. These notes are not the same as in the study Bible listed below.
Life Application Study Bible : New Living Translation. Has some helpful notes.
You Can Understand the Book of Revelation - Skip Heitzig
Exalting Jesus in Revelation - Daniel Akin (See his sermon series below which is very similar to his book).
Wycliffe Bible Commentary - Charles Pfeiffer - 1560 pages (1962).
Revelation 1:2
Revelation 1:3
Revelation 1:4
Revelation 1:5
Revelation 1:6
Revelation 1:7
Revelation 1:8
Revelation 1:9
Revelation 1:10
Revelation 1:11
Revelation 1:12
Revelation 1:13
Revelation 1:14
Revelation 1:15
Revelation 1:16
Revelation 1:17
Revelation 1:18
Revelation 1:19
Revelation 1:20
Revelation 2:2
Revelation 2:3
Revelation 2:4
Revelation 2:5
Revelation 2:6
Revelation 2:7
Revelation 2:8
Revelation 2:9
Revelation 2:10
Revelation 2:11
Revelation 2:12
Revelation 2:13
Revelation 2:14
Revelation 2:15
Revelation 2:16
Revelation 2:17
Revelation 2:18
Revelation 2:19
Revelation 2:20
Revelation 2:21
Revelation 2:22
Revelation 2:23
Revelation 2:24
Revelation 2:25
Revelation 2:26
Revelation 2:27
Revelation 2:28
Revelation 2:29
Revelation 3:2
Revelation 3:3
Revelation 3:4
Revelation 3:5
Revelation 3:6
Revelation 3:7
Revelation 3:8
Revelation 3:9
Revelation 3:10
Revelation 3:11
Revelation 3:12
Revelation 3:13
Revelation 3:14
Revelation 3:15
Revelation 3:16
Revelation 3:17
Revelation 3:18
Revelation 3:19
Revelation 3:20
Revelation 3:21
Revelation 3:22
THE FOLLOWING ARE A SERIES OF YOUTUBE VIDEOS MOST RELATED TO PROPHECY AND THE REVELATION - I am a literalist, so the videos take a futurist approach. Note that most of these videos are not lectures but are in a question/answer format. The entries labeled "Lesson _" are the discussions of the lessons in the Precept course Revelation - Part 4.
HOW TO STUDY YOUR BIBLE - "HINGE WORDS" Part 1 (no prophecy)
REDEEM THE TIME (no prophecy)
Lesson 6 - WHAT DOES THE WORD OF GOD TEACH ABOUT BABYLON? - Part 2 (Old Testament Scriptures)
Lesson 9 -144,000, Two Witnesses, The Mystery of God Is Finished
Lesson 10 -The Second Coming and the War of the Great Day of God, the Almighty (Aka "Armageddon")
Lesson 11 -The Rapture - Is It Real or Fantasy? What is the Timing - Pre-, Mid- or Post-Tribulation?
Lesson 12 - What Are the First and Second Resurrections and the Lake of Fire?
Lesson 13 - The Millennium and the Marriage of the Lamb
Lesson 14 - The Bema Seat of Christ and the Great White Throne
The first lesson of each study can be downloaded free
- Revelation - Pt 1 - Revelation 1-3, 10 lessons
- Revelation - Pt 2 - Revelation 4-22, 12 lessons
- Revelation - Pt 3 - Revelation 4-22, 11 lessons
- Revelation - Pt 4 - Revelation 4-22, 14 lessons
(Note: Part 4 has all 22 Chapters of Revelation double spaced and printable.)
Revelation of Jesus Christ Charted Out Chapter by Chapter and Verse by Verse (Rev 4-22) - Sola Scriptura (with a few questions interspersed) (Html links below are to the 4 sections or you can also select a Pdf that has all 4 sections on one 10 page Pdf)
See related topic - Kay Arthur's Lectures on Daniel
Precept Upon Precept
Lectures by Kay Arthur
Revelation - Part 2 (There are no notes available on Part 1)
- Lecture 01 There is No Need to Fear: You Can Know the Things that Will Shortly Come to Pass
- Lecture 02 The Testimony of Jesus: Is It Worth Dying For?
- Lecture 03 Don't Desert Your Post
- Lecture 04 Can You Survive the Difficult Times of the Last Days? Listen...
- Lecture 05 Don't Be Afraid: He Is the First and the Last
- Lecture 06 Your Kinsman Redeemer is Worthy to Take the Book
- Lecture 07 Your Kinsman Redeemer, Part 2
- Lecture 08 Watch Out Earth: The Lamb is About to Break the Seals!
- Lecture 09 God Can't Be Tied Up in a Neat Little Box
- Lecture 10 Some "Givens" in Revelation that Help Unveil the Timing
- Lecture 11 Who's Side Are You On? You Can't Have the Best of Both Worlds
- Lecture 12 Who's Side Are You On? You Can't Have the Best of Both Worlds, Part 2
Precept Upon Precept
Lectures by Kay Arthur
Revelation - Pt 3
- Lecture 00 Knowing Revelation Takes Away the Fear
- Lecture 01 Knowing Who God Is & Living Accordingly
- Lecture 02 Who Do You Bow Down To?
- Lecture 03 When Will the Mystery of God be Finished?
- Lecture 04 Date Setting and The Return of Christ
- Lecture 05 Matthew 24 and the Coming of the Son of Man
- Lecture 06 When Does the Tribulation Begin?
- Lecture 07 Why Is It So Important to Understand the Jew?
- Lecture 08 Is God Finished With the Jews?
- Lecture 09 This Land is Your Land...Forever!
- Lecture 10 What Happened to the Old Testament Promises Regarding Israel?
- Lecture 11 A Prophecy Regarding Israel: The Beginning of the End
Precept Upon Precept
Lectures by Kay Arthur
Revelation - Part 4
- Lecture 00 Where are the leaders? The Strong and Courageous? Those valiant for God's absolutes?
- Lecture 01 The Lord Jesus Christ is Returning: You Can Count on It!
- Lecture 02 Are the Events of Revelation Past? Happening Now? Or Yet Future?
- Lecture 03 It's the Last Hour! Don't be Misled by the Devil's Antichrists
- Lecture 04 What Will it be Like When the ''Real'' Antichrist Comes?
- Lecture 05 When Will the Antichrist rear his Destructive head?
- Lecture 06 The Devil's Beauty & Beast
- Lecture 07 Who is the Great harlot Babylon?
- Lecture 08 The Day of the Lord is Coming
- Lecture 09 Where Will the Church be When the Day of the Lord Comes?
- Lecture 10 What & When is Armageddon?
- Lecture 11 When Jesus Returns to the Earth Where Will the Church Be?
- Lecture 12 Where is the Church in the Book of the Revelation?
- Lecture 13 Where is the Church in the 1000 Year Reign?
- Lecture 14 What Happens When Jesus Christ Comes Back?
- Revelation Summary Charts Revelation 4-22 Summary Chart
- Drawings for Revelation 4-10
- Drawings for Revelation 11-16
- Drawings for Revelation 17-22
- Images from Pinterest
- Revelation 1-3 Study Guide
- Revelation Illustrated Artwork
The resources below are categorized by Interpretative Approach. There are many sources for this list but two that were especially consulted are the Expositor's Bible Commentary and Revelation, Four Views : A parallel commentary by S Gregg. This is list is far from exhaustive.
The listing of a specific resource does not indicate that this website agrees with the interpretative approach taken. Note that it is difficult to "pigeon hole" every author for some express different views on specific prophetic passages. This chart therefore should be used as a general guideline. I have not read every work noted. Therefore if you see a work that appears to be incorrectly or unfairly "categorized" please email me and it will be researched. Note that the majority of the "free" commentaries on the Web at Studylight, BlueLetterBible, etc, are NON-FUTURISTIC works and therefore strong caution is advised in consulting these works unless you have taken time to carefully observe and interpret the text yourself (Note: This caution applies not just to comments on Revelation but on all eschatological topics - study the text for yourself first so you can honestly assess the commentaries!). Otherwise you may become very confused regarding the true interpretation, God's intended meaning of the book of the Revelation.
See discussion of Futurist Interpretation
Alford, Henry (1810-1871) (See brief biography, 1902 Encyclopedia article, Bio by A P Stanley) - Greek Testament Critical Exegetical Commentary Revelation - Note that Alford was not as far as I can discern a "dispensationalist" but one who literally interpreted the Word of God
Alford's comment on Revelation 20 - "It will have been long ago anticipated by the readers of this Commentary, that I cannot consent to distort words from their plain sense and chronological place in the prophecy, on account of any considerations of difficulty, or any risk of abuses which the doctrine of the millennium may bring with it. Those who lived next to the Apostles, and the whole Church for 300 years, understood them in the plain literal sense: and it is a strange sight in these days to see expositors who are among the first in reverence of antiquity, complacently casting aside the most cogent instance of consensus which primitive antiquity presents. As regards the text itself, no legitimate treatment of it will extort what is known as the spiritual interpretation now in fashion.”
Alford's Introduction to the Revelation - The Revelation is the only prophetic book of the NT and it is the keystone of the Word of God. The Holy Scriptures start with a revelation on the past (Genesis 1) and they end with a revelation on the future.
The Revelation is a very solemn book speaking much about divine judgments but it is also a wonderful book in which we find the completion of God's ways up to eternal glory. As with all prophecies the Revelation also is not easily understood. This is why it is sometimes called "the book with seven seals" and is much neglected by many Christians.
The main thought of OT and NT biblical prophecy is the still future introduction of the reign of the Lord Jesus' over creation as well as the preceding events, especially in relation to Israel, God's earthly people. The assembly of the Living God, the body of Christ, is not mentioned at all in OT prophecies. The assembly or church is subject of a divine mystery revealed in the NT only (compare Ephesians 3:2-11). The assembly also plays a subordinate part in the NT prophecies. This heavenly company's expectation is not centred on happenings of the last days. It is much rather centred on the coming of the Lord Jesus to rapture the believers. And this rapture will happen anytime (compare Revelation 22:7; Revelation 22:12; Revelation 22:20). Most biblical prophecies including the ones in Revelation concern the time after the rapture.
There have been many attempts up to the present day to interpret the Revelation in a different way. The Past Interpretation sees the battle of Christendom gaining strength against heathen Rome ending with faith's victory. The historical interpretation sees in it a description of the whole time of Christendom. This way of interpretation was especially popular during the time of Reformation: Luther for example saw the Antichrist in the Pope. The spiritualizing method looks at the book as timeless symbolizing the fight between good and evil.
The correct way however to consider the Revelation is to look at chapters 4 to 22 regarding the future (see also paragraph 2 Purpose and Subject). This view has already been seen, in part, by the Church Fathers. The book of Revelation is the fulfillment of every biblical prophecy. It cannot be understood without knowing the OT prophets (Ezekiel and Daniel especially [See my commentary on Daniel, esp Da 2:24-49, Da 7:1-6 Da 7:7-14, Da 7:15-28, Daniel 9:24; Daniel 9:25; Daniel 9:26; Daniel 9:27 Da 11:1-19, Da 11:20-45, Daniel 12]), nor without knowing the words of the Lord Jesus in Matthew 24 (See my commentary on Matthew 24); Matthew 25; Matthew 1 and 2 Thessalonians (See my commentary on 2 Thess 2:1-5).
The language of Revelation is largely symbolical (See Interpreting Symbols). One can only explain these symbols in connection with the Holy Scriptures as a whole and especially in connection with prophecy as a whole. For we learn from Peter, in 2 Peter 1:20+, "...that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation."
Below are several critiques of Henry Alford's expertise as a Bible commentator...
James Rosscup writes that Alford's series on the New Testament "contains much that is valuable in the Greek New Testament… though all of the Greek New Testament words have been changed to English throughout." (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Works)
John Piper writes "When I’m stumped with a… grammatical or syntactical or logical [question] in Paul, I go to Henry Alford. Henry Alford… comes closer more consistently than any other human commentator to asking my kinds of questions."
Charles Haddon Spurgeon writes that Alford's work "is an invaluable aid to the critical study of the text of the New Testament. You will find in it the ripened results of a matured scholarship, the harvesting of a judgment, generally highly impartial, always worthy of respect, which has gleaned from the most important fields of Biblical research, both modern and ancient, at home and abroad. You will not look here for any spirituality of thought or tenderness of feeling; you will find the learned Dean does not forget to do full justice to his own views, and is quite able to express himself vigorously against his opponents; but for what it professes to be, it is an exceedingly able and successful work. The later issues are by far the most desirable, as the author has considerably revised the work in the fourth edition. What I have said of his Greek Testament applies equally to Alford’s New Testament for English Readers, which is also a standard work." (Spurgeon, C. H. Lectures to my Students, Vol. 4: Commenting and Commentaries; Lectures Addressed to the students of the Pastors' College, Metropolitan Tabernacle)
Archer, Gleason
Barnhouse, Donald Grey. Revelation: An Expository Commentary Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1971
Rosscup - Devotional, popular-level commentary incorporating illustrations, word studies, and broad scriptural comparison. He is premillennial. and pretribulational, using a fairly literal interpretation. He was a great preacher and Bible teacher in the latter first half and middle of this century. (Commentaries For Biblical Expositors- Dr. Jim Rosscup)
Hiebert - Prints what is called a "free translation" of Revelation. A devotional and practical commentary by an outstanding expository preacher. The material on the last two chapters was contributed by Ralph L. Keiper. The viewpoint is premillennial and pretribulational.
Barton, B. B., & Osborne, G. R. Revelation. Life application Bible commentary Tyndale House 2000
Here is a link to the Life Application Study Bible which can be borrowed for an hour. It is fairly literal in eschatology.
Beasley-Murray, George Raymond, Herschel H. Hobbs, and Ray Frank Robbins. Revelation: Three Viewpoints. Nashville: Broadman Press, 1977. Three Southern Baptists, all of whom have written on prophetic themes, discuss the book of Revelation from different points of view. Beasley-Murray is premillennial and approaches John's vision from the perspective of a postribulationist; Hobbs is amillennial; and Robbins focuses attention on the genre of apocalyptic literature. 228'.06.B38 1977 (Critique from Cyril Barber - The Minister's Library)
Bullinger, E. W. The Apocalypse, or "The Day of the Lord - online." 3d ed. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1935.
Hiebert - An exhaustive treatment from an extreme futurist viewpoint. Accepting "the day of the Lord" (Rev 1:10) as the prophetic key, Bullinger insists that everything in Revelation is still future. The seven churches will be reestablished at the end of the age. Represents ultradispensational premillennialism. (What is ultra-dispensationalism? | GotQuestions.org)
Chafer, Lewis Sperry - Founder of Dallas Theological Seminary
Cohen, Gary G. - Understanding Revelation. Chicago: Moody Press, 1978. Borrow Understanding Revelation : an investigation of the key interpretational and chronological questions which surround the Book of revelation
Cyril Barber - A definitive work that develops a chronological framework for the interpretation of John's Apocalypse. Premillennial.
Couch, Malcolm, gen. ed. A Bible Handbook to Revelation. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2001.
Cyril Barber - The Minister's Library (Volume 3) - This is not a commentary on the Book of Revelation, but a well-informed book that introduces readers to the intricacies of interpretation and theology of John’s vision. The book concludes with a verse-by-verse background guide to the contents of the message the risen Lord sent to His Church. Recommended
Criswell, W. A. Expository Sermons on Revelation. 5 vols. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1961-1966 - See also Expository sermons on Revelation (Rev 2-3)(Rev 11-17)
Hiebert - A series of expository sermons covering all of Revelation by a noted conservative Baptist minister. Based on careful exegesis of the text, the sermons have a practical appeal. The viewpoint is premillennial and pretribulational.
Custer, Stewart. From Patmos to Paradise: A Commentary on Revelation. Greenville, SC: BJU, 2004.
Cyril Barber - The Minister's Library (Volume 3) - A beautifully produced, well-articulated commentary enhanced with numerous colored and blackand-white pictures and charts. The exposition of the biblical text is in the best evangelical tradition and the author gives evidence of being aware of all the different interpretations. Here is a work that can be used with confidence. Premillennial.
DeHaan, M. R. (Our Daily Bread. Radio Bible Class).
Duck, Daymond R., Revelation God's Word for the Biblically-Inept Series. Lancaster: Starburst Publishers, 1998.
Feinberg, Charles.
Garland, Anthony: A Testimony of Jesus Christ (Click for free online magnum opus! Now available on preceptaustin.org - While this work is not well known and is seldom mentioned in lists of commentaries on the Revelation, in my opinion it is one of the best verse by verse modern works available. It is premillennial. Highly Recommended!
Gaebelein, Arno C.,The Revelation : an analysis and exposition of the last book of the Bible (online) Loizeaux Brothers, 1915
Geisler, Norman.
Guzik, David. Verse by Verse Commentary: Revelation.
Harrison, Norman B. The End. Re-Thinking The Revelation. Minneapolis, Minn.: The Harrison Service, 1941.
Hiebert - A premillennial interpretation advocating a mid-tribulation rapture. Includes a colored chart of Revelation setting forth this view.
Hoyt, Herman A. The Revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ. An Exposition of the Book of the Revelation. Winona Lake, Ind.: Brethren Missionary Herald, 1966.
Hiebert - A concise, well-outlined interpretation from the premillennial, pretribulational viewpoint. The author holds the seven letters also give a prophetic picture of the entire Church age. Well suited to lay study groups.
Ironside, H. A. Lectures on the Revelation: Neptune, N.J.: Loizeaux Brothers, 1920 Click for expository notes
Cyril Barber - The Minister's Library (Volume 3) - Based on the text of the KJV. First published in 1920. Clear evangelical messages explaining the scope and symbols of the vision John saw on Patmos. Premillennial.....This book has been the means under God of bringing those who were merely curious about prophecy to faith in Christ. It is the kind of book new believers can savor, and its use in young adult and adult discussion groups is to be encouraged. There is one limitation: The text of the KJV has been retained in this revision. A modern translation like the NKJV would have better served the needs of contemporary students of God’s Word. In spite of this limitation, this exposition is heartily recommended.
Johnson, Alan. Revelation in the Expositor's Bible Commentary (BORROW Abridged Version).
Kaiser, Walter - His writings are always worth examining in my opinion.
Keathley III, J Hampton III - Click for links to his exposition on the Revelation
Lawson, Steven J. Final call (available to borrow) - You can listen to a number of his sermons on Revelation but these do not cover the entire book.
Cyril Barber - The Minister's Library (Volume 3) - An exposition of Revelation 1--3. “This book is intended to be a wake-up call to the sleeping church of America.”--John F. MacArthur, Jr. It comes highly recommended.
Cyril Barber - The Minister's Library (Volume 3) - Heaven Help US! Truths About Eternity That Will Help You Live Today. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 1995. Well-written, easy-to-grasp messages on Revelation 4--5 and 21--22. Lawson tackles contemporary issues and/or misunderstandings, and explains what the Bible really teaches. Included is a candid discussion of life after death, and the rewards/punishments that will vindicate God’s righteousness. His intent is that we should live our lives on earth in light of these eternal realities. Recommended
Lindsey, Hal. There's a new world coming : 'a prophetic odyssey' - BORROW: Eugene, Ore.: Harvest House, 1973
MacArthur, J.Revelation 1-11 and Revelation 12-22. Chicago: Moody Press, 1999 (Click for his sermons which correspond to his published commentaries)
J. Vernon McGee. Thru the Bible With J. Vernon McGee. Thomas Nelson December, 1988. (Click for a complete listing of Mp3's by chapter/verse below) You can also borrow Revelation Commentary.
Morris, Henry M. The Revelation Record: A Scientific and Devotional Commentary on the Book of Revelation (BORROW): Tyndale House, 1983 (Note that this is not Leon Morris who is categorized below) Click for his notes
Cyril Barber - The Minister's Library - Treating the Apocalypse chapter-by-chapter, Morris provides his readers with numerous sidelights on the text not found in other works.
NET Bible Notes - Click for notes
Newell, William R. The Book of the Revelation: Chicago: Moody Press,1935 (devotional flavor) Click for verse by verse notes
Hiebert - A full, consistently literal interpretation of Revelation which accepts the symbolic where it is obvious. The viewpoint is premillennial and pretribulational. Has several appendixes, including "Why the church will not be in the Great Tribulation."
Osborne, Grant - Revelation (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament) -
This is available as a free Pdf.Osborne does seem to favor the 1000 millennium. There are a few points I would disagree with him -- e.g., when the devil is released at the end of the 1000 years, he deceives and gathers an army - these are people who have been alive while Jesus Himself is reigning on earth and they still refuse to believe in Him! To be sure this is somewhat mind boggling and could reflect either the hardness of hearts of those who are born to the believers who enter the 1000 year kingdom. Alternatively Osborne posits that these are men and women who were not destroyed when Christ returned to conquer in Revelation 19.
Pentecost, J. Dwight. Things to come : a study in Biblical eschatology
Phillips, John. Exploring Revelation - BORROW. Chicago: Moody Press. 1974
Rosscup - Here is a very light dispensational work, often alliterative, picturesque, with frequent illustrations (some quite good), but scant in supporting interpretation. Often Phillips shows no real attempt to grapple with meaning, as on leaving the first love (2:4), being blotted out (3:5), identifying the seven stars, giving more than opinion on being kept in 3:10, who the overcomer is in 2:7, what 4:1 means, etc. He does take the 24 elders as angels (86) and the 144,000 as Israelites, both with shallow support. The work as a whole offers minimal light to help any but elemental readers grasp some points, and for others is pretty much a waste of time unless certain illustrations help. (Commentaries For Biblical Expositors- Dr. Jim Rosscup)
Cyril Barber - The Minister's Library - A careful commentary that those who preach through this portion of God's Word will want to consult. Premillennial.
Ribeira (1537-91) Jesuit scholar held almost all events are future and apply to the end times
Richison, Grant - Revelation Commentary Notes - (click for notes listed by chapter and verse)
Ryrie, Charles Caldwell. Revelation: Chicago, Ill.: Moody Press, 1968. This book can be borrowed - Revelation : Ryrie, Charles Caldwell
Hiebert - A concise, well-outlined study of Revelation, following the premillennial, pretribulational view. Ideal for a beginner's study of Revelation.
Cyril Barber - The Minister's Library (Volume 3) - A refreshing, concise exposition highlighted with helpful charts and graphs, and explaining in lay terms the scope of John’s vision. Recommended.
The final countdown by Ryrie, Charles - Short, but well done summary of end times events. Literal, millennial perspective. 2 ratings
Schultz, John. - The Revelation. - Literal perspective. 118 pages. Free online. Author was a missionary teacher in Papua, New Guinea for several decades.
Scott, Walter. Exposition of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. London: Pickering & Inglis, n.d.
Hiebert - An older, premillennial commentary by a British Plymouth-Brethren scholar that has had a strong influence on subsequent premillennial commentaries. A careful exposition, showing awareness of God's program for the future.
Seiss, J. A. The Apocalypse: Lectures on the Book of Revelation: Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1957
Hiebert - A series of fifty-two lectures covering all of the Revelation by a conservative Lutheran preacher-scholar who adhered to the premillennial viewpoint. Still of value as a thorough interpretation of Revelation.
Smith, J. B. A Revelation of Jesus Christ . Scottdale, Pa.: Herald, 1961. (also dispensationalist)
Hiebert - A careful, detailed exegesis by a Mennonite scholar, known for his Greek-English Concordance of the New Testament. The interpretation, following a premillennial, pretribulational eschatology, is consistently literal, except where avowed symbolism demands a different procedure. A noted feature is the abundant use of statistics and comparisons.
Stedman, Ray C. God’s Final Word: Understanding Revelation (click for this resource): Grand Rapids: Discovery House, 1991
Strauss, Lehman. The Book of the Revelation (BORROW): Neptune, NJ.: Loizeaux Brothers, 1964
Tenney, Merrill C. Interpreting Revelation (BORROW). Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1957. (also dispensationalist)
Hiebert - Not intended as a full commentary on Revelation but unique as a guide to the various methods of studying Revelation. Gives a fine presentation of various approaches but favors a premillennial stance.
Thomas, Robert L. Revelation 1–7: An Exegetical Commentary. Chicago: Moody, 1992.
Thomas, Robert L. Revelation 8–22: An Exegetical Commentary. Chicago: Moody, 1995.
Cyril Barber - The Minister's Library (Volume 3) - Continues the excellent work begun by Thomas in his first volume. Shows the author to be wellread, able to interact with the ideas of scholars of all persuasions, and succeeds in providing a work that now replaces all of the other great treatments of this frequently misunderstood book. Recommended!.....One of the most closely knit, exegetical commentaries ever produced. Supersedes the magisterial works of R. H. Charles and H. B. Swete (and, of course, stands head-and-shoulders above all other works on Revelation produced todate). Thomas is thoroughly evangelical and eminently reliable. He has been ably described as “the finest conservative New Testament scholar of our time.” This is a must for every pastor
Walvoord, John F. The Revelation of Jesus Christ (Click for index of this free online book) . Chicago: Moody, 1966. (also dispensationalist)
Rosscup - Written by one of the foremost modern-day articulators of premillennial dispensationalism, this book is a lucid exposition of the Revelation which combines textual exposition with theological orientation. Walvoord shows awareness of wide reading, gives various views, is fair, and deals with problems as they arise. It is the best broad dispensational work to appear in recent years, and Robert Thomas has the best detailed technical work so far. (Commentaries For Biblical Expositors- Dr. Jim Rosscup)
Hiebert - A thorough exegetical treatment from a dispensational, premillennial, pretribulational viewpoint. A leader in its class.
Wiersbe, Warren Be victorious (Revelation) - this book can be borrowed for 1 hour (and can usually be checked out again with the hour is over).
Cyril Barber - A clear, easy-to-read, understandable exposition of the book of Revelation. Can be used with profit by individuals or groups. Recommended.
Here are some more general works, most of which are relatively literal - they can be checked out for one hour.
KJV Bible Commentary - Hindson, Edward E; Kroll, Woodrow Michael. Over 3000 pages of the entire OT/NT - no restriction on length of time one can use it. No copy and paste. Well done conservative commentary that interprets Scripture from a literal perspective. User reviews - it generally gets 4/5 stars from users. - 372 ratings
Very well done conservative commentary that interprets Scripture from a literal perspective (pre-millennial) user reviews
The King James Version Bible Commentary is a complete verse-by-verse commentary. It is comprehensive in scope, reliable in scholarship, and easy to use. Its authors are leading evangelical theologians who provide practical truths and biblical principles. Any Bible student will gain new insights through this one-volume commentary based on the timeless King James Version of the Bible.
NKJV Study Bible: New King James Version Study Bible by Radmacher, Earl D; Allen, Ronald Barclay; House, H. Wayne; 917 ratings Very helpful notes. Conservative.
The Experiencing God Study Bible : the Bible for knowing and doing the will of God - Blackaby, Henry (1996) 1968 pages - CHECK THIS ONE! Each chapter begins with several questions under the title "PREPARE TO MEET GOD." Then you will interesting symbols before many of the passages. The chapter ends with a "DID YOU NOTICE?" question. This might make a "dry chapter" jump off the page! Read some of the 48 ratings
The Defender's Study Bible : King James Version by Morris, Henry M. Excellent notes for well known creationist. 45 ratings
The MacArthur study Bible - John MacArthur. Brief but well done notes 1,275 ratings
The David Jeremiah study bible - (2013) 2208 pages. 2,272 ratings Logos.com - "Drawing on more than 40 years of study, Dr. David Jeremiah has compiled a legacy resource that will make an eternal impact on generations to come. 8,000 study notes. Hundreds of enriching word studies"50+ Essentials of the Christian Faith" articles."
Believer's Bible Commentary by MacDonald, William (1995) 2480 pages
Dr. John MacArthur, Jr. - "Concise yet comprehensive - the most complete single-volume commentary I have seen."
Warren Wiersbe - "For the student who is serious about seeing Christ in the Word."
Life Application Study Bible : New Living Translation. Has some very helpful notes. 4,445 ratings
The Ryrie Study Bible - Charles Ryrie (1978) 2142 pages. Conservative. 216 ratings
With the Word - Devotional Commentary - Warren Wiersbe - 428 ratings
Encyclopedia of Bible difficulties by Archer, Gleason L - or here with no restrictions
See discussion of Historicist Interpretation
Barnes, Albert. Revelation in Notes on the New Testament; Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1884–85
Calvin, John
Clarke, Adam. Adam Clarke’s Commentary on the Holy Bible: Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1967
Edwards, Jonathan
Elliott, E. B. Horae Apocalypticae . 4 vols. Eng. tr. 3d ed. London: Seeley, Burnside, and Seeley, 1828
Gill, John. Commentary of the Whole Bible.
Henry, Matthew. Acts to Revelation, vol. 6 in Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible: Old Tappan, N.J.: Fleming H. Revell
Knox, John.
Ladd, George E. A Commentary on the Revelation of John . Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1972.
Historical premillennial, some classify as more futurist, others as preterist-futurist! He is difficult to categorize - in his book on "Last Things: An Eschatology for Laymen" [not recommended to those who seek to interpret Scripture literally] he says he "feels that he must adopt a spiritualizing hermeneutic" (ED: THAT IS NOT A RELIABLE HERMENEUTIC!) He replaces Israel with the church. He believes the rapture is post-tribulation.
Hiebert - A popular commentary on Revelation that takes a premillennial and post-tribulational view of eschatology. Ladd sees the Millennium and the whole book of Revelation referring chiefly to the destiny of the Church rather than to the theocratic promises to Israel. Seeks to present different viewpoints and analyze problems of interpretation.
Luther, Martin
Newton, Sir Isaac: The Prophecies of Daniel & the Apocalypse. 1733.
Torrey, R. A. The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge: Old Tappan, NJ.: Fleming H. Revell (Historical pre-millennialist)
Spurgeon, C H - historic or covenantal premillennial position
While Iain Murray thought Spurgeon had a "fundamental uncertainty in his mind" regarding eschatology a careful examination of his sermons, his two commentaries (The Treasury of David and Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom) and his other writings reveal that he consistently and clearly not only affirmed a historic or covenantal premillennial position; he also rejected the salient tenets of the amillennial, postmillennial and dispensational premillennial schemes.
Spurgeon himself wrote - If I read the word aright, and it is honest to admit that there is much room for difference of opinion here, the day will come, when the Lord Jesus will descend from heaven with a shout, with the trump of the archangel and the voice of God. Some think that this descent of the Lord will be post-millennial—that is, after the thousand years of his reign. I cannot think so. I conceive that the advent will be pre-millennial; that he will come first; and then will come the millennium as the result of his personal reign upon earth.... Paul does not paint the future with rose-color: he is no smooth-tongued prophet of a golden age, into which this dull earth may be imagined to be glowing. There are sanguine brethren who are looking forward to everything growing better and better and better, until, at the last this present age ripens into a millennium. They will not be able to sustain their hopes, for Scripture give them no solid basis to rest upon. We who believe that there will be no millennial reign without the King, and who expect no rule of righteousness except from the appearing of the righteous Lord, are nearer the mark. Apart from the second Advent of our Lord, the world is more likely to sink into pandemonium than to rise into a millennium. A divine interposition seems to me the hope set before us in Scripture, and, indeed, to be the only hope adequate to the situation. We look to the darkening down of things; the state of mankind, however improved politically, may yet grow worse and worse spiritually...We expect a reigning Christ on earth; that seems to us to be very plain, and put so literally that we dare not spiritualize it. We anticipate a first and second resurrection; a first resurrection of the righteous, and a second resurrection of the ungodly, who shall be judged, condemned, and punished for ever by the sentence of the great King. (Charles H. Spurgeon and the Nation of Israel)
Related Resources:
- Spurgeon's Eschatological Views "Charles H. Spurgeon and Eschatology"
- The Millennial Position of Spurgeon - Dennis Swanson, Fall, 1996 - 29 page paper
- The Eschatology of Charles Haddon Spurgeon - Keven Stilley
- Spurgeon's View of the Millennium - Samuel A Dawson (2010) - 30 page paper
Utley, Bob - Bible Lessons International, Marshall, Texas
Wesley, John
Whitefield, George
See discussion of Idealist Interpretation
Alford, Henry. The Revelation in The Greek Testament, revised by Everett R Harrison (Chicago: Moody Press) 1958.
However he seems to favor a literal millennium in Rev 20. The woman in Rev 12+ he interprets as the church although he does interpret the male child as Christ.
Calkins, Raymond. The Social Message of the Book of Revelation. New York: Woman's, 1920.
Carrington, Philip. The Meaning of the Revelation . New York: Macmillan, 1931.
Cleveland: Corpus Books, 1968. Rissi, Mathias. Time and History. Richmond: John Knox, 1966.
Hendriksen, W. More Than Conquerors . Grand Rapids: Baker, 1940.
Hiebert - An able work on Revelation by an evangelical teacher using the synchronistic or parallelistic system of interpretation. His viewpoint is amillennial.
A. Hoekema
Phillip Hughes
Kiddle, Martin. The Revelation of St. John . MNT. New York: Harper, 1940.
Kistemaker, S. J., & Hendriksen, W. New Testament commentary: Exposition of the Book of Revelation. Baker House. 1953-2001.
Lenski, R. C. H. The Interpretation of St. John’s Revelation: Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1943
Milligan, William. The Book of Revelation . ExB. Hodder & Stoughton, 1909.
Minear, Paul S. I Saw a New Earth: An Introduction to the Visions of the Apocalypse. Cleveland: Corpus Books, 1968
Morey, Earl. Notes on Revelation in The Spirit-Filled Life Bible, Jack W. Hayford, Gen. ed: Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991
Rissi, Mathias. Time and History . Richmond: John Knox, 1966.
Vincent, Marvin. Vincent's Word Studies in the New Testament. Hendrickson Publishers, 1985
Wilcock, Michael. I Saw Heaven Opened: The Message of Revelation: Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1975
Wilson, Geoffrey B. Revelation: Durham, England: Evangelical Press, 1985
Adams, Jay. The Time is at Hand: Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co, 1966.
Ashcraft, Morris. Hebrews—Revelation The Broadman Bible Commentary v12: Clifton J. Alien, Gen. ed, Nashville: Broadman Press, 1972
Barclay, William. The Revelation of John. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1976.
Hiebert - Prints author's own translation. Volume 1, covering the first five chapters, deals extensively with the seven letters. The author's strong points are his handling of historical data and his Greek word studies.
Beasley-Murray, G.R. "The Revelation." NBC rev. Edited by D. Guthrie, et al. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1970.
Beale, G K - REVELATION A Commentary on the Greek Text (he is placed here because he is amillennial).
Cyril Barber - Beale adopts a careful verse-by-verse treatment of the original text. His amillennialism colors his interpretation, but his discussions reveal his vast learning. This is a work for the scholar.
James Rosscup - A Wheaton College professor did this monumental 1,245-pp. probe that has to be one of the best recent works along amillennial lines. Beale brings incredible research, as Aune does, with an awareness of Jewish and Christian literature giving opinions on verses. The work is for scholars such as exegetes, advanced students (some of it will be readily grasped by other students), studious pastors, etc. Some of many discussions that put much data to consider before the reader are those on the locust-like beings, and the harlot. Beale interacts much with views and arguments and gives more than most writers to stimulate reflection. Excellent indexes cover authors and biblical and other ancient writings. On a given verse, he brings much to bear when one is seeking possibilities.
Beckwith, Isbon T. The Apocalypse of John . New York: Macmillan, 1922.
Hiebert - Greek text. An introduction of over four hundred pages on various introductory problems reveals impeccable scholarship. A critical commentary of nearly four hundred pages deals closely with the Greek text. Amillennial in viewpoint.
Berkouwer, G. C. The Return of Christ. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1972.
Bruce, F. F. "The Revelation to John." In A New Testament Commentary. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1969.
Byrum, C. S., Parvin S. Unlocking the Mysteries 150 FAQs About Revelation and the End of the World. Nashville: Abingdon, 1999.
Caird, G.B. The Revelation of St. John the Divine. Harper's New Testament Commentaries . New York: Harper, 1966.
Hiebert - Prints author's own translation. Valuable for a reconstruction of the first-century setting. A scholarly commentary which takes the symbolism of Revelation to represent imminent historical rather than eschatological events.
Charles, R.H. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Revelation of St. John . 2 vols. Edinburgh: 1920.
Hiebert - Greek text. The massive work of a liberal British scholar who was a master of Jewish apocalyptic literature. A mine of historical and grammatical information. Holds to preterist view.
Chilton, David. The Days of Vengeance: An Exposition of the Book of Revelation: Ft. Worth, Tex.: Dominion Press, 1987
Ford, J. Massyngberde. Revelation . AB. New York: Doubleday, 1975.
Gentry, Kenneth. The Beast of Revelation (2002), Before Jerusalem Fell (1998).
Glasson, T. F. The Revelation of John. The Cambridge Bible Commentary on the New English Bible . 1965.
Hanegraaff, Hank The Apocalypse Code: Find Out What the Bible REALLY Says About the End Times
Note: Unfortunately this author is well known and his book propagates a teaching which is distinctly opposed to literal, natural, normal interpretation of the Scriptures. Beware! E.g., Hanegraaff teaches that Nero was the Beast of Revelation which borders on the absurd! This book is definitely NOT RECOMMENDED if you REALLY want to understand what God said in the Revelation of Jesus Christ! - See Well Done Review of this Book by Thomas Ice) (As an aside if you listen to his program "The Bible Answer Man" - there is good material on the cults but highly questionable material on eschatological matters. Be a Berean!)
Harrington, Wilfred J. The Apocalypse of St. John: A Commentary . London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1969.
Heidt, William G. The Book of the Apocalypse. New Testament Reading Guide . Collegeville, Minn.: Liturgical, 1962.
Moffatt, James. "The Revelation of St. John the Divine." In The Expositor's Greek Testament, vol. 5. Reprint. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, n.d.
Hiebert - Greek text. The work of a noted liberal British scholar who rejected the traditional authorship and followed the preterist school of interpretation.
Morris, Leon. The Revelation of St. John . Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1969 (Also categorized as "Spiritual")
Hiebert - A concise interpretation by a noted conservative scholar who combines the preterist and futurist views.
Mounce, Robert H. The Book of Revelation: New International Commentary on the NT: Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1977 (Note: also categorized as preterist-futurist)
Metzger, Bruce. Breaking the Code Understanding the Book of Revelation. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1993.
Pieters, Albertus. Studies in the Revelation of St. John . Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1954.
Poythress, Vern S - The Returning King. A Guide to the Book of Revelation
Rosscup - Amillennial...Poythress, without much except opinion, (ED: PONDER ROSSCUP'S STATEMENT!) prefers a combination of elements from the views, and a repeated pattern of events in the first century, now, and in the final crisis (37). He opts for angels in Rev 2:1 with little evidence, is ambiguous about who the overcomer is (Rev 2:7, “faithful saints”?), has no mention of leaving the first love (Rev 2:4), gives no help on the book of life (Rev 3:5), generalizes on those kept in Rev 3:10, and thinks the horsemen in Rev. 6:1ff “correspond to” the four living creatures (?) and the four horsemen of Zech. 1:8 (meaning what?). He views the first four seal trends as realized in Roman Empire tumults, occurring also now, and again to occur just before Christ’s Second Coming. The 144,000 are all of God’s people, the multitude in Rev 7:9 the same, the woman in Rev 12:1ff this same group, the millennium is today, etc. (Commentaries For Biblical Expositors- Dr. Jim Rosscup)
Sproul, R. C.: Sproul, R. The last days according to Jesus. Grand Rapids: Baker Books. 1998
Summers, Ray. Worthy Is the Lamb. Nashville: Broadman, 1951.
Sweet, J.P.M. Revelation. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1979.
Swete, Henry Barclay. The Apocalypse of St. John. New York: Macmillan, 1906.
Hiebert - A classic commentary on the Greek text, important for Greek exegesis. Contains an exhaustive 200-page introduction. The viewpoint is eclectic, finding points of contact with the various different systems of apocalyptic interpretation. (ED: E.g., he describes a literal 1000 reign of Christ in his comments on Rev 20:5) Has a full list of patristic and modern commentaries up to 1908. Invaluable for the advanced student. (Online at archive.org - good in Greek, but be a Berean otherwise!)
Source: Borrow his book An introduction to the New Testament Volume 3 - Non-Pauline Epistles and the Revelation by Hiebert, David Edmond
An Outline of the Revelation
I. The Introduction, Revelation 1:1-8
A. The superscription, Revelation 1:1-3
B. The salutation and response, Revelation 1:4-8
1. The epistolary greeting, Revelation 1:4-5a
2. The dedication, Revelation 1:5b-6
3. The prophetic testimony, Revelation 1:7-8
II. "The Things Which Thou Sawest," Revelation 1:9-20
A. The setting of the vision, Revelation 1:9-11
B. The content of the vision, Revelation 1:12-16
C. The results of the vision, Revelation 1:17-20
1. The word of comfort, Revelation 1:17-18
2. The commission to write, Revelation 1:19-20
III. "The Things Which Are," Revelation 2:1-3:22
A. The message to the church in Ephesus, Revelation 2:1-7
1. The recipient, Revelation 2:1a
2. The Speaker, Revelation 2:1b
3. The message, Revelation 2:2-6
4. The invitation, Revelation 2:1a
5. The promise, Revelation 2:7b
B. The message to the church in Smyrna, Revelation 2:8-11
C. The message to the church in Pergamum, Revelation 2:12-17
D. The message to the church in Thyatira, Revelation 2:18-29
E. The message to the church in Sardis, Revelation 3:1-6
F. The message to the church in Philadelphia, Revelation 3:7-13
G. The message to the church in Laodicea, Revelation 3:14-22
IV. "The Things Which Shall Be Hereafter," Revelation 4:1-22:5
A. The divine throne and the sealed book, Revelation 4:1-5:14
1. The opened door in heaven, Revelation 4:1
2. The enthroned Sovereign, Revelation 4:2-11
a. The scene connected with the throne, Revelation 4:2-7
b. The worship of the One on the throne, Revelation 4:8-11
3. The sealed book and its challenge, Revelation 5:1-5
4. The Lamb in the midst of the throne,Revelation 5:6-7
5. The universal worship of the Lamb, Revelation 5:8-14
B. The events of the great tribulation period, Revelation 6:1-18:24
1. The opening of the seven seals, Revelation 6:1-8:5
a. The first seal: rider on a white horse, Revelation 6:1-2
b. The second seal: rider on a red horse, Revelation 6:3-4
c. The third seal: rider on a black horse, Revelation 6:5-6
d. The fourth seal: rider on a pale horse, Revelation 6:7-8
e. The fifth seal: martyrs under the altar, Revelation 6:9-11
f. The sixth seal: universal convulsions, Revelation 6:12-17
g. Inset: the redeemed of the great tribulation, Revelation 7:1-17
i. The sealing of 144,000 of Israel, Revelation 7:1-8
ii. The saved multitude out of all nations, Revelation 7:1-9
h. The seventh seal: silence and preparation, Revelation 8:1-5
2. The sounding of the seven trumpets, Revelation 8:6-11:19
a. The first trumpet: hail, fire, and blood upon earth, Revelation 8:6-7
b. The second trumpet: burning mountain cast into the sea, Revelation 8:8-9
c. The third trumpet: star falling on fresh waters, Revelation 8:10-11
d. The fourth trumpet: heavenly bodies affected, Revelation 8:12
e. The angelic announcement of three woe trumpets, Revelation 8:13
f. The fifth trumpet: locusts from the bottomless pit, Revelation 9:1-12
g. The sixth trumpet: four angels and the demonic horsemen, Revelation 9:13-21
h. Inset: scenes during the great tribulation, Revelation 10:1-11:14
i. The strong angel and the little book, Revelation 10:1-11
ii. The temple and the two witnesses, Revelation 11:1-14
a. The measuring of the temple, Revelation 11:1-2
b. The career of the two witnesses, Revelation 11:3-14
i. The seventh trumpet: worship and heavenly temple opened, Revelation 11:15-19
3. Inset: Personages of the great tribulation, Revelation 12:1-14:20
a. The woman and the dragon, Revelation 12:1-17
i. The dragon and the man-child, Revelation 12:1-6
ii. The expulsion of Satan and his angels from heaven, Revelation 12:7-12
iii. The dragon's persecution of the woman and her seed, Revelation 12:13-17
b. The two ruling beasts, Revelation 13:1-18
i. The beast from the sea, Revelation 13:1-10
ii. The beast from the earth, Revelation 13:11-18
c. The Lamb and the 144,000 on Mount Zion, Revelation 14:1-5
d. The three angelic messengers, Revelation 14:6-12
i. The proclamation of the eternal Gospel, Revelation 14:6-8
ii. The announcement of the fall of Babylon, Revelation 14:8
iii. The warning against worship of the beast, Revelation 14:9-12
e. The announcement concerning the blessed dead, Revelation 14:13
f. The reapers of earth's harvest, Revelation 14:14-20
i. The "son of man" and the harvest, Revelation 14:14-16
ii. The angel and the vintage of God's wrath, Revelation 14:17-20
4. The pouring out of the seven bowls, Revelation 15:1-16:21
a. The heavenly preparation for the final judgments, Revelation 15:1-16:1
i. The sign of the seven bowl angels, Revelation 15:1
ii. The vision of the overcomers, Revelation 15:2-4
iii. The preparation of the seven angels for judgment, Revelation 15:5-16:1
b. The first bowl: malignant sores on men, Revelation 16:2
c. The second bowl: turning of sea into blood, Revelation 16:3
d. The third bowl: turning of fresh waters into blood, Revelation 16:4-7
e. The fourth bowl: scorching heat from the sun, Revelation 16:8-9
f. The fifth bowl: darkness and pain on beast's kingdom, Revelation 16:10-11
g. The sixth bowl: drying of Euphrates for kings of the East, Revelation 16:12
h. Inset: The satanic preparations for Armageddon, Revelation 16:13-17
i. The seventh bowl: final judgment in devastating earthquake and hail, Revelation 16:17-21
5. Inset: The overthrow of Babylon, Revelation 17:1-18:24
a. The judgment upon the great harlot, Revelation 17:1-18
i. The vision of the harlot, Revelation 17:1-6
ii. The agents of her judgment, Revelation 17:7-15
iii. The execution of the judgment, Revelation 17:16-18
b. The destruction of the great city, Revelation 18:1-24
i. The angelic proclamation of Babylon's fall, Revelation 18:11-3
ii. The voice from heaven concerning the fall, Revelation 18:14-20
iii. The angelic act and dirge over the fall, Revelation 18:121-24
C. The return of Christ in glory, Revelation 19:1-21
1. The rejoicing in heaven, Revelation 19:1-10
a. The rejoicing over the judgment of the harlot, Revelation 19:1-5
b. The rejoicing over the marriage of the Lamb, Revelation 19:6-9
c. The correction of John's attempted worship, Revelation 19:10
2. The return of Christ to earth as Conqueror, Revelation 19:11-21
a. The coming of the King with His armies, Revelation 19:11-16
b. The summoning of the birds to the great supper of God, Revelation 19:17-18
c. The doom of the enemies on earth, Revelation 19:19-21
D. The millennial Kingdom, Revelation 20:1-10
1. The binding of Satan for one thousand years, Revelation 20:1-3
2. The millennial reign of Christ with the saints, Revelation 20:4-6
3. The crushing of the final Satan-led rebellion, Revelation 20:7-10
E. The postmillennial events, Revelation 20:11-22:5
1. The judgment of the dead at the great white throne, Revelation 20:11-14
2. The new heaven and the new earth, Revelation 21:1-8
3. The vision of the New Jerusalem, Revelation 21:9-22:5
a. The description of the city, Revelation 21:9-27
b. The delights of the city, Revelation 22:1-5
V. The conclusion, Revelation 22:6-21
A. The trustworthiness of the Revelation, Revelation 22:6-7
B. The worthiness of God alone as object of worship, Revelation 22:8-9
C. The concluding instructions concerning the book, Revelation 22:10-20
1. The words of comfort and assurance, Revelation 22:10-17
2. The warning against altering the book, Revelation 22:18-19
3. The concluding testimony concerning the coming, Revelation 22:20
D. The benediction, Revelation 22:21
Source: An Introduction to the New Testament - excellent resource
His sermons interpret the text literally, including the interpretation of Revelation 20 as descriptive of a literal 1000 year reign of Christ on the earth in the Millennium. These are very well done with excellent comments that will aid your preaching and teaching of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. These sermons are similar to the material in his book Exalting Jesus in Revelation - BORROW. See his complete sermon series on the Revelation
- The Great Unveiling Part 01. Introduction to Revelation – Revelation 1:1
- The Great Unveiling Part 02. When God Speaks From Heaven – Revelation 1:1-8
- The Great Unveiling Part 03. A Glimpse of the Glorified Christ – Revelation 1:9-20
- The Great Unveiling Part 04. When Love Grows Cold – Revelation 2:1-7
- The Great Unveiling Part 05. Suffering For Jesus – Revelation 2:8-11
- The Great Unveiling Part 06. The Church That Compromises The Truth – Revelation 2:12-17
- The Great Unveiling Part 07. The Church That Tolerated Jezebel – Revelation 2:18-29
- The Great Unveiling Part 08. Autopsy Of A Dead Church – Revelation 3:1-6
- The Great Unveiling Part 09. The Church That Honors Jesus – Revelation 3:7-13
- The Great Unveiling Part 10. The Church That Makes God Sick – Revelation 3:14-22
- The Great Unveiling Part 11. What Will Heaven Be Like? – Revelation 4:1-11
- The Great Unveiling Part 12. Worthy Is The Lamb – Revelation 5:1-14
- The Great Unveiling Part 13. The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse – Revelation 6:1-8
- The Great Unveiling Part 14. The Wrath Of The Lamb – Revelation 6:9-17
- The Great Unveiling Part 15. Will People Be Saved During The Great Tribulation? – Revelation 7:1-17
- The Great Unveiling Part 16. Our Sovereign God – Revelation 8:1-13
- The Great Unveiling Part 17. Demons From The Abyss / Armies From The East – Revelation 9:1-21
- The Great Unveiling Part 18. A Mighty Angel And His Little Book – Revelation 10:1-11
- The Great Unveiling Part 19. Happy Dead Witnesses Day – Revelation 11:1-19
- The Great Unveiling Part 20. The Wrath Of The Dragon – Revelation 12:1-17
- The Great Unveiling Part 21. AntiChrist: The Coming World Ruler – Revelation 13:1-10
- The Great Unveiling Part 22. The False Prophet – Revelation 13:11-18
- The Great Unveiling Part 23. Heaven Or Hell: Which Will It Be – Revelation 14:1-13
- The Great Unveiling Part 24. When God Judges The Earth – Revelation 14:14-20
- The Great Unveiling Part 25. Prelude To Armageddon – Revelation 15:1-8
- The Great Unveiling Part 26. Judgement Day Comes To The Earth – Revelation 16:1-21
- The Great Unveiling Part 27. The New Age Movement Is Not New – Revelation 17:1-18
- The Great Unveiling Part 28. The Fall Of Babylon – Revelation 18:1-24
- The Great Unveiling Part 29. Heaven’s Hallelujah Chorus – Revelation 19:1-10
- The Great Unveiling Part 30. Jesus Is Coming Again – Revelation 19:11-20:6
- The Great Unveiling Part 31. The Millennial Kingdom Of Jesus Christ – Revelation 20:1-10
- The Great Unveiling Part 32. What Does The Bible Say About Hell? – Revelation 20:11-15
- The Great Unveiling Part 33. What Does The Bible Say About Heaven? – Revelation 21:1-8
- The Great Unveiling Part 34. The Glory Of The Heavenly Jerusalem – Revelation 21:9-22:5
- The Great Unveiling Part 35. God’s Final Invitation – Revelation 22:6-21
Note - the links below include two resources - (1) Audio and (2) Notes which are usually in range of 10 pages and are excellent.
- To Ephesus: The Church that had Everything Right Except the Main Thing
- To Smyrna: A dangerous Place to Be a Christian
- To Pergamum: The Too Free Church
- To Thyatira: The Church of Tolerance and Compromise
- To Sardis: The Church of the Living Dead
- To Philadelphia: The Church of the Faithful Witness
- To Laodicea: The Lukewarm Church
- The Eighth Letter: To First Evangelical Free Church of Wichita
Here is another link to these sermons
- Revelation 1:1-3 It’s all about Jesus
- Revelation 1:4-20 Jesus Loves Us
- Revelation 2:1-7 But Have Not Love
- Revelation 2:12-17 Wanted: Bouncers in Pergamos
- Revelation 3:14-22 Naked as a Jaybird
- Revelation 5:1-14 Worship The Lamb
- Revelation 6:1-17 7 Seals
- Revelation 7:1-17 Signed, Sealed, Delivered
- Revelation 8:1-13 Birth Pangs
- Revelation 9:1-21 Loathsome Locusts & Horrific Horses
- Revelation 10:1-11 Sweet & Sour Message
- Revelation 11:1-19 A Devil’s Christmas
- Revelation 12:1-17 That ol’ Serpent
- Revelation 13:1-18 Double Trouble
- Revelation 14:1-20 The Grapes of Wrath
- Revelation 16 Super Bowl VII
- Revelation 18 Babylon is fallen is fallen
- Revelation 19 Bride Food & Bird Food
- Revelation 20:7-15 Thy Kingdom Came
- Revelation 21:1-8 Paradise Lost is Paradise Restored
- Revelation 21:9-27 The City That Never Sleeps
Another Source of Brian Bell's sermons - Most of the above sermons are duplicated here
- Revelation 1:1-3 An Introduction to the Revelation
- Revelation 1:4-8 A Letter to the Ages (Part 1)
- Revelation 1:4-8 A Letter to the Ages (Part 2)
- Revelation 1:9-11 John the Revelator
- Revelation 1:12-20 The Man in the Midst
- Revelation 2:1-7 Warm Hands but Cold Hearts
- Revelation 2:8-11 The Poor Church that was Rich
- Revelation 2:12-17 The Unfaithful Bride
- Revelation 2:18-29 The Defiled Church
- Revelation 3:1-6 The Dead Church
- Revelation 3:7-13 The Faithful Church
- Revelation 3:14-22 The Luke-warm Church
- Revelation 4:1 Come up Hither
- Revelation 4:2-11 The Throne Room of God
- Revelation 5:1-7 The Lamb is Worthy
- Revelation 5:8-14 Worship Around the Throne
- Revelation 6:1-8 The Four Horsemen
- Revelation 6:9-17 The Prayers of the Tribulation
- Revelation 7:1-8 The Sealed 144,000
- Revelation 7:9-17 The Tribulation Harvest
- Revelation 8:1-13 Silence Before the Trumpets
- Revelation 9:1-12 When Hell is Loosed on Earth
- Revelation 9:13-21 The Sixth Trumpet of Woe
- Revelation 10:1-11 Glory Between the Trumpets
- Revelation 11:1-2 The Temple is Rebuilt
- Revelation 11:3-14 Two Witnesses in Tribulation
- Revelation 11:15-19 Worship in Anticipation of the King
- Revelation 12:1-6 The Woman with Child
- Revelation 12:7-17 The Dragon's Defeat
- Revelation 13:1-10 The Antichrist Revealed
- Revelation 13:11-15 The False Prophet
- Revelation 13:16-18 The Mark of the Beast
- Revelation 14:1-5 A Glorious Victory Celebration
- Revelation 14:6-11 One Last Chance
- Revelation 14:12-13 It will be Worth it all in Glory
- Revelation 14:14-20 The Lord's Harvest
- Revelation 15:1-8 Preparations for the End
- Revelation 16:1-9 The Beginning of Final Judgment
- Revelation 16:10-21 The Conclusion of Final Judgment
- Revelation 17:1-6 Judgment of the Great Harlot (Part 1)
- Revelation 17:7-18 Judgment of the Great Harlot (Part 2)
- Revelation 18:1-8 Judgment of Sin City
- Revelation 18:9-24 The Collapse of Babylon
- Revelation 19:1-10 A Wedding in the Sky
- Revelation 19:11-21 The Glorious Return of the King
- Revelation 20:1-10 The Millennial Reign
- Revelation 20:11-15 The Great White Throne
- Revelation 21:1-8 The Day When all Things are Made New
- Revelation 21:9-27 Just Wait'll You See My Brand-new Home
- Revelation 22:1-5 The View from the Throne
- Revelation 22:6-21 The Conclusion of Revelation
- The Unveiling Of The Book - Revelation 1:1-3
- A Sneak Preview Of Coming Attractions - Revelation 1:4-8
- The Unveiling Of Revelation - Revelation 1:1-8
- I, John - Revelation 1:9-11; 18
- The Backdrop For The Revelation - Revelation 1:9-20
- When Jesus Brings The Message - Revelation 1:10-11; 2:7
- The Lord Of Glory - Revelation 1:12-18; 20
- The Lord of Glory In His Ministry - Revelation 1:12-19
- Oh, How I Loved Jesus - Revelation 2:1-7
- When The Flame Becomes An Ember - Revelation 2:1-7
- The Cure For The Common Cold - Revelation 2:1-7
- Divine Incentives For Becoming An Overcomer - Revelation 2:1-7
- The Rich Little Poor Church - Revelation 2:8-11
- The Poor Little Rich Church - Revelation 2:8-11
- The Church That Married The World - Revelation 2:12-17
- An Unholy Union - Revelation 2:12-17
- The Church That Compromised With The World - Revelation 2:18-29
- The Church With The Rotten Center - Revelation 2:18-29
- An Autopsy Of A Dead Church - Revelation 3:1-6
- The Church With The Reputation - Revelation 3:1-6
- Doctor, Is It Time To Pull The Plug? - Revelation 3:1-6
- I Know The Doorkeeper - Revelation 3:7-8
- The Church Hell Cannot Handle - Revelation 3:7-13
- The Kind Of Church God Blesses - Revelation 3:7-13
- The Jesus Church - Revelation 3:7-13
- The Church Of The Open Door - Revelation 3:7-13
- The Church That Thought It Had It All- Revelation 3:14-22
- Laodicea: You Make Me Sick - Revelation 3:14-22
- The Laodicean Legacy - Revelation 3:14-22
- Gonna Be Moving - Revelation 4:1
- When Jesus Opens The Door - Revelation 4:1
- I'm In Heaven, Now What? - Revelation 4:1-11
- Inside The Throne Room Of God - Revelation 4:2-11
- The Throne Chapter - Revelation 4:2-11
- Worthy Is The Lamb - Revelation 5:1-7
- There Stands The Lamb - Revelation 5:1-7
- What On Earth Will Be In Heaven? - Revelation 5:1-14
- Sweet Songs In Heavenly Places - Revelation 5:8-14
- Heaven's Concert - Revelation 5:8-14
- Horsemen On The Horizon - Revelation 6:1-8
- Riders On The Horizon - Revelation 6:1-8
- Two Worlds In Prayer - Revelation 6:9-17
- History's Greatest Prayer Meeting - Revelation 6:9-17
- The Mystery Of The 144,000 - Revelation 7:1-8
- The 144,000 - Revelation 7:1-8
- A Multitude No Man Could Number - Revelation 7:9-17
- The Tribulation Saints - Revelation 7:9-17
- When Heaven Falls Silent - Revelation 8:1-13
- When The Trumpets Begin To Sound - Revelation 8:1-13
- When Hell Comes To Your House - Revelation 9:1-12
- When Hell Visits Earth - Revelation 9:1-12
- The Sixth Trumpet - Revelation 9:13-21
- A World At War - Revelation 9:13-21
- The Beginning Of The End - Revelation 10:1-11
- The Lull Before The Final Storm - Revelation 10:1-11
- The Tribulation Temple - Revelation 11:1-2
- Two Witnesses From Another World - Revelation 11:1-14
- The Two Witnesses - Revelation 11:1-14
- Heavenly Rejoicing On The Edge Of Eternity - Revelation 11:15-19
- The Edge Of Eternity - Revelation 11:15-19
- Great Wonders In Heaven - Revelation 12:1-6
- Wonders In Heaven - Revelation 12:1-6
- The Great Dragon Is Cast Out - Revelation 12:7-17
- The Growing Conflict - Revelation 12:7-17
- The Beast From Out Of The Sea - Revelation 13:1-10
- The Beast From The Sea - Revelation 13:1-10
- The Beast From The Earth - Revelation 13:11-15
- The Beast From The Earth - Revelation 13:11-15
- The Mark Of The Beast - Revelation 13:16-18
- Hell's Gate Pass - Revelation 13:16-18
- After The Storms Have Passed - Revelation 14:1-5
- With The Lamb On Mount Zion - Revelation 14:1-5
- What The End Holds For The Sinner - Revelation 14:6-11
- What The End Holds For The Saint - Revelation 14:12-13
- 2 Seconds After Death - Revelation 14:6-13
- When The Judge Calls His Court To Order - Revelation 14:14-20
- The Harvest Of The Endtimes - Revelation 14:14-20
- The Seven Last Plagues - Revelation 15:1 - 16:21
- The Preparation For The Bowl Judgments - Revelation 15:1-8
- Final Judgment Commences - Revelation 16:1-9
- Final Judgment Concludes - Revelation 16:10-21
- The Fall Of Religious Babylon - Revelation 17:1-18
- The Judgment Of The Babylonian Harlot - Revelation 17:1-18
- The Fall Of Commercial Babylon - Revelation 18:1-24
- The Destruction Of Economic Babylon- Revelation 18:1-24
- A Marriage Made In Heaven - Revelation 19:1-10
- Scenes Of Glory In Heaven - Revelation. 19:1-10
- The King Is Coming - Revelation 19:11-21
- VE Day - Revelation 19:11-21
- The King Is Coming - Revelation 19:11-21
- The 1,000 Year Party - Revelation 20:1-10
- 1,000 Years Of Heaven On Earth - Revelation 20:1-10
- The Great White Throne Judgment - Revelation 20:11-15
- The Sinner's Day In God's Courthouse- Revelation 20:11-15
- Nowhere To Hide - Revelation 20:11-15
- You Might Trouble Me Here; But You Can't Follow Me Home - Revelation 21:1-8
- A Bright New World - Revelation 21:1-8
- Some Call It Heaven, But I Call It Home - Revelation 21:5-22:5
- A Wonderful Place Called Heaven - Revelation 21:9-27
- A Glimpse Of Our New Home - Revelation 21:9 - 22:5
- The Conclusion Of The Book - Revelation 22:6-21
- The Conclusion Of The Book - Revelation 22:6-21
- The Invitation Of Conversion - Revelation 22:17
- A Final Word To A Faithful People - Revelation 22:20
- The Invitation Of Completion - Revelation 22:20
With a Summary-Commentary, Discussion Questions, and Daily Application
Comment - I have scanned several sections of this 272 page work and found it to be a lucid, literalistic interpretation. It is well-reasoned and not sensationalistic and therefore is recommended to supplement your study of the great Revelation of Jesus Christ.
Hiebert - A series of expository sermons covering all of Revelation by a noted conservative Baptist minister. Based on careful exegesis of the text, the sermons have a practical appeal. The viewpoint is premillennial and pretribulational.
See also Expository sermons on Revelation
- Revelation 1:9 The State of the Church
- Revelation 1:7 The Coming of the Lord Secretly and Openly
- Revelation 1:4-6 John's Ascription Of Praise
- Revelation 1:9-18 Our Living Lord
- Revelation 1:17-18 Christ and Death
- Revelation 1:4 The Symbolism of Numbers - Pt. 1
- Revelation 1:4 The Symbolism of Numbers - Pt. 2
- Revelation 1:7 Behold He Cometh With Clouds
- Revelation 1:1-3 The Blessedness of the Vision
- Revelation 1:17-18 The Living Glory
- Revelation 1:9-20 The State of the Church
- Revelation 1:1-7 The Coming King
- Revelation 1:4 To The Seven Churches Which Are in Asia
- Revelation 1:1-3 For The Time Is At Hand
- Revelation 1:19 The Seven Mighty Miracles at the End of the World
- Revelation 1:1 The Vision of the Apocalypse
- Revelation 1:20 The Mystery of the Seven Stars
- Revelation 1:7
- Revelation 1:9 In the Isle of Patmos
- Revelation 1:10-18 The Vision Of Our Glorified Lord
- Revelation 1:17-18 The Cross and the Crown
- Revelation 1:19 God's Outline of the Apocalypse
- Revelation 1:7 The Second Coming of Christ
- Revelation 1:18 The Keys Of Hell And Death
- Revelation 1:1 The Apocalypse of Jesus Christ/Vision of the Apocalypse
- Revelation 1-19: The Apocalypse
- Revelation 1-2 The Seven Angels of the Seven Churches
- Revelation 1-3 The Seven Churches of Asia
- Revelation 2:8-11 The Martyr City of Smyrna
- Revelation 2:5 Death of the Seven Churches
- Revelation 2:18-29 The Thyatiran Jezebel
- Revelation 2:2-4 Good And Evil In The Churches
- Revelation 2:1-7 Message to Ephesus: Losing the Light of Love
- Revelation 2:8-11 The Martyred Christians of Smyrna
- Revelation 2:6-15 The Doctrine of the Nicolaitans
- Revelation 2:10 Faithful Unto Death
- Revelation 2:8-11 Hope in Despair
- Revelation 2:9-10 The Call Of Christ To Our Church
- Revelation 2:4-5 Why No Revival
- Revelation 2:12-17 The Church In Pergamos
- Revelation 2:12-17 Living Where Satan's Seat Is
- Revelation 2:3 The Reward of the Faithful
- Revelation 2:1-7 The Artemesian City of Ephesus
- Revelation 2-3: The Symbolic Meaning of the Seven Churches
- Revelation 2-3: Death of the Seven Churches
- Revelation 3:1-6 Immortal Names In Sardis
- Revelation 3:7-8 The State of the Church
- Revelation 3:7-13 The Open Door of Philadelphia
- Revelation 3:8 The Open Door to Life
- Revelation 3:8 The Church of the Open Door
- Revelation 3:14-22 The Laodicean Church
- Revelation 3:18 The True Riches
- Revelation 3:20 Knocking at the Door -1956
- Revelation 3:20 Knocking at the Door -1978
- Revelation 3:20 Christ in the Home
- Revelation 3:20 Christ At The Door
- Revelation 4:1 The Prophecy Is for Our Day
- Revelation 4:3 Our Covenant Keeping God (Part 2)
- Revelation 4:2 Hath God Cast Away His People?
- Revelation 4:1 God's Churches and the Great Tribulation
- Revelation 4:2 The Conversion Of Israel
- Revelation 4:1 A Door Opened in Heaven
- Revelation 4:2 Our Covenant Keeping God (Part 1)
- Revelation 4:3 The Coming King
- Revelation 4:1-11 The Four and Twenty Elders
- Revelation 4:6-11 The Four Living Cherubim
- Revelation 4:2 Hath God Cast Away His People?
- Revelation 4: The Death Struggle of Arab and Jew
- Revelation 5:1-14 The Seven Sealed Book
- Revelation 5:1-7 The Worthiness of the Lamb
- Revelation 5:8-14 The Songs Of Heaven
- Revelation 5:1-14 The Worthiness Of The Lamb
- Revelation 6:12-17 In the Day of His Wrath
- Revelation 6:9-11 The Martyr's Seal
- Revelation 6:7-8 The Terrorists of the Middle East
- Revelation 6:1-8 The Four Horsemen
- Revelation 6:12-17 The Five Great Judgments
- Revelation 6:9-11 Where We Go When We Die
- Revelation 6:1-8 The Terrorists of Islam
- Revelation 6:9-11 The Soul After Death
- Revelation 7:9-17 What It Is To Be Washed in the Blood of the Lamb
- Revelation 7:5-8 The Missing Tribe of Dan
- Revelation 7:9-17 The True Red International (Part 2)
- Revelation 7:9-17 What I Believe About Heaven: The People
- Revelation 7:1-8 The One Hundred Forty-Four Thousand
- Revelation 7:9-17 The Blood-Washed Multitude
- Revelation 7:9-17 The True Red International
- Revelation 7:1-17 Will Anyone Be Saved During the Tribulation?
- Revelation 7:9-17 The True Red International (Part 1)
- Revelation 8:6-13 The Sounding of the Trumpets
- Revelation 9:1-21 The Trumpets of Woe
- Revelation 10:7 What Do the Prophets Say?
- Revelation 10:1-7 The Finished Mystery of God
- Revelation 10:1-11 The Bitter-Sweet Little Book
- Revelation 11:13 The Two Olive Trees and Two Lampstands
- Revelation 11:31 God's Two Witnesses
- Revelation 11:12 Measuring the Temple of God
- Revelation 11:14-19 The Sounding of the Last Trumpet
- Revelation 11:1-8 The Temple of God
- Revelation 11:3-13 Crux Interpretum
- Revelation 12:7-9 War in Heaven
- Revelation 12:7-17 The Expulsion of Satan from Heaven
- Revelation 12:1-9 The Radiant Woman
- Revelation 12:12-16 A Matter of Survival
- Revelation 12:11 The Power of Personal Testimony
- Revelation 12:7-8 Our Friends, the Angels
- Revelation 13:1-10 The Beast from the Raging Sea
- Revelation 13:11-18 The Vile False Prophet
- Revelation 13:11-18 The Counterfeit Church
- Revelation 13:18 Scripture Numerics
- Revelation 14:6-13 The Angel Messengers
- Revelation 14:1-5 The 144,000 on Mt. Zion
- Revelation 14:14-20 The Harvest of the Earth
- Revelation 15:3 The Song of Moses and the Lamb
- Revelation 16:15 The Satanic Trinity
- Revelation 16:13-16 Final Superbowl: Battle of Armageddon
- Revelation 16:13 The Satanic Trinity
- Revelation 16:12-16 Is This The Battle Of Armageddon?
- Revelation 17:1-17 The Reign of the Scarlet Woman
- Revelation 18:3-10 The Judgment of God Upon Babylon
- Revelation 18: The Call To Come Out of Babylon
- Revelation 19:1-10 The Marriage of the Lamb
- Revelation 19:11-21 The Battle of Armageddon
- Revelation 19:7-9 The Christian Home
- Revelation 19:16 The Premillennial Faith
- Revelation 19:11-16 Christ and War
- Revelation 19:16-66 Is War In the Will Of God?
- Revelation 20:1-3 Demonology 05/16/1973
- Revelation 20:1-3 Demonology 05/23/1973
- Revelation 20:11-15 The Last Judgment
- Revelation 20:4-6 The Triumphant Millennium
- Revelation 20:1-10 The Binding of Satan
- Revelation 20:4-6 The First and Second Resurrection
- Revelation 20:11-15 The Great White Throne Judgment
- Revelation 20:14-15 The Fire of Hell
- Revelation 20:1-6 The Beginning and the End of the Golden Millennium
- Revelation 20:14-15 What It Is To Be In Hell
- Revelation 20:15 The Judgments of God
- Revelation 21:4-7 When God Wipes Away Our Tears
- Revelation 21:1-8 The New Heaven and New Earth
- Revelation 21:2 The World Beyond the Skies
- Revelation 21:1-22 Christ and the City of God
- Revelation 21:1 The New Creation
- Revelation 21:1-7 Heaven: There and Here
- Revelation 22:7-20 The Time On God's Clock
- Revelation 22:1-7 What I Believe About Heaven: The Pageantry
- Revelation 22:14 The Right to the Tree of Life
- Revelation 22:17 The Last Invitation
- Revelation 22:18-19 The Words of this Prophecy
- Revelation 22:20 The Last Promise
- Revelation 22:12-16 The Alpha and the Omega
- Revelation 22:17 God's Last Invitation
- Revelation 22:17 The Whosoever Wills 05/07/1978
- Revelation 22:17 The Whosoever Wills 02/04/1979
- Revelation 22:1-7 What I Believe About Heaven: The Pageantry
- Revelation 22:7 The Signs of His Coming
- Revelation 22:18-19 The Words of this Prophecy 11/15/1964
- The links below comprise about 55 pages of well done commentary notes from Dr Morris. Holding the mouse over links to Scripture pops us the verse in the NAS translation. The links of the following words and phrases open up Dr Morris' comments but note that these words and phrases are based on the old KJV translation.
Rosscup comments on Dr Morris' book "The Revelation Record (BORROW)" - A 521–pp. premillennial, pretribulational work by a writer who has specialized in hydrology and geology and desires to help with the many references to natural phenomena. His perspective is full verbal inspiration, and a literal interpretation in the futuristic vein. At times things are rather artificially blocked off: chapters 4–11 cover the first half of the seven-year tribulation period, chapters 12–19 the second half (p. 27). Morris holds that the 24 elders are men, the locust-like beings of chapter 9 are demonic spirits, the two witnesses of chapter 11 are Enoch and Elijah who have waited in heaven in their natural bodies [?] since departing this earth. Babylon in chapters 17–18 is the literal, rebuilt city of Babylon on the Euphrates as a world center of trade, communications, education, etc. (pp. 348–49), the rider on the white horse of 6:2 is Christ who is on the white horse in 19:11, etc. Morris is fairly thorough in taking things literally and gives his reasons, but allows for symbolism, e. g. the woman (12:1), the white horse (6:2; 19:11), the two-edged sword, etc. There is sometimes an indefiniteness (lack of clarity) in who the “overcomer” is, at times sounding like some more faithful among the saved (p. 59) but sometimes every redeemed person (pp. 227, 443). (Commentaries For Biblical Expositors- Dr. Jim Rosscup)
(Ed comment: The overcomers are defined by John in his letter declaring "For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world-- our faith. And who is the one who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?" (1 Jn 5:4-5). In short, overcomers are not some that are "more faithful" but are those who have faith in Jesus!)
- Revelation 1:1 Revelation shortly signified angel John
- Revelation 1:2 record
- Revelation 1:3 Blessed
- Revelation 1:4 seven Asia to come Spirits
- Revelation 1:5 kings of the earth
- Revelation 1:6 kings and priests
- Revelation 1:7 see him pierced him
- Revelation 1:8 see him pierced him
- Revelation 1:9 Patmos
- Revelation 1:10 the Lord’s Day
- Revelation 1:11 book Asia
- Revelation 1:13 in the midst candlesticks down to the foot paps
- Revelation 1:14 white as snow
- Revelation 1:17 as dead first and the last
- Revelation 1:18 alive for evermore keys of hell
- Revelation 1:19 which shall be hereafter
- Revelation 1:20 seven stars
- Revelation 2:1 Ephesus
- Revelation 2:2 works are not
- Revelation 2:5 remove thy candlestick
- Revelation 2:6 Nicolaitans
- Revelation 2:7 unto the churches overcometh tree of life
- Revelation 2:8 Smyrna
- Revelation 2:9 say they are Jews
- Revelation 2:10 ten days
- Revelation 2:12 Pergamos
- Revelation 2:13 Satan’s seat Antipas
- Revelation 2:14 doctrine of Balaam
- Revelation 2:15 doctrine of the Nicolaitans
- Revelation 2:17 hidden manna new name
- Revelation 2:18 Thyatira
- Revelation 2:20 Jezebel
- Revelation 2:22 great tribulation
- Revelation 2:23 reins
- Revelation 2:24 depths of Satan
- Revelation 2:25 till I come
- Revelation 2:27 rod of iron
- Revelation 2:28 morning star
- Revelation 3:1 Sardis name that thou livest
- Revelation 3:3 as a thief
- Revelation 3:5 book of life
- Revelation 3:7 Philadelphia no man openeth
- Revelation 3:8 little strength
- Revelation 3:9 are not worship before thy feet
- Revelation 3:10 hour of temptation
- Revelation 3:11 come quickly
- Revelation 3:14 Laodiceans beginning of the creation
- Revelation 3:16 out of my mouth
- Revelation 3:17 have need of nothing
- Revelation 3:20 at the door come in to him
- Revelation 3:21 in my throne
- Revelation 3:22 unto the churches
- Revelation 4:1 After this trumpet things which must be hereafter
- Revelation 4:2 was set in heaven
- Revelation 4:3 sardine stone rainbow
- Revelation 4:4 four and twenty elders
- Revelation 4:5 seven Spirits of God
- Revelation 4:6 four beasts
- Revelation 4:7 face as a man
- Revelation 4:11 created all things pleasure created
- Revelation 5:1 book
- Revelation 5:2 worthy
- Revelation 5:5 elders
- Revelation 5:6 Lamb
- Revelation 5:7 right hand of him
- Revelation 5:8 prayers of saints
- Revelation 5:9 redeemed nation
- Revelation 5:10 kings and priests on the earth
- Revelation 5:11 number of them
- Revelation 5:13 all that are in them
- Revelation 6:1 one of the seals Come and see
- Revelation 6:2 he that sat on him
- Revelation 6:4 peace from the earth
- Revelation 6:5 balances in his hand
- Revelation 6:6 penny
- Revelation 6:8 pale horse Hell beasts
- Revelation 6:9 under the altar the souls slain for the word of God
- Revelation 6:11 white robes
- Revelation 6:12 as blood
- Revelation 6:13 stars of heaven fell
- Revelation 6:14 departed as a scroll
- Revelation 6:15 kings of the earth hid themselves
- Revelation 6:16 wrath of the Lamb
- Revelation 6:17 day of his wrath
- Revelation 7:1 four corners four winds of the earth
- Revelation 7:3 nor the trees sealed
- Revelation 7:4 hundred and forty and four thousand
- Revelation 7:5 Juda
- Revelation 7:6 Aser Manasses
- Revelation 7:9 no man could number
- Revelation 7:13 elders
- Revelation 7:14 great tribulation
- Revelation 7:15 his temple
- Revelation 7:16 nor any heat
- Revelation 8:1 seventh seal
- Revelation 8:2 seven angels
- Revelation 8:5 censer lightnings
- Revelation 8:6 seven trumpets
- Revelation 8:7 cast upon the earth burnt up
- Revelation 8:8 great mountain
- Revelation 8:9 third part of the ships
- Revelation 8:10 star from heaven
- Revelation 8:11 Wormwood
- Revelation 8:12 the sun was smitten
- Revelation 8:13 heard an angel
- Revelation 9:1 star fall from heaven key bottomless pit
- Revelation 9:2 smoke of a great furnace
- Revelation 9:3 locusts
- Revelation 9:4 seal of God
- Revelation 9:7 like unto horses
- Revelation 9:8 as the teeth of lions
- Revelation 9:10 five months
- Revelation 9:11 Abaddon
- Revelation 9:14 Euphrates
- Revelation 9:15 a year third part of men
- Revelation 9:20 repented not worship devils
- Revelation 9:21 murders sorceries fornication
- Revelation 10:1 mighty angel rainbow
- Revelation 10:2 little book
- Revelation 10:3 seven thunders
- Revelation 10:6 him that liveth created heaven time no longer
- Revelation 10:10 ate it up belly was bitter
- Revelation 10:11 prophesy again
- Revelation 11:1 measure
- Revelation 11:2 forty and two months
- Revelation 11:3 two witnesses thousand two hundred and threescore days
- Revelation 11:4 two olive trees
- Revelation 11:6 days of their prophecy all plagues
- Revelation 11:7 the beast
- Revelation 11:8 Sodom
- Revelation 11:9 three days and a half
- Revelation 11:12 Come up hither
- Revelation 11:15 seventh angel sounded
- Revelation 11:18 destroy the earth.
- Revelation 11:19 ark of his testament
- Revelation 12:1 great wonder in heaven twelve stars
- Revelation 12:2 delivered
- Revelation 12:3 great red dragon ten horns
- Revelation 12:4 to the earth devour her child
- Revelation 12:5 rod of iron caught up
- Revelation 12:6 a thousand two hundred and threescore days
- Revelation 12:7 dragon
- Revelation 12:9 cast out deceiveth the whole world into the earth
- Revelation 12:10 accuser of our brethren
- Revelation 12:11 the blood of the Lamb
- Revelation 12:13 persecuted the woman
- Revelation 12:14 great eagle nourished a time, and times, and half a time
- Revelation 12:15 as a flood
- Revelation 12:16 swallowed up the flood
- Revelation 12:17 remnant of her seed
- Revelation 13:1 the sea beast ten horns
- Revelation 13:2 beast which I saw
- Revelation 13:3 as it were wounded to death
- Revelation 13:4 worshipped the dragon
- Revelation 13:5 forty and two months
- Revelation 13:8 book of life foundation of the world
- Revelation 13:9 let him hear
- Revelation 13:11 another beast like a lamb
- Revelation 13:13 fire come down from heaven
- Revelation 13:14 image to the beast
- Revelation 13:15 give life
- Revelation 13:16 mark
- Revelation 13:17 number of his name
- Revelation 13:18 understanding number of a man
- Revelation 14:1 looked an hundred forty and four thousand
- Revelation 14:4 virgins firstfruits
- Revelation 14:6 everlasting gospel
- Revelation 14:7 loud voice worship him that made heaven
- Revelation 14:8 Babylon fornication
- Revelation 14:11 for ever and ever
- Revelation 14:12 patience of the saints
- Revelation 14:14 Son of man
- Revelation 14:15 out of the temple
- Revelation 14:18 from the altar
- Revelation 14:20 unto the horse bridles
- Revelation 15:1 another sign in heaven seven last plagues.
- Revelation 15:2 gotten the victory
- Revelation 15:3 song of the Lamb King of saints
- Revelation 15:5 after that I looked
- Revelation 15:7 seven golden vials for ever and ever
- Revelation 15:8 glory of God
- Revelation 16:1 the seven angels
- Revelation 16:2 had the mark
- Revelation 16:3 the sea
- Revelation 16:6 blood to drink
- Revelation 16:7 heard another out of the altar say true and righteous are thy judgments
- Revelation 16:8 upon the sun
- Revelation 16:10 seat of the beast
- Revelation 16:11 repented not
- Revelation 16:12 the great river Euphrates kings of the east
- Revelation 16:13 false prophet
- Revelation 16:14 gather them
- Revelation 16:15 come as a thief
- Revelation 16:16 Armageddon
- Revelation 16:17 seventh angel
- Revelation 16:18 so mighty an earthquake
- Revelation 16:19 cities of the nations Babylon
- Revelation 16:20 mountains were not found
- Revelation 16:21 weight of a talent
- Revelation 17:1 great whore
- Revelation 17:3 in the spirit scarlet colored beast
- Revelation 17:6 martyrs of Jesus admiration
- Revelation 17:8 shall ascend
- Revelation 17:9 seven mountains
- Revelation 17:10 not yet come
- Revelation 17:11 the eighth
- Revelation 17:14 Lamb shall overcome them King of kings
- Revelation 17:16 shall hate the whore
- Revelation 18:2 Babylon hateful bird
- Revelation 18:3 fornication with her abundance of her delicacies
- Revelation 18:4 Come out of her
- Revelation 18:7 much torment and sorrow shall see no sorrow
- Revelation 18:10 Alas, alas one hour
- Revelation 18:21 millstone into the sea
- Revelation 18:22 musicians
- Revelation 18:23 light of a candle sorceries
- Revelation 18:24 slain
- Revelation 19:1 Alleluia
- Revelation 19:3 for ever and ever
- Revelation 19:7 marriage of the Lamb made herself ready
- Revelation 19:8 righteousness
- Revelation 19:9 marriage supper
- Revelation 19:10 do it not testimony of Jesus
- Revelation 19:11 he that sat upon him
- Revelation 19:12 he himself
- Revelation 19:13 vesture dipped in blood The Word of God
- Revelation 19:14 armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses
- Revelation 19:15 out of his mouth rule them winepress
- Revelation 19:16 LORD OF LORDS
- Revelation 19:17 fowls that fly
- Revelation 19:20 the beast was taken lake of fire
- Revelation 20:1 angel bottomless pit great chain
- Revelation 20:2 And Satan thousand years
- Revelation 20:3 no more
- Revelation 20:4 given unto them beheaded lived reigned
- Revelation 20:5 lived not again finished
- Revelation 20:6 second death priests of God
- Revelation 20:7 Satan shall be loosed
- Revelation 20:8 Gog and Magog sand of the sea
- Revelation 20:9 camp of the saints
- Revelation 20:10 brimstone are
- Revelation 20:11 fled away
- Revelation 20:12 the dead according to their works
- Revelation 20:13 death and hell
- Revelation 20:14 cast in to the lake of fire second death
- Revelation 20:15 book of life lake of fire
- Revelation 21:1 new earth passed away no more sea
- Revelation 21:2 I John new Jerusalem out of heaven preparedbride
- Revelation 21:3 tabernacle
- Revelation 21:4 all tears any more pain
- Revelation 21:5 all things new true and faithful
- Revelation 21:6 beginning and the end water of life
- Revelation 21:7 He that overcometh
- Revelation 21:8 fearful unbelieving whoremongers sorcerersidolaters liars fire second death
- Revelation 21:12 twelve gates twelve tribes
- Revelation 21:16 twelve thousand furlongs
- Revelation 21:21 twelve pearls street of the city
- Revelation 21:22 temple of it
- Revelation 21:23 no need of the sun
- Revelation 21:24 kings of the earth
- Revelation 21:25 no night there
- Revelation 22:1 pure river
- Revelation 22:2 tree of life twelve manner of fruits every month
- Revelation 22:3 no more curse serve him
- Revelation 22:4 they shall see His face their foreheads
- Revelation 22:7 blessed
- Revelation 22:11 filthy still
- Revelation 22:14 Blessed do his commandments
- Revelation 22:15 dogs
- Revelation 22:16 churches David morning star
- Revelation 22:17 whosoever will
- Revelation 22:18 the words this book
- Revelation 22:19 take away from the words
- Revelation 22:20 come quickly come, Lord Jesus
- Revelation 22:21 grace
A Testimony of Jesus Christ (See Expanded Table of Contents) - Garland has comments on every verse of the Revelation! Most comments have numerous footnotes!
Highly recommended! If you truly desire to understand the great book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, then this study is for you. I would suggest setting aside some time to listen to the audio recordings and read along in the respective commentary sections. I have done this and was amazed at how much I learned (and I have been a serious student of Bible prophecy for over 30 years). You will glean incredible insights into the nation of Israel and the foundational truths in the Old Testament. You will not regret it in time nor eternity!
Although Dr Anthony Garland is not well known like many of the writers of commentaries on the Revelation, without a doubt his work is one of the more complete conservative resources available in any format (and this one is available online free or for purchase in digital format [A Testimony of Jesus Christ - Logos Bible Software] or as a hardbound book [Ref)). An unusual feature of this book is that Garland explores the many connections between the visions seen by the Apostle John and previous prophetic revelation given to Old Testament prophets such as Daniel, Ezekiel, and others. There are also well over 1000 bibliographic references. There are thousands of Scripture cross references and all pop up in context (NASB) for quick review (and "+" sign demarcates a commentary note on that passage). Another interesting aspect of this commentary is that the author often discusses other interpretations of specific passages. For example, see the Revelation 12:1 comments on the identity of the "great sign," the "woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars", where Garland discusses the three main views of her identity as either Israel, the Church or a pagan symbol. The hardbound version of this commentary is 1172 pages (Read the reviews of this book at Amazon) If you are thinking about preaching or teaching through Revelation, this commentary is a "must have!" Another advantage for preaching or teaching is that the commentary is linked to a free companion internet course providing an additional 70 hours of audio instruction (Click on Specific Titles in Left Column entitled "Session" and you will see the audio or see here). Finally, another helpful feature of this commentary is frequent use of tables (see complete list) on a variety of subjects to aid quick comparison such as...
- Who is an Overcomer? with summary of the 7 churches;
- Participation in Births, Deaths, and Resurrections - very interesting chart
- Rapture versus Second Coming (See my Table comparing Rapture vs Second Coming)
- Trouble Ahead
- Jewish Rabbinical Thought
- The Day of the Lord (See my Discussion of Day of the Lord)
- Jacob’s Trouble and the Great Tribulation (See my commentary on Jeremiah 30:7)
- The 70th Week of Daniel (See my commentary on Daniel 9:24-27)
- The Synoptic Gospels
- The Plagues of Egypt and the Tribulation
- Genesis and Revelation as Bookends
- Sequential Events of Seals, Trumpets and Bowls
- Messianic Line from Abraham to Jesus - Has an excellent chart on The Twelve Tribes of Israel
- Who Are the Witnesses in Revelation 11 - Chart Comparison
- Comparison of Two Women - Revelation 12 and Revelation 17
- The Lamb versus The Beast
- City of Man vs. City of God
- Beasts, Heads, and Horns - includes diagram of Seven Heads and Ten Horns of Daniel and Revelation
- Stones of the Tribes of Israel
- Map of Babylon (Plan of Babylon)
- The Harlot versus The City - One or Two Babylons?
- The Beast - The Antichrist
- Contrasts between Christ and Antichrist - excellent chart!
- Contrasts Between the Rapture and the Second Coming - 16 differences!
- Daniel’s Little Horn versus The Beast of Revelation - scroll down
- The Gospels Compared
- Camp of Israel as a Shadow of Heaven (See diagram of camp)
- Steps in a Jewish Wedding - Interesting!
- Roles in the Wedding Party
- Israel Married to Jehovah
- Church Betrothed to Christ
- Israel, the Church, the New Jerusalem
- The Millennium (See Summary Chart)
- Views of the Return of Christ and the Millennium (See Chart on the Chronology of Eschatology)
- The Millennial Voice of the Early Church (Includes fascinating chart with quotes from Barnabas, Hippolytus, Irenaeus, Jerome, Justin Martyr, Lactantius, Papias, Tertullian and Victorinus).
- Millennial Reign of Messiah
- Millennial Reign of the Saints
- Who Populates the Millennial Kingdom?
- The Offering of Isaac points to the Crucifixion of Jesus
- The Temples of God - Chart from Garden of Eden to the New Jerusalem
- The Abiding Presence of God
- The Temple Mount (Pix of Temple Mount)
- Temple Related Websites
- Shared Elements of Earthly and Heavenly Temples - 21 comparisons in chart form - interesting!
- Are the Ten Tribes Lost?
- Revelation 1:1-8; The Second Coming: Since Jesus Christ will return, we are always to be ready for that great event. Video
- Revelation 1:9-20;Leadership Responsibilities: All spiritual leaders in local churches are responsible to prepare people for Christ's return. Video
- Revelation 2:1-7; The Greatest Commands: Spiritual leaders are to teach all believers to love God and one another. Video
- Revelation 2:8-11; Persecution and Suffering: As followers of Jesus Christ, we are to consider persecution as an opportunity to grow spiritually. Video
- Revelation 2:12-17; False Teaching: We must always be on guard against any teaching that contradicts what we are taught in Scripture. Video
- Revelation 2:18-29; Church Discipline: Spiritual leaders are responsible to confront false prophets who lead people astray. Video
- Revelation 3:1-6; The True Gospel: To inherit salvation, we must receive the gift of eternal life through faith and not rely on our works. Video
- Revelation 3:7-13; Our Eternal Salvation: Because of our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, verified by our good works, we should be confident that we have eternal life now and forever. Video
- Revelation 3:14-22;Receiving Christ: To become authentic communities of faith, we must receive the Lord Jesus Christ and allow Him to take control of our hearts and lives. Video
- Revelation 4:1; Interpreting Revelation: To interpret the book of Revelation, we should consider how God's redemptive plan relates to incidents in the first century, events throughout church history, and future prophetic happenings. Video
- Revelation 4:2-5; Supernatural Revelations: We must be very cautious and guarded in listening to people today who claim to have encountered God directly and received specific revelations. Video
- Revelation 4:9-11; True Worship: In view of God's grace and mercy in providing for our salvation, we should respond in grateful worship. Video
- Revelation 5:1-14;Servant and Sovereign: To worship Jesus Christ as we should, we must understand and believe that He is both a humble servant and the sovereign Lord. Video
- Revelation 6:1-8;Scriptural Correlation: When we interpret the symbols in this book, we should consult other prophetic references and descriptions in the whole Bible, including within Revelation. Video
- Revelation 6:9-17; Security in Christ: As believers, we are not to live in fear of these awesome judgments. Video
- Revelation 7:1-17;The Blood of the Lamb: To inherit eternal life, we must have our sins washed away by the blood of Jesus Christ. Video
- Revelation 8:1-6; God's Mercy: We are to rejoice and be thankful that God will continue to offer His gift of salvation to lost people until the final judgment at the great white throne. Video
- Revelation 8:7-13;Hardened Hearts: We are to warn unbelievers to respond to the message of salvation immediately and not to harden their hearts. Video
- Revelation 9:1-12; Using Evil for Good: Regardless of Satan's activities in the world, we are to be assured that God can even use evil to accomplish His will. Video
- Revelation 9:13-21; The Armor of God: As believers living today, we must use God's armor to defeat Satan and his evil associates when they attack us in various ways. Video
- Revelation 10:1-11; Compassionate Hearts: Though as believers we are to long for Christ's appearing, we are never to lose our compassion for those who will face eternal judgment. Video
- Revelation 11:1-14; Prophetic Warnings: Believers should more and more acknowledge God's divine nature and worship the Almighty. Video
- Revelation 11:15-19; Our Almighty God: Though as believers we will eventually be like Christ and live in God's eternal kingdom, we should more and more reflect our Almighty God's holy nature in the here and now. Video
- Revelation 12:1-18; Satan's Strategy: As the time for Christ's return draws near, we should expect Satan to intensify his efforts to disrupt God's redemptive plan. Video
- Revelation 13:1-18; The Great Commission: Though we are to be aware of events that may signal Christ's second coming, we are to focus on the task Jesus gave us when He ascended to heaven. Video
- Revelation 14:1-5; Models of Faithfulness: We should consider the 144,000 as models of what it means to be dedicated disciples of Jesus Christ in the midst of an evil world. Video
- Revelation 14:6-13;Eternal Life or Death: In presenting the eternal gospel, we must make it clear that all human beings are given a choice that leads to everlasting life or never-ending separation from God. Video
- Revelation 15:5-16:21; God's Patience: We must understand that the seals, trumpets, and bowls are a series of intense warnings giving people an opportunity to repent before they face God's final judgment. Video
- Revelation 17:1-18:24; Signs of the Times: Though we are to be cautious in making specific predictions about the second coming of Jesus Christ, we are to be alert to certain signs that may signal His imminent return. Video
- Revelation 19:1-10; The Marriage of the Lamb: As the bride of Christ--the Church--we are more and more to live godly lives so as to be ready to be united to our heavenly bridegroom. Video
- Revelation 19:11-21; Imminent or Distant: Whatever our view of Christ's return to rule and reign, we are to expect that He could remove believers from the earth at any moment. Video
- Revelation 20:1-6; Christ Our King: Regardless of our view of the 1,000-year reign of Christ, as believers today we are to allow Jesus Christ to reign in our hearts as we carry out the Great Commission. Video
- Revelation 20:7-10;The Wages of Sin: We must never minimize the impact of original sin when Adam and Eve disobeyed God. Video
- Revelation 20:11-15; Eternal Judgment: As those who believe the Bible is the Word of God, we must never teach a doctrine of universalism--that all people will eventually go to heaven. Video
- Revelation 21:1-8; The Process of Renewal: Though a time will come when God will make everything new, as believers we are already new creations in Christ and we are to become more and more like Him as we prepare to live in our eternal home. Video
- Revelation 21:9-22:5;Eternal Fellowship: Though the new Jerusalem will be a magnificent place to spend eternity, we must remember that our focus will be on God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Video
- Revelation 22:8-9; Godly Worship: Since worshiping God and the Son is one of the most prominent features of the book of Revelation, we should evaluate the quality of our personal and corporate worship. Video
- Revelation 22:16-21;God's Message Today: As we read the book of Revelation, we must carefully consider what Jesus Christ is still saying to churches today--and especially to those who are primary shepherds of God's people. Video
BORROW his book - You Can Understand the Book of Revelation - Skip Heitzig
All of the following have audio, but only some have video and a Spanish translation
- Revelation 1 What's Next? / Outline / Detailed Notes / Study Guide Transcript
- Revelation 1:19-20; Revelation 4:1-11 Come Up Here / Outline / Detailed Notes / Study Guide Transcript
- Revelation 6:1-8 Stampede / Outline / Detailed Notes / Study Guide Transcript
- Revelation 7 The World's Greatest Revival / Outline / Detailed Notes / Study Guide Transcript
- Revelation 12:1-6 Cosmic Conflict / Outline / Detailed Notes / Study Guide Transcript
- Revelation 12:7-17 Satan's Global Conflict / Outline / Detailed Notes / Study Guide Transcript
- Revelation 13:1-10 The Most Interesting Man in the World / Outline / Detailed Notes / Study Guide Transcript
- Revelation 13:11-18 The Coming Deception / Outline / Detailed Notes / Study Guide Transcript
- Revelation 19:11-21 The Return / Outline / Detailed Notes / Study Guide Transcript
- Revelation 20:1-6 Heaven on Earth / Outline / Detailed Notes / Study Guide Transcript
- Revelation 20:4-7; Revelation 20:11-15 What's Next...for Everyone! / Outline / Detailed Notes / Study Guide Transcript
- Revelation 21-22 Surprising Facts about Your Eternal Home / Outline / Detailed Notes / Study Guide Transcript
- Revelation 1:1-8 Good News from a Bad Place / Transcript
- Revelation 1:9-20 Catapulted into the Future / Transcript
- Revelation 2:1-7 When Love Grows Cold / Transcript
- Revelation 2:8-11 Postcard to Those in Pain / Transcript
- Revelation 2:12-17 The Curse of Compromise / Transcript
- Revelation 2:18-29 Corruption without Discernment / Transcript
- Revelation 3:1-6 Church of the Living Dead / Transcript
- Revelation 3:7-13 Body Building - God's Way / Outline / Transcript
- Revelation 3:14-22 Taking Your Spiritual Temperature / Outline / Transcript
- Revelation 4 Peeking into the Portals of Heaven / Transcript
- Revelation 5:1-7 History's Greatest Real Estate Deal / Transcript
- Revelation 5:8-10 Worship His Majesty - Part 1 / Outline / Transcript
- Revelation 5:11-14 Worship His Majesty - Part 2 / Transcript
- Revelation 6:1-8 Four Riders with Bad News / Transcript
- Revelation 6:9-17 The Cries of Heaven and Earth / Transcript
- Revelation 7 A Blessed Interruption in a Tough Time / Transcript
- Revelation 8 Trumpets of Doom / Transcript
Floyd Hitchcock = Returned Missionary from Japan and Korea, Radio Pastor, KWTO, Springfield, Mo., Editor of The Gospel Messenger, Pastor of Radio Gospel Center. The Flying Preacher: Pilot of “The Good Ship Emmanuel”
- 01. Revelation 1:1-3
- 02. Revelation 1:4
- 03. Revelation 1:5-8
- 04. Revelation 1:9-17
- 05. Revelation 1:18
- 06. Revelation 1:19-20
- 07. Revelation 2:1-5
- 08. Revelation 2:6
- 09. Revelation 2:7-11
- 10. Revelation 2:12-17
- 11. Revelation 2:18-29
- 12. Revelation 3:1-6
- 13. Revelation 3:7-13
- 14. Revelation 3:14-22
- 15. Revelation 4:1-5
- 16. Revelation 4:6-11
- 17. Revelation 5:1-10
- 18. Revelation 5:5-7
- 19. Revelation 6:1-2
- 20. Revelation 6:3-8
- 21. Revelation 6:9-11
- 22. Revelation 6:12-17
- 23. Revelation 7:1-8
- 24. Revelation 7:9-17
- 25. Revelation 8:1-6
- 26. Revelation 8:7-11
- 27. Revelation 8:13; 9:1-12
- 28. Revelation 9:13-21
- 29. Revelation 10:1-7
- 30. Revelation 10:8-11
- 31. Revelation 11:1-2
- 32. Revelation 11:1-2, con't
- 33. Revelation 11:3-6
- 34. Revelation 11:7-14
- 35. Revelation 11:15-19
- 36. Revelation 12:1-6
- 37. Revelation 12:7-12
- 38. Revelation 12:13-17
- 39. Revelation 13:1-10
- 40. Revelation 13:1-10, con't
- 41. Revelation 13:1-10, con't
- 42. Revelation 13:1-10, con't
- 43. Revelation 13:11-18
- 44. Revelation 14:1-7
- 45. Revelation 14:8-20
- 46. Revelation 15:1-8
- 47. Revelation 16:1-12
- 48. Revelation 16:13-16
- 49. Revelation 16:17-21
- 50. Revelation 17:1-7
- 51. Revelation 17:8-11
- 52. Revelation 17:12-17
- 53. Revelation 17:18; 18:1-8
- 54. Revelation 18:9; 19:1-9
- 55. Revelation 19:9-10
- 56. Revelation 19:11-21
- 57. Revelation 20:1-3
- 58. Revelation 20:4-6
- 59. Revelation 20:4-6, con't
- 60. Revelation 20:7-10
- 61. Revelation 20:7-10, con't
- 62. Revelation 20:11-15
- 63. Revelation 21:1
- 64. Revelation 21:2-8
- 65. Revelation 21:9-27
- 66. Revelation 22:1-5
- 67. Revelation 22:6-12
- 68. Revelation 22:13-21
- Introduction
- Revelation 1
- Revelation 2
- Revelation 3
- Revelation 4
- Revelation 5
- Revelation 6
- Revelation 7
- Revelation 8
- Revelation 9
- Revelation 10
- Revelation 11
- Revelation 12
- Revelation 13
- Revelation 14
- Revelation 15
- Revelation 16
- Revelation 17
- Revelation 18
- Revelation 19
- Revelation 20
- Revelation 21
- Revelation 22
- Introduction
- Revelation 1
- Revelation 2
- Revelation 3
- Revelation 4
- Revelation 5
- Revelation 6
- Revelation 7
- Revelation 8
- Revelation 9
- Revelation 10
- Revelation 11
- Revelation 12
- Revelation 13
- Revelation 14
- Revelation 15
- Revelation 16
- Revelation 17
- Revelation 18
- Revelation 19
- Revelation 20
- Revelation 21
- Revelation 22
Literal. Futuristic.
- Foundations for the Study of Prophecy (Revelation)
- The Introduction Proper (Revelation)
- 1. The Prologue (Rev 1:1-8)
- 2. The Things Past (Rev 1:9-20)
- 3. The Message to Ephesus (Rev 2:1-7)
- 4. The Message to Smyrna (Rev 2:8-11)
- 5. The Message to Pergamum (Rev 2:12-17)
- 6. The Message to Thyatira (Rev 2:18-29)
- 7. The Message to Sardis (Rev 3:1-6)
- 8. The Message to Philadelphia (Rev 3:7-13)
- 9. The Message to Laodicea (Rev 3:14-22)
- 10. Introduction to the Things Predictive (Rev 4:1-22:21)
- 11. The Seven Sealed Book and the Lion Who was Also a Lamb (Rev 5:1-14)
- 12. The Six Seals (6:1-17)
- 13. The Redeemed of the Tribulation (Rev 7:1-17)
- 14. The First Four Trumpet Judgments (Rev 8:1-13)
- 15. The Fifth and Sixth Trumpets, and First Two Woes (Rev 9:1-20)
- 16. The Angel and the Little Book (Rev 10:1-11)
- 17. The Temple, the Two Witnesses, and the Seventh Trumpet (Rev 11:1-19)
- 18. The Angelic Conflict (Rev 12:1-17)
- 19. The Beast and the False Prophet (Rev 13:1-18)
- 20. Special Announcements (Rev 14:1-20)
- 21. Prelude to the Seven Last Plagues (Rev 15:1-8)
- 22. The Bowl Judgments (Rev 16:1-21)
- 23. Babylon as Seen in Scripture: An Introduction to Rev 17-18
- 24. The Judgment of Religious Babylon (Rev 17:1-18)
- 25. Destruction of Commercial Babylon (Rev 18:1-24)
- 26. The Second Coming of Christ (Rev 19:1-21)
- 27. The Reign of Christ and the Great White Throne (Rev 20:1-15)
- 28. The Eternal State (Rev 21:1-22:5)
- 29. The Epilogue (Rev 22:6-21)
- Revelation - Appendix 1: Support for Imminency
- Revelation - Appendix 2: The Nature of the Divine Blessings of Grace and Peace
- Revelation - Appendix 3: Who Are the Overcomers?
- Revelation - Appendix 4: Seven Subtle Snares of Worldliness
- Revelation - Appendix 5: The Doctrine of the Tribulation
- Revelation - Appendix 6: The Book of Life
- Revelation - Appendix 7: Glossary of Prophetical Terms
from 10,000 Illustrations on Bible.org - Click Illustrations
- Revelation 1:1,2,3 - The Revelation of Jesus Christ
- Revelation 1:4,5,6,7,8 - The Authentic Emperor
- Revelation 1:9-20 - Christ Amid the Candlesticks
- Revelation 2:1,2,3,4,5,6,7 - The Complaint of the Risen Christ
- Revelation 2:8,9,10,11 - Consolation for Tribulation
- Revelation 2:12-17 - Worldly Compromise at Satan's Throne
- Revelation 2:18-29 - That Woman Jezebel
- Revelation 3:1,2,3,4,5,6 - Sardis, the Model of Past Glory
- Revelation 3:7-13 - Kept from the Hour of Trial - I
- Revelation 3:7-13 - Kept from the Hour of Trial - II
- Revelation 3:14-22 - The Curse of the Happy Medium
- Revelation 4:1-11 - The Throne of the Lord God Almighty
- Revelation 5:1-14 - The Christology of Heaven - I
- Revelation 5:1-14 - The Christology of Heaven - II
- Revelation 6:1-17 - A Panorama of Coming Cosmic Judgment
- Revelation 7:1-17 - An Interlude of Encouragement
- Revelation 8:1-13 - The Saints Pray, the Judgments Fall and the World Trembles
- Revelation 9:1-21 - Infernal Locusts and Supernatural Cavalry
- Revelation 10:1-11 - The Little Book
- Revelation 11:1-14 - The Two Witnesses
- Revelation 11:15-19; Ps 2:1f - The Seventh Trumpet
- Revelation 12:1 2 3 4 5 - A Cameo of the Conflict of the Ages
- Revelation 12:6-12 - War in Heaven
- Revelation 12:13-17 - War on Earth
- Revelation 13:1-18; Da7:1ff - I - Daniel and the Beasts
- Revelation 13:1-18; Da7:1ff - II - Daniel and the Beasts
- Revelation 13:1-13 - I - The Beast from the Sea
- Revelation 13:4-10 - II - The Beast from the Sea
- Revelation 13:11-18 - The Beast from the Earth
- Revelation 14:1-5The Lamb and the Redeemed on Mount Zion
- Revelation 14:6-12 - Eternal Gospel and Everlasting Punishment
- Revelation 14:13-20 - Judgment, The Unwelcome Truth
- Revelation 15:1-8 - The Songs of Moses and The Lamb
- Revelation 16:1-21 - The Seven Bowls of God's Wrath
- Revelation 17:1-6; Gen. 11Babylon and the Origin of Babylonianism
- Revelation 17:6;Zec 5:5-11 - Babylonianism - Past, Present and Future
- Revelation 17:1-6,15-18 - Babylon and the Great Harlot
- Revelation 17:7-18 - Babylon and the Beast
- Revelation 18:1-24 - A Rebuilt Babylon
- Revelation 19:1-10 - The Harlot Judged and the Lamb United With His Bride
- Revelation 19:11-18 - The Second Advent of the Messiah
- Revelation 19:17-Re 20:1-3 - The Great Supper and the Binding of Satan
- Revelation 20:4-6 - The Millennial Kingdom of Christ
- Revelation 20:7-10 - The Final Rebellion
- Revelation 20:11,12,13,14,15 - The Final Judgment
- Revelation 21:1-8 - A New Heaven and a New Earth
- Revelation 21:9-Re 22:5 - The Metropolis of the New Earth
- Revelation 22:6-21 - His Coming and Our Coming
D Edmond Hiebert - Expository lectures by a noted Plymouth Brethren scholar of the past century. The author uses Scripture to try to explain the symbols of the book. The viewpoint is premillennial and pretribulational.
- Revelation 1 Commentary
- Revelation 2 Commentary
- Revelation 3 Commentary
- Revelation 4 Commentary
- Revelation 5 Commentary
- Revelation 6 Commentary
- Revelation 7 Commentary
- Revelation 8 Commentary
- Revelation 9 Commentary
- Revelation 10 Commentary
- Revelation 11 Commentary
- Revelation 12 Commentary
- Revelation 13 Commentary
- Revelation 14 Commentary
- Revelation 15 Commentary
- Revelation 16 Commentary
- Revelation 17 Commentary
- Revelation 18 Commentary
- Revelation 19 Commentary
- Revelation 20 Commentary
- Revelation 21 Commentary
- Revelation 22 Commentary
A Study of the Last Prophetic Book of Holy Scripture
Comments: Generally takes a literal, conservative approach but you must be a Berean (Acts 17:11-note) when you read his comments. E.g., in Rev 14:6,7 Larkin describes the "Eternal Gospel" preached by the angel as not related to salvation but judgment, a teaching with which I strongly disagree, as does John MacArthur (note) and Tony Garland (note). The Gospel is the Gospel! He has some charts which are nice but must be viewed with the same Berean mindset!
Revelation - Table of Contents (Alternative source - 189 page book on one Pdf page - includes charts) (Alternative Source allows cut and paste)
- Revelation - List of Charts
- Revelation - List of Woodcuts
- Foreword
- Overview chart
- Revelation 1
- Revelation 2
- Revelation 3
- Revelation 4
- Revelation 5
- Revelation 6
- Revelation 7
- Revelation 8
- Revelation 9
- Revelation 10
- Revelation 11
- Revelation 12
- Revelation 13
- Revelation 14
- Revelation 15
- Revelation 16
- Revelation 17
- Revelation 18
- Revelation 19
- Revelation 20
- Revelation 21
- Revelation 22
See his 222 page Pdf
Revelation Sermons
- Pre, Post Or A-Millennial: Does It Matter?
- Rapture: Fact Or Fairytale?
- Tribulation: Now Or Never?
- Israel: Finished With Or With A Future?
- Satan: Figment Of Imagination Or Emerging Foe?
- Heaven: Pie In The Sky Or Certain Promise?
Revelation Sermon Series
- Revelation 1:1-3: Introduction To Revelation
- Revelation 1:1-8: The Greeting To The Seven Churches
- Revelation 1:9-20: The Vision Of The Glorified Lord
- Revelation 2:1-7: Ephesus, The Loveless Church
- Revelation 2:8-11: Smyrna, The Persecuted Church
- Revelation 2:12-17: Pergamos, The Compromising Church
- Revelation 2:17-29: Thyatira, The Corrupt Church
- Revelation 3:1-6: Sardis, The Dead Church
- Revelation 3:7-13: Philadelphia, The Faithful Church
- Revelation 3:14-22: Laodicea, The Lukewarm Church
- Revelation 4: The Throne Of God
- Revelation 5: The Lamb And The Scroll
- Revelation 6: Death
- Revelation 6:9-11: How Are The Dead Now?
- Revelation 6-8:5: The Seven Seals
- Revelation 8:6-11:19: The Seven Trumpets
- Revelation 12-13: The Seven Key Characters
- Revelation 14-16: The Seven Bowl Judgments
- Revelation 17-18: The Seven Dooms On Babylon
- Revelation 19: The Return Of Jesus Christ
- Revelation 20: The Millennial Reign Of Christ
- Revelation 20: The Great White Throne Judgement
- Revelation 20: Pre, Post Or A Millennial - Does It Matter?
- Revelation 20: Satan - Figment Of Imagination Or Emerging Foe?
- Revelation 21-22: The Seven New Things
- Revelation 21:1-5: Is Heaven A Physical Place?
- Revelation 21-22: Heaven And How To Get There
- Revelation 21-22: Heaven - Pie In The Sky Or Certain Promise?
- Very Well Done Expositions. Recommended. Literal
Rosscup on MacArthur's published 2 volume commentary on Revelation - Here 677 pp. explain and apply the Revelation in a dispensational way. After a 10-pp. introduction contending for the Apostle John as author ca. A. D. 95, material that was originally in sermons expounds each verse. The “angels” (messengers) in Rev 2:1 are seen as human leaders, overcomers are all the saved, believers’ names will not be erased from the heavenly roll as citizens’ names are blotted from an earthly city record, the 24 elders are the whole raptured church (dispensationalists and non-dispensationalists differ on this), judgments in Rev 6–19 are literal, the 144,000 are physical but saved Israelites with their very tribes listed, the locust-like creatures are vile demons that take on a visible form resembling locusts, the woman in Rev 12 is Israel which brought forth the child, Christ, etc. MacArthur makes points of truth applicable in various parts of the Revelation to guide believers to live godly lives. (Commentaries For Biblical Expositors- Dr. Jim Rosscup)
- A Jet Tour Through Revelation
- Revelation 1 Christ’s Commitment to His Church
- Revelation 1:1 Back to the Future, Part 1
- Revelation 1:1-6 Back to the Future, Part 2
- Revelation 1:4-17 Christ’s Role in the Church Today
- Revelation 1:7-8 The Certainty of the Second Coming
- Revelation 1:9-17 The Vision of the Glorified Son, Part 1
- Revelation 1:10-20 Christ at Work In His Church
- Revelation 1:17-19 The Vision of the Glorified Son, Part 2
- Revelation 2-3 Satan's Plans For The Church
- Revelation 2-3 The Danger Facing the Church
- Revelation 2-3 The Death of the Loveless Church
- Revelation 2-3 The Ministry of Christ to His Church
- Revelation 2:1‑7 Ephesus: When Love Grows Cold
- Revelation 2:1-7 Rekindling Your Love for Christ
- Revelation 2:8-11 Smyrna: The Suffering Church
- Revelation 2:12-17 Pergamos: The Church at Satan's Throne
- Revelation 2:18-20 Thyatira: The Church That Tolerates Sin, Part 1
- Revelation 2:18-29 Thyatira: The Church That Tolerates Sin, Pt. 2
- Sardis: The Dead Church (66-11) (Revelation 3:1-6)
- Revelation 3:7-11 Divine Blessing for a Faithful Church, Part 1
- Revelation 3:7 Philadelphia: The Faithful Church, Part 1
- Revelation 3:7-13 Philadelphia: The Faithful Church, Part 2
- Revelation 3:14-18 Laodicea: The Lukewarm Church, Part 1
- Revelation 3:19-22 Laodicea: The Lukewarm Church, Pt. 2
- Revelation 4:1-3 A Trip to Heaven, Pt 1
- Revelation 4:4-6 A Trip to Heaven, Pt 2
- Revelation 4:6b-11 A Trip to Heaven, Pt. 3
- Revelation 4:8-11 A Trip to Heaven, Pt 4
- Revelation 5 Worshiping the Worthy Lamb
- Revelation 5:1-4 A Vision of the Lamb, Part 1
- Revelation 5:5-8 A Vision of the Lamb, Part 2
- Revelation 5:8-14 A Vision of the Lamb, Part 3
- Revelation 6:1-2 The Coming of World Peace
- Revelation 6:3-8 The Beginning of the End
- Revelation 6:9-11 God's Great Day of Wrath
- Revelation 6:12-14 Fear of the Wrath to Come, Pt. 1
- Revelation 6:15-17 Fear of the Wrath to Come, Pt. 2
- Revelation 7:1-8 Survivors of the Wrath of God
- Revelation 7:9-12 Tribulation Saints, Part 1
- Revelation 7:13-17 Tribulation Saints, Pt. 2
- Revelation 8:1-5 The Seventh Seal
- Revelation 8:6-13 Divine Destruction of Earth's Ecology
- Revelation 9:1-12 Hell On Earth
- Revelation 9:13-21 Satanic Slaughter
- Revelation 10:1-11 When God Breaks His Silence
- Revelation 11:1-2 Two Witnesses, Pt 1
- Revelation 11:3-6 Two Witnesses, Pt 2
- Revelation 11:7-14 Two Witnesses, Pt 3
- Revelation 11:14-17 The Seventh Trumpet, Pt 1
- Revelation 11:14-19 The Seventh Trumpet, Pt. 2
- Revelation 12:1-5 The Birth of Christ in Cosmic Perspective
- Revelation 12:1-6 The War of the Ages, Part 1
- Revelation 12:7-12 The War of the Ages, Pt 2
- Revelation 12:13-17 The War of the Ages, Pt 3
- Revelation 13:1 The Beast Out of the Sea, Part 1
- Revelation 13:1-4 The Beast Out of the Sea, Part 2
- Revelation 13:1-10 The Coming World Ruler
- Revelation 13:5-10 The Beast Out of the Sea, Part 3
- Revelation 13:11-14 The Final False Prophet, Part 1
- Revelation 13:15-18 The Final False Prophet, Part 2
- Revelation 14:1 Triumphant Saints, Part 1
- Revelation 14:2-5 Triumphant Saints, Part 2
- Revelation 14:6-11 Angelic Messengers
- Revelation 14:12-13 Blessed Are the Dead
- Revelation 14:14-20 The Final Reaping of the Earth
- Revelation 15:1-2 The Final Wrath of God, Part 1
- Revelation 15:3-8 The Final Wrath of God, Pt. 2
- Revelation 16:1-11 The Seven Bowl Judgments, Pt. 1
- Revelation 16:12-16 The Seven Bowl Judgments, Pt. 2
- Revelation 16:17-21 The Seven Bowl Judgments, Pt. 3
- Revelation 17:1-6 The Destruction of the Final World Religion, Pt. 1
- Revelation 17:1-6 The Destruction of the Final World Religion, Pt. 2
- Revelation 17:7-8 The Destruction of the Final World Religion, Pt. 3
- Revelation 17:9-18 The Destruction of the Final World Religion, Pt. 4
- Revelation 18:1-2 Babylon Is Fallen, Pt. 1
- Revelation 18:1-5 The Final Economic Collapse, Part 1
- Revelation 18:1-5 The Final Economic Collapse, Part 2
- Revelation 18:3-8 Babylon Is Fallen, Pt. 2
- Revelation 18:9-24 Babylon Is Fallen, Pt. 3
- Revelation 19:1-6 Heavenly Hallelujahs, Pt. 1
- Revelation 19:7-10 Heavenly Hallelujahs, Pt. 2
- Revelation 19:7-10 Heavenly Hallelujahs, Pt. 3
- Revelation 19:11-20:15 The Coming Earthly Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ
- Revelation 19:11-16 The Glorious Return of Jesus Christ, Pt. 1
- Revelation 19:11-16 The Glorious Return of Jesus Christ, Pt. 2
- Revelation 19:17-21 The Glorious Return of Jesus Christ, Pt. 3
- Revelation 20 The Coming Earthly Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ, Pt. 1
- Revelation 20:1-5 The Coming Earthly Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ, Pt. 2
- Revelation 20:6-8 The Coming Earthly Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ, Pt. 3
- Revelation 20:8-10 The Coming Earthly Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ, Pt. 4
- Revelation 20:11-12 Man's Last Day in God's Court, Pt. 1
- Revelation 20:12-13 Man's Last Day in God's Court, Pt. 2
- Revelation 20:14-15 Man's Last Day in God's Court, Pt. 3
- Revelation 21:1-3 The New Heaven and the New Earth, Pt. 1
- Revelation 21:3 The New Heaven and the New Earth, Pt. 2
- Revelation 21:4-8 The New Heaven and the New Earth, Pt. 3
- Revelation 21:9-21 The Capital City of Heaven, Pt. 1
- Revelation 21:22-22:5 The Capital City of Heaven, Pt. 2
- Revelation 22:6-12 Jesus Is Coming
- Revelation 22:13-17 God's Last Invitation, Pt. 1
- Revelation 22:18-21 God's Last Invitation, Pt. 2
- Introduction
- Revelation 1
- Revelation 2
- Revelation 3
- Revelation 4
- Revelation 5
- Revelation 6
- Revelation 7
- Revelation 8
- Revelation 9
- Revelation 10
- Revelation 11
- Revelation 12
- Revelation 13
- Revelation 14
- Revelation 15
- Revelation 16
- Revelation 17
- Revelation 18
- Revelation 19
- Revelation 20
- Revelation 21
- Revelation 22
- 1. The God of Revelation (Rev. 1:1-8)
- 2. The Christ of Revelation (Rev. 1)
- 3. The Recipients of Revelation (Rev. 1)
- 4. Restoring Revelation (Rev. 2:1-30)
- 5. Smyrna: Surviving Persecution (Rev. 2:8-11)
- 6. Confronting Compromise (Rev. 2:12-17)
- 7. Thyatira: Seduced By Syncretism (Rev. 2:18-29)
- 8. Sound Asleep (Rev. 3:1-6)
- 9. An Open Door (Rev. 3:7-13)
- 10. Lukewarm (Rev. 3:14-22)
- 11. Rapture Or Return (Rev. 4:1)
- 12. A Visit To God's Throne Room (Rev. 4:1-8)
- 13. Heavenly Worship (Rev. 4-5)
- 14. Worship In Truth (Rev. 4:5)
- 15. Worthy Is The Lamb (Rev. 5:1-14)
- 16. Birthpangs: The 6 Seals (Rev. 6:1-17)
- 17. The 144,000 - God's Squad (Rev. 7:1-8)
- 18. The Innumerable Company of Redeemed (Rev. 7:9-17)
- 19. The Power of Prayer (Rev. 8:1-13)
- 20. 1st Woe: Demonic Locusts (Rev. 9:1-12)
- 21. 2nd Woe: War And Worship (Rev. 9:13-21)
- 22. The Big Angel And The Little Book (Rev. 10:1-11)
- 23. The Conversion of Israel (Rev. 11:1-13)
- 24. Wrath Meets Wrath (Rev. 11:14-19)
- 25. The War Behind The Worlds (Rev. 12:1-17)
- 26. Antichrist: Then And Now (Rev. 13:1-10)
- 27. The False Prophet And 666 (Rev. 13:11-18)
- 28. The Perseverance of The Saints (Rev. 14:1-13)
- 29. The Grapes of Wrath (Rev. 14:5-8)
- 30. Armageddon (Rev. 16)
- 31. Beauty And The Beast (Rev. 17:1-18)
- 32. The Markets Last Crash (Rev. 18)
- 33. The King Comes (Rev. 19)
- 34. Paradise Restored (Rev. 20.1-10)
- 35. God's Great White Throne (Rev. 20:11-15)
- 36. The Joy of Heaven (Rev. 21:1-8)
- 37. Life In Heaven (Rev. 21:9-22:5)
- 38. The Time Is Near (Rev. 22:6-16)
- 39. Jesus' Last Words (Rev. 22:17-21)
Revelation: An Alliterated Exposition of the Last Book of the Bible (356 pages)
1. Seeing Christ More Clearly
2. There is None Like Him
3. Ephesus – A Drifting Church
4. Smyrna – A Delightful Church
5. Pergamos – A Divided Church
6. Thyatira – A Depraved Church
7. Sardis – A Dead Church
8. Philadelphia – Another Delightful Church
9. Laodicea – A Disgraceful Church
10. A Throne of Mercy Becomes A Throne of Judgment
11. Who Is Worthy To Open The Book?
12. A New Song in Heaven
13. The Opening Of The Seals: Part One
14. The Opening Of The Seals: Part Two
15. The Saved Of The Tribulation Period
16. Trumpet Judgments: Part One
17. Trumpet Judgments: Part Two
18. The Mighty Angel And The Magnificent Scroll
19. The Two Witnesses
20. The Blowing Of The Seventh Trumpet
21. Conflict Involving Satan
22. The Beast
23. The Second Beast
24. The Lord God Triumphant: Part One
25. The Lord God Triumphant: Part Two
26. The Last Judgments Introduced
27. The Pouring Out Of The Seven Vials
28. The Harlot of Revelation 17
29. Commercial Babylon Under Fire
30. The Supper Of The Great God And The Marriage Of The Lamb
31. The Peril And The Punishment Of The Last Days
32. All About Heaven
33. The Last Chapter
- Revelation - Theology of Revelation
- Mark of the Beast
- Second Coming of Christ
- Apocalyptic Genre
- Abyss
Rosscup - He is good on the seven churches from the standpoint of philology (the study of literature and of disciplines relevant to literature or to language as used in literature) and explaining historical customs which illumine many statements found here. A major weakness is that he does not document his sources so that it becomes difficult to check up on him. (Commentaries For Biblical Expositors- Dr. Jim Rosscup)
D Edmond Hiebert - Prints author's own translation. Volume 1, covering the first five chapters, deals extensively with the seven letters. The author's strong points are his handling of historical data and his Greek word studies.
Not recommended as a primary resource on Revelation 4-19.
DAVID BARON (Bio) (Hebrew Christian)
The Jewish Problem: It's Solution or Israel's Present and Future Glory - David Baron - chapters include: II. The Time of Israel's Trouble and III. Israel's Conversion
WILLIAM BARRICK - the power points on the 7 churches are lengthy and have many pictures
- Revelation Studies in Outline Form - includes text, powerpoint, audio
- Introduction (PPT, Audio) (PPT = "Power Point" Presentations)
- Revelation 1 (PPT, Audio pt 1, Part 2)
- Rev 2:1-7 – The church at Ephesus (PPT, Audio)
- Rev 2:8-11 – The church at Smyrna (PPT, Audio)
- Rev 2:12-17 – The church at Pergamum (PPT, Audio)
- Rev 2:18-29 – The church at Thyatira (PPT, Audio)
- Rev 3:1-6 – The church at Sardis (PPT, Audio)
- Rev 3:7-13 – The church at Philadephia (PPT, Audio)
- Rev 3:7-13 – The church at Philadephia part 2 (PPT, Audio)
- Rev 3:14-22 – The church at Laodicea (PPT, Audio)
- Revelation 4 (PPT, Audio)
- Revelation 5 (PPT, Audio Part 1, Part 2)
- Revelation 6 (PPT, Audio)
- Revelation 7 (PPT, Audio Part 1, Part 2)
- Revelation 8 (PPT, Audio)
- Revelation 9 (PPT, Audio Part 1, Part 2)
- Revelation 10 (PPT, Audio)
- Revelation 11:1-14 (PPT, Audio)
- Revelation 11:15-19 (PPT, Audio)
- Revelation 12 (PPT, Audio Part 1, 2)
- Revelation 13 (PPT, Audio Part 1, 2)
- Revelation 14 (PPT, Audio Part 1, 2)
- Revelation 15 (PPT, Audio)
- Revelation 16 (PPT, Audio Part 1, Part 2)
- Revelation 17 (PPT, Audio Part 1, Part 2)
- Revelation 18 (PPT, Audio Part 1, Part 2)
- Revelation 19 (PPT, Audio Part 1, Part 2)
- Revelation 19:17-21:8 (PPT 1, PPT 2, Audio Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4)
- Revelation 21:9-22:5 (PPT, Audio Part 1, Part 2)
- Revelation 22:6-21 (PPT, Audio Part 1 (Rev 22:1-7))
- Revelation 1:1-8 Introduction To The Book Of Revelation
- Revelation 1:9-2:7 Vision Of Jesus / Letter To Ephesian Church
- Revelation 2:8-17 Letter To Churches Of Smyrna And Pergamum
- Revelation 2:18-29 Letter To Church Of Thyatira
- Revelation 3:1-6 Letter To Church Of Sardis
- Revelation 3:7-13 Letter To Church Of Philadelphia
- Revelation 3:14-22 Letter To Church Of Laodicea
- Revelation 4 The Rapture Of The Church / Vision Of Heaven
- Revelation 6 The Tribulation And Beast / Opening Of Seven Seals"
- Revelation 5 Jesus The Lamb Who Was Slain Is Worthy To Open The Book"
- Revelation 7 World-wide Revival And Preaching / Martyrdom Of Multitudes Of Believers"
- Revelation 8 The Opening Of The 7th Seal: The First Four Trumpet Judgments Sound"
- Revelation 9 The Sounding Of The Fifth And Sixth Trumpet Judgments"
- Revelation 10 Strong Angel Came Down From Heaven To Earth And Swore That There Shall Be No More Delay"
- Revelation 11 The Ministry Of The Two Witnesses / The Seventh Trumpet Judgment Sounds
- Revelation 12 The Two Great Signs In Heaven: The Woman And The Great Red Dragon"
- Revelation 13 The Antichrist And False Prophet And The Second Half Of The Tribulation"
- Revelation 14 The 144,000 With The Lamb On Mt. Zion / Angels Preaching And Warning / The Two Reapings
- Revelation 15 Martyrs Victorious Over The Beast In Heaven / Seven Angels Are Given Censors Full Of The Wrath Of God
- Revelation 16 The Outpouring Of The Seven Bowl Judgments
- Revelation 17 The Overthrow Of Religious Babylon
- Revelation 18 The Overthrow Of Commercial Babylon
- Revelation 19 The Wedding Supper Of The Lamb / Glorious Appearing Of Jesus
- Revelation 20 The Millennial Reign Of Jesus Begins
- Revelation 21 The New Heavens And New Earth
- Revelation 22 Promise Of Life In New Heavens And Earth / Warning Against Tampering With God's Word
- Prophetic Landmarks : Containing Data for Helping to Determine the Question of Christ's Pre-millennial Advent
- Excerpt from Bonar - "The prophecies concerning Israel are the key to all the rest. True principles of interpretation, in regard to them, will aid us in disentangling and illustrating all prophecy together. False principles as to them (Israel) will most thoroughly perplex and overcloud the whole Word of God."
RICH CATHERS - Study Notes on Revelation
- Revelation 1:1-11
- Revelation 1:12-20
- Revelation 2:1-7
- Revelation 2:8-11
- Revelation 2:12-17
- Revelation 2:18-29
- Revelation 3:1-6
- Revelation 3:7-13
- Revelation 3:14-22
- Revelation 4:1
- Revelation 4:2-5
- Revelation 4:6-11
- Revelation 5:1-7
- Revelation 5:8-14
- Revelation 6:1-8
- Revelation 6:9-17
- Revelation 7:1-8
- Revelation 7:9-17
- Revelation 8:1-6
- Revelation 8:7-13
- Revelation 9:1-12
- Revelation 9:13-21
- Revelation 10:1-11
- Revelation 11:1-6
- Revelation 11:7-14
- Revelation 11:15-19
- Revelation 12
- Revelation 13:1-2
- Revelation 13:3-10
- Revelation 13:11-18
- Revelation 14:1-5
- Revelation 14:6-13
- Revelation 14:14-24
- Revelation 15:1-8
- Revelation 16:1-22
- Revelation 17:1-18
- Revelation 18
- Revelation 19:1-10
- Revelation 19:11-16
- Revelation 19:17-20:3
- Revelation 20:4-6
- Revelation 21:1-8
- Revelation 21:22-27
- Revelation 22:1-5
- Revelation 22:6-13
- Revelation 22:14-21
- Revelation 18-19 - The Biblical Argument for the Rebuilding of Babylon - 44 pages
- 13 page article - The Identity of Babylon in Revelation 17-18 Part 1
- 18 page article - The Identity of Babylon in Revelation 17-18 Part 2
- Revelation 5:5-6 The Excellency of Christ
Related Articles in this Volume:
Stitzinger, James F. The Rapture in Twenty Centuries of Biblical Interpretation Pettegrew, Larry D. Interpretive Flaws in the Olivet Discourse Thomas, Robert L. Imminence in the NT, Especially Paul’s Thessalonian Epistles Essex, Keith H. The Rapture and the Book of Revelation Mayhue, Richard L. Why a Pretribulational Rapture? Swanson, Dennis M. Bibliography of Works on Pretribulationism
- The use of the Old Testament in the Book of Revelation
- Premillennialism in the Old Testament (or here)
- Israel's Right To The Promised Land
- The Prophetic Promise of the Land of Israel in the Abrahamic Covenant
- Criticism of the Futurist Interpretation of Revelation
- The Manchild of Revelation 12
- Seven Spirits of God - Revelation 1:4, 3:1, 4:5, 5:6
- What is the Chronological Order of Revelation 13 relative to chapters 17 and 18-
- Critique of R C Sproul's "The Last Days According to Sproul" - very interesting as it is interspersed with quotes from Dr Sproul's teaching - deals with 5 topics - (1) Book of Revelation in general, (2) The Antichrist, (3) The Beast, (4) The Rapture, (5) The Millennium. (Here are 5 audio lectures)
- Critiquing R C Sproul's Preterist Interpretation of Prophetic Passages
- Revelation 20: A Premillennial Analysis (Pdf)
- The Times of the Gentiles
- Where is “the Church” in Revelation 4–19?
- Can Satan Raise the Dead? Toward a Biblical View of the Beast's Wound in Revelation 13 (or here)
- Must Satan be Released? Indeed He Must Be: Toward a Biblical Understanding of Rev 20:3
- What is New About the New Heaven and the New Earth?
- HCSB Study Bible : Holman Christian Standard Bible (BORROW) literal and futuristic. Here is a sample from Revelation 20:4-6
Rev 20:4-6 Those who sit on the thrones and have authority to judge are God's people (Dan 7:18,27; 1Co 6:2). The resurrection of martyrs before Christ's earthly reign is called the first resurrection. Since "first resurrection" implies a second resurrection will follow, some interpreters take the first resurrection to be spiritual only (e.g., being "born again") in order to maintain the concept of a general bodily resurrection at the end of time. The fifth beatitude (blessed) of the book recognizes the holiness of those in the first resurrection. On the second death, see verse 14 and note at verses 11-15. Premillennialists follow the natural order of this passage, taking the 1,000 years as falling after the second coming of Christ. Others believe it is a "flashback" (recapitulation) of the time before the second advent, viewing it from a different perspective. Among those who take the recapitulation approach, Amillennialists believe the reign of Christ is being accomplished spiritually even now through the church. This view takes the 1,000 years figuratively, stretching over the entire church era. Postmillennialists believe the preaching of the gospel will at some future date bring about virtual worldwide conversion and a golden era of biblical values lasting 1,000 years (a time taken literally by some, figuratively by others).
DAVID HOLWICK - Sermons and Study Notes
- Revelation 2:2-5 Where's That First Love?
- Revelation 2:4 Reviving Spiritual Passion
- Revelation 2:18-25 Gnosticism - The New Age Ain't So New
- Revelation 3:1-2 Build a Solid Reputation
- Revelation 3:14-20 Clothes - Come As You Are
- Revelation 3:14-22 Lukewarm Christianity
- Revelation 3:14-22 When Churches Fail
- Revelation 4:2-11 Why I Believe in Heaven
- Revelation 5:9-10 There Is Still A Dream
- Revelation 7:9-12 Building Community
- Revelation 12:1-9 Cosmic Combat
- Revelation 13:1-8 A Global World - A Sign?
- Revelation 13:5-8 Will the Church Crumble?
- Revelation 16:16 The Battle Of Armageddon
- Revelation 19:5-16 The Glorious Coming of Jesus
- Revelation 20:4-6 The Millennium
- Revelation 20:7-10 Will Russia Invade Israel?
- Revelation 20:11-15 Great White Throne Judgment
- Revelation 21:1-4,22-27 Why I Believe in Heaven
- Revelation 21:1-5 The City of God
- Revelation 21:1-7 The Holy City
- Revelation 21:8 Death Sentence
- Revelation 21:22 - 22:5 Heaven
- Revelation 22:18-19 Marcion - Can You Slice the Bible?
- Revelation 22:19 Why Bibles Differ
- Revelation 2 & 3 Letters to the Seven Churches
- Revelation 4 Vision of God's Throne
- Revelation 5 The Seven Seals
- Revelation 6 The Four Horsemen
- Revelation 7 The Two Multitudes
- Revelation 8 The Seven Trumpets
- Revelation 10 Angel and Scroll
- Revelation 11 The Temple of God
- Revelation 11 Jews or Christians?
- Revelation 12 The Woman and the Dragon
- Revelation 13 The Antichrist
- Revelation 14 The Harvest of the Earth
- Revelation 15 The Seven Bowl Judgments
- Revelation 17 The Great Harlot
- Revelation 19 Hallelujah Chorus
- Revelation 20 Gog & Magog
- Revelation 20 Great White Throne Judgment
- Revelation 21 The New Jerusalem
- Revelation 22 The River of Life
- Future Israel - 433 page book
- Reflections on Response to “Future Israel”
- Territorial Supercessionism: A Response to Gary Burge
- The Understanding of the Church Fathers Regarding the Olivet Discourse and the Fall of Jerusalem
- The Hermeneutics of Historic Premillennialism and Jeremiah 31:31-34
- Premillennialism in the Ante-Nicene Church: Why the Divide in the Early Church on Chiliasm?
STEVE KRELOFF (Hebrew Christian)
- A Brief History of the Interpretation of the Book of Revelation
- Some Key Issues in the History of Premillennialism
- Visions of the Glorious Christ (primarily deals with Revelation 1 and Revelation 19)
- Is Christ's Return Imminent?
- The Revelation of Jesus Christ - Introduction
- An Introduction To The Book Of Revelation
- n Argument of the Book of Revelation (part 1)
- n Argument of the Book of Revelation (part 2)
- New Covenant Theology and Futuristic Premillennialism
- The Kingdom of God and the Eternal State (deals with Revelation 21-22)
- Nathan Busenitz
- Why A Pre-tribulation Rapture?
- Jesus: A Preterist or a Futurist?
- The Bible's Watchword: Day of the Lord
- Comment on Ps 30:5 - Joy in the morning at the resurrection of Jesus: Joy in the coming of the Saviour for his bride: Joy as the Millennium breaks on the world." Comments on Ps 38:9 - Think of the desires of the saints — for the realization of their ideals; for the salvation of men; for the glory of the Redeemer; for the Divine answer to the scoff, the sneer, the taunt of infidelity; for the coming of the King, the restoration of his ancient people, the setting up of the millennial reign." (Psalms-F. B. Meyer)
- Revelation Mp3 Messages -2018 series
- Revelation Mp3 Messages - 1990 series
- Revelation 1:9-19 In Patmos
- Revelation 2:1-7 Letter to Ephesus
- Revelation 2:1-7 Letter to Smyrna
- Revelation 15:3 Moses and the Lamb
Given that Dr John Piper is one of the most influential modern pastors, it would be interesting to see how he interprets prophetic topics like the "millennium." In searching desiringgod.org, I found only a few comments related to eschatology but the following will give you a sample of his position...
"Are You Becoming a Post-Millennialist?" (November 10, 1986) One of our apprentices put this question to me. The reason was my recommendation of a book called The Puritan Hope by Iain Murray. My sermon last Sunday may raise the same question. Here's my answer. No. I am becoming a more hope-filled pre-millennialist. What in the world does all this mean? The “millennium” refers to the period of 1,000 years mentioned in Revelation 20:3, “He threw Satan into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years were ended. After that he must be loosed for a little while.” Then it says in verse 4 that the saints “came to life, and reigned with Christ a thousand years.” So the thousand-year period is a time when Satan is bound and the saints are reigning with Christ. This seems to imply a time of great glory for the church and victory over evil. Yet it is not the perfect final state, because “after that Satan must be loosed for a little while.” Pre-millennialists believe that Christ will return before (pre) this thousand-year period to judge unbelievers, and that he will reign bodily on the earth during the millennium. Post-millennialists believe that Christ will return after (post) the thousand-year period. At that point he will judge unbelievers and establish the new heavens and new earth. So post-millennialist believe that the reign of Christ in the “millennium” is his spiritual reign in the church, and that the peace and glory of the millennium will come about not through the return of Christ, but through the power of the Holy Spirit in the preaching of the gospel. In other words, the church will gradually conquer the world of unbelief through worldwide revival, and there will be a “golden age” when righteousness and peace will hold sway for a thousand years. Then Christ will come. Most of the missionaries of the early modern missionary movement were post-millennialists (Eliot, Brainerd, Carey, etc.). The Puritans that I praised on Sunday were post-millennialist. Their hope was that the gospel would eventually conquer the world before Christ returned. (Ref)
Here is an excerpt from David Brickner, the head of Jews for Jesus, in a dialogue with John Piper who has some questionable (in my opinion and in Brickner's opinion) teachings on the nation of Israel -
I appreciate your clear statement of belief in God's continuing purposes for ethnic Israel. I also note that you affirm, "God promised to Israel the presently disputed land from the time of Abraham onward." And yet there seems to be a "disconnect" between those statements and your comments regarding the present-day situation as well as the future. As I see it, this disconnect occurs at two important points.
First, you say that because the majority of Jews do not believe in Jesus they have broken covenant with God and have no divine claim at this time to the land God promised them.
- EDITORIAL COMMENT - AS AN ASIDE THE ABRAHAMIC COVENANT THAT PROMISED LAND WAS AN "UNCONDITIONAL" COVENANT - NOTICE THAT [1] GOD HIMSELF MAKES THE PROMISE AND [2] IT IS GIVEN IN THE "PAST TENSE" SIGNIFYING IT WILL BE FULFILLED IN THE FUTURE! - "On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, "To your descendants I have given this land, From the river of Egypt as far as the great river, the river Euphrates" Ge 15:18+ The NET Note on "give" reads 'The perfect verbal form is understood as instantaneous ("I here and now give"). Another option is to understand it as rhetorical, indicating certitude ["I have given" meaning it is as good as done, i.e., "I will surely give"])
Second, you say that the future of the land promised to Israel becomes subsumed under the promise of God that all believers will "inherit the land … because the entire new heavens and new earth will be ours."
I believe that these views can potentially undermine Christian confidence in the ongoing election of Israel based upon the Abrahamic covenant and give encouragement to those who have adopted a supersessionist position toward Israel today. (Editors' note: supersessionism teaches that the church has replaced Israel in God's covenants and plans.) (Read the entire exchange between Brickner and Piper, Piper's response).
- Millennium 1 - summary including overview of Rev 19:11-21:3, history of how it has been interpreted
- Millennium 2 - events leading up to the millennium, including Great Tribulation and Chart of 70th week
- Millennium 3 - description of this time on earth, primarily from the OT prophets
Book of the Revelation Charted out Verse by Verse (Rev 4-22) - Sola Scriptura (with a few questions interspersed) (Html links below are to the 4 sections or Pdf that has all 4 sections on one 10 page Pdf)
- The Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia
- Rosscup - This is the outstanding older work on the historical background of the churches in chapters 2–3. The student will obtain much rich detail here to lend colorful vividness to his preaching and teaching. Ramsay takes the preterist point of view on the book. Colin Hemer’s 1986 work now surpasses this in updating on scholarly discussion and discovery and in comments on some details. Until Hemer and Yamauchi, this was the outstanding work. (Commentaries For Biblical Expositors- Dr. Jim Rosscup)
- An Evaluation of the Muslim Antichrist Theory
- The Evil of Replacement Theology: Its Origin, History, and Contemporary Relevance
J C RYLE (1816-1900)
- J. C. Ryle and the Future of Israel
- J. C. Ryle and the Literal Interpretation of Prophecies
- J.C. Ryle and Preterism
- J. C. Ryle and the Future of Israel - distinct from above article.
This book’s purpose is not to excite the curious, but to encourage the consecrated.
John wrote 5 books of the Bible: His Gospel, I, II, III John, and Revelation
- Book of John—“Believe!”
- Epistles—“Be Sure!”
- Revelation—“Be Ready!”
- Book of John--salvation
- Epistles--sanctification
- Revelation—sovereignty
- Book of John—portrays Jesus as the prophet.
- Epistles--priest
- Revelation--king
- Revelation 1:4-20 A Glimpse Of The Glorified Christ
- Revelation 1:20 An Inspired Outline Of The Book Of Revelation
- Revelation 1:20 The Bible And Numbers
- Revelation 2:1-7 Ephesus-Duty Without Devotion
- Revelation 2:8-11 Dying For The Cause
- Revelation 2:12-17 Pergamos: The Compromising Church
- Revelation 2:18-29 Corrupt Church
- Revelation 3:1-6 Crippled Church
- Revelation 3:7-13 Commended Church
- Revelation 3:14-22 The Church That Made God Sick
- Revelation 4:1-11 Behold The Throne!
- Revelation 5 Who Is Worthy To Open The Book?
- Revelation 5:9 Every Tribe
- Revelation 6 End Times Posse: The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse
- Revelation 8 The Seventh Seal [End Times / Tribulation]
- Revelation 8:13-9:12 Invasion From Hell [End Times / Tribulation]
- Revelation 14:9-20 The Last Harvest
- Revelation 16 The Super Bowls Of God's Wrath
- Revelation 19:1-10 Wedding Day
- Revelation 19:11-21 The King Is Coming...Again!
- Revelation 20:4 Beheadings And The Bible
- Revelation 21 - Consummation – Heaven/The New Jerusalem
- Revelation 22:6-21 Our Responsibility in Light of Revelation
- Charles H. Spurgeon and Eschatology
- Charles H. Spurgeon and the Nation of Israel - In this excerpt Spurgeon declared - There will be a native government again; there will again be the form of a body politic; a state shall be incorporated, and a king shall reign. Israel has now become alienated from her own land. Her sons, though they can never forget the sacred dust of Palestine, yet die at a hopeless distance from her consecrated shores. But it shall not be so for ever, for her sons shall again rejoice in her: her land shall be called Beulah, for as a young man marrieth a virgin so shall her sons marry her. "I will place you in your own land," is God's promise to them . . . They are to have a national prosperity which shall make them famous; nay, so glorious shall they be that Egypt, and Tyre, and Greece, and Rome, shall all forget their glory in the greater splendour of the throne of David . . . I there be anything clear and plain, the literal sense and meaning of this passage [Ezekiel 37:1-10]—a meaning not to be spirited or spiritualized away—must be evident that both the two and the ten tribes of Israel are to be restored to their own land, and that a king is to rule over them
- Spurgeon wrote - Let us rejoice that Scripture is so clear and so explicit upon this great doctrine of the future triumph of Christ over the whole world. We are not bound to enter into any particulars concerning what form that triumph shall assume. We believe that the Jews will be converted, and that they will be restored to their own land. We believe that Jerusalem will be the central metropolis of Christ’s kingdom; we also believe that all the nations shall walk in the light of the glorious city which shall be built at Jerusalem. We expect that the glory which shall have its center there, shall spread over the whole world, covering it as with a sea of holiness, happiness, and delight. For this we look with joyful expectation. ( The Lamb--The Light)
- The Millennial Position of Spurgeon
- "Comings" of Christ in Revelation 2-3
- Promises to Israel in the Apocalypse The Kingdom of God and the Millennium - scroll to page 91
- Rejection Then Hope: The Church’s Doctrine of Israel in The Patristic Era
- The Kingdom of God and the Millennium
- Rejection Then Hope: The Church’s Doctrine of Israel in The Patristic Era
- Variations Within Supersessionism (See also Various Forms of Replacement Theology)
- An Analysis of Neo-Replacement Theology
- Revelation- Introduction, Argument and Outline
- A Note on τηρήσω eκ (keep from) in Revelation 3:10
- Revelation 3:20 and the Offer of Salvation
- Revelation 19:10-21 The Wrath of Christ
- Revelation 5:1-14; 19:1-8 The Worship of Christ
- 1. Basic Considerations in Interpreting Prophecy
- 2. The Kingdom of God in the Old Testament
- 3. The New Testament Doctrine of the Kingdom
- 4. The Kingdom of God in the New Testament (continued)
- The Two Witnesses: First or Second Half of the Tribulation?
- Ezekiel 40 thru 48 and Millennial Sacrifices (Another source) (Interesting compilation of diagrams on Millennial Temple)
- A Case for the Futurist Interpretation of the Book of Revelation
- A Futurist Response to the Preterist Interpretation of Babylon in Revelation 17–18
- What is the Identity of Babylon in Revelation 17–18?
Literal interpretation
- Treasures from Revelation - 472 pages - list of illustrations on page 459
Be a Berean (Acts 17:11+) as Michaels is not always thoroughly literal in his interpretation. For the most literal interpretation of Revelation in a modern commentary see Garland above.
Rosscup - Michaels takes no stand on authorship by the Apostle John, using arbitrary reasoning against it (18–19). He also is flimsy and misrepresenting in remarks against a futurist approach, as if simply not properly informed of how better futurist thinkers explain details, and unfair to them (23). His bibliography does not even list Robert L. Thomas’ detailed exegetical 2-vol. work taking a futurist position. Somehow Michaels is able to discuss possible views for the “woman” (Rev. 12) without being aware of the common premillennial view that she represents Israel for various reasons (148), which Michaels does not forthrightly mention or answer. The same seeming lack of awareness shows in discussing the 144,000 who, to Michaels, are saints out of all nations in 7:9, and the view of the two witnesses in Rev. 11. One would almost think that he author did this amillennial work without checking many interpreters who argue the hermeneutical naturalness of taking literal views in Rev. 6–20. So he often is out of touch, and limits his readers where he might have provided more representative, informed discussions. (Commentaries For Biblical Expositors- Dr. Jim Rosscup)
- The Title (1:1-3)
- The Greeting (1:4-8)
- Grace and Peace, Glory and Power (1:4-8)
- The Opening Vision (1:9-20)
- The Seven Messages (2:1-3:22)
- The Throne Scene in Heaven (4:1-5:14)
- The Seven Seals (6:1-8:5)
- The Seven Trumpets (8:6-11:19)
- Two Great Signs and Their Interpretation (12:1-17)
- The Two Beasts and Their Deception (13:1-18)
- The Firstfruits and the Harvest (14:1-20)
- The Seven Last Plagues (15:1-16:21)
- Babylon and Her Destiny (17:1-19:10)
- The Battle (19:11-21)
- The Millennium (20:1-10)
- From the Old Creation to the New (20:11-21:8)
- Jerusalem and Her Destiny (21:9-22:15)
- Conclusion (22:16-21)
Rosscup - This is a premillennial, dispensational study which takes a thorough-going literal approach to the book. It is good on the English text and will have its main usefulness in some points for lay people. Read Ironside and Ryrie to maintain a balance in a lighter dispensational work. (Commentaries For Biblical Expositors- Dr. Jim Rosscup)
- Introduction
- Revelation 1
- Revelation 2
- Revelation 3
- Revelation 4
- Revelation 5
- Revelation 6
- Revelation 7
- Revelation 8
- Revelation 9
- Revelation 10
- Revelation 11
- Revelation 12
- Revelation 13
- Revelation 14
- Revelation 15
- Revelation 16
- Revelation 17
- Revelation 18
- Revelation 19
- Revelation 20
- Revelation 21
- Revelation 22
Updated December, 2018 -
- Revelation 1:1-8 The Complete Story
- Revelation 1:5 Nowhere To Hide
- Revelation 1:7 Headline Event
- Revelation 1:9-17 Mighty Waters
- Revelation 1:9-18 Awesome, Not Frightening
- Revelation 1:18 He Was Dead But Now Lives
- Revelation 1:8-18 The Timeless Name
- Revelation 1:9-18 Christ Is Risen!
- Revelation 1:10-17 Just Imagine!
- Revelation 1:10-18 From Awe To Adoration
- Revelation 1:10-18 Touching Bottom
- Revelation 1:18 Resurrection Reality
- Revelation 1:18 He Was Dead But Now Lives
- Revelation 1:20 The Right Light
- Revelation 2:1-7 Desert Of Diversion
- Revelation 2:1-7 Commended and Corrected
- Revelation 2:1-7 A Painful Step
- Revelation 2:1-7 A Working Church
- Revelation 2:1-7 Good For Nothing
- Revelation 2:1-7 Rediscovering the Passion
- Revelation 2:1-7 Spiritual Passion
- Revelation 2:5 First Church Of The Lampstand
- Revelation 2:5 Turn Back To Get Ahead
- Revelation 2:8-11 Faithful Unto Death
- Revelation 2:12-17 Your Name Is Safe
- Revelation 2:12–17 Our New Name
- Revelation 2:12-17 Help Is On The Way!
- Revelation 2:12-17 A White Stone
- Revelation 2:18-29 The Meter Reader
- Revelation 2:20 What's Wrong?
- Revelation 3:1-6 Wake Up And Live
- Revelation 3:1–6 Wake-Up Call!
- Revelation 3:1-6 Wake-Up Call -2
- Revelation 3:5 No Mistakes
- Revelation 3:7-13 He Holds The Keys
- Revelation 3:7-13 Hold On!
- Revelation 3:14-19 Apatheists
- Revelation 3:14-22 Love that Won't Quit
- Revelation 3:14-22 Either Cold Or Hot
- Revelation 3:14-22 Poor Little Rich Church
- Revelation 3:14–22 Light of the World
- Revelation 3:14-22 Through His Eyes
- Revelation 3:14-22 Finding Jesus
- Revelation 3:14-22 Dashboard Dining
- Revelation 3:14-22 Don't Bother Me
- Revelation 3:14-22 God's Heart Revealed
- Revelation 3:14-22 Problem With Self-Sufficiency
- Revelation 3:14-22 Crooked House
- Revelation 3:14-22 Love That Won't Quit
- Revelation 3:14-22 Go For The Gold!
- Revelation 3:14-22 Our Heart—His Home
- Revelation 3:20 Religion And Reality
- Revelation 4 Holy, Holy, Holy
- Revelation 4:1 Spiritual Vision Thru Personal Purity
- Revelation 4:6-11 Surrendered Crowns
- Revelation 4:8 Holy, Holy, Holy
- Revelation 5:1-10 Singing And Prayer
- Revelation 5:1-12 For Sale— ”As Is”
- Revelation 5:1-12 The Lamb Who Is The Lion
- Revelation 5:1-12 Fearful Tears
- Revelation 5:1–13 Heaven’s Love Song
- Revelation 5:1-14 Paid By The Judge
- Revelation 5:1-14 In His Presence
- Revelation 5:1-10 The Artist's Dream
- Revelation 5:6-14 A Massive Celebration
- Revelation 5:8-14 The Fairest
- Revelation 5:8-14 Everyone Sings
- Revelation 5 Come, See
- Revelation 5:8-14 Sing
- Revelation 5:8-14 Sing Of Your Love
- Revelation 5:9 We Are Family
- Revelation 5:11 Praiseworthy
- Revelation 5:12 In Honor And Memory
- Revelation 5:12 The Lamb Wins
- Revelation 6:12-17
- Revelation 6:16 Talking To The Rocks
- Revelation 7:9-17 The Lamb Is Our Shepherd
- Revelation 7:9-17 The Lamb Is My Shepherd
- Revelation 7:9-17 The Brightest Hope
- Revelation 7:9-17 The Gathering
- Revelation 7:15-17 No Joke!
- Revelation 8:1-5 The Difference Prayer Makes
- Revelation 8:7-9 Unshakable
- Revelation 11:15 A Reason For Optimism
- Revelation 11:15-18 Our Savior And King
- Revelation 12:7-12 War In Heaven
- Revelation 12:7-12 Almost-Perfect Disguise
- Revelation 15 The Song Of The Saints
- Revelation 15 The Final Opening Ceremony
- Revelation 15:1-8 Majestic Sounds
- Revelation 16:1-7 Poetic Justice
- Revelation 16:17-21 Unshakable
- Revelation 17:9-14 The King
- Revelation 19 The Untouchables
- Revelation 19:1-9 Reunion Dinner
- Revelation 19:1-10 A Royal Wedding
- Revelation 19:1-21 The Lamb Wins
- Revelation 19:4-9 The Beautiful Bride
- Revelation 19:6-7 God Reigns
- Revelation 19:6-10 Eyes Only For Her
- Revelation 19:7 Heading For A Wedding
- Revelation 19:11-16 The Final Scene
- Revelation 19:11-16 Victory Day
- Revelation 19:6-9 Married To Royalty
- Revelation 20:9 How It All Ends
- Revelation 20:11-15 No Mistakes
- Revelation 20:11-15 The Way Out
- Revelation 20:11-15 Bad Choice
- Revelation 20:11-15 It's In The Books
- Revelation 20:12 The Book Of Names
- Revelation 20:13 Holy Is The Lord!
- Revelation 21:1-2 The Tree Of Life
- Revelation 21:15 Thoughts Of Heaven
- Revelation 21:3 Two Gardens
- Revelation 21:1-3, 15-27 Going For The Gold
- Revelation 21:1–3, 10–11, 23 It Is Amazing!
- Revelation 21:1-4 Far Better
- Revelation 21:1-4 No More Struggles
- Revelation 21:1-4 A Blessed Alternative
- Revelation 21:1–5 A Little Bit of Paradise
- Revelation 21:1-5 We'll Sing And Shout!
- Revelation 21:1-5 The Sound Of Sirens
- Revelation 21:1-5 A City Of Smiles
- Revelation 21:1-5 A Happy Reunion
- Revelation 21:1–5 Old Yet New
- Revelation 21:1–5 A Perfect World
- Revelation 21:1-5 An Invitation to Rest
- Revelation 21:1-5 Thoughts Of Heaven
- Revelation 21:1-5 Now Is Not Forever
- Revelation 21:1-7 A Lesson In Crying
- Revelation 21:1-7 To Die Is Gain
- Revelation 21:1-7 Happy Ending
- Revelation 21:1-7 Echoes Of Paradise
- Revelation 21:1-7 Read Backwards
- Revelation 21:1-7 The Trail Of Tears
- Revelation 21:1-7 A Happy Life
- Revelation 21:1-7 God’s Dwelling Place
- Revelation 21:1-7 Wipe Away Tears
- Revelation 21:1-7 Mixed Emotions
- Revelation 21:3-4 Three Needs
- Revelation 21:4 The Factory of Sadness
- Revelation 21:1-8 The Best Is Yet To Be
- Revelation 21:1-8 Slow Healing Process
- Revelation 21:1-8 Beyond Imagination!
- Revelation 21:1-8 The Best Wedding Ever
- Revelation 21:1-8 Tears In Heaven
- Revelation 21:1-8 Where Do You Want To Live?
- Revelation 21:4 Sorrow's Aftermath
- Revelation 21:4 What's Ahead?
- Revelation 21:4 Losing Dad
- Revelation 21:4 Temporary Tears
- Revelation 21:4 Obsolete
- Revelation 21:4 A Weeping World
- Revelation 21:4-11 A Better Place
- Revelation 21:9-27 The Ultimate Real Estate
- Revelation 21:9-27 From Podunk To Eternity
- Revelation 21:9-27 On The Other Side
- Revelation 21:9-22:5 No Disappointment
- Revelation 21:10 Seeing God's Glory
- Revelation 21:14-21 Heaven's Asphalt
- Revelation 21:14-27 The Light Of The Lamb
- Revelation 21:21 Eager For Heaven
- Revelation 21:23 Seeing God
- Revelation 21:23 An Eclipse of Heaven
- Revelation 22:1-4 We Will See Him
- Revelation 22:1-5 Off The Treadmill
- Revelation 22:1–5 A Good Ending
- Revelation 22:1-5 The Prospect of Heaven
- Revelation 22:1-5 Heaven's Greatest Delights
- Revelation 22:1-5 Thoughts Of Heaven
- Revelation 22:1-5 “There's Heaven”
- Revelation 22 Devotionals Related to Heaven
- Revelation 22:1-5 What Will We Do In Heaven?
- Revelation 22:1-5 What Will Be
- Revelation 22:1-5 December Desire
- Revelation 22:1-5 The Prospect Of Heaven
- Revelation 22:1-5 Just A Glimpse
- Revelation 22:1-5 The Face Of Christ
- Revelation 22:1-5 Our Life In Heaven
- Revelation 22:1-5 Heaven's Surprises
- Revelation 22:1-5 The Tree Of Life
- Revelation 22:1-5 There's Heaven
- Revelation 22:1-5 Off The Treadmill
- Revelation 22:1-5 Multiply It
- Revelation 22:1-7 Heaven Is Far Better
- Revelation 22:1-7 A Forever Service
- Revelation 22:2 The Tree Of Life
- Revelation 22:3 No Disappointment
- Revelation 22:4 Astonished By
- Revelation 22:4 First Sight
- Revelation 22:6-17 The Person Makes the Place
- Revelation 22:6-20 The Last Chapter
- Revelation 22:6-13 Alpha and Omega
- Revelation 22:7-21 Coming Soon!
- Revelation 22:12–21 Because I Love Him
- Revelation 22:12-21 Believing In Advance
- Revelation 22:16-21 True Hospitality
- Revelation 22:17 Charlie's List
- Revelation 22:17 Come Quickly!
- Revelation 22:18 Test The Teachers
- Revelation 22:18 Harvest Home
- Revelation 22:18 Our Lord's Return
- Revelation 22:20 Joyful Reunion
- Introduction to Revelation Johnny L. Sanders
- We Would See Jesus Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation -Seven Promises To Seven Churches Johnny Hunt
- Revelation -Finding your Church in the Book of Revelation J. Mike Minnix
- Revelation -The Day Christ Died John Bisagno
- Revelation -Three Keys to Unlock the Book of Revelation J. Mike Minnix
- Revelation 1- We Would See Jesus Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 1:1-8 The Blessing Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 1:9-20 A Vision of the Risen Lord Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 1:17-18 Jesus 101 Terry Trivette
- Revelation 1:18 The Triumph Over His Tomb David E. Owen
- Revelation 1:5-6 Three Reasons To Praise God J. Mike Minnix
- Revelation 2 The Author and Finisher of our Faith Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 2:1-7 Loss of Your First Love Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 2:8-11 Jesus' Stamp of Approval Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 2:12-17 Confronting the Gates of Hell Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 2:12-17 The Compromising Church Johnny Hunt
- Revelation 2:1-7 What We Lose When We Leave Johnny Hunt
- Revelation 2:1-7 Letter to the Church at Ephesus Mark Adams
- Revelation 2:1-7 When The Flame Becomes An Ember Todd Morris
- Revelation 2:1-7 The Ephesus Church Johnny Hunt
- Revelation 2:1-7 How To Fall In Love Again John Bisagno
- Revelation 2:1-7 Lazy Love Vince Hefner
- Revelation 2:18-19 Under His Eye Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 2:18-19 The Tolerating Church Johnny Hunt
- Revelation 2:4 Fired Up Or Fizzled Out? Donnie L. Martin
- Revelation 2:7-13 The Faithful Church Johnny Hunt
- Revelation 2:8-11 A Church Under Pressure Denis Lyle
- Revelation 2:8-11 The Suffering Church Johnny Hunt
- Revelation 2:8-11 Letter to the Church at Smyrna Mark Adams
- Revelation 2:8-11 The Uncompromising Church Johnny Hunt
- Revelation 3:1-6 The Church of the Living Dead Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 3:7-13 Found Faithful Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 3:14-22 The Poor Little Rich Church Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 3:14-22 God's Presecription for Overcoming Spiritual Anemia J. Mike Minnix
- Revelation 3:14-22 Christ Knocking At The Door J. Gerald Harris
- Revelation 3:14-22 No Refreshment or Healing Johnny Hunt
- Revelation 3:1-6 Focusing on our Works David E. Owen
- Revelation 3:1-6 The Lifeless Church Johnny Hunt
- Revelation 3:22 The Church Composite Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 3:22 Just Doing My Duty Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 3:2-6 The Lifeless Church - Part 2 Johnny Hunt
- Revelation 4 The Glorious Throne of God J. Mike Minnix
- Revelation 4:1 To The Waiting Heart, Jesus Says, Come Up Hither David E. Owen
- Revelation 4:1-11 Worthy Is The Lamb Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 4:1-11 Crown Him Lord Of All J. Mike Minnix
- Revelation 5:1-14 Why The Lamb Is Still Worthy Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 5:1-14 You Are Worthy Johnny Hunt
- Revelation 5:1-14 Worthy Is The Lamb Denis Lyle
- Revelation 5:9-14 The Lamb Is Still Worthy Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 6 His Colors Never Change J. Mike Minnix
- Revelation 6:1-17 Breaking of the Seals Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 7:1-17 Washed in the Blood Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 8:1-13 Trumpets of Judgment Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 9:1-21 The Pit and the Plagues Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 10:1-11 A Bittersweet Word Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 11:11-19 The Trumpet of the Lord Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 11:1-14 Two Witnesses Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 12:1-8 Satan's War Against God Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 13:1-18 The Dragon Turns Beastly Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 13:18 I Saw The Number 666 Scott Nute
- Revelation 14:13 The Other Side of Death J. Mike Minnix
- Revelation 14:13 Honoring Those Who Died In The Service David E. Owen
- Revelation 14:14-20 Reaping the Harvest Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 14:1-8 Standing with the Lamb Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 14:6-13 Falling with the Beast Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 15 The First and Last Song in the Bible J. Mike Minnix
- Revelation 15:1-8 Setting the Stage Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 17:1-18 The Beauty and the Beast Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 18 When The Stock Market Crashes For The Last Time J. Mike Minnix
- Revelation 18:1-24 The Fall of Babylon of the Great Babylon Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 19:11-16 The Rider on the White Horse Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 19:17 Bringing Down The Bully Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 19:17-21 The Other Beast Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 19:1-8 Shout Hallelujah Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 19:1-9 The Marriage Supper of the Lamb Johnny Hunt
- Revelation 19:6-10 Our Lord Reigns Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 19:7-10 The Wedding Supper of the Lamb J. Mike Minnix
- Revelation 20:11-15 Guilty, No Appeal, and No Acquittal Donald Cantrell
- Revelation 20:11-15 The Great White Throne Judgment Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 20:1-3 Chain Gang From Hell Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 20:4-10 Saints Reign with the Lord Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 21 No More Sea Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 21:1-3 Heaven - Actual Reality Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 21:1-4 Home Sweet Home Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 21:1-8 A Heavenly Vision Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 21:1-8 Eternity 101 Terry Trivette
- Revelation 21:22-27 Heavenly Son-Light Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 21:4-8 The Gift of Life Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 21:5 All Things New Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 21:5 A New Year's Look Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 21:9-21 More Than Adequate Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 22:12, 20-21 Jesus Is Coming Soon! David E. Owen
- Revelation 22:12-16 My Reward Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 22:1-5 The River of Living Water Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 22:17-21 Come Lord Jesus Johnny L. Sanders
- Revelation 22:6-11 The Time is Near Johnny L. Sanders
Published 1884 - George N H. Peters (November 30, 1825-October 7, 1909) "was an American Lutheran minister and author of The Theocratic Kingdom. His premillennial views were in conflict with the majority of Lutherans who held amillennial beliefs.[1][2]
“Buy the truth and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.”—Pr 23:23.
“The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him; and He will show them His covenant.”—Ps. 25:14.
NOTE: This is Volume 1 of this massive 2189 page work, all written before the typewriter was invented! This is the quintessential epitome of a person's "life work!"
- Volume 1 - Propositions 1 - 106
- Volume 2 - Propositions 107 - 164
- Volume 3 - Propositions 165 - 206
- Index of Subjects
Source: Chart by Tim LaHaye and Thomas Ice - click to enlarge - Millenium on Right Side
Excerpt from Peter's biography - George Peters is remembered primarily because of his three volume work The Theocratic Kingdom of Our Lord Jesus, the Christ, as Covenanted in the Old Testament and Presented in the New Testament. The title is often shortened to simply The Theocratic Kingdom. His references indicate he was well read in theology, history, science and literature. He spent years researching and compiling this study of eschatology, which includes over four thousand quotes from authors ranging from the second century to his own era. The work was first published in 1884 by Funk and Wagnalls. (Isaac Kauffman Funk had graduated from Wittenberg College in 1860 and from its seminary in 1861.) Kregel republished The Theocratic Kingdom in 1952 and 1972, and it was still in print in May 2006. In his preface to the 1952 edition, Wilbur M. Smith wrote “One does not need to agree with all of his [Peters’] statements, nor even with all of his interpretations, to recognize the greatness of this work that must have cost him a lifetime of research, prayer, investigation, and laborious writing – these were the days before typewriters.” Surviving manuscripts indicate Peters wrote many books, but The Theocratic Kingdom may have been the only one published, because that is the only title by Peters in bibliographic records in WorldCat. On the handwritten title page of an unpublished work, Peters described himself as an “evangelical Lutheran Minister.” (Source) Read some of the reviews by readers
- PROPOSITION 1.—The Kingdom of God is a subject of vital importance
- PROP. 2.—The establishment of this Kingdom was determined before, and designed or prepared from, the foundation of the world
- PROP. 3.—The meanings usually given to this Kingdom indicate that the most vague, indefinite notions concerning it exist in the minds of many
- PROP. 4.—The literal, grammatical interpretation of the Scriptures must (connected with the figurative, tropical, or rhetorical) be observed in order to obtain a correct understanding of the Kingdom
- PROP. 5.—The doctrine of the Kingdom is based on the inspiration of the Word of God
- PROP. 6.—The Kingdom of God is intimately connected with the Supernatural
- PROP. 7.—The Kingdom being a manifestation of the Supernatural, miracles are connected with it
- PROP. 8.—The doctrine of the Kingdom presupposes that of sin, the apostasy of man
- PROP. 9.—The nature of, and the things pertaining to, the Kingdom can only be ascertained within the limits of Scripture
- PROP. 10.—This Kingdom should be studied in the light of the Holy Scriptures, and not merely in that of Creeds, Confessions, Formulas of Doctrine, etc.
- PROP. 11.—The mysteries of the Kingdom were given to the apostles
- PROP. 12.—There is some mystery yet connected with the things of the Kingdom
- PROP. 13.—Some things pertaining to the Kingdom intentionally revealed somewhat obscurely
- PROP. 14.—Some things pertaining to the Kingdom not so easily comprehended as many suppose
- PROP. 15.—The doctrine of the Kingdom can become better understood and appreciated
- PROP. 16.—This Kingdom cannot be properly comprehended without acknowledging an intimate and internal connection existing between the Old and New Testaments
- PROP. 17.—Without study of the prophecies no adequate idea can be obtained of the Kingdom
- PROP. 18.—The prophecies relating to the establishment of the Kingdom of God are both conditioned and unconditioned
- PROP. 19.—The New Testament begins the announcement of the Kingdom in terms expressive of its being previously well known
- PROP. 20.—To comprehend the subject of the Kingdom it is necessary to notice the belief and expectations of the more pious portion of the Jews
- PROP. 21.—The prophecies of the Kingdom interpreted literally sustain the expectations and hopes of the pious Jews
- PROP. 22.—John the Baptist, Jesus, and the disciples employed the phrases “Kingdom of Heaven,” “Kingdom of God,” etc., in accordance with the usage of the Jews
- PROP. 23.—There must be some substantial reason why the phrases “Kingdom of God,” etc., were thus adopted
- PROP. 24.—The Kingdom is offered to an elect nation, viz., the Jewish nation
- PROP. 25.—The Theocracy was an earnest, introductory, or initiatory form of this Kingdom
- PROP. 26.—The Theocracy thus instituted would have been permanently established if the people, in their national capacity, had been faithful in obedience
- PROP. 27.—The demand of the nation for an earthly king was a virtual abandonment of the Theocratic Kingdom by the nation
- PROP. 28.—God makes the Jewish king subordinate to His own Theocracy
- PROP. 29.—This Theocracy, or Kingdom, is exclusively given to the natural descendants of Abraham, in their corporate capacity
- PROP. 30.—The prophets, however, without specifying the manner of introduction, predict that the Gentiles shall participate in the blessings of the Theocracy or Kingdom
- PROP. 31.—This Theocracy was identified with the Davidic Kingdom
- PROP. 32.—This Theocratic Kingdom, thus incorporated with the Davidic, is removed when the Davidic is overthrown
- PROP. 33.—The prophets, some even before the captivity, foreseeing the overthrow of the Kingdom, both foretell its downfall and its final restoration
- PROP. 34.—The prophets describe this restored Kingdom, its extension, glory, etc., without distinguishing between the First and Second Advents
- PROP. 35.—The prophets describe but one Kingdom
- PROP. 36.—The prophets, with one voice, describe this one Kingdom, thus restored, in terms expressive of the most glorious additions
- PROP. 37.—The Kingdom thus predicted and promised was not in existence when the forerunner of Jesus appeared
- PROP. 38.—John the Baptist preached that this Kingdom, predicted by the prophets, was “nigh at hand”
- PROP. 39.—John the Baptist was not ignorant of the Kingdom that he preached
- PROP. 40.—The hearers of John believed that he preached to them the Kingdom predicted by the prophets, and in the sense held by themselves
- PROP. 41.—The Kingdom was not established under John’s ministry
- PROP. 42.—Jesus Christ in His early ministry preached that the Kingdom was “nigh at hand”
- PROP. 43.—The disciples sent forth by Jesus to preach this Kingdom were not ignorant of the meaning to be attached to the Kingdom
- PROP. 44.—The preaching of the Kingdom, being in accordance with that of the predicted Kingdom, raised no controversy between the Jews and Jesus, or between the Jews and His disciples and apostles
- PROP. 45.—The phrases “Kingdom of Heaven,” “Kingdom of God,” “Kingdom of Christ,” etc., denote the same Kingdom
- PROP. 46.—The Kingdom anticipated by the Jews at the First Advent is based on the Abrahamic and Davidic covenants
- PROP. 47.—The Jews had the strongest possible assurances given to them that the Kingdom based on these covenants would be realized
- PROP. 48.—The Kingdom being based on the covenants, the covenants must be carefully examined, and (PROP. 4) the literal language of the same must be maintained
- PROP. 49.—The covenants being, in Revelation, the foundation of the Kingdom, must first be received and appreciated
- PROP. 50.—This Kingdom will be the outgrowth of the renewed Abrahamic covenant, under which renewal we live
- PROP. 51.—The relation that the Kingdom sustains to “the covenants of promise” enables us to appreciate the prophecies pertaining to the Kingdom
- PROP. 52.—The promises pertaining to the Kingdom, as given in the covenants, will be strictly fulfilled
- PROP. 53.—The genealogies of our Lord form an important link in the comprehension of the Kingdom
- PROP. 54.—The preaching of the Kingdom by John, Jesus, and the disciples, was confined to the Jewish nation
- PROP. 55.—It was necessary that Jesus and His disciples should, at first, preach the Kingdom as nigh to the Jewish nation
- PROP. 56.—The Kingdom was not established during the ministry of “the Christ”
- PROP. 57.—This Kingdom was offered to the Jewish nation, but the nation rejected it
- PROP. 58.—Jesus, toward the close of His ministry, preached that the Kingdom was not nigh
- PROP. 59.—This Kingdom of God offered to the Jewish elect nation, lest the purpose of God fail, is to be given to others who are adopted
- PROP. 60.—This Kingdom of God is given, not to nations, but to one nation
- PROP. 61.—The Kingdom which by promise exclusively belonged to the Jewish nation, the rightful seed of Abraham, was now to be given to an engrafted people
- PROP. 62.—This people, to whom the Kingdom is to be given, gathered out of the nations, becomes the elect nation
- PROP. 63.—The present elect, to whom the Kingdom will be given, is the continuation of the previous election chiefly in another engrafted people
- PROP. 64.—The Kingdom being given to the elect only, any adoption into that elect portion must be revealed by express Divine Revelation
- PROP. 65.—Before this Kingdom can be given to this elect people, they must first be gathered out
- PROP. 66.—The Kingdom that was nigh at one time (viz., at the First Advent) to the Jewish nation is now removed to the close of its tribulation, and of the times of the Gentiles
- PROP. 67.—The Kingdom could not, therefore, have been set up at that time, viz., at the First Advent
- PROP. 68.—This Kingdom is then essentially a Jewish Kingdom
- PROP. 69.—The death of Jesus did not remove the notion entertained by the disciples and apostles concerning the Kingdom
- PROP. 70.—The apostles, after Christ’s ascension, did not preach, either to Jews or Gentiles, that the Kingdom was established
- PROP. 71.—The language of the apostles confirmed the Jews in their Messianic hopes of the Kingdom
- PROP. 72.—The doctrine of the Kingdom, as preached by the apostles, was received by the early Church
- PROP. 73.—The doctrine of the Kingdom preached by the apostles and elders raised up no controversy with the Jews
- PROP. 74.—The belief in the speedy Advent of Christ, entertained both by the apostles and the churches under them, indicates what Kingdom was believed in and taught by the first Christians
- PROP. 75.—The doctrine of the Kingdom, as held by the churches established by the apostles, was perpetuated
- PROP. 76.—The doctrine of the Kingdom was changed under the Gnostic and Alexandrian influence
- PROP. 77.—The doctrine of the Kingdom, as held by the early Church, was finally almost exterminated under the teaching and power of the Papacy
- PROP. 78.—The early Church doctrine was revived after the Reformation
- PROP. 79.—The Kingdom of God, promised by covenant and prophets, is to be distinguished from the general and universal sovereignty of God
- PROP. 80.—This Kingdom of covenant, promise, and prediction is to be distinguished from the sovereignty which Jesus exercises in virtue of His Divine nature
- PROP. 81.—This Kingdom, as covenanted, belongs to Jesus, as “the Son of Man”
- PROP. 82.—This Kingdom is a complete restoration, in the person of the Second Adam or Man, of the dominion lost by the First Adam or Man
- PROP. 83.—This Kingdom is given to “the Son of Man” by God, the Father
- PROP. 84.—As this Kingdom is specially given to “the Son of Man” as the result of His obedience, sufferings, and death, it must be something different from His Divine nature, or from “piety,” “religion,” “God’s reign in the heart,” etc.
- PROP. 85.—Neither Abraham nor his engrafted seed have as yet inherited the Kingdom; hence the Kingdom must be something different from “piety,” “religion,” “God’s reign in the heart,” etc.
- PROP. 86.—The object or design of this dispensation is to gather out these elect to whom, as heirs with Abraham and his seed Christ, this Kingdom is to be given
- PROP. 87.—The postponement of the Kingdom is the key to the understanding of the meaning of this dispensation
- PROP. 88.—The Church is then a preparatory stage for this Kingdom
- PROP. 89.—Christ, in view of this future Kingdom, sustains a peculiar relationship to the Church
- PROP. 90.—Members of the Church who are faithful are promised this Kingdom
- PROP. 91.—The Kingdom of God is not the Jewish Church
- PROP. 92.—This Kingdom is not what some call, “the Gospel Kingdom”
- PROP. 93.—The covenanted Kingdom is not the Christian Church
- PROP. 94.—The overlooking of the postponement of this Kingdom is a fundamental mistake and fruitful source of error in many systems of Theology
- PROP. 95.—If the Church is the Kingdom, then the terms “Church” and “Kingdom” should be synonymous
- PROP. 96.—The differences visible in the Church are evidences that it is not the predicted Kingdom of the Messiah
- PROP. 97.—The various forms of Church government indicate that the Church is not the promised Kingdom
- PROP. 98.—That the Church was not the Kingdom promised to David’s Son was the belief of the early Church
- PROP. 99.—The opinion that the Church is the predicted Kingdom of the Christ was of later origin than the first or second century
- PROP. 100.—The visible Church is not the predicted Kingdom of Jesus Christ
- PROP. 101.—The invisible Church is not the covenanted Kingdom of Christ
- PROP. 102.—Neither the visible nor invisible Church is the covenanted Kingdom
- PROP. 103.—This Kingdom is not a Kingdom in “the third heaven”
- PROP. 104.—The Christian Church is not denoted by the predicted Kingdom of the prophets
- PROP. 105.—The Lord’s Prayer, as given to the disciples, and understood by them, amply sustains our position
- PROP. 106.—Our doctrine of the Kingdom sustained by the temptation of Christ
- PROPOSITION 107.—The passages referring to heaven in connection with the saints, do not conflict with, but confirm, our doctrine of the Kingdom
- PROP. 108.—The formula, “Kingdom of heaven,” connected with the parables, confirms our doctrine of the Kingdom
- PROP. 109.—An examination of the passages of Scripture, supposed to teach the Church-Kingdom theory, will confirm our doctrine of the Kingdom
- PROP. 110.—The passage most relied on to prove the Church-Kingdom theory, utterly disproves it
- PROP. 111.—The Kingdom being identified with the elect Jewish nation, it cannot be established without the restoration of that nation
- PROP. 112.—The Kingdom, if established as predicted, demands the national restoration of the Jews to their own land
- PROP. 113.—The connection of this Kingdom with Jewish restoration necessitates the realization of their predicted repentance and conversion
- PROP. 114.—This Kingdom being identified with the elect Jewish nation, its establishment at the restoration embraces the supremacy of the nation over the nations of the earth
- PROP. 115.—The Kingdom is not established without a period of violence and war
- PROP. 116.—This Kingdom is a visible, external one, here on the earth, taking the place of earthly Kingdoms
- PROP. 117.—The Kingdom of God re-established, will form a divinely appointed, and visibly manifested, Theocracy
- PROP. 118.—This view of the Kingdom is most forcibly sustained by the figure of the Barren Woman
- PROP. 119.—The Kingdom of God is represented, in the Millennial descriptions, as restoring all the forfeited blessings
- PROP. 120.—This Kingdom, with its Millennial blessings, can only be introduced through the power of God in Christ Jesus
- PROP. 121.—This Kingdom, of necessity, requires a Pre-Millennial Personal Advent of Jesus, “the Christ”
- PROP. 122.—As “Son of Man,” David’s Son, Jesus inherits David’s throne and kingdom, and also the land of Palestine
- PROP. 123.—The Pre-Millennial Advent and accompanying Kingdom are united with the destruction of Antichrist
- PROP. 124.—This Kingdom is delayed several thousand years, to raise up a nation or people capable of sustaining it
- PROP. 125.—The Kingdom to be inherited by these gathered saints requires their resurrection from the dead
- PROP. 126.—In confirmation of our position, the Old Testament clearly teaches a Pre-Millennial resurrection of the saints
- PROP. 127.—In support of our view, the Apocalypse unmistakably teaches a Pre-Millennial resurrection of the saints
- PROP. 128.—The language of the Gospels and Epistles is in strict accord with the requirements of a Pre-Mill. resurrection
- PROP. 129.—The Jewish view of a Pre-Mill. resurrection, requisite for the introduction of the Messianic Kingdom, is fully sustained by the grammatical sense of the New Testament
- PROP. 130.—This Kingdom is also preceded by a translation of living saints
- PROP. 131.—This Kingdom embraces the visible reign of Jesus, the Christ, here on earth
- PROP. 132.—This view of the Kingdom confirmed by the judgeship of Jesus
- PROP. 133.—This view of the Kingdom fully sustained by the “Day of Judgment.”
- PROP. 134.—Our view of the Judgment (and, as a consequence, that also of the Kingdom) is fully sustained by the passage of Scripture, Matt. 25:31–46
- PROP. 135.—The doctrine of the Kingdom in full accord with the scriptural doctrine of the judgment of believers
- PROP. 136.—The doctrine of the Kingdom in agreement with the doctrine of the intermediate state
- PROP. 137.—This doctrine of the Kingdom sustained by the phrase “the world to come”
- PROP. 138.—This doctrine of the Kingdom fully corroborated by “the day of the Lord Jesus, the Christ”
- PROP. 139.—The Theocratic-Davidic Kingdom, as covenanted, is sustained by what is to take place in “the morning” of “the day of the Christ”
- PROP. 140.—The doctrine of the Kingdom confirmed by the phraseology of the New Testament respecting “the end of the age”
- PROP. 141.—This Kingdom necessarily united with the perpetuity of the earth
- PROP. 142.—The Kingdom being related to the earth (extending over it), and involving the resurrection of the saints (in order to inherit it), is sustained by the promise to the saints of inheriting the earth
- PROP. 143.—The early church doctrine of the Kingdom is supported by “the Rest,” or the keeping of the Sabbath, mentioned by Paul
- PROP. 144.—This Kingdom embraces “the times of refreshing,” and “the times of the restitution of all things,” mentioned Acts 3:19–21
- PROP. 145.—This Kingdom includes “the regeneration” of Matt. 19:28
- PROP. 146.—This Kingdom is associated with the deliverance of Creation
- PROP. 147.—This Kingdom is preceded by a wonderful shaking of the heavens and the earth
- PROP. 148.—This Kingdom embraces the New Heavens and New Earth
- PROP. 149.—This Kingdom is preceded by the conflagration of 2 Pet. 3:10–13
- PROP. 150.—The establishment of this Kingdom is not affected by the extent of Peter’s conflagration
- PROP. 151.—This Kingdom is identified with “the New Heavens and New Earth” of Isa. 65:17 and 66:22; 2 Pet. 3:13; and Rev. 21:1
- PROP. 152.—This Kingdom is connected with the perpetuation of the human race
- PROP. 153.—This view of the Kingdom, with its two classes (viz., the translated and resurrected saints, glorified, forming one class, and mortal men the other), is forcibly represented in the transfiguration
- PROP. 154.—This Theocratic Kingdom includes the visible reign of the risen and glorified saints, here on the earth
- PROP. 155.—This Kingdom exhibits Jesus not only as “the King,” but also as “the Priest”
- PROP. 156.—The doctrine of the Kingdom enforces the future priesthood of the saints
- PROP. 157.—This doctrine of the Kingdom enforces the future ministrations of angels
- PROP. 158.—The doctrine of the Kingdom aids in locating the Millennial period
- PROP. 159.—This Theocratic Kingdom of the Lord Jesus, the Christ, will never come to an end
- PROP. 160.—This Kingdom will be set up in the divided state of the Roman Empire
- PROP. 161.—This Kingdom will not be re-established until Antichrist is overthrown
- PROP. 162.—This Kingdom will be preceded by a fearful time of trouble, both in the Church and the world
- PROP. 163.—This Kingdom revealed will be preceded by the predicted “Battle of that great day of God Almighty”
- PROP. 164.—This Kingdom ends the Gentile domination
- PROP. 165.—The doctrine of this Kingdom enables us to form a correct estimate of human governments
- PROP. 166.—The rudimentary reorganization of the Kingdom will be made at Mount Sinai
- PROP. 167.—The re-establishment of this Kingdom embraces also the reception of a New Revelation of the Divine Will
- PROP. 168.—This Kingdom has its place of manifested royalty
- PROP. 169.—The Theocratic Kingdom includes the marriage of Christ to the New Jerusalem
- PROP. 170.—This doctrine of the Kingdom fully sustained by “the Father’s house” of John 14:2
- PROP. 171.—This Kingdom is connected with the Baptism of the Holy Ghost (Spirit) and of Fire.
- PROP. 172.—This Kingdom, when restored, does not require the re-introduction of bloody sacrifices
- PROP. 173.—The Kingdom of the Lord Jesus may be near at hand
- PROP. 174.—This Kingdom of the Messiah is preceded by, and connected with, signs
- PROP. 175.—The doctrine of the Kingdom is greatly obscured and perverted by the prevailing one of the conversion of the world prior to the Advent of Jesus
- PROP. 176.—Our doctrine of the Kingdom embraces the conversion of the world, but in the Scriptural order
- PROP. 177.—This doctrine of the Kingdom will not be received in faith by the Church, as a body
- PROP. 178.—This doctrine of the Kingdom, and its essentially related subjects, are so hostile to their faith, that numerous organized religious bodies totally reject them
- PROP. 179.—The doctrine of the Kingdom, or essentials of the same, are directly allied by various bodies with doctrines that are objectionable, and hence are made unpalatable to many
- PROP. 180.—This doctrine of the Kingdom will not be received in faith by the world
- PROP. 181.—Our doctrinal position illustrated and enforced by the Parable of the Ten Virgins
- PROP. 182.—This Kingdom embraces “the One Hope”
- PROP. 183.—The doctrine of the Kingdom, and its related subjects, have a direct practical tendency
- PROP. 184.—In this Kingdom will be exhibited a manifested unity
- PROP. 185.—This doctrine enforces that of Divine Providence
- PROP. 186.—This doctrine of the Kingdom sustained by the Analogy of Scripture, the Analogy of Faith, and the Analogy of Tradition
- PROP. 187.—This doctrine of the Kingdom gives coherency to the Gospels, and indicates the unity of design in each of them
- PROP. 188.—This doctrine indicates the unity of the Epistles
- PROP. 189.—It is only through this doctrine of the Kingdom that the Apocalypse can, or will, be understood and consistently interpreted
- PROP. 190.—Our views sustained by the addresses to the Seven Churches
- PROP. 191.—Our doctrine enforced by the general tenor of the Apocalypse
- PROP. 192.—This doctrine of the Kingdom greatly serves to explain Scripture
- PROP. 193.—This doctrine of the Kingdom meets, and consistently removes, the objections brought by the Jews against Christianity
- PROP. 194.—This doctrine of the Kingdom materially aids to explain the world’s history
- PROP. 195.—This doctrine of the Kingdom may, analogically, give us a clew to the government of other worlds
- PROP. 196.—This doctrine of the Kingdom gives us a more comprehensive view of the work of Christ for Redemptive purposes
- PROP. 197.—This Kingdom, although visible with a world-dominion, being Theocratic, is also necessarily spiritual
- PROP. 198.—The doctrine of the Kingdom confirms the credibility and inspiration of the Word of God
- PROP. 199.—This doctrine of the Kingdom materially aids in deciding the great Christological question of the day
- PROP. 200.—While the Kingdom is given to Jesus Christ as “the Son of Man,” He becomes thereby the actual Representative of God, manifesting God in the person of One related to humanity
- PROP. 201.—If a Kingdom such as is covenanted to “the Son of Man,” David’s Son, is not set up, then God’s effort at government, in and through an earthly rulership, proves a failure
- PROP. 202.—If the Kingdom of “the Son of Man,” as covenanted, is not established, then the earth will lack in its history the exhibition of a perfect government
- PROP. 203.—The exaltation of the Christ is not lessened or lowered by thus referring the promises of the Kingdom to an outward manifestation in the future
- PROP. 204.—Such a view gives definiteness and a continued exaltation to the human nature of Christ, and indicates the majestic relationship that it sustains throughout the ages to the race of man
- PROP. 205.—The doctrine of the Kingdom materially aids us in preaching “the Christ,” the distinctive “Messiah”
- PROP. 206.—This earth will yet witness the re-establishment of a glorious Theocracy—a Theocracy in its perfected form
Literal, futuristic, premillennial. Excerpt on Revelation 20:5...
But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished.
The rest of the dead will not come to life until the end of the Millennium. This is the resurrection of the lost of all ages (20:11-15). This resurrection will not occur until after the Millennium (v.11).
This is the first resurrection.
The New Testament uses the word “resurrection” 40 times. It always refers to physical, bodily resurrection except in Luke 2:34.
The “first resurrection” is not the first chronological resurrection because Christ was thefirst to rise from the dead. “Many” rose from the dead when Christ rose (Matthew 27:52-53).
The “first” resurrection is in contrast to the “last” resurrection (20:12-13). The word “first” carries the idea of “before.” All the righteous dead are raised before the resurrection of the wicked dead at the end of the 1000 years.
The resurrection of the righteous comes in phases (1 Corinthians 15:23). Christ rose first, then the “many,” then the church, then the Tribulation saints and finally the Old Testament saints (Isaiah 26:19-21; Ezekiel 37:12-14; Daniel 12:2-3).
- Introduction
- Revelation 1:1
- Revelation 1:1b
- Revelation 1:1c
- Revelation 1:1c
- Revelation 1:2
- Revelation 1:3
- Revelation 1:3b
- Revelation 1:3c
- Revelation 1:3d
- Revelation 1:4
- Revelation 1:4b
- Revelation 1:4c
- Revelation 1:4d
- Revelation 1:5
- Revelation 1:5b
- Revelation 1:5c
- Revelation 1:5d
- Revelation 1:5e
- Revelation 1:5f
- Revelation 1:6
- Revelation 1:7
- Revelation 1:8
- Revelation 1:9
- Revelation 1:9b
- Revelation 1:10
- Revelation 1:11
- Revelation 1:12
- Revelation 1:13
- Revelation 1:14
- Revelation 1:15
- Revelation 1:16
- Revelation 1:17
- Revelation 1:18
- Revelation 1:18b
- Revelation 1:19
- Revelation 1:20
- Revelation 2:1
- Revelation 2:2
- Revelation 2:3
- Revelation 2:4
- Revelation 2:5
- Revelation 2:6
- Revelation 2:7
- Revelation 2:8
- Revelation 2:9
- Revelation 2:10
- Revelation 2:10b
- Revelation 2:11
- Revelation 2:12
- Revelation 2:13
- Revelation 2:14
- Revelation 2:15
- Revelation 2:16
- Revelation 2:17
- Revelation 2:18
- Revelation 2:19
- Revelation 2:20
- Revelation 2:21
- Revelation 2:22
- Revelation 2:23
- Revelation 2:24
- Revelation 2:25
- Revelation 2:26
- Revelation 2:27
- Revelation 2:28
- Revelation 2:29
- Revelation 3:1
- Revelation 3:2
- Revelation 3:2b
- Revelation 3:2c
- Revelation 3:3
- Revelation 3:4
- Revelation 3:5
- Revelation 3:6
- Revelation 3:7
- Revelation 3:8
- Revelation 3:9
- Revelation 3:10
- Revelation 3:11
- Revelation 3:12
- Revelation 3:13
- Revelation 3:14
- Revelation 3:15
- Revelation 3:16
- Revelation 3:17
- Revelation 3:18
- Revelation 3:19
- Revelation 3:20
- Revelation 3:21
- Revelation 3:22
- Revelation 4:1
- Revelation 4:2-3
- Revelation 4:4-8
- Revelation 4:9-11
- Revelation 5:1-7
- Revelation 5:8-10
- Revelation 5:11-14
- Revelation 6:1-2
- Revelation 6:3-6
- Revelation 6:7-8
- Revelation 6:9-17
- Revelation 7:1-4
- Revelation 7:5-8
- Revelation 7:9-12
- Revelation 7:13-17
- Revelation 8:1-6
- Revelation 8:7-13
- Revelation 9:1-11
- Revelation 9:12-21
- Revelation 10:1-2
- Revelation 10:3-7
- Revelation 10:8-11
- Revelation 11-1-2
- Revelation 11-3-6
- Revelation 11-7-10
- Revelation 11-11-14
- Revelation 11-15-19
- Revelation 12-1-6
- Revelation 12-7-12
- Revelation 12-13-17
- Revelation 13-1-10
- Revelation 13-11-18
- Revelation 14-1-5
- Revelation 14-6-13
- Revelation 14-14-20
- Revelation 15-1-4
- Revelation 15-5-8
- Revelation 16-1-11
- Revelation 16-12-16
- Revelation 16-17-21
- Revelation 17-1-4
- Revelation 17-5-6
- Revelation 17-7-18
- Revelation 18-1-
- Revelation 18-4-8
- Revelation 18-9-10
- Revelation 18-11-19
- Revelation 18-20-24
- Revelation 19-1-2
- Revelation 19-3
- Revelation 19-4-7
- Revelation 19-7-9
- Revelation 19-10
- Revelation 19-11
- Revelation 19-12-16
- Revelation 19-17-21
- Revelation 20-1-3
- Revelation 20-4-6
- Revelation 20-7-8
- Revelation 20-9-10
- Revelation 20-11-12
- Revelation 20-13-14
- Revelation 20-15
- Revelation 21-1
- Revelation 21-2
- Revelation 21-3
- Revelation 21-4
- Revelation 21-5-6
- Revelation 21-7
- Revelation 21-8
- Revelation 21-9-11
- Revelation 21-12-21
- Revelation 21-22-23
- Revelation 21-24-27
- Revelation 22-1
- Revelation 22-2
- Revelation 22-3
- Revelation 22-4-5
- Revelation 22-6-7
- Revelation 22-8-10
- Revelation 22-11
- Revelation 22-12
- Revelation 22-13
- Revelation 22-14
- Revelation 22-15
- Revelation 22-16-17
- Revelation 22-18-19
- Revelation 22-20
- Revelation 22-21
Notes on original Greek text. Interpretative approach difficult to state with certainty but not definitively futuristic
Click here to access the 92 titles listed below - the Pdf has 1160 pages of sermons. Rogers is conservative, pithy and practical! He is one of the stellar expositors of the twentieth century. Highly recommended to aid your sermon and teaching preparation. Illustrations in green font.
- A Panorama of Prophecy—Revelation 1:1–3
- A Panorama of Prophecy—Revelation 1:1–3
- A Panorama of Prophecy—Revelation 1:1–3
- Living on the Edge of Eternity—Revelation 1:1–3
- The Blessing Book—Revelation 1:1–3
- The Future Is Here—Revelation 1:1–3
- A Panorama of Prophecy—Revelation 1:1–3, 19
- What Profit Is Prophecy?—Revelation 1:3
- Soon Coming of Our Lord—Revelation 1:3–18
- Making Numbers Count—Revelation 1:4
- He Holds the Keys—Revelation 1:4–18
- Why We Long for His Coming—Revelation 1:7–8
- Why We Look for His Coming—Revelation 1:7–8
- The Coming Christ—Revelation 1:7–18
- The Triumph of the Lamb—Revelation 1:7–18
- Our Coming Lord—Revelation 1:7, 12–18, 20
- The Glory of the Risen Christ—Revelation 1:10–18
- 666 Versus 777—Revelation 1:12–13
- The Golden Key to Revelation—Revelation 1:19
- The Golden Key to the Book of Revelation—Revelation 1:19
- Making Numbers Count—Revelation 1:20
- The Christian’s Love Life—Revelation 2:1–7
- What to Do When the Glow Is Gone—Revelation 2:1–7
- The Windows of Heaven and the Doors of Hell—Revelation 2:8–11
- Crowns—Revelation 2:10; 3:11; 4:1–11
- Hell’s Headquarters—Revelation 2:12–17
- Is It Nice to Be Narrow?—Revelation 2:18–29
- The Autopsy of a Dead Church—Revelation 3:1–6
- To God Be the Glory—Revelation 3:7–8
- The Keeper of the Keys and the Doors of Destiny—Revelation 3:7–13
- Eternity Is a Trumpet Sound Away—Revelation 3:11–22
- The Sin of Lukewarmness—Revelation 3:14–21
- How to Keep Your Spiritual Fire Burning—Revelation 3:14–22
- The Midnight Cry and the Rapture of the Church—Revelation 4:1–5
- A Glimpse into Glory—Revelation 4:1–11
- Worthy Is the Lamb—Revelation 5
- The Lion of Judah—Revelation 5:1–14
- Worthy Is the Lamb—Revelation 5:1–14
- Worthy Is the Lamb—Revelation 5:1–14
- The Wrath of the Lamb and the Coming Great Tribulation—Revelation 6
- The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse—Revelation 6:1–17
- Signed, Sealed, and Delivered—Revelation 7
- What a Mighty God We Serve—Revelation 7
- The Mysterious Multitude—Revelation 7:9–17
- An Invasion from Hell—Revelation 8; 9:1–11
- When Demons Dominate—Revelation 8; 9:1–12
- When Demons Dominate—Revelation 8; 9:1–12
- A World Gone Wild—Revelation 9:13–21
- Looking for God in a World Gone Wild—Revelation 9:13–21
- Jesus Christ, the One and Only—Revelation 10
- When Time Is No More—Revelation 10:1–7
- When Prophets Are Persecuted—Revelation 11
- God’s Mighty Messengers—Revelation 11:1–13
- The New World Order—Revelation 11:15
- Why I Love Israel—Revelation 12
- Why Some People Hate the Jewish Race—Revelation 12
- Biography of the Beast—Revelation 13
- The Beast from the Sea—Revelation 13
- The Mark of the Beast—Revelation 13
- Beware of the Beast—Revelation 13:1–18
- Beware of the Beast—Revelation 13:1–18
- The Beast from the Sea—Revelation 13:1–18
- The Nature of the Beast—Revelation 13:1–18
- 666: The Mark of the Beast—Revelation 13:11–18
- 666: The Mark of the Beast—Revelation 13:11–18
- The Mark of the Beast—Revelation 13:11–18
- The Decisions of the Living and the Destiny of the Dead—Revelation 14
- The Tribulation Saints—Revelation 14:1–7
- How to Gain and Celebrate Victory—Revelation 15; 16
- The Beauty and the Beast—Revelation 17
- Beauty and the Beast—Revelation 17
- Goodbye to Babylon—Revelation 18
- The Bully of Baghdad and the Bible—Revelation 18:1–5
- The Coming Crash—Revelation 18:1–24
- Four Hallelujahs—Revelation 19:1–10
- The Marriage of the Lamb—Revelation 19:1–10
- Wedding Bells in Heaven—Revelation 19:1–10
- Our King Is Coming—Revelation 19:11–16
- Signposts on the Road to Armageddon—Revelation 19:11–21
- The Golden Age—Revelation 20:1–10
- The Final Judgment—Revelation 20:11–15
- The Final Judgment—Revelation 20:11–15
- The Great Judgment—Revelation 20:11–15
- The Final Judgment of the Unsaved Dead—Revelation 20:12–15
- A Guided Tour Through Heaven—Revelation 21
- A New Heaven and a New Earth—Revelation 21
- Heaven—Revelation 21
- The New-Time Religion—Revelation 21:5
- The New-Time Religion—Revelation 21:5
- The Place Called Hell—Revelation 21:7–8
- How You Can Be Certain the Bible Is the Word of God—Revelation 22
- The Lamb Has Overcome—Revelation 22:6–21
Text and Audio Available. Literal, futuristic.
- Revelation 1:1-7 The Unveiling
- Revelation 1:4-8 Behold He Is Coming
- Revelation 1:9-20 A Vision Of Jesus
- Revelation 2:1-7 Revival Or Removal
- Revelation 2:9-11 Smyrna, The Suffering Church
- Revelation 2:12-17 Pergamos, The Church That Compromised-Part 1
- Revelation 2:12-17 Pergamos, The Church That Compromised-Part 2
- Revelation 2:18-29 Thyatira, The Religious System
- Revelation 3:1-6 Sardis, The Church That Was Dead
- Revelation 3:7-13 Opportunity And Strength
- Revelation 3:14-22 Laodicea, The Lukewarm Church
- Revelation 4:1-2 Come Up Here - Rapture?
- Revelation 4:1-5 A Trip To Heaven
- Revelation 4:6-11 Heaven - What A home!
- Revelation 5:1-10 The Greatest Real Estate Deal In History
- Revelation 5:8-10 History's Greatest Worship Service
- Revelation 5:11-14 Angels We Have Heard On High
- Revelation 6:1-17 Four Riders On The Horizon
- Revelation 6:9-7:17 Martys, Madness And Ministers
- Revelation 8:1-13 (Four Terrible Trumpets
- Revelation 9:1-12 The First Woe!!!
- Revelation 9:13-21 It's Time To Wake Up
- Revelation 10:1-11 The Big Angel Who Looks Like Jesus
- Revelation 11:1-14 The Temple And The Two Witnesses
- Revelation 11:15-19 Proleptic Living
- Revelation 12:1-17 Our Rock Of Refuge
- Revelation 13:1-18 A Counterfeit Oneness
- Revelation 14:1-5 Burning Bright For Jesus
- Revelation 14:6-20 Visions And Pronouncements
- Revelation 15 & 16 The Bowls Are Poured Out
- Revelation 17 & 18 Mystery Babylon
- Revelation 19:1-10 The Wedding Feast
- Revelation 19:11 - 20:3 The Final Showdown
- Revelation 20:4-15 The Millennium
- Revelation 21:1-27 The New Heaven And The New Earth
- Revelation 22 I Am Coming Quickly
- Revelation 1:1-3 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 1:4-5 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 1:5-8 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 1:9-11 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 1:12-13 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 1:13-16 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 1:16-20 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 2:1-7 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 2:8-11 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 2:12-17 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 2:18-29 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 3:1-6 ( doc, pdf) broken link
- Revelation 3:7-13 ( doc, pdf) broken link
- Revelation 3:14-22 ( doc, pdf) broken link
- Revelation 4:1-3 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 4:4-6 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 4:6-11 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 5:1-7 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 5:8-14 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 6:1 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 6:1-4 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 6:3-8 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 6:9-11 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 6:12-17 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 7:1-3 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 7:4-8 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 7:9-12 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 7:13-17 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 8:1-5 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 8:6-13 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 9:1-12 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 9:13-21 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 10:1-11 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 11:1-7 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 11:7-12 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 11:13-18 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 12:1-5 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 12:6-12 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 12:13-17 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 13:1-18 (Part 1) ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 13:1-18 (Part 2) ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 14:1-5 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 14:6-13 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 14:14-20 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 15:1-4 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 15:5-8 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 16:1-7 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 16:12-21 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 17:1-7 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 17:8-18 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 18:1-8 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 18:9-24 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 19:1-6 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 19:7-10 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 19:11-16 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 19:17-21 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 20:1-3 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 20:1-6 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 20:4-6 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 20:7-10 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 20:11-15 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 21:1-8 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 21:9-27 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 22:1-5 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 22:6-7 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 22:8-9 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 22:10-11 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 22:12 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 22:13-14 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 22:16-17 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation 22:19-21 ( doc, pdf)
- Revelation Notes from 1980s.
- Revelation 1:1-3 (pdf)
- Revelation 1:4-5 (pdf)
- Revelation 1:5-8 (pdf)
- Revelation 1:9-11 (pdf)
- Revelation 1:12-17 (pdf)
- Revelation 1:17-20 (pdf)
- Revelation 2:1-7 (pdf)
- Revelation 2:8-11 (pdf)
- Revelation 2:12-17 (pdf)
- Revelation 2:18-29 (pdf)
- Revelation 3:1-6 (pdf)
- Revelation 3:7-13 (pdf)
- Revelation 3:14-22 (pdf)
- Revelation 4:1-11 (pdf)
- Revelation 4:2-11 (pdf)
- Revelation 5:1-7 (pdf)
- Revelation 5:8-10 (pdf)
- Revelation 5:8-14 (pdf)
- Revelation 6:1-8 (pdf)
- Revelation 6:9-17 (pdf)
- Revelation 7:1-8 (pdf)
- Revelation 7:9-17 (pdf)
- Revelation 8:1-5 (pdf)
- Revelation 8:6-13 (pdf)
- Revelation 9:13-21 (pdf)
- Revelation 9:1-12 (pdf)
- Revelation 10:1-11 rev. 2 (pdf)
- Revelation 10:1-11 (pdf)
- Revelation 11:1-7 (pdf)
- Revelation 11:7-14 (pdf)
- Revelation 11:13-18 (pdf)
- Revelation 11:14-19 (pdf)
- Revelation 12:1-6 (pdf)
- Revelation 12:7-12 (pdf)
- Revelation 12:13-17 (pdf)
- Revelation 13:1-18 (pdf)
- Revelation 14:1-5 (pdf)
- Revelation 14:6-13 (pdf)
- Revelation 14:14-20 (pdf)
- Revelation 15:1-8 (pdf)
- Revelation 16:1-11 (pdf)
- Revelation 16:12-21 (pdf)
- Revelation 17:7-18 (pdf)
- Revelation 18:1-8 (pdf)
- Revelation 18:9-24 (pdf)
- Revelation 19:11-16 (pdf)
- Revelation 19:17-21 (pdf)
- Revelation 19:1-6 (pdf)
- Revelation 19:7-10 (pdf)
- Revelation 20:11-15 (pdf)
- Revelation 20:1-3 (pdf)
- Revelation 20:4-6 rev. 2 (pdf)
- Revelation 20:4-6 (pdf)
- Revelation 20:7-10 (pdf)
- Revelation 21:1-8 (pdf)
- Revelation 21:2 (pdf)
- Revelation 21:9-27 (pdf)
- Revelation 22:12-15 (pdf)
- Revelation 22:16-21 (pdf)
- Revelation 22:1-5 (pdf)
- Revelation 22:6-11 (pdf)
- Revelation Suppplemental Notes (pdf)
Rosscup - A helpful older premillennial work that is at some points lucid in expounding the meaning. (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors) (Commentaries For Biblical Expositors- Dr. Jim Rosscup)
- Introduction
- Revelation 1
- Revelation 2
- Revelation 3
- Revelation 4
- Revelation 5
- Revelation 6
- Revelation 7
- Revelation 8
- Revelation 9
- Revelation 10
- Revelation 11
- Revelation 12
- Revelation 13
- Revelation 14
- Revelation 15
- Revelation 16
- Revelation 17
- Revelation 18
- Revelation 19
- Revelation 20
- Revelation 21
- Revelation 22
Joseph Augustus Seiss' (picture) Lectures on the Apocalypse was initially published in 3 volumes in the mid-1800's and has become widely accepted by modern evangelical scholars as one of the first popular works based upon the futurist interpretation of the Revelation.
Rosscup writes that Seiss' work is "An expository older premillennial work of great detail on units of the book." (Commentaries For Biblical Expositors- Dr. Jim Rosscup)
LECTURE FIRST Revelation 1:1–3
The Preface, Scope, Contents, Derivation, Value, and Preciousness of the Apocalypse
LECTURE SECOND Revelation 1:4–8
The Apostolic Introduction to the Apocalypse, and its several Important Allusions
LECTURE THIRD Revelation 1:9–17
The First Vision—A Picture of the Saviour in His relation to the Churches
LECTURE FOURTH Revelation 1:17–20
Supplementary Declarations, touching the Character and Prerogatives of Christ
The Seven Churches—Meaning of Numbers—The Seven Ages of the Church
LECTURE SIXTH Revelation 2 AND 3
The Seven Epistles—Their General Character and Contents
LECTURE SEVENTH Revelation 3:21
The Prophetic Significance of the Seven Epistles, and their Identification in History
The Career and End of the Church on Earth
LECTURE NINTH Revelation 4:1–11
The Church in Heaven—The Throne—The Elders—The Living Ones
LECTURE TENTH Revelation 5:1–14
The Seven-Sealed Book—What it imports—The taking of it by the Lamb
LECTURE ELEVENTH Revelation 6:1–2
The Breaking of the Seals—The First Seal—The Conquests of the White Horseman
LECTURE TWELFTH Revelation 6:3–8
The Second, Third, and Fourth Seals—War—Famine—Death
LECTURE THIRTEENTH Revelation 6:9–11
The Fifth Seal—Bloody Persecution—The Souls under the Altar
LECTURE FOURTEENTH Revelation 6:12–17
Opening of the Sixth Seal—A Universal Shaking of the System of Nature
LECTURE FIFTEENTH Revelation 7:1–8
A Lull in the Storms of Judgment—The Mysterious Sealing of the 144,000
LECTURE SIXTEENTH Revelation 7:9–17
The Heavenly Palm-bearers clothed in white—Who they are—Whence they came
Silence in Heaven—The Seven Angels of God’s Presence—Economy of the Heavens—The Seven Trumpets—The Prayers of Saints—Fire Cast into the Earth—These things to be Studied,
LECTURE EIGHTEENTH Revelation 8:6–12
Preparations—First Trumpet—Hail, Fire and Blood.—Second Trumpet—A Meteor turns the Sea to Blood.—Third Trumpet—A Meteor or Comet Falls on the Earth, Poisoning the Waters.—Fourth Trumpet—Sun, Moon, and Stare Obscured,
LECTURE NINETEENTH Revelation 8:13; 9:1–12
The Woe Trumpets—The Angel in Mid-heaven—Mercy in Judgment.—The Fifth Trumpet—The Fallen Star and Locusts from the Abyss,
LECTURE TWENTIETH Revelation 9:13–21
The Sixth Trumpet—The State of Society at this Period—Cry from the Altar—The Four Angels of the Euphrates—Spirit Horses,
LECTURE TWENTY-FIRST Revelation 10:1–11
The Cloud-robed Angel—His Lion Cry—“The Seven Thunders”—The Little Book—John’s Eating of it—The Angel’s Oath—The Mystery of God—Delay of the Lord’s Coming—Its Certainty,
LECTURE TWENTY-SECOND Revelation 11:1, 2
The Current Method of Interpreting the Apocalypse—Saints in Heaven must Prophesy again—Measuring of the Temple—“The Holy City”—Jews again in the Foreground—A New Order of Canon—Zion Redeemed with Judgment,
LECTURE TWENTY-THIRD Revelation 11:3, 4
The Two Witnesses—Their Individuality—How Enoch and Elijah answer the Description—Twofold Coming of Elijah—Another Prophet—The Two Olive Trees and the Two Lamps,
LECTURE TWENTY-FOURTH Revelation 11:5–14
The Two Witnesses, continued—Their Times, Spirit, and Ministry—Slain and refused Burial—Rejoicings over their Death—Their Resurrection and Recall to Heaven—A Great Earthquake,
LECTURE TWENTY-FIFTH Revelation 11:15–19
The Seventh Trumpet—Synopsis of Events—Heaven Full of Excitement and Interest—Nature agitated—Anticipations of the End,
LECTURE TWENTY-SIXTH Revelation 12:1, 2 (See Cautionary Note)
The Sunclad Woman—The Church in its Entirety—Significance of the Symbol,
LECTURE TWENTY-SEVENTH Revelation 12:3, 4 (See Cautionary Note)
The Great Red Dragon—His Tail—His Heads and Horns—His Character and Greatness—His Attitude toward the Woman,
LECTURE TWENTY-EIGHTH Revelation 12:5 (See Cautionary Note)
The Man-child—The Visible and Invisible Church—Manhood and Destiny of this Child—The Bringing of it Forth—Glory of the Christian Calling,
LECTURE TWENTY-NINTH Revelation 12:6–12 (See Cautionary Note)
The War in Heaven—The Forces Marshalled—Occasion of the Conflict—Nature of the Battle—Issue of the Engagement,
LECTURE THIRTIETH Revelation 12:12–17 (See Cautionary Note)
The Flight of the Woman—Condition of the Church and the World after the Removal of the Man-child—Hard Fate of the “Left”—Reflections,
LECTURE THIRTY-FIRST Revelation 13:1–10
The Beast from the Sea—The Antichrist—The Individuality and Supernatural Character of the Final Antichrist,
LECTURE THIRTY-SECOND Revelation 13:11, 12
The Beast from the Earth—Counterfeit Trinity—The False Prophet—His Horns and Speech—Causes the Earth to Worship the Antichrist—Literal Probability,
LECTURE THIRTY-THIRD Revelation 13:13–18
The False Prophet, continued—His Miracles—His Arguments—The Image he causes to be made and Animates with Speech—The Devil’s Administration Complete—The Helplessness and Hopelessness of Men under it,
LECTURE THIRTY-FOURTH Revelation 14:1–13
The 144,000—Their Maintenance of the Confession of Christ over against the Worship of the Beast—The same as the Sealed Ones of Chapter Seven—Their Chief Characteristics—Their Peculiar Reward—The Four Angel-Messages,
LECTURE THIRTY-FIFTH Revelation 14:14–16
Vision of the Harvest—Particulars of the Description—The Angel-cry for the Sharp Sickle—The Reaping—Vision of the Vintage—Angel Out of the Temple—Cry from the Altar—Gathering of the Vine of the Earth—Treading of the Wine-press,
LECTURE THIRTY-SIXTH Revelation 15:1–8; 16:1–11
Sign of the Seven Last Plagues—Vision of the Sea of Glass—The Harp-singers by It—The Seven Priest-angels—The Golden Bowls—Plague of Sores—Plague of the Bloody Sea—Plague of the Bloody Rivers and Water-springs—Plague of Sun-heat—Plague of Darkness—Impenitence of Men,
LECTURE THIRTY-SEVENTH Revelation 16:12–21
Sixth Bowl of Wrath—Drying up of the Euphrates—Unclean Spirits—The Enthusiasm They Awaken—Singular Note of Warning—Harmageddon—Seventh Bowl of Wrath—Convulsions in the Air—In the Earth—Great Babylon Remembered—Earth Altered—Unprecedented Hailstorm—Inveterate Depravity of Men,
LECTURE THIRTY-EIGHTH Revelation 17:1–17
Great Babylon—Prominence and Difficulty of the Subject—The Two Women—The Primal Post-diluvian Apostasy—Nimrod and his Inventions—The World’s Intoxication with Them—The Harlot’s Own Drunkenness with the Blood of Saints—The Waters on which She Sits—The Beast She Rides,
Great Babylon, Continued—Wilderness in which She Appears—Her Twofoldness—Shall the City of Babylon be Restored?—Prophecies on the Subject—Zechariah’s Ephah—Features and Fall as Bearing on the Question—Reasonableness of the Idea,
LECTURE FORTIETH Revelation 18:1–8
Fall of Great Babylon—A Perplexity Relieved—Length of the Judgment Period—The Angel who Announces the Fall—Twofold Fall—The People Called Out—Forms of the Destruction—Administrants of It—Measure of the Calamity—Crimes which Procure the Ruin—Commerce—Witchery, Presumption, Self-glorification, and Arrogance of,
LECTURE FORTY-FIRST Revelation 18:9–24; 19:1–6
Sequences of the Fall of Great Babylon—Wails of Royalty—Wails of Merchants—Wails of Other Classes—Heaven’s Gladness—Saints, Prophets, and Apostles Avenged—Double Alleluia—The Amen—Further Items of Joy—Taking of the Kingdom—Blessedness of the Rule of God,
LECTURE FORTY-SECOND Revelation 19:7–10
The Marriage of the Lamb—The Bridegroom—The Bride—The Several Classes of the Saved—The Bride’s Ready-making—The Marriage—The Marriage Supper—The Guests—Certainty of the Revelation,
LECTURE FORTY-THIRD Revelation 19:11–21
Battle of the Great Day of God Almighty—The Sublime Hero—Comes Out of the Heaven—His Horse—His Character—His Eyes—His Diadems—His Names—His Vesture—His Sword—His Title—His Followers—Their Horses—Their Clothing—The Armies Encountered—The Laugh of God—Birds Invited to the Slaughter—Fate of the Beast and False Prophet—Fate of the Armed Hosts—The Victory,
LECTURE FORTY-FOURTH Revelation 20:1–3
The Binding of Satan—His Four Names—The Angel Who Apprehends Him—A Literal Transaction—The Economy of the Under-world—Hell—Sheol—Hades—Christ’s Descent into Hell—Hades No Longer the Abode of Departed Saints—“Abaddon”—The Abyss—Tartarus—Gehenna—Satan Imprisoned in the Abyss—Object of His Imprisonment—Is Loose Till Then—Certainly Loose Now,
LECTURE FORTY-FIFTH Revelation 20:4, 5
Vision of the Enthroned Saints—Its Connection with Preceding Chapters—The Shepherdizing of the Nations—The Shepherdizers—Their Thrones—Their Judging, Power and Reign—Special Notice of the Martyrs—The Word “Souls”—A Corporeal Resurrection Necessarily Implied,
The First Resurrection—A Resurrection of Saints Only—Takes Place in Successive Stages—Not Described in any One Vision—Introduces a Wonderful Change in Earth’s Affairs—Promotes the Subjects of It to a Transcendent Dignity and Glory,
LECTURE FORTY-SEVENTH Revelation 20:7–15
The Millennium—False Theories—A Period of 1000 Years—Another Dispensation—Condition of Things Then—Its Blessedness Does Not End with the 1000 Years—Loosing Again of Satan—Rebellion of Gog and Magog—Fate of the Rebels—Satan Cast into Gehenna—The Great White Throne—Its Occupant—The Final Resurrection and Judgment—The Books Opened—Grades of Punishment—The Lake of Fire,
LECTURE FORTY-EIGHTH Revelation 21:1–8
The Perpetuity of the Earth and Race of Man—“End of the World” not the Extinction of the Earth—Continuous Generations—The Redeemed World—The Scene of It—The Blessedness of It—The Occupants of It,
LECTURE FORTY-NINTH Revelation 21:9–27
The New Jerusalem—Materialism in the Future—A Literal City—How the Bride of the Lamb—Its Derivation—Its Location—Its Splendor—Its Amplitude—Its System of Illumination—Its Lack of a Temple—Its Relation to the World at Large—Its Superlative Holiness,
LECTURE FIFTIETH Revelation 22:1–5
The New Jerusalem, Continued—A More Inward View—The Wonderful River—The Tree of Life—The Curse Repealed—The Enduring Throne—The Eternal Blessedness,
LECTURE FIFTY-FIRST Revelation 22:6–15
Last Section of the Book—Certainty of these Revelations—The Repeated Benediction—Effect on the Apostle—Direction What to Do with These Things—Argument for the Same—Conditions for Enjoying the Beatitudes of This Book—A Particular Washing of Robes,
LECTURE FIFTY-SECOND Revelation 22:16–21
End of the Book—Character and Majesty of Christ—Time of These Wonders—How to be Affected Respecting Them—Guards Around What is Written—Christ’s Summation of the Whole—True Attitude of the Church—Conclusion,
Literal Interpretation.
Revelation 1
- Revelation 1:1-3 - Jesus will come again, soon
- Revelation 1:4-6 - God is both great, and kind
- Revelation 1:7 - Jesus will return in public
- Revelation 1:8 - The beginning and the end of all things
- Revelation 1:9 - John on Patmos
- Revelation 1:10 - The Lord’s day
- Revelation 1:11 - The 7 churches of Revelation
- Revelation 1:12 - 7 gold lampstands
- Revelation 1:13 - John sees Christ
- Revelation 1:14-15 - A description of Christ as judge
- Revelation 1:16 - Christ’s perfect character
- Revelation 1:17 - John’s fear of Christ
- Revelation 1:18 - The events that give Christians the confidence to love Christ
- Revelation 1:19 - The work of a prophet
- Revelation 1:20 - The ‘angels’ of the churches
Revelation 2
- Revelation 2:1 - Christ’s letter to Ephesus
- Revelation 2:2-3 - Ephesus: the loyal church that lost its love for God
- Revelation 2:4 - The importance of love
- Revelation 2:5 - Why Christians may need to repent
- Revelation 2:6 - About the Nicolaitans
- Revelation 2:7 - A promise to Christians who overcome
- Revelation 2:8 - Christ’s letter to Smyrna
- Revelation 2:9 - Smyrna: true wealth
- Revelation 2:10 - The promise of the crown of life
- Revelation 2:11 - The second death
- Revelation 2:12 - Christ’s letter to Pergamum
- Revelation 2:13 - Pergamum: the place where Satan ruled
- Revelation 2:14 - About Balaam
- Revelation 2:15-16 - God’s word will act in judgement to separate people
- Revelation 2:17 - Christ’s promise to the Christians at Pergamum
- Revelation 2:18-19 - Christ’s letter to Thyatira
- Revelation 2:20 - Thyatira: Jezebel and the wrong things that she taught
- Revelation 2:21 - An opportunity to repent
- Revelation 2:22 - A judgement against people who are not loyal to God
- Revelation 2:23 - God’s judgement is against people who do evil acts
- Revelation 2:24 - ‘The deep things of Satan’
- Revelation 2:25 - Remain loyal to God
- Revelation 2:26 - Christians should do the things that God wants
- Revelation 2:27 - The rule of God’s people
- Revelation 2:28 - The morning star
- Revelation 2:29 - What it means to ‘hear’ God’s message
Revelation 3
- Revelation 3:1 - Christ’s letter to Sardis
- Revelation 3:2-3 - Sardis: a message to a church in trouble
- Revelation 3:4 - God can remove the sin from our lives
- Revelation 3:5-6 - Promises for the people whom God has forgiven
- Revelation 3:7 - Christ’s letter to Philadelphia
- Revelation 3:8 - Philadelphia: an open door
- Revelation 3:9 - God changes people’s attitudes
- Revelation 3:10 - Endurance during troubles
- Revelation 3:11 - Guard what God has given to you
- Revelation 3:12-13 - A column in the temple of God
- Revelation 3:14 - Christ’s letter to Laodicea
- Revelation 3:15-16 - Laodicea: neither hot nor cold
- Revelation 3:17 - The dangers of wealth
- Revelation 3:18 - The valuable things that Christ offers
- Revelation 3:19 - Christ’s love for Laodicea’s Christians
- Revelation 3:20 - Christ stands at the door and knocks
- Revelation 3:21 - Christ’s special guest
- Revelation 3:22 - Lessons from Christ’s letters to the 7 churches
Revelation 4
- Revelation 4:1 - John begins to see events in heaven
- Revelation 4:2 - God’s throne in heaven
- Revelation 4:3 - John’s description of God
- Revelation 4:4 - The 24 elders
- Revelation 4:5 - The greatness and power of God
- Revelation 4:6 - The 4 living creatures
- Revelation 4:7 - The description of the 4 living creatures
- Revelation 4:8 - Holy, holy, holy
- Revelation 4:9-10 - All honour is due to God
- Revelation 4:11 - God deserves all glory, honour and power
Revelation 5
- Revelation 5:1 - The scroll with 7 seals
- Revelation 5:2-3 - Who can open the scroll?
- Revelation 5:4 - What was in the scroll?
- Revelation 5:5 - Christ had the right to open the scroll
- Revelation 5:6 - The special description of Christ as a lamb
- Revelation 5:7 - Christ at God’s right hand
- Revelation 5:8 - Prayers that please God
- Revelation 5:9-10 - A new song
- Revelation 5:11-14 - An expression of praise that fills the whole world
Revelation 6
- Revelation 6:1-2 - The first seal: the rider on the white horse
- Revelation Revelation 6:3-4 - The rider on the red horse
- Revelation 6:5-6 - The rider on the black horse
- Revelation 6:7-8 - Death: the rider on the pale (green) horse
- Revelation 6:9-11 - God’s servants who suffered cruel deaths
- Revelation 6:12-14 - The great earthquake
- Revelation 6:15-17 - The day of God’s anger
Revelation 7
- Revelation 7:1-3 - A delay in God’s judgements
- Revelation 7:4 - God’s plan for the Jewish people
- Revelation 7:5-8 - The 144,000 from the 12 tribes of Israel
- Revelation 7:9 - God’s people from every nation
- Revelation 7:10 - Salvation belongs to God
- Revelation 7:11-12 - All the angels praise God
- Revelation 7:13-14 - The people who came out of the great tribulation
- Revelation 7:15-16 - People who live under God’s protection
- Revelation 7:17 - The Lamb will be their shepherd
Revelation 8
- Revelation 8:1 - Silence in heaven
- Revelation 8:2 - The message of the seven trumpets
- Revelation 8:3-5 - Prayers and judgements
- Revelation 8:6-7 - The first trumpet: a storm destroys a third of the earth
- Revelation 8:8-9 - The second trumpet: a burning mountain ruins a third of the sea
- Revelation 8:10-11 - The third trumpet: a star spoils a third of the fresh water
- Revelation 8:12 - The fourth trumpet: a third of the day and night become dark
- Revelation 8:13 - A bird declares its awful message
Revelation 9
- Revelation 9:1-2 - The devil opens the abyss
- Revelation 9:3-4 - An attack by evil spirits against the world
- Revelation 9:5 - Evil spirits that cause pain like scorpions
- Revelation 9:6 - God’s kindness to people who hate him
- Revelation 9:7-10 - John’s description of the evil spirits
- Revelation 9:11 - Abaddon or Apollyon
- Revelation 9:12 - The final judgement is certain
- Revelation 9:13-14 - Four evil angels at the Euphrates river
- Revelation 9:15 - A great army kills a third of all people
- Revelation 9:16-19 - 200 million soldiers fight a terrible battle
- Revelation 9:20 - A religion that is completely wicked
- Revelation 9:21 - People who have given their lives completely to the devil
Revelation 10
- Revelation 10:1 - A strong angel comes to John
- Revelation 10:2 - The angel with the little scroll
- Revelation 10:3 - The roar of the angel, and the voice of the 7 thunders
- Revelation 10:4 - How God directed John as he wrote
- Revelation 10:5-6 - The angel’s promise and declaration
- Revelation 10:7 - The days of the 7th trumpet
- Revelation 10:8-11 - John eats the little scroll
Revelation 11
- Revelation 11:1-2 - John measures the temple
- Revelation 11:3-4 - The two witnesses
- Revelation 11:5-6 - Acts of judgement by the two witnesses
- Revelation 11:7 - The antichrist kills the two witnesses
- Revelation 11:8 - The great city called Sodom and Egypt
- Revelation 11:9-10 - When happiness is evil
- Revelation 11:11 - The two witnesses become alive again
- Revelation 11:12 - The two witnesses rise into heaven
- Revelation 11:13 - A great earthquake
- Revelation 11:14 - The order of events in the Book of Revelation
- Revelation 11:15 - The 7th trumpet
- Revelation 11:16 - God’s kingdom will come on earth, as in heaven
- Revelation 11:17-18 - The time for God’s judgement
- Revelation 11:19 - The ark of the covenant in heaven
Revelation 12
- Revelation 12:1-2 - The woman whose dress is the sun
- Revelation 12:3 - A description of the devil
- Revelation 12:4 - The devil’s most important acts
- Revelation 12:5 - Christ receives his place at God’s right side
- Revelation 12:6 - God’s plans for Israel, after Christ’s birth
- Revelation 12:7 - Michael and his angels
- Revelation 12:8 - Satan’s series of defeats
- Revelation 12:9 - The names and titles of Satan
- Revelation 12:10 - Satan, the accuser
- Revelation 12:11 - How Christians overcome
- Revelation 12:12 - Why the devil still fights against God
- Revelation 12:13-14 - The wings of an eagle
- Revelation 12:15-16 - A sudden, severe attack by the devil
- Revelation 12:17 - The devil attacks Christians
Revelation 13
- Revelation 13:1 - The antichrist appears
- Revelation 13:2 - The terrible character of antichrist
- Revelation 13:3 - The antichrist recovers from a terrible injury
- Revelation 13:4 - People praise the devil and the antichrist
- Revelation 13:5-7 - Antichrist’s proud words against God
- Revelation 13:8-10 - How God’s people will live during their greatest troubles
- Revelation 13:11 - The false prophet appears
- Revelation 13:12-13 - The false prophet will do astonishing things
- Revelation 13:14-15 - The image of antichrist
- Revelation 13:16-17 - The mark of the antichrist
- Revelation 13:18 - 666: The number of the antichrist
Revelation 14
- Revelation 14:1 - 144,000 people who remain loyal to God
- Revelation 14:2-3 - The new song
- Revelation 14:4 - About the 144,000 people
- Revelation 14:5 - God only accepts what is perfect
- Revelation 14:6-7 - An angel with good news
- Revelation 14:8 - An angel declares the defeat of Babylon
- Revelation 14:9-11 - God’s judgement against people who accept the mark of the antichrist
- Revelation 14:12 - God’s people must stand firm
- Revelation 14:13 - Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord
- Revelation 14:14-16 - The harvest from the world
- Revelation 14:17-18 - God’s final acts of judgement against sin
- Revelation 14:19-20 - The fruit harvest as a word-picture of judgement
Revelation 15
- Revelation 15:1 - The end of God’s anger
- Revelation 15:2 - God’s people stand on the sea of glass
- Revelation 15:3-4 - The song of Moses and the Lamb
- Revelation 15:5-7 - God’s judgements are very holy acts
- Revelation 15:8 - The smoke of God’s glory
Revelation 16
- Revelation 16:1 - The order and purpose of the 7 bowls judgements
- Revelation 16:2 - The first bowl: judgement against the land
- Revelation 16:3 - Judgement against the sea
- Revelation 16:4-7 - Punishment for murder
- Revelation 16:8-11 - Judgements by the sun, and by darkness
- Revelation 16:12 - Preparations for the final battle
- Revelation 16:13 - The dragon, the beast and the false prophet
- Revelation 16:14 - The day of the Lord
- Revelation 16:15 - Be ready for Christ’s return
- Revelation 16:16 - The battle at Armageddon
- Revelation 16:17 - Judgement in the spirit world
- Revelation 16:18-20 - The earth shakes in the most severe manner ever
- Revelation 16:21 - Giant hailstones
Revelation 17
- Revelation 17:1 - The evil power that causes rulers and people to oppose God
- Revelation 17:2 - The city that rules the present world
- Revelation 17:3 - The foolish acts of a proud and great city
- Revelation 17:4 - The use of beauty for evil purposes
- Revelation 17:5 - Babylon the great
- Revelation 17:6 - What causes great acts of cruelty?
- Revelation 17:7-8 - The spirit of antichrist
- Revelation 17:9-13 - 7 hills, 7 kings, and then 10 kings
- Revelation 17:14 - Christ will overcome the 10 kings who follow antichrist
- Revelation 17:15-16 - Antichrist destroys the greatest city
- Revelation 17:17 - God’s judgement and antichrist’s cruelty
- Revelation 17:18 - The power of selfish human effort
Revelation 18
- Revelation 18:1 - The Bible’s prophecies about Babylon
- Revelation 18:2 - Babylon has fallen!
- Revelation 18:3 - Evil behaviour when people follow their own selfish desires
- Revelation 18:4 - God urges his people to escape from Babylon
- Revelation 18:5 - Babylon’s evil deeds reach heaven
- Revelation 18:6 - God measures the punishment that is right and proper
- Revelation 18:7-8 - Babylon as queen and as widow
- Revelation 18:9-10 - Kings will weep because of Babylon
- Revelation 18:11 - Traders will weep because of Babylon
- Revelation 18:12 - International trade at the time of the Bible
- Revelation 18:13 - How trade can become evil
- Revelation 18:14 - LIPARA and LAMPRA: What people truly desire
- Revelation 18:15-16 - Reactions to the sudden loss of great wealth
- Revelation 18:17-19 - Seamen will weep because of Babylon
- Revelation 18:20 - Bitter words about God’s judgement
- Revelation 18:21 - When will God’s judgement against Babylon happen?
- Revelation 18:22 - The end of a great city
- Revelation 18:23 - Reasons for God’s judgement against Babylon
- Revelation 18:24 - A proper punishment for the murder of God’s holy people
Revelation 19
- Revelation 19:1 - A great crowd in heaven praises God
- Revelation 19:2 - God, the avenger of blood
- Revelation 19:3 - The reaction in heaven to God’s judgements
- Revelation 19:4 - God’s government
- Revelation 19:5 - Everyone and everything should praise God
- Revelation 19:6 - The day of heaven’s royal wedding
- Revelation 19:7 - The marriage of the Lamb
- Revelation 19:8 - The bride of Christ
- Revelation 19:9 - The invitation to the marriage of the Lamb
- Revelation 19:10 - John’s error
- Revelation 19:11 - The commander of heaven’s armies
- Revelation 19:12-13 - Christ, the leader of heaven’s armies
- Revelation 19:14 - The armies of heaven
- Revelation 19:15 - The power of Christ
- Revelation 19:16 - King of kings and Lord of lords
- Revelation 19:17-18 - The terrible great meal upon the earth
- Revelation 19:19 - The battle at Armageddon begins
- Revelation 19:20-21 - The events of the battle at Armageddon
Revelation 20
- Revelation 20:1-3 - The devil’s punishment
- Revelation 20:4 - The millennium: Christ’s 1000 year rule on earth
- Revelation 20:5 - The resurrection of God’s people
- Revelation 20:6 - The first resurrection and the second death
- Revelation 20:7-8 - The devil persuades people to oppose God for the last time
- Revelation 20:9-10 - The final defeat of the devil
- Revelation 20:11 - The last judgement
- Revelation 20:12 - God’s great court at the end of the world
- Revelation 20:13 - Three prisons: the sea, the grave, and hell
- Revelation 20:14-15 - The punishment of the spirits called Death and Hell
Revelation 21
- Revelation 21:1 - A new heaven and a new earth
- Revelation 21:2 - The New Jerusalem
- Revelation 21:3 - God will live with his people
- Revelation 21:4 - A world without trouble, pain or death
- Revelation 21:5 - God will make everything new
- Revelation 21:6 - The time when God will complete all his promises to his people
- Revelation 21:7 - God’s promise to Christians who overcome
- Revelation 21:8 - God warns people to turn from their evil deeds
- Revelation 21:9-10 - An angel shows the New Jerusalem to John
- Revelation 21:11 - The New Jerusalem shines with the glory of God
- Revelation 21:12-14 - The wall and gates of the New Jerusalem
- Revelation 21:15-17 - The measurements of the New Jerusalem
- Revelation 21:18-21 - The beauty of the New Jerusalem
- Revelation 21:22 - No temple in the New Jerusalem
- Revelation 21:23 - Light that comes from God
- Revelation 21:24 - The nations of the new earth and their kings
- Revelation 21:25-27 - A world that serves God
Revelation 22
- Revelation 22:1 - The differences between Ezekiel and Revelation
- Revelation 22:2 - The water of life and the tree of life
- Revelation 22:3 - There will be no more curse
- Revelation 22:4 - God’s people will see his face
- Revelation 22:5 - Questions about the New Jerusalem
- Revelation 22:6 - ‘I am coming soon’
- Revelation 22:7 - The blessing for the people who read Revelation
- Revelation 22:8-9 - John’s wonderful experience and his wrong reaction
- Revelation 22:10 - Revelation: a book without a seal
- Revelation 22:11 - The choice that people must make
- Revelation 22:12 - Rewards for God’s servants
- Revelation 22:13 - Why it is sensible to believe in Christ’s return
- Revelation 22:14 - Who can enter the New Jerusalem?
- Revelation 22:15 - Who cannot enter the New Jerusalem?
- Revelation 22:16 - A message from Christ to God’s people
- Revelation 22:17 - The invitation: ‘Come!’
- Revelation 22:18-19 - We must respect the Bible
- Revelation 22:20-21 - A promise, a prayer and a final blessing
Revelation - a study guide
- Revelation About the Book of Revelation: its author, date and purpose
- Revelation A summary of each chapter in the Book of Revelation
- Revelation Revelation - an 8 week study guide (to print and use)
(See Paper on Spurgeon's Eschatological Views)
Revelation 1
Revelation 1:5-6
John’s First Doxology (29/1737)
Loved and Washed (37/2230)
Revelation 1:7
He Cometh with Clouds (33/1989)
Revelation 1:12-17
The Christ of Patmos (7/357)
Revelation 1:13
With Golden Girdle Girt (63/3555)
Revelation 1:16
Lessons from the Christ of Patmos (33/1976)
A Portrait No Artist Can Paint (43/2498)
Revelation 1:17
Fear Not (26/1533)
Revelation 1:17-18
The Glorious Master and the Swooning Disciple (18/1028)
Revelation 1:18
Christ with the Keys of Death and Hell (15/894)
The Ever-Living Christ (46/2689)
Revelation 2
Revelation 2:3
Laboring and Not Fainting (18/1069)
Revelation 2:4
Declension from First Love (4/217)
Revelation 2:4-5
Love’s Complaining (32/1926)
Revelation 2:12-13
Holding Fast the Faith (34/2007)
Revelation 3
Revelation 3:4
A Solemn Warning for All Churches (2/68)
Revelation 3:8, 10
Commendation for the Steadfast (30/1814)
Revelation 3:14
The Amen (12/679)
Revelation 3:14-21
Earnest Warning About Lukewarmness (20/1185)
Revelation 3:15-16
Lukewarmness (48/2802)
Revelation 3:17-18
A Great Mistake and the Way to Rectify It (28/1677)
Revelation 3:19
The Loved Ones Chastened (3/164)
Revelation 4
Revelation 4:1
A Door Opened in Heaven (15/887)
Revelation 4:3
The Heavenly Rainbow (60/3412)
Revelation 4:10
Royal Homage (19/1102)
Revelation 4:10-11
The Elders Before the Throne (8/441)
Revelation 5
Revelation 5:6-7
The Lamb in Glory (35/2095)
Revelation 5:8
Golden Vials Full of Odors (18/1051)
Revelation 5:8-10
The Heavenly Singers and Their Song (39/2321)
Revelation 5:9-10
Jesus, the Delight of Heaven (21/1225)
Revelation 5:10
The Kingly Priesthood of the Saints (1/10)
Revelation 7
Revelation 7:9-10
The Multitude Before the Throne (60/3403)
Revelation 7:13-14
What and Whence are These? (18/1040)
Revelation 7:14
Why the Heavenly Robes are White (22/1316)
Revelation 7:16
The Bliss of the Glorified (62/3499)
Revelation 7:16-17
Heaven Above and Heaven Below (36/2128)
Heaven Below (30/1800)
Revelation 7:17
No Tears in Heaven (11/643)
Revelation 8
Revelation 8:3-4
Preparing for the Week of Prayer (57/3282)
Revelation 11
Revelation 11:12
The Voice From Heaven (9/488)
Revelation 11:19
The Ark of His Covenant (41/2427)
The Ark of the Covenant (27/1621)
Revelation 12
Revelation 12:11
The Blood of the Lamb, the Conquering Weapon (34/2043)
How They Conquered the Dragon (21/1237)
Revelation 12:12
Satan in a Rage (25/1502)
Revelation 14
Revelation 14:1-3
Heavenly Worship (3/110)
Revelation 14:4
The Lamb Our Leader (42/2456)
Revelation 14:4-5
The Followers of the Lamb (39/2324)
Revelation 14:12-13
A Voice From Heaven (21/1219)
Revelation 14:14-20
The Harvest and the Vintage (50/2910)
Revelation 15
Revelation 15:3
Israel in Egypt (3/136)
Revelation 16
Revelation 16:9
Judgments and No Repentance: Repentance and No Salvation (34/2054)
Revelation 19
Revelation 19:7-8
The Marriage of the Lamb (35/2096)
Revelation 19:9
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb (41/2428)
The True Sayings of God (55/3144)
Revelation 19:11-16
The Rider on the White Horse and the Armies With Him (25/1452)
Revelation 19:12
The Saviour’s Many Crowns (5/281)
Revelation 20
Revelation 20:4-6
The First Resurrection (7/391)
Revelation 20:11
An Awful Contrast (42/2473)
The Great White Throne (12/710)
Revelation 20:12
The First Resurrection (7/391)
Revelation 21
Revelation 21:5
A New Creation (61/3467)
Sermon for New Year’s Day (31/1816)
Revelation 21:6
Good News for Thirsty Souls (26/1549)
Revelation 21:23
The Lamb-The Light (10/583)
Revelation 21:27
The Barrier (27/1590)
Revelation 22
Revelation 22:2
Christ the Tree of Life (57/3251)
Healing Leaves (21/1233)
Revelation 22:3
The Throne of God and of the Lamb (27/1576)
Revelation 22:4
Revelation 22:13
Alpha and Omega (9/546)
Revelation 22:17
Come and Welcome (5/279)
The Double ’Come’ (27/1608)
God’s Will and Man’s Will (8/442)
The Oft-Repeated Invitation (46/2685)
The Two ‘Comes’ (23/1331)
Revelation 22:21
Till We Meet Again (27/1628)
- Overview: The Revelation of Jesus Christ
- Revelation 1:1-18: Behind The Scenes Of History
- Revelation 1:19-2:7: The Church That Lost Its Love
- Revelation 2:8-17: Smyrna And Pergamum
- Revelation 2:18-29: Thyatira: The Worldly Church
- Revelation 3:1-6: The Church Of The Zombies
- Revelation 3:7-13: The Little Church That Tried
- Revelation 3:14-21: The Rich-Poor Church
- Revelation 4: Supreme Headquarters
- Revelation 5:1-14: The Great Breakthrough
- Revelation 6:1-17: Four Terrible Horsemen
- Revelation 7:1-17: To Jew And Gentile
- Revelation 8:1-13: Angels Of Doom
- Revelation 9:1-21: All Hell Breaks Loose
- Revelation 10:1-11: The End Of The Mystery
- Revelation 11:1-19: The Last Warning
- Revelation 12:1-17: The Woman And The Serpent
- Revelation 13:1-18: When Men Become Beasts
- Revelation 14:1-20: The Time Of Harvest
- Revelation 15:1-16:21: Earth's Last Trial
- Revelation 17:1-19:5: The Dragon Lady
- Revelation 19:6-21: The Rider On The White Horse
- Revelation 20:1-15: One Thousand Years Of Peace
- Revelation 21:1-22:21: The City Of Glory
- Introduction to Revelation
- Revelation 1:1-4
- Revelation 1:4-8
- Revelation 1:9-11
- Revelation 1:12-20
- Introduction to Revelation 2-3
- Revelation 2:1-7
- Revelation 2:8-17
- Revelation 2:18-3:6
- Revelation 3:1-13
- Revelation 3:14-22
- Revelation 3:14-4:11
- Revelation 4:1-5:14
- Revelation 6:1-8
- Revelation 6:6-17
- Revelation 7:1-8:6
- Revelation 8:6-9:12
- Revelation 9:13-10:11
- Revelation 11:1-14
- Revelation 11:15-12:6
- Revelation 12:7-13:10
- The Antichrist in Revelation
- Revelation 13:1-10
- Revelation 13:11-18
- Revelation 14:1-5
- Revelation 14:6-15:8
- Revelation 16:1-21
- Revelation 17:1-19:10
- Revelation 19:11-20:15
- Revelation 20
- Revelation 21
- Revelation 22
See Dr Walvoord's excellent summary on interpretation of prophecy
Rosscup - Written by one of the foremost modern-day articulators of premillennial dispensationalism, this book is a lucid exposition of the Revelation which combines textual exposition with theological orientation. Walvoord shows awareness of wide reading, gives various views, is fair, and deals with problems as they arise. It is the best broad dispensational work to appear in recent years, and Robert Thomas has the best detailed technical work so far. (Commentaries For Biblical Expositors- Dr. Jim Rosscup)
- Preface
- Introduction
- Revelation 1: Introduction: The Things Which Thou Hast Seen
- Revelation 2: The Letters To Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, And Thyatira
- Revelation 3: The Letters To Sardis, Philadelphia, And Laodicea
- Revelation 4: The Church In Heaven
- Revelation 5:The Lamb And The Seven-Sealed Book
- Revelation 6: The Beginning Of The Great Day Of God’s Wrath
- Revelation 7: The Saints of the Great Tribulation
- Revelation 8: The Seventh Seal And The Beginning Of The Trumpets
- Revelation 9: The Fifth And Sixth Trumpets: The First And Second Woes
- Revelation 10: The Mighty Angel With The Little Book
- Revelation 11: The Two Witnesses And The Seventh Trumpet
- Revelation 12: The Conflict In Heaven And Earth
- Revelation 13: The Beasts and the False Prophet
- Revelation 14: The Victory of the Lamb and His Followers
- Revelation 15: The Vision Of The Seven Last Plagues
- Revelation 16: The Vials Of The Wrath Of God
- Revelation 17: The Destruction Of Ecclesiastical Babylon
- Revelation 18: The Fall Of Babylon
- Revelation 19: The Second Coming Of Christ
- Revelation 20: The Reign Of Christ
- Revelation 21: The New Heaven And The New Earth
- Revelation 22: Concluding Revelations And Exhortations
- Bibliography
Futuristic Interpretation.
All links below to transcripts
Click for index of all material on this series - includes audio, video, pdf with numerous excellent slides, transcripts
- It's All About Jesus (Revelation 1:1)
- A Forgotten Blessing (Revelation 1:1-4)
- The Main Thing (Revelation 1:4-8)
- The Day of the Lord (Revelation 1:9-16)
- Fear Not! (Revelation 1:17-20)
- The Death of Discernment (Revelation 2:1-3)
- Misplaced Priorities (Revelation 2:4-7)
- Reward Through Suffering (Revelation 2:8-11)
- The Consequence of Compromise (Revelation 2:12-17)
- Disregarding Divine Directions (Revelation 2:18-22)
- Asking for the Ancient Paths (Revelation 2:23-29)
- The Church of Incomplete Deeds (Revelation 3:1-4)
- Secure in Christ (Revelation 3:5-6)
- Qualifying the Called (Revelation 3:7-9)
- Kept from the Hour (Revelation 3:10)
- Our New Identity (Revelation 3:11-13)
- The Curse of Prosperity (Revelation 3:14-20)
- Christ’s Present Session (Revelation 3:21-22)
- Our Heavenly Destiny (Revelation 4:1-6)
- True Worship (Revelation 4:6-11)
- A Reason for Optimism (Revelation 5:1-7)
- The Right Response (Revelation 5:8-14)
- Our Deepest Longing (Revelation 6:1-8)
- God's Perfect Timing (Revelation 6:9-17)
- God's Faithfulness (Revelation 7:1-8)
- So Great a Salvation (Revelation 7:9-17)
- Creator and Judge (Revelation 8:1-13)
- The Reality of Demons (Revelation 9:1-12)
- The Sins God Hates (Revelation 9:13-21)
- A Bitter-Sweet Experience (Revelation 10:1-11)
- God’s Temple: Past, Present, Future (Revelation 11:1-2)
- Not By Might Nor Power (Revelation 11:3-8)
- The World’s Hatred for Righteousness (Revelation 11:9-13)
- Under New Management (Revelation 11:14-19)
- The Long Spiritual War Against God (Revelation 12:1-5)
- The Mystery of Antisemitism (Revelation 12:6-12)
- Why the World Hates Israel (Revelation 12:13-17)
- The Coming World Ruler (Revelation 13:1-3a)
- The Coming World Ruler, Part 2 (Revelation 13:3-5)
- The Coming World Ruler, Part 3 (Revelation 13:6-10)
- Test All Things (Revelation 13:11-15)
- The Coming Surveillance Society (Revelation 13:16-18)
- Three Essentials (Revelation 14:1-7)
- How Long is Forever? (Revelation 14:8-11)
- The Blessing of Death (Revelation 14:12-13)
- Ripe for Judgment (Revelation 14:14-20)
- Can God be Trusted? (Revelation 15:1-4)
- Glory and Power (Revelation 15:5-8)
- Divine Sarcasm (Revelation 16:1-9)
- They Did Not Repent (Revelation 16:10-16) - transcript on this page - scroll down
- A Tale of Two Cities (Revelation 16:17-21)
- Babylon: The Bookends of History, Part 1 (Revelation 17-18)
- Babylon: The Bookends of History, Part 2 (Revelation 17-18)
- The Beautiful Side of Evil (Revelation 17:1-6)
- Clash of the Titans, Part 1 (Revelation 17:7-12)
- Clash of the Titans, Part 2 (Revelation 17:13-18)
- The Myth of Invincibility (Revelation 18:1-8)
- The Two Lasting Things (Revelation 18:9-19)
- Wavering Between Two Opinions (Revelation 18:20-24)
- A Party in Heaven (Revelation 19:1-6)
- Focus on Jesus (Revelation 19:7-10)
- The Main Event (Revelation 19:11-14)
- Two Invitations (Revelation 19:15-21)
- The Chain and Reign (Revelation 20:1-4)
- What is Wrong with Us? (Revelation 20:5-6)
- What is Wrong with Us (Part 2)? (Revelation 20:7-10)
- Jesus or Moses (Revelation 20:11-15)
- God’s Specialty (Revelation 21:1-3)
- There is a New World Coming (Revelation 21:4-8)
- God’s Two Great Programs (Revelation 21:9-17) - transcript on this page - scroll down
- The Valuable Becomes Common (Revelation 21:18-27)
- Identification Through Omission (Revelation 22:1-5)
- How to Be Blessed (Revelation 22:6-10)
- Today is the Day of Salvation (Revelation 22:11-17)
- The Bookends of History (Revelation 22:18-21)
The following are additional messages from Sugarland Bible Church related to eschatological topics. Most are from the lead pastor Dr Andy Woods, a staunch dispensationalist. While I may not agree with every "jot and tittle" of some of the messages, they are useful, as they generally approach the prophetic Scriptures from a futuristic framework. As always you are encouraged to be an Acts 17:11 Berean if you choose to listen to or watch these messages.
- You Know Someone Jewish – Now What? • Olivier Melnick • February 25, 2024 • 2024 Prophecy Conference
- Revelation - part 1 (19 pages)
- Revelation - part 2 (27 pages)
- Revelation 1:7-8 (5 pages)
- Revelation 1:9-20 (8 pages)
- Revelation 2:1-7 (22 pages)
- Revelation 2:8-11 (14 pages)
- Revelation 2:12-17 (19 pages)
- Revelation 2:18-29 (25 pages)
- Revelation 3:1-6 (5 pages)
- Revelation 3:7-13 (20 pages)
- Revelation 3:14-22 (21 pages)
- Revelation 4:1 (22 pages)
- Revelation 5:1-14 (5 pages)
- Revelation 6:1-8 (19 pages)
- Revelation 6:9–11 (22 pages)
- Revelation 6:12-17 (17 pages)
- Revelation 7:1-8 (17 pages)
- Revelation 8:1-5 (13 pages)
- Revelation 8:6-13 (14 pages)
- Revelation 9:1-12 (18 pages)
- Revelation 9:13-21 (14 pages)
- Revelation 10:1-11 (16 pages)
- Revelation 11:1-14 (25 pages)
- Revelation 11:15-19 (20 pages)
- Revelation 12:1-6 (20 pages)
- Revelation 12:7-12 (22 pages)
- Revelation 12:13–17 (11 pages)
- Revelation 13:1–10 (26 pages)
- Revelation 13:11-18 (23 pages)
- Revelation 14:1-5 (22 pages)
- Revelation 14:6–11 (18 pages)
- Revelation 14:12-13 (27 pages)
- Revelation 16:1-8 (27 pages)
- Revelation 17:1-18 (24 pages)
- Revelation 18:1–24 (20 pages)
- Revelation. 19:1-10 (20 pages)
- Revelation 19:11-21 (36 pages)
- Revelation 20:11-15 (40 pages)
- Revelation 21:1-8 (18 pages)
- Revelation 22:9-22:5 (18 pages)
16 Jun 2019 | Thirsty | Revelation 22:6-21 | Grant, Scott | Wake Up |
09 Jun 2019 | What Was Lost Is Returned | Revelation 21:9-27, 22:1-5 | Taylor, Paul | Wake Up |
02 Jun 2019 | What We\'ve Always Wanted | Revelation 21:1-8 | Taylor, Paul | Wake Up |
26 May 2019 | The Fight of Your Life | Revelation 20:1-15 | Grant, Scott | Wake Up |
19 May 2019 | Two Different Dinners | Revelation 19:1-21 | Taylor, Paul | Wake Up |
12 May 2019 | The Ghost Town of Evil | Revelation 18:1-24 | Taylor, Paul | Wake Up |
05 May 2019 | The Prostitute and the Beast | Revelation 17:1-18 | Grant, Scott | Wake Up |
28 Apr 2019 | The Breaker is Broken | Revelation 15:1-8, 16:1-21 | Taylor, Paul | Wake Up |
03 Mar 2019 | The Valley of Decision | Revelation 14:1-20 | Taylor, Paul | Wake Up |
24 Feb 2019 | Kingdom First | Revelation 13:1-18 | Grant, Scott | Wake Up |
10 Feb 2019 | A Place in the Wilderness | Revelation 12:1-17 | Grant, Scott | Wake Up |
03 Feb 2019 | Here For a Reason | Revelation 11:1-19 | Grant, Scott | Wake Up |
27 Jan 2019 | Remember Your Calling | Revelation 10:1-11 | Taylor, Paul | Wake Up |
20 Jan 2019 | Life Falls Apart | Revelation 8:1-13, 9:1-21 | Taylor, Paul | Wake Up |
13 Jan 2019 | Suffering Servants | Revelation 7:1-17 | Grant, Scott | Wake Up |
06 Jan 2019 | Four Riders | Revelation 6:1-17 | Grant, Scott | Wake Up |
16 Dec 2018 | Between the Advents | Revelation 21:1-5 | Westman, Dan | With |
25 Nov 2018 | Worthy To Redeem | Revelation 5:1-14 | Taylor, Paul | Wake Up |
18 Nov 2018 | The Center of Power | Revelation 4:1-11 | Taylor, Paul | Wake Up |
11 Nov 2018 | Laodicea: No Need For Christ | Revelation 3:14-22 | Louie, Jeff | Wake Up |
04 Nov 2018 | Open Door | Revelation 3:7-13 | Grant, Scott | Wake Up |
28 Oct 2018 | Wake Up To The Gospel | Revelation 3:1-6 | Taylor, Paul | Wake Up |
21 Oct 2018 | The Morning Star | Revelation 2:18-19 | Grant, Scott | Wake Up |
14 Oct 2018 | Compromised Identity | Revelation 2:12-17 | Taylor, Paul | Wake Up |
07 Oct 2018 | Crown of Life | Revelation 2:8-11 | Grant, Scott | Wake Up |
30 Sep 2018 | Abandoned Love | Revelation 2:1-7 | Taylor, Paul | Wake Up |
16 Sep 2018 | Awestruck | Revelation 1:9-20 | Grant, Scott | Wake Up |
09 Sep 2018 | The Missing String | Revelation 1:1-8 | Grant, Scott | Wake Up |
19 May 2013 | The World Remade: Imagine | Revelation | Grant, Scott | EPIC: The Astonishing Story of God & the World |
07 May 2006 | Yearning for Newness | Revelation 21:1-8 | Taylor, Paul | Main Service |
25 Dec 2004 | The Songs of Heaven | Revelation 4:1-11, 5:1-14 | Zeisler, Steve | Main Service |
13 Apr 2003 | A Worthy Goal | Revelation 5:1-14 | Hall, Danny | Missions and Evangelism: Why are we here? |
07 Oct 2001 | Worthy is the Lamb | Revelation 4:1-11, 5:1-14 | Zeisler, Steve | The Prayers of the Saints |
19 Sep 1999 | The God We Worship | Revelation 4:1-11, 5:1-14 | Goins, Doug | The Now of Worship |
04 Aug 1996 | Laodicea: Love Jesus With All Your Heart | Revelation 3:14-22 | Ritchie, Ron | Jesus, Lord of His Church |
28 Jul 1996 | Philadelphia: Doors Of Opportunity | Revelation 3:7-13 | Ritchie, Ron | Jesus, Lord of His Church |
21 Jul 1996 | Sardis: Wake Up! | Revelation 3:1-6 | Ritchie, Ron | Jesus, Lord of His Church |
14 Jul 1996 | Thyatira: Be Holy | Revelation 2:18-29 | Ritchie, Ron | Jesus, Lord of His Church |
07 Jul 1996 | Smyrna And Pergamum: Remain Faithful | Revelation 2:8-17 | Ritchie, Ron | Jesus, Lord of His Church |
30 Jun 1996 | Ephesus: Guard Your Love! | Revelation 2:1-7 | Ritchie, Ron | Jesus, Lord of His Church |
23 Jun 1996 | Jesus: The Alpha And Omega | Revelation 1:1-20 | Ritchie, Ron | Jesus, Lord of His Church |
01 May 1994 | Life Who Is, Was, And Is To Come | Revelation 1:4-20 | Ritchie, Ron | He's Alive! |
21 Jul 1985 | The Investment Counselor | Revelation 3:14-22 | Zeisler, Steve | Revelation 1-3 |
07 Jul 1985 | Sleeping Sickness | Revelation 3:1-6 | Zeisler, Steve | Revelation 1-3 |
30 Jun 1985 | The Deep Things of Satan | Revelation 2:18-29 | Zeisler, Steve | Revelation 1-3 |
23 Jun 1985 | Mind Pollution | Revelation 2:12-17 | Zeisler, Steve | Revelation 1-3 |
16 Jun 1985 | The Hard Road To Life | Revelation 2:8-11 | Zeisler, Steve | Revelation 1-3 |
31 Dec 1984 | Golden Opportunity | Revelation 3:7-13 | Zeisler, Steve | Revelation 1-3 |
31 Dec 1984 | The Greatest Is Love | Revelation 2:1-7 | Zeisler, Steve | Revelation 1-3 |
31 Dec 1984 | Unveiled Majesty | Revelation 1:1-20 | Zeisler, Steve | Revelation 1-3 |
31 Dec 1981 | Who's Minding the Store | Revelation 1:17-18 | Stedman, Ray | Main Service |
15 Jul 1979 | Do Not Be Afraid | Revelation 1:1-20 | Zeisler, Steve | Theology in Pictures |