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Luke 2 Resources

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Chart from recommended resource Jensen's Survey of the NT - used by permission
See Luke Overview Chart by Charles Swindoll
Click chart to enlarge
Chart from recommended resource  Jensen's Survey of the NT - used by permission


Explanation - The following list includes not only commentaries but other Christian works by well known evangelical writers. Most of the resources below are newer works (written after 1970) which previously were available only for purchase in book form or in a Bible computer program. The resources are made freely available by but have several caveats - (1) they do not allow copy and paste, (2) they can only be checked out for one hour (but can be checked out immediately when your hour expires giving you time to read or take notes on a lengthy section) and (3) they require creating an account which allows you to check out the books free of charge. To set up an account click and then click the picture of the person in right upper corner and enter email and a password. That's all you have to do. Then you can read these more modern resources free of charge! I have read or used many of these resources but not all of them so ultimately you will need to be a Berean (Acts 17:11+) as you use them. I have also selected works that are conservative and Biblically sound. If you find one that you think does not meet those criteria please send an email at The resources are listed in alphabetical order by the author's last name and some include reviews of the particular resource. For hundreds of other commentaries and books that can be borrowed see Christian Commentaries Online

Exposition of the Gospel According to Luke - William Hendriksen  (1142 pages)

Preaching Luke-Acts by Allen, Ronald J.

James Rosscup - This conservative commentary is a detailed work in the Greek and is well-written. The author did the famous Greek-English lexicon and two books on alleged contradictions.

Bible commentary: the Gospel according to St. Luke by Arndt, William F

The Expositor's Bible Commentary - 1984 edition - Luke by Walter Liefeld - Helpful notes.

Poet and peasant : a literary-cultural approach to the parables in Luke by Bailey, Kenneth 

James Rosscup - Bailey discusses four Lukan parables at length in the first book, making a great contribution as to cultural data that opens up the parables. His data is based on studies while teaching for many years in the mid-East, also on extensive travels, correspondence, and scholarly probing into the literature. Particularly insightful are his remarks on Luke 15 (the triad of parables) and Luke 11 (Friend at Midnight). The second book continues to be rich in peasant cultural background, with data not available to many who study the parables. But the second book treats ten further parables (7:36–50 and others in 9:51–19:48, Luke’s travel narrative). These are well-done but not treated in as much detail. Both books are excellent in making parables “come alive” and making readers think. In more recent years both volumes have been put into one book. Cf. Hultgren in the Matthew section.

Luke Comes Alive! by Blanchard, John, 

Luke by Bock, Darrell L - IVP NT Commentary Series 428 pages  16 ratings

James Rosscup - One meets with a far shorter work than the 2-vol. effort. Bock says (12) that the larger work has focused on accuracy and rationale for views, this one on relevancy and relational matters of faith. Evangelical comments run quickly to their points, yet the generality causes skipping some key details (cf. on Anna, 2:36–38), or seem to argue around a more likely view with unconvincing reasoning (3:16). In other cases, Bock seems to select the most probable view, an instance being in seeing the sermon (Luke 6) as a condensed version of the same sermon in Matt. 5–7 (119). One can also find the second and third soils of Luke 8 taken to represent people not actually saved (148–49). One can wonder in 14:34–35 how inability to be worthy disciples is in harmony with salvation as a gift, for the work passes by this. Bock in most verses touches clearly on key issues, and an author lacks space to deal with every important matter, whether in a short or massive attempt. For a work with much application, cf. Darrell Bock, Luke (NIV Application Commentary. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1996, 640 pp.).

Cyril Barber - A well-researched, well-outlined, and well-written commentary that is easy to read. Uses the text of the NIV. Adequately explains the theological themes relating to the life and mission of Christ. Recommended.

Patterns for power : parables of Luke by Briscoe, D. Stuart

Saint Luke by Caird, G. B.

Cyril Barber - One of the better works in this series. Contains numerous references to Jewish literature as well as pertinent comments on the text. Is of value to the preacher. Needs to be read with discernment

Luke by Evans, Craig A., The New International Commentary on the New Testament

James Rosscup - A lucid study, often of help on problem texts but cursory at times. Evans gives authorship by Luke “provisional acceptance” and feels that this issue is not vital to how this gospel is interpreted (3). After a brief introduction (1–16), general summaries of each section are followed by added notes on a few key details, with bypassing of many, such as Anna’s 84 years in 2:36–38, and problems of interpretation in 11:5–7. While Evans shows high expertise even when terse, one will find other works explaining far more to make their time fruitful.

The Bible Knowledge Background Commentary : Matthew-Luke by Evans, Craig A -  This resource will give you interesting insights and is worth checking on individual passages

The Gospel according to Luke (I-IX) The Gospel according to Luke : introduction, translation, and notes (X-XXIV) by Fitzmyer, Joseph A

James Rosscup - An internationally known Catholic scholar presents an excellent appraisal of “The Current State of Lukan Studies” (3–34) and has “A Sketch of Lukan Theology” (143–270). In explaining the gospel text, Fitzmyer has often helpful sources on various points. This will rank as one of the best-regarded commentaries at this time from the standpoint of awareness of critical literature and comments reflecting current learning. He gives his own translation and a fairly lucid, detailed exposition that is abreast of language, background, and views. It is a mixed bag with Fitzmyer, though. He often takes views that evangelicals appreciate, such as Jesus’ resurrection body being able to eat food. At other times he stumbles where there are possible solutions, as when he feels that there is no way to harmonize the accounts of Jesus’ resurrection. Indices to both volumes help find material.

The Gospel of Luke by Green, Joel B. New International Commentary on the New Testament 143 ratings

James Rosscup - Replaces the work of Geldenhuys (1951). Scholars will appreciate the author’s emphasis on literary and narrative criticism. Pastors, however, will have little to gain from this work.

Tim Challies - Most commentators on the commentaries commend this volume, D.A. Carson among them, though he offers caveats. He says it is “full of thoughtful interaction with contemporary scholarship, but I do not think it is either as rigorous or as accurate as the work of Luke.” He suggests that its unique strength is narrative historiography and discourse analysis. If you, like me, don’t know what that means, then perhaps choose one of the other volumes

James Rosscup - This work with pp. i-xcii plus 928 replaced Norval Geldenhuys’ effort of 1951. Green puts more focus on literary criticism, narrative criticism, and social-scientific analysis than on earlier issues about historical critical matters, redaction and source criticism, etc. One sees topics such as family allegiances, friendship, purity, and status. He seeks to show OT background for this gospel, and not Mark, or Matthew, or oral tradition. Green sets up a misleading opinion that Luke and those using his work were “not so much concerned with the issue, Did it happen? as with the queries What happened? and what does it all mean? (36). It surely is both. However, he does appear to believe that the details are fact in Luke’s perspective, but thinks Luke is more burdened with how to understand things (20). One can say that Luke saw the two in a necessary balance and need not have any thought of ranking them.

Commentary on the Gospel of Luke : the English text with introduction, exposition and notes by Geldenhuys, Norval, 

James Rosscup - Amillennial in its interpretation of the kingdom program, this work is solid and explains many verses rather well but is not the best.

Half-hours with William Hendriksen : stirring devotional surveys of Romans, Philippians, Luke and Revelation, with other gems by Hendriksen, William, 

Luke : a self-study guide by Jensen, Irving

The Preacher's Outline & Sermon Bible (POSB) : New Testament, King James Version - Matthew, Mark, Luke, John  - This resource goes verse by verse with conservative comments, many related passages for each verse and "thoughts" for application. Potentially very helpful for preaching and teaching.

The Communicator's Commentary - Luke (Also known as The Preacher's Commentary Series - Volume 26: Luke) Larson, Bruce - 356 pages (1983) See user reviews

The Parables of Jesus by Kistemaker, Simon J.,

James Rosscup - A past national president of Evangelical Theological Society deals with all of Jesus’ parables and shows a lucid style, warmth, and broad acquaintance with scholarly writings on his material which is obvious in footnotes. He uses the NIV text. The contribution is very good on background, the main thrust of parables, key expository details, and the practical contribution for life. This is one of the best fairily recent evangelical works on the parables in general (cf. Bailey, Ellisen, Hultgren, Longenecker, etc, under Matthew and Luke).

Book of Luke : Jesus, the son of man by Lucado, Max

Luke : the savior of the world by MacArthur, John - Not his full commentary. 

A tale of two sons : the inside story of a father, his sons, and a shocking murder by MacArthur, John

Luke and the last things : a perspective for the understanding of Lukan thought by Mattill, A. J

Cyril Barber - An exacting, technical presentation of Lukan theology. Rich and full. 2

Luke by McGee, J. Vernon (Thru the Bible)

The Gospel according to Luke by Morgan, G. Campbell 

The Gospel according to St. Luke : an introduction and commentary by Morris, Leon,

Matheson (Ligonier) - Christians should pick up and read anything they find by the late Leon Morris. For those who may not have the time to dig into a 2,100-page commentary and are looking for a great introductory-level commentary on Luke, Morris is the place to begin.

Cyril Barber - A clear, forthright presentation of the facts surrounding the authorship and date of this gospel, followed by almost 300 pages of exposition. A handy and helpful volume.

James Rosscup - Morris has written a good conservative commentary of some detail. It is lucid and not technical in nature.

Tim Challies - The inherent and deliberate limits of the Tyndale New Testament Commentaries means that this volume is relatively short (370 pages) and written at a popular level. This is the entry-level commentary for those who would like just one volume on Luke. Morris has written commentaries on many books of the Bible and they are uniformly sound even if they are rarely considered the top of the class.

What are they saying about Luke? by Powell, Mark Allan, 6 ratings

James Rosscup - A well-researched, contemporary assessment of the teaching of Luke's gospel. Summarizes the contribution of modern scholars, and examines the dominant theories regarding the composition of the gospel. Intertwines political and social aspects of Luke's "former work" to describe the community about which the physician wrote.

A walk with Jesus : enjoying the company of Christ - Gospel of Luke by Sproul, R. C 3 ratings

The declaration of something mysterious : Jesus' courage and communication of the truth : a study of Luke 10:38-16:18 by Swindoll, Charles

The consummation of something miraculous : Jesus' trials and triumph of redemption : a study of Luke 16:19-24:53 : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles

Luke & John : life that lasts forever - Quick Notes - Mark Strauss

Luke by Tannehill, Robert C 13 ratings

Be Compassionate (Luke 1-13) by Wiersbe, Warren W -

James Rosscup - Together these volumes treat the gospel of Luke. Wiersbe, who is a pastor's pastor, outlines and expounds the text with exemplary skill. These books are ideal for individual or group Bible study.

Be Courageous (Luke 14-24) by Wiersbe, Warren

Cyril Barber - Together these volumes treat the gospel of Luke. Wiersbe, who is a pastor's pastor, outlines and expounds the text with exemplary skill. These books are ideal for individual or group Bible study.

The Bible exposition Commentary by Wiersbe, Warren W - All NT books in one source. Excellent. Or here This is the same material as in the two volumes of Luke in the listings directly above. 

Rosscup - One of America’s most appreciated staunchly evangelical Bible conference teachers gives diligent, refreshing expositions. These are all of his 23 separate, earlier books in the “Be” series on the New Testament. He strikes a particular appeal with lay people as he crystallizes sections, deals with some of the verses, handles certain problems and backgrounds and applies principles. He is premillennial.

Windows on the parables by Wiersbe, Warren

With the Word - - Warren Wiersbe  - Devotional Commentary - 428 ratings - Excellent chapter summaries. Good ideas for preaching teaching.

Wiersbe's Expository Outlines on the New Testament by Wiersbe, Warren W - Succinct summaries which almost always have good ideas to supplement your teaching or preaching. 

Cyril Barber - This is a book of exceptional merit. Pastors, missionaries, and Christian workers will profit from its use. Wiersbe introduces each book of the NT, provides an outline, and then furnishes his readers with a chapter-by-chapter discussion of the contents. The homiletic style is a “plus.” Recommended.

Interpreting the parables by Blomberg, Craig

Half-hours with William Hendriksen : stirring devotional surveys of Romans, Philippians, Luke and Revelation, with other gems by Hendriksen, William, 

The call to follow Jesus - Gospel of Luke by Arthur, Kay 70 ratings

The declaration of something mysterious : Jesus' courage and communication of the truth : a study of Luke 10:38-16:18 by Swindoll, Charles

The consummation of something miraculous : Jesus' trials and triumph of redemption : a study of Luke 16:19-24:53 : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles



Note: The first 4 resources have no time restriction and allow copy and paste function: 

(1) KJV Bible Commentary - Hindson, Edward E; Kroll, Woodrow Michael. Over 3000 pages of the entire OT/NT. Well done conservative commentary that interprets Scripture from a literal perspective. Pre-millennial.  User reviews - it generally gets 4/5 stars from users. - 372 ratings

Very well done conservative commentary that interprets Scripture from a literal perspective   user reviews 

The King James Version Bible Commentary is a complete verse-by-verse commentary. It is comprehensive in scope, reliable in scholarship, and easy to use. Its authors are leading evangelical theologians who provide practical truths and biblical principles. Any Bible student will gain new insights through this one-volume commentary based on the timeless King James Version of the Bible.

(2) The King James Study Bible Second Edition 2240 pages (2013) (Thomas Nelson) General Editor - Edward Hindson with multiple contributing editors. . 3,194 ratings. Pre-millennial. See introduction on How to Use this Study Bible.

(3) NKJV Study Bible: New King James Version Study Bible (formerly "The Nelson Study Bible - NKJV") by Earl D Radmacher; Ronald Barclay Allen; Wayne H House. 2345 pages. (1997, 2007). Very helpful notes. Conservative. Pre-millennial.  917 ratings

(4) The Wycliffe Bible Commentary - only the New Testament (for OT see below to borrow) - 1126 pages. (1971) Everett F Harrison - Editor of New Testament. Uses the KJV.  Strictly speaking not a study Bible, but short notes are similar. KJV text in left column, commentary notes in right column. 

The MacArthur study Bible - John MacArthur. Brief but well done notes 1,275 ratings

ESV Study Bible - Excellent resource but not always literal in eschatology and the nation of Israel 6,004 ratings

Life Application Study Bible : New Living Translation. Has some very helpful notes. 4,445 ratings

Zondervan NIV Study Bible - (2011) 2570 pages  - Use this one if available as it has more notes than edition below. 

NIV Study Bible by Barker, Kenneth L; Burdick, Donald W (1995) 2250 pages. This is the first edition. This resource has been fully revised in 2020. 

Ryrie Study Bible Expanded Edition (1994) 2232 pages

The Ryrie study Bible - Charles Ryrie (1978) 2142 pages. Conservative.  

The Defender's Study Bible : King James Version by Morris, Henry M. Excellent notes by well known creationist. 45 ratings

The Apologetics Study Bible Understand Why You Believe - 5642 pages! - Norman Geisler, et al - No restrictions

Believer's Bible Commentary by MacDonald, William (1995) 2480 pages - This resource is always worth checking. Comments are not in depth but conservative and often very practical. 

Dr. John MacArthur, Jr. - "Concise yet comprehensive - the most complete single-volume commentary I have seen."

Warren Wiersbe - "For the student who is serious about seeing Christ in the Word." 

The Experiencing God Study Bible : the Bible for knowing and doing the will of God - Blackaby, Henry (1996) 1968 pages - CHECK THIS ONE! Each chapter begins with several questions under the title "PREPARE TO MEET GOD." Then you will interesting symbols before many of the passages. The chapter ends with a "DID YOU NOTICE?" question. This might make a "dry chapter" jump off the page! Read some of the 48 ratings

The David Jeremiah study bible - (2013) 2208 pages. 2,272 ratings - "Drawing on more than 40 years of study, Dr. David Jeremiah has compiled a legacy resource that will make an eternal impact on generations to come. 8,000 study notes. Hundreds of enriching word studies"50+ Essentials of the Christian Faith" articles."

The Word in life Study Bible - Very interesting format. Not your routine study Bible. Worth checking the very informative notes. (e.g., here is a picture of Jesus' post-resurrection appearances.)

Evangelical Commentary on the Bible - editor Walter Elwell (1989) 1239 pages. User reviews

New Bible Commentary - (1994) See user reviews 

Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels  IVP Series (968 pages)  191 ratings - In depth articles - e.g., a 7 page discussion on Healing.

Dictionary of New Testament background 79 ratings IVP Series

NIV archaeological study Bible (2005) 2360 pages 950 ratings (See also Archaeology and the Bible - OT and NT)

NIV cultural backgrounds study Bible. bringing to life the ancient world of scripture Keener, Craig and Walton, John. Editors (2017)

Compact Bible commentary by Radmacher, Earl D; Allen, Ronald Barclay; House, H Wayne, et al - 954 pages.  424 ratings Multiple contributors to the comments which are often verse by verse. The comments are brief but meaty and can really help your study through a given book. A sleeper in my opinion. 

Halley's Bible Handbook Henry H. Halley - (2000) 2720 pages (much larger than original edition in 1965 and no time limit on use). (Halley's Bible handbook : an abbreviated Bible commentary - one hour limit 1965 872 pages)

Rosscup - A much-used older evangelical handbook bringing together a brief commentary on Bible books, some key archaeological findings, historical background, maps, quotes, etc. It is helpful to a lay Bible teacher, Sunday School leader, or pastor looking for quick, pertinent information on a Bible book. This is the 72nd printing somewhat revised. Halley packed in much information. Unger’s is better overall, but that is not to say that Halley’s will not provide much help on basic information.

The Shaw Pocket Bible Handbook - Editor - Walter Elwell (1984) 408 pages.

"This hardback is small in size but packed full of content: Brief summaries of every book of the bible, cultural, archaeological and historical info, word definitions, pictures, maps and charts." Worth checking! 

J.Sidlow Baxter: Explore The Book - pdf  Vol. 5 The Gospels

Dictionary Of Biblical Imagery - Leland Ryken, James Wilhoit, Temper Longman III, et al - no restriction. Excellent resource.

Hard Sayings of the Bible - Walter Kaiser, et al - no restriction.

Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties - Gleason Archer - no restriction

When Critics Ask - Norman Geisler - no restriction

When Cultists Ask - Norman Geisler - no restriction.

Dictionary of deities and demons in the Bible (DDD) - 950 pages (1995) Read some of the 65 ratings (4.8/5 Stars). A definitive, in depth resource on this subject. Very expensive to purchase. Can be borrowed.


NOTE - All of these resources can be borrowed from This list also includes resources to help study the Bible. 

See also the list of Word Study Resources 

The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament by Spiros Zodhiates - A Greek scholar. This is my "go to" resource for Greek word studies. One on the best lexicons for laymen. Highly Recommended for Greek Word Studies to aid your interpretation of a passage. 

Vine's Expository Dictionary of Old Testament and New Testament Words - pdf. The old standby. You can also borrow Vine's complete expository dictionary of Old and New Testament words

The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology - NIDNTT - Colin Brown, ed - All 3 volumes available. No restrictions. Very in depth studies on Greek words. Can be a little tricky finding a word so I have written instructions on how to most efficiently use this incredible resource (click).

Analytical Lexicon of the Greek New Testament by Timothy Friberg. Shorter definitions than Zodhiates but does an excellent job in summarizing the various nuances of a specific Greek word. One of my favorites.

Shorter Lexicon of the Greek New Testament by F. Wilbur Gingrich. Similar to Friberg but shorter definitions. Gingrich however gives more Scriptures for each entry, whereas Friberg generally gives only one representative Scripture. 

The New Linguistic and Exegetical Key to the Greek New Testament by Cleon Rogers - This book is a gold mine of little gems on individual Greek words in any NT passage you are studying. If you have time it is always worth checking out! I use it in my Greek word studies all the time. 

Kittel's Theological Dictionary of the New Testament : abridged in one volume (TDNT) - Classic ("Little Kittel") work summarizing the 10 volume set by Kittel. For most of us the abridged definition is "more than enough!" 

A Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament, and other early Christian literature (BDAG); by Bauer, Walter, More detailed definitions but need to know Greek. Zodhiates and Friberg are much easier to use. 

Liddell and Scott's Greek-English lexicon, abridged : the little Liddell by Liddell, Henry George. The abridged version. You need to know Greek to use.

Expository Dictionary of Bible Words by Richards, Larry,  It does not go into great depth on the Greek or Hebrew words but Richards often has some excellent insights. 

Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament : based on semantic domains - Louw Nida. Brief but nice definitions. Not easy to use - you need to know some Greek. Classifies Greek words into 93 "semantic domains" (see list on page XXV) and if you can categorize the word you are looking for in one of the domains, it can help find the specific word you are interested in. 

Word meanings in the New Testament - Matthew-Revelation by Ralph Earle. Strictly speaking this is not a lexicon, but it offers insights on select words in a verse by verse format (but not every verse is included in the analysis). This resource is worth checking if you have time as it can occasionally give some wonderful insights on a specific Greek word. 

New Testament Words - William Barclay - 59 ratings very interesting resource - covers about 70 NT Greek words in Barclay's unique style. On page 289 there is a helpful index of English words with the corresponding Greek word, in turn followed by the places Barclay described them in New Testament Words and in his Daily Study Bible series (see list of DSB commentaries here). E.g., take the Greek word for "Covetousness" which is pleonexia and is found in New Testament Words on page 61 and pp 233-235 and is also described in the Daily Study Bible entries for : Mark 7:14-23; Ro 1:28-32; Eph. 4:17-24; Col. 3:5. So you can click the DSB commentary on Mark 7 and scroll down to Mark 7:14 to see Barclay's entry for pleonexia which concludes "Pleonexia ( G4124) is that lust for having which is in the heart of the man who sees happiness in things instead of in God." Interesting!

Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament (Volume 1 - A thru E);  Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament (Volume 3- P thru ...) Volume 2 not available. I do not find this adds much to the easier to use resources like Zodhiates and Friberg

A Pocket Lexicon to the Greek New Testament by Souter, Alexander. Brief definitions. Need to know some Greek. Not that helpful. 

New Testament Words in Today's Language by Detzler, Wayne A - Wonderful resource to supplement word studies.  3 ratings THIS IS A SLEEPER! 

So That's What it Means - This book was formerly titled "Theological Wordbookedited by Charles Swindoll. It is now under this new title So That's What it Means and can be borrowed - it is more like a dictionary than a lexicon but the comments are superb! The contributors include Donald K. Campbell, Wendell G. Johnston, John A. Witmer, John F. Walvoord 

Christian Words  By: Turner, Nigel, Published: 1980 - >500 pages. An interesting, unique resource on Greek words (no Hebrew) with extensive bibliography. For an example see "Abba" and "Alleluia" - "In Christian vocabulary Alleluia is a heavenly song, a chant of saints in the bliss of Paradise, echoed on earth as joyful seasons." One caution is he uses the Apocryphal writings extensively - I am not sure of his theological persuasion.

Zondervan NASB exhaustive concordance - 1589 pages

Pocket dictionary for the study of New Testament Greek by DeMoss, Matthew S. If you want to dig a little deeper into Greek. 66 ratings

Synonyms of the New Testament by Trench, Richard Chenevix - or click here for list of 108 entries

Expository dictionary of Bible words : word studies for key English Bible words based on - Stephen Renn


HENRY ALFORD- Commentary

Charles Haddon Spurgeon writes that this text "is an invaluable aid to the critical study of the text of the New Testament. You will find in it the ripened results of a matured scholarship, the harvesting of a judgment, generally highly impartial, always worthy of respect, which has gleaned from the most important fields of Biblical research, both modern and ancient, at home and abroad. You will not look here for any spirituality of thought or tenderness of feeling; you will find the learned Dean does not forget to do full justice to his own views, and is quite able to express himself vigorously against his opponents; but for what it professes to be, it is an exceedingly able and successful work. The later issues are by far the most desirable, as the author has considerably revised the work in the fourth edition. What I have said of his Greek Testament applies equally to Alford’s New Testament for English Readers,* which is also a standard work." (Spurgeon, C. H. Lectures to my Students, Vol. 4: Commenting and Commentaries; Lectures Addressed to the students of the Pastors' College, Metropolitan Tabernacle)

GREG ALLEN - Sermons




BRIAN BELL - Sermons


JOHANN A BENGEL - Commentary


BRIAN BILL - Sermons - worth checking to supplement your preaching or teaching

A B BRUCE - Expositor's Greek Testament


Rosscup comments: Evangelical comments run quickly to their points, yet the generality causes skipping some key details (cf. on Anna, Lk 2:36-38) or seem to argue around a more likely view with unconvincing reasoning (Lk 3:16). In other cases, Bock seems to select the most probable view, an instance being in seeing the sermon (Luke 6) as a condensed version of the same sermon in Mt 5–7. One can also find the second and third soils of Luke 8 taken to represent people not actually saved (148–49). One can wonder in Lk 14:34–35 how inability to be worthy disciples is in harmony with salvation as a gift, for the work passes by this. Bock in most verses touches clearly on key issues and… lacks space to deal with every important matter… For a work with much application, cf. Darrell Bock, Luke (NIV Application Commentary. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1996). (Rosscup, J. Commentaries for Biblical Expositors)



A B BRUCE - Expositor's Greek Testament

HENRY BURTON - Expositor's Bible Commentary

D Edmond Hiebert - A practical, warm-hearted exposition by a conservative scholar. Although written during the nineteenth century, it is rich in its interpretative contents, as, for example, on chapter 15.

  • Luke 2 - Has all of the following in easier to read format




D Edmond Hiebert - Greek text. The work of a famous British scholar of the past century. In spite of its age, the phrase-by-phrase treatment is worth consulting.

ALAN CARR - Sermons

RICH CATHERS - sermons with frequent illustrations

2000 Study




ADAM CLARKE - Commentary


THOMAS CONSTABLE - Expository Notes

W A CRISWELL - Sermons


RON DANIEL - sermons



DAN DUNCAN - Sermons


EASY ENGLISH - Commentary


Rosscup comments: Concise treatments are given to each of the NT books. The main value of the set lies in its clear synthesis which helps the student grasp the flow of thought as he moves through a book. Erdman possessed a lucid writing style. He was amillennial. (Rosscup, J. Commentaries for Biblical Expositors)

D Edmond Hiebert - A devotional and practical exposition, in paragraph form, by a conservative Presbyterian scholar.



JAMES FOOTE - Commentary

Spurgeon comments: "We frequently consult this work and never without finding in it things new and old. To preachers who will not steal the lectures, but use them suggestively, they will be extremely serviceable." (Spurgeon - Commenting on Commentaries)


JAMES FREEMAN - New Manners and Customs

A C GAEBELEIN Annotated Bible

JOHN GILL - Commentary


Spurgeon has these comment on Godet: Dr. Meyer says: “To an immense erudition, to a living piety, Godet unites a profound feeling of reality; there is here a vivifying breath, an ardent love for the Saviour, which helps the disciple to comprehend the work, the acts, the words of his Divine Master.” (Spurgeon - Commenting on Commentaries)

Cyril Barber - An exhaustive, technical commentary that ably defends the cardinal doctrines of the Christian faith while expounding the text. Deserves a place on the shelf of every pastor. 

D Edmond Hiebert - An exhaustive, technical commentary by a conservative French theologian of the past century. Godet's theological and critical conservatism is clearly revealed in this work on Luke. Of abiding value in spite of its age.

Rosscup comments: Though old, this work is almost exhaustive in dealing with interpretive problems and shows a wide acquaintance with commentators of all ages up to his day. He is regarded by Greek authorities as weak on textual criticism but strong on exegesis. (Rosscup, J. Commentaries for Biblical Expositors)




L M GRANT - Commentary


T. A. GURNEY - Sermon

DAVE GUZIK - Commentary

DANNY HALL - Sermons


ROBERT HAWKER - Poor Man's Commentary

MATTHEW HENRY - Commentary

F B HOLE - Commentary

HOLMAN PUBLISHING - well done, conservative study Bible notes






WILLIAM KELLY - Commentary

Cyril Barber - An excellent handling of Luke's theme, replete with the author's own translation and an exposition that is at once refreshing and satisfying.

KJV BIBLE COMMENTARY - Edward Hindson and Woodrow M Kroll

Well done conservative commentary that interprets Scripture from a literal perspective.  User reviews - 372 ratings - I have found the comments are very good but not generally in great depth. It is worth check as you may glean additional insights on a passage. It is not strictly speaking verse by verse but does cover many verses. 

  • KJV Bible Commentary. - note if you want to use copy and paste function, select the one page view. Two page view does not allow copy/paste.


PAUL E. KRETZMANN - Lutheran Perspective

LANGE'S COMMENTARY - J J VAN OOSTERZEE - Lange's Commentary on the Holy Scriptures 

Spurgeon writes "Oosterzee in Lange is excellent."

D Edmond Hiebert - In keeping with the series to which it belongs, the massive material is presented in three parts: exegetical and critical, doctrinal and ethical, and homiletical and practical. Conservative in viewpoint. Valuable for those willing to dig into its vast stores of material, much of which is definitely dated.

H. P. LIDDON  - Sermon

LIFE APPLICATION BIBLE - Notes on Luke (158 pages) includes nice black and white maps




JOHN MACARTHUR- verse by verse - probably the best expositor in the last 100 years but very literal and conservative

ALEXANDER MACLAREN - sermons with a devotional bent



J VERNON MCGEE - Thru the Bible comments - often has pithy comments

F B MEYER - Devotional

HEINRICH MEYER - Commentary - lots of Greek

J R MILLER - Devotionals



ROB MORGAN - Sermon. Frequent illustration.

HENRY MORRIS - Defender's Study Bible Notes - well-known creationist. Conservative. Millennial. 

ROBERT NEIGHBOUR - Living Water Commentary

NET BIBLE NOTES  - somewhat technical but you can find some practical "nuggets" from time to time

JAMES NISBET'S - Church Pulpit Commentary

OUR DAILY BREAD - Devotionals, Good Sermon Illustrations

DAVID E OWEN - Sermons



Jesus Speaks from the Manger Luke  2 Christmas; Jesus, Birth of J. Mike Minnix
One Who Waited Luke  2 Joy in Jesus; Evangelism; Patience; Christmas Mark Adams
To The Worshipping Hearts, Jesus Says, Come...Ye Faithful Luke  2 Christ, Birth of; Christmas David E. Owen
A Gift to Celebrate Luke  2 :10 Christmas; Birth of Jesus; Stress in Holidays; Joy Jimmy Long
O Come, Let Us Adore Him Luke  2 :10-14 Christ, Birth of; Jesus; Christmas J. Robert White
Getting THIS Christmas Right Luke  2 :1-10 Birth of Christ; Christmas; Jesus, Birth of Mark Adams
Why Did Jesus Come As A Baby? Luke  2 :1-12 Birth of Jesus; Christmas; Nativity David E. Owen
Why Did Jesus Come As A Baby? Luke  2 :1-12 Jesus, Birth of; Christmas; Jesus, Baby David E. Owen
Baby Talk From The Manger Luke  2 :1-14 Christ, Birth of; Jesus, Birth of; Christmas J. Mike Minnix
Considerations Concerning the Christ of Christmas Luke  2 :1-16 Christmas Donnie L. Martin
The Most Important Announcement in History Luke  2 :1-20 Christmas; Birth of Jesus; Angels Jerry N. Watts
Fear Not - God's Plan Includes Joy Luke  2 :1-20 Christmas; Jesus, Birth of; Joy in Jesus David E. Owen
His Birth Luke  2 :1-20 Birth of Jesus; Nativity; Christmas; Virgin Birth Mark Adams
A Savior is Born Luke  2 :1-20 Christmas, Jesus' Birth, Mary and Joseph Jay Vineyard
The Most Misunderstood Christmas Song Luke  2 :13-14 Christmas; Song, Christmas Paul E. Brown
Angels We Have Heard On High Luke  2 :13-15 Christmas; Christ, Birth of Terry Trivette
The Meaning of Christmas Luke  2 :16-17 Christmas, Meaning of; Jesus, Birth of Preston A. Taylor
It's A Boy Luke  2 :1-7 Christ, Birth Of; Christmas Steve Wagers
And the Shepherds Returned Luke  2 :20 Christmas, Rigth After; Christmas; Shepherds; Jesus, Birth of Paul E. Brown
After Christmas Luke  2 :21-24 New Year; Christian Living; Obedience; Faithfulness Terry Trivette
When An Ordinary Christmas Becomes Extraordinary Luke  2 :25-32 Christmas; Birth of Jesus; Stress in Holidays; Joy Rick Lance
The Story of Jesus - His Early Years Luke  2 :40-52 Jesus, The Life of David E. Owen
Looking To Jesus Luke  2 :41 Jesus, Fellowship with; Fellowship with Christ; Joy; Christian Living J. Mike Minnix
Where To Find Him When You Find Him Missing Luke  2 :41-49 Jesus, Finding; Renewal, Spiritual Terry Trivette
Reclaiming The Home Luke  2 :41-52 Home; Family; Marriage Frank Page
The Story of Jesus - His Ministry Emphases Luke  2 :49 Jesus, Ministry of David E. Owen
The First Miracle of Christmas Luke  2 :6-11 Christmas; Birth of Christ; New Birth Kenneth Hendricks
No Room for Jesus Luke  2 :7 Christ; Birth of Paul E. Brown
The Christmas Rush Luke  2 :8-20 Christmas; Shepherds at Bethlehem; Birth of Jesus Franklin L. Kirksey
Bethlehem's Best - The Shepherd's Story Luke  2 :8-20 Shepherds; Bethlehem; Jesus, Birth of; Christmas Donald Cantrell
An Old Fashioned Christmas Luke  2 :8-21 Christ, Birth of; Christmas; Birth of Jesus J. Mike

PETER PETT - Commentary

JOHN PIPER - Sermons

ALFRED PLUMMER - International Critical Commentary - Detailed Comments Verse by Verse

Rosscup comments: This used to be often considered the best older commentary on the Greek. (Rosscup, J. Commentaries for Biblical Expositors)

D. D. Salmond - It is distinguished throughout by learning, sobriety of judgment, and sound exegesis. It is a weighty contribution to the interpretation of the third Gospel, and will take an honorable place in the series of which it forms a part. 

J. H. Thayer - It is a valuable and welcome addition to our somewhat scanty stock of first-class commentaries on the third Gospel. By its scholarly thoroughness it well sustains the reputation which the International Series has already won. 

Cyril Barber - A most exhaustive and helpful treatment of the Greek text.

E H PLUMPTRE, D.D. - New Testament Commentary for English Readers Edited by Charles J Ellicott, D.D.

MATTHEW POOLE - Commentary

PREACHER'S HOMILETICAL - Commentary - Includes Germ Notes, Illustrations, Homilies

RAY PRITCHARD - Sermons that are very practical with good exposition


A. T. ROBERTSON - Word Pictures in the NT




J C RYLE - Commentary


JOHNNY SANDERS - verse by verse notes but notes are very brief

SERMONAUDIO - PDF's of sermons - Be aware there might be some variation in quality so be a Berean! 



  • All Simeon's Sermons on Luke on one Page
  • Luke 2:10, 11 Christ's Incarnation Glad Tidings to All
  • Luke 2:13, 14 The Angel's Song
  • Luke 2:15 Inquiry into the Gospel Recommended
  • Luke 2:21 The Circumcision of Christ
  • Luke 2:22-24 Presentation of Christ in the Temple
  • Luke 2:25 Christ the Consolation of Israel
  • Luke 2:28-32 Testimony Borne to Jesus in the Temple
  • Luke 2:34, 35 The ends and Effects of Christ's Exhibition to the World
  • Luke 2:49 Christ's Early Habits

CHUCK SMITH - Sermon Notes



C. H. SPURGEON - Sermons, et al




DAVID THOMPSON - sermons - average about 6 pages, verse by verse exposition. Literal. Conservative. 

TODAY IN THE WORD - devotionals

JOHN TRAPP - Commentary



MARVIN VINCENT - Greek Word Studies


WARREN WIERSBE - Always worth checking for preaching/teaching points.

Rosscup - One of America’s most appreciated staunchly evangelical Bible conference teachers gives diligent, refreshing expositions. These are all of his 23 separate, earlier books in the “Be” series on the New Testament. He strikes a particular appeal with lay people as he crystallizes sections, deals with some of the verses, handles certain problems and backgrounds and applies principles. He is premillennial.


WYCLIFFE BIBLE COMMENTARY - Merrill C Tenney authored the Gospel of Luke. Scripture in left column, comments in right column

James Rosscup - Tenney is limited in his space, but usually makes good use of it to explain verses so as to provide help. He is conservative and premillennial. Sometimes he is quite clear, other times one can only guess what he means when he is vague, as when he says that “the kingdom of God is nigh at hand” (Lk 21:29) are words complementary to Lk 17:21, “The kingdom of God is within you” (p. 1063). Overall he offers a fairly good commentary for those wanting a brief study with considerable competence behind it.

  • Luke 2 Comments - note if you want to use copy and paste function, select the one page view. Two page view does not allow copy/paste.


SERMONS BY VERSE - Older messages

A Political Era Associated with High Religious Experience J. Parker, D. D. Luke 2:1-7
God Overrules De Boylesve. Luke 2:1-7
God's Time Arrives Van Doren., Van Doren. Luke 2:1-7
Historical Difficulties of the Census Archdeacon Farrar. Luke 2:1-7
The Birth of Jesus Christ G. D Boardman. Luke 2:1-7
The Child and the Emperor Dean Stanley. Luke 2:1-7
The Empire of Rome and the Stable At Bethlehem Canon Vernon Hutton, M. A. Luke 2:1-7
The Savior's Birth and Type Angel's Sermon R.M. Edgar Luke 2:1-20
Birth of the Son of God Kuchler. Luke 2:4
Christ Born in Bethlehem W. Burkitt, M. A. Luke 2:4
Christmas a Children's Festival Florey. Luke 2:4
Christ's Birth in an Inn Matthew Henry. Luke 2:4
Christ's Birth in Bethlehem Fuchs. Luke 2:4
Christ's Lowly Birth J. J. Van Oosterzee, D. D. Luke 2:4
Christ's Threefold Birth F. W. Krummacher, D. D. Luke 2:4
Description of Bethlehem G. Geikie, D. D. Luke 2:4
Illustrious Pedigree in Obscurity G. Geikie, D. D. Luke 2:4
Subsidiary Lives R. Robinson. Luke 2:4
The Birth of Jesus the New Birth of the Human Race J. J. Van Oosterzee, D. D. Luke 2:4
The Church of the Nativity G. Geikie, D. D. Luke 2:4
On the Most Striking Circumstances that Distinguished the Birth of the Redeemer B. Murphy. Luke 2:6
The Birth of Christ S. Baring-Gould, M. A. Luke 2:6
The Greatest Event on the Smallest of Scales Dean Stanley. Luke 2:6
The Joy of Christmas Bishop Moberly. Luke 2:6
A Fit Nursery for the Holy Child E. A. Lawrence. Luke 2:7
A Fit Prelude to a Life of Poverty, Humiliation, and Sacrifice Dr. Parker., Anon, R. Southwell. Luke 2:7
A Night in a Syrian Inn Rogers. Luke 2:7
Birth of Christ the Lord A. P. Foster. Luke 2:7
Christ Born Without the Curse of the Flesh Bishop Hacket. Luke 2:7
Christ Excluded W. Clarkson Luke 2:7
Christ Found in Lowly Places Canon S. Reynolds Hole. Luke 2:7
Christ Outside of the Inn T. C. Finlayson. Luke 2:7
Christ Seeks Entrance into the Heart Horace Bushnell, D. D. Luke 2:7
Christ Waiting for Room Horace Bushnell, DD. Luke 2:7
Christ Waiting to Find Room H. Bushnell, D. D. Luke 2:7
Christ Wrapped in Swaddling Clothes Bishop Hacket., Bishop Hacket. Luke 2:7
No Room for Christ Dr. Talmage. Luke 2:7
No Room for Christ in the Inn C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 2:7
No Room for Jesus C. F. Deems, D. D. Luke 2:7
Room in the Heart for Christ Bishop Hacket. Luke 2:7
Room in the Soul for Christ C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 2:7
Shutting Out Jesus Henry Wright, M. A. Luke 2:7
The Advent Exalts Human Relations W. Archer Butler. Luke 2:7
The Christ Child Charles Kingsley Luke 2:7
The Christ-Child C. Kingsley. Luke 2:7
The Disowned Saviour R H. Howard. Luke 2:7
The Miraculous Conception not Unreasonable Bishop Hacket. Luke 2:7
The Saviour and the Manger M. Faber. Luke 2:7
Shepherds and Angels Alexander Maclaren Luke 2:8
The Angel's Message and Song John Newton Luke 2:8
A Flock to Look After Bishop Hacker., Bishop Hacker. Luke 2:8-9
A Watchful Shepherd Bishop Hacker. Luke 2:8-9
Attend to Your Own Business Sunday School Times Luke 2:8-9
By Night Bishop Hacker. Luke 2:8-9
Dignity Bestowed on Those Following Their Daily Calling Amelia S. Barr. Luke 2:8-9
Finding the Lord in Daily Duties See Trench's Poems. Luke 2:8-9
Highest and Lowest Brought Together J. H. Newman. Luke 2:8-9
Joy Often Follows Fear Dr. Talmage. Luke 2:8-9
Philosophy Discovered by Humble Men Bishop Hacker., Bishop Hacker., Bishop Hacker. Luke 2:8-9
Shepherds Fit Persons to Receive the Gospel Message Bp. Lancelot Andrewes. Luke 2:8-9
Tending Flocks by Night C. Geikie, D. D. Luke 2:8-9
The Annunciation to the Shepherds G. D. Boardman. Luke 2:8-9
The First to See Christ At His Final Advent Bishop Hacker. Luke 2:8-9
The Shepherds H. Wonnacott. Luke 2:8-9
The Shepherd's an Honourable Calling Wm. Jones., James Foote, M. A. Luke 2:8-9
The Shepherds and the Magi At the Cradle of Christ S. Cox, D. D. Luke 2:8-9
This Angel is the First Evangelist Lyman Abbott, D. D. Luke 2:8-9
Welcome News from Heaven W. Clarkson Luke 2:8-11
All Creatures Interested in the Incarnation of Christ Bishop Hacker. Luke 2:10
Behold Bishop Hacker. Luke 2:10
Christian Joyfulness W. H. Murray. Luke 2:10
Christianity a Cheerful Religion T. Dale, M. A. Luke 2:10
Christmas Day the Turning Point H. W. Beecher. Luke 2:10
Christmas-Day Lessons Dean Stanley. Luke 2:10
Christ's Nativity Theological Sketch-book Luke 2:10
Fear Not Bishop Hacket Luke 2:10
Glad News W. H. Murray. Luke 2:10
Glad News W. H. Aitken. Luke 2:10
God Incarnate, the End of Fear C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 2:10
Good News to All People Bishop Hacker. Luke 2:10
Good Tidings G. Brooks. Luke 2:10
Good Tidings of Great Joy Bishop Hacket. Luke 2:10
Good Tidings of Great Joy S. D. Hillman, B. A. Luke 2:10
Gospel Joy Continuous Bishop Hacket. Luke 2:10
Great Joy is Often Van Doren. Luke 2:10
Heathen Religions and Christianity H. W. Beecher. Luke 2:10
Joy At the Birth of Jesus M. Faber. Luke 2:10
Joy Born At Bethlehem C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 2:10
Joy Follows Sorrow Bp. E. Steere. Luke 2:10
Religious Joy J. H. Newman, D. D. Luke 2:10
The Angel's Message to the Shepherds H. Venn, M. A. Luke 2:10
The Birth of Jesus Jabez Burns, D. D. Luke 2:10
The Christmas Festival Festival for the Whole World J. J. Van Oosterzee, D. D. Luke 2:10
The Duty of Christian Joy J. Vaughan. Luke 2:10
The First Christmas Dr. Talmage. Luke 2:10
The First Christmas Morning D. W. Lusk. Luke 2:10
The Gospel to be Presented as Great Joy J. Vaughan. Luke 2:10
The Great Birthday C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 2:10
The Joy of Christmas Anon. Luke 2:10
The Joyful Tidings of Christmas C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 2:10
The Joy-Producing Power of Christianity H. W. Beecher. Luke 2:10
The Message to the Shepherds W. S. Bruce, M. A. Luke 2:10
The Nativity of Our Lord, Tidings of Great Joy J. Barrow, D. D. Luke 2:10
A Consecrated Life Bishop W. C. Magee. Luke 2:11
A Saviour Colemeister. Luke 2:11
A Saviour Bishop Hacker., Bishop Hacker., Bishop Hacker. Luke 2:11
A Saviour Bishop Hacker. Luke 2:11
A Saviour from Spiritual Ruin Bp. Lancelot Andrews. Luke 2:11
Christ Born in the City of David Bishop Hacker. Luke 2:11
Christ the Saviour S. McAll. Luke 2:11
Christ the Saviour of Men Bishop W. C. Magee. Luke 2:11
Christmas Day Explains Two Dispensations Dean Stanley. Luke 2:11
Christ's Birth City Bishop Hacker. Luke 2:11
Joy in the Saviour Fully Received C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 2:11
Lessons from the Birthday of Christ Dean Church. Luke 2:11
The Good News is for Each and All H. C. Trumbull. Luke 2:11
The Great Announcement Van. Doren. Luke 2:11
The Lesson of Christmas Archdeacon Farrar. Luke 2:11
The Merit of Christ's Birth Bishop Hacker., Bishop Hacker. Luke 2:11
The Message of the Shepherds W. S. Bruce, M. A. Luke 2:11
The Nativity E. Blencowe, M. A. Luke 2:11
The Nature of Christ's Salvation Dr. Beaumont. Luke 2:11
The Saviour's Love Charles Stanford, D. D. Luke 2:11
The Two Advents G. McMichael, B. A. Luke 2:11
Universality of the Gospel Offer T. Chalmers, D. D. Luke 2:11
Unto Us a Child is Born Canon Vernon Hutton, M. A. Luke 2:11
Christ Born in a Manger Dr. Talmage. Luke 2:12
Christ's Humility Van Doren. Luke 2:12
Divine Things Veiled Under Earthly Forms Dean Vaughan. Luke 2:12
Great Things from Small Beginnings H. C. Trumbull. Luke 2:12
Lessons of the Holy Manger Canon Liddon. Luke 2:12
Naturalness of the Truly Great Leonard W. Bacon. Luke 2:12
The Babe: a Christmastide Meditation R. Tuck, B. A. Luke 2:12
The Child in the Manger Dr. Talmage. Luke 2:12
The Fitness of the Sign Bishop Lancelot Andrewes. Luke 2:12
The Practice of Swathing Infants Leonard W. Bacon. Luke 2:12
The Sign Nothing; the Treasure All Bishop Lancelot Andrewes. Luke 2:12
The Sign of Jesus Christ Horace Monod. Luke 2:12
The Sign of the Incarnation E. E. Johnson, M. A. Luke 2:12
The Sign of the Manger Dean Vaughan. Luke 2:12
The Sign of the Swaddling Clothes Leonard W. Bacon. Luke 2:12
A Multitude of the Heavenly Host J. Service, D. D. Luke 2:13
Angelic Insight Bishop Hacker. Luke 2:13
Church Psalmody Bishop Hacker Luke 2:13
Multitude Pleasing to God Bishop Hacker. Luke 2:13
Music Charles Kingsley. Luke 2:13
One Good Work Quickly Followed by Another Bishop Hacker. Luke 2:13
Suddenly, or Spirit and Understanding American Horniletic Review Luke 2:13
The Angel's Song R. Cecil, M. A. Luke 2:13
The Birth of Our Lord A. Garry, M. A. Luke 2:13
The Glory of the Heavenly Host an Argument for More than Bare Necessity in the Service of God Bishop Hacker. Luke 2:13
The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ E. Hopkins, D. D. Luke 2:13
The Song of Angels W. N. Lewis, D. D. Luke 2:13
The Song of the Angels J. Beaumont, D. D. Luke 2:13
Trust the Heavenly Forces Bishop Hacker. Luke 2:13
A Christmas Carol A. F. Barfield. Luke 2:14
A Christmas Motto P. Schaff, D. D. Luke 2:14
A Dying Saint   Luke 2:14
Angels' Acclamations   Luke 2:14
Christ Adverse to Some Kinds of Peace Bishop Hacker. Luke 2:14
Christmas Day Professor A. W. Momerie. Luke 2:14
National Peace Bishop Hacker. Luke 2:14
Peace and Sanctity not Incompatible E. Hopkins, D. D. Luke 2:14
Spreading the News of Peace Dr. Wayland. Luke 2:14
The Angelic Anthem John Stephens., Van Doren. Luke 2:14
The Angelic Hymn F. Godet, D. D. Luke 2:14
The Angels' Song J. J. Van Oosterzee, D. D. Luke 2:14
The Angels' Song J. Vaughan, M. A. Luke 2:14
The Angels' Song (A Christmas Sermon) W. Dorling. Luke 2:14
The Angels' Text A. W. Hare. Luke 2:14
The Divine Method in the World H. W. Beecher. Luke 2:14
The First Christmas Carol C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 2:14
The Gloria in Excelsis C. S. Robinson, D. D. Luke 2:14
The Influence of Christianity on the Temporal Condition of Mankind T. Raffles, D. D. Luke 2:14
The Perfections of the Incarnation M. Faber. Luke 2:14
The Song of the Angels Bishop Wm. Alexander., J. Gumming, D. D. Luke 2:14
Universal Peace C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 2:14
A Pilgrimage to Bethlehem George Burder. Luke 2:15
Bethlehem's Wonder T. W. Luke 2:15
Faith Outliving its Special Occasions F. D. Huntingdon, D. D. Luke 2:15
How Men Receive the Good News of God Canon Vernon Hutton, M. A. Luke 2:15
Let Us Now Go Even unto Bethlehem J. R. Bailey. Luke 2:15
Quiet Thoughts, After High Revelations J. Puckle, M. A. Luke 2:15
Teaching from Christ's Cradle Archdeacon Farrar. Luke 2:15
The Adoration of the Shepherds S. D. Hillman, B. A. Luke 2:15
The Faith of the Shepherds, True Faith Hatless. Luke 2:15
The Festival of Christmas Dean Vaughan Luke 2:15
The First Pilgrims to the Stable of Bethlehem J. J. Van Oosterzee, D. D. Luke 2:15
The Shepherds as Patterns for Imitation Ahlfeld. Luke 2:15
The Shepherds' Celebration of Christmas Arndt. Luke 2:15
The Significance of Christmas C. Wadsworth, D. D. Luke 2:15
The Visit of the Shepherds Sermons for Boys and Girls Luke 2:15
This Thing W. Manning. Luke 2:15
Which is Come to Pass J. R. Bailey. Luke 2:15
Which the Lord Hath Made Known to Us T. Mortimer, B. D. Luke 2:15
Was, Is, is to Come Alexander Maclaren Luke 2:16
Birthday Contrasts Bishop H. C. Potter. Luke 2:16-18
Christmas Work C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 2:16-18
Holy Work for Christmas C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 2:16-18
Many Ways of Serving God C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 2:16-18
Second Christmas Day J. A. Seiss, D. D. Luke 2:16-18
The Gospel a Source of Wonder C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 2:16-18
Comfort by Meditation H. G. Salter. Luke 2:19
Hearing Should be Followed by Meditation T. Manton, D. D. Luke 2:19
Mary's Musings Bishop Samuel Wilberforce. Luke 2:19
Meditation Must be Experienced to be Appreciated T. Swinnock. Luke 2:19
Meditation Nourishes the Soul T. T. Lynch. Luke 2:19
Missings of Mother H. W. Beecher. Luke 2:19
Significant Silence Respecting Mary A. G. Mercer, D. D. Luke 2:19
The Incarnation a Subject for Devout Study Canon Westcott. Luke 2:19
The Inwardness of Mary's Character A. G. Mercer, D. D. Luke 2:19
The Profoundest Mystery Yet is the Origin of Child-Life H. F. Beecher., Mrs. E. B. Browning., G. MacDonald. Luke 2:19
The Wisdom of Devout Meditation W. Clarkson Luke 2:19
Value of Meditation H. G. Salter. Luke 2:19
Dignifying Common Life Dr. Raleigh., J. Parker, D. D. Luke 2:20
Shepherds Glorifying God for the Birth of a Saviour J. Lathrop, D. D. Luke 2:20
The Changed World Newman Smyth, D. D. Luke 2:20
Circumcision and Baptism Dean Burgon. Luke 2:21
Early Suffering Archdeacon Farrar. Luke 2:21
Jesus, the Watchword Dr. Gerok. Luke 2:21
New Year's Day J. A. Seiss, D. D. Luke 2:21
Spiritual Nature of Circumcision Dean Burgon. Luke 2:21
The Circumcision and Naming of the Child E. Stapler, D. D. Luke 2:21
The Circumcision of Christ Canon V. Hutton, M. A. Luke 2:21
The Circumcision of Christ D. Hughes, M. A. Luke 2:21
The Circumcision of Our Lord Bishop Dehon. Luke 2:21
The Circumcision and Presentation of Jesus R.M. Edgar Luke 2:21-40
The Circumcision and Presentation of Jesus R.M. Edgar Luke 2:21-40
Consequences of Good Education Tirinus Luke 2:22-24
Dedication to God from Early Youth Q. Rossi. Luke 2:22-24
Early Dedication to the Lord Henry R. Burton. Luke 2:22-24
Early Piety a Safeguard   Luke 2:22-24
Holy Education of Children R. Baxter. Luke 2:22-24
No Myth A. Neander. Luke 2:22-24
Permanence of Early Impressions   Luke 2:22-24
The Days of Purification E. Stapfer, D. D., Bishop Hall. Luke 2:22-24
The Presentation in the Temple Canon Vernon Hutton, M. A. Luke 2:22-24
The Purification Bishop Goodwin. Luke 2:22-24
Training Children for the Lord Mothers' Treasury Luke 2:22-24
A Satisfied Human Spirit W. Clarkson Luke 2:25-30
A Representative Man J. Parker, D. D. Luke 2:25-35
Aged Evangelists C. Stanford, D. D. Luke 2:25-35
Christ Our Consolation H. Alford, M. A. Luke 2:25-35
It is Hard to Wait, and Few Can Do it Well Stopford A. Brooke. Luke 2:25-35
Patient Waiting Bishop Wm. Alexander. Luke 2:25-35
Readiness for God's Will New Cyclopaedia of Anecdote Luke 2:25-35
Scripture Biography of Simeon C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 2:25-35
Simeon and Anna A. Whyte, D. D. Luke 2:25-35
Simeon and the Child Jesus E. D. Rogers, D. D. Luke 2:25-35
Simeon: a Sermon for Christmas E. Bersier, D. D. Luke 2:25-35
Simeon: Saint, Singer, and Seer F. Hastings. Luke 2:25-35
Simeon's Blessed Hope C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 2:25-35
The Consolation of Israel G. Swinnock. Luke 2:25-35
The Consolation of Israel J. Jowett, M. A. Luke 2:25-35
The Expectant Simeon Canon Hoare. Luke 2:25-35
The Same Man was Just and Devout Stopford A. Brooke. Luke 2:25-35
The Waiting Church C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 2:25-35
Waiting for the Chariot   Luke 2:25-35
Waiting for the Lord Augustus Hare. Luke 2:25-35
Waiting is Good But Hard Service H. C. Trumbull. Luke 2:25-35
Waiting is Harder than Doing Sunday School Times Luke 2:25-35
Blessedness Found in the Path of Duty Ibid. Luke 2:26
Simeon's Character Van Doren., Hartley Coleridge. Luke 2:26
Simeon's Felicity Dean Burgon. Luke 2:26
The Fear of Death Destroyed by a Sight of Christ J. Caughey. Luke 2:26
The Leading of the Spirit C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 2:26
Dedicating Children to the Lord H. R. Burton. Luke 2:27
Singleness of Aim George Muller. Luke 2:27
Simeon's Swan-Song Alexander Maclaren Luke 2:29
A Martyr's Death-Song A. C. Thompson, D. D. Luke 2:29-31
Character and Privilege of Simeon Caleb Morris. Luke 2:29-31
Christ Embraced Bishop Hacker. Luke 2:29-31
Christ Immediately Known and Embraced H. Smith. Luke 2:29-31
Coincidences G. D. Boardman. Luke 2:29-31
Death Better than Degeneration Bishop Hacker. Luke 2:29-31
Death is Release Helen Hunt., Bishop Hacker. Luke 2:29-31
Death Tests C. S. Robinson, D. D. Luke 2:29-31
Death Viewed Without Terror A. Maclaren, D. D. Luke 2:29-31
Death Welcome with Jesus Near   Luke 2:29-31
Desiring Death H. Smith. Luke 2:29-31
Excessive Spiritual Joy Bishop Hacker. Luke 2:29-31
God's Salvation J. Irons. Luke 2:29-31
James Hervey   Luke 2:29-31
Light in Death   Luke 2:29-31
Men Generally Unready to Die J. Jortin. Luke 2:29-31
Nunc Dimittis C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 2:29-31
Nunc Dimittis E. G. Charlesworth. Luke 2:29-31
Old Age E. H. Hall. Luke 2:29-31
Our Last Days Should be Our Best Days Udall. Luke 2:29-31
Peace of a Dying Christian   Luke 2:29-31
Prepared H. Smith. Luke 2:29-31
Ready to Start   Luke 2:29-31
Release from School   Luke 2:29-31
Satisfied Bishop Hacker. Luke 2:29-31
Seeing the Invisible Bishop Hacker. Luke 2:29-31
Servant of God Bishop Hacker., Bishop Hacker. Luke 2:29-31
Simeon's Canticle Bp. Wm. Alexander. Luke 2:29-31
Simeon's Canticle W. Burkitt, M. A. Luke 2:29-31
Simeon's Song W. Gurnall. Luke 2:29-31
Simeon's Song S. Cox, D. D. Luke 2:29-31
Spiritual Intimations G. D. Boardman. Luke 2:29-31
Sweet When Fading Scriver. Luke 2:29-31
The Best Sight Bishop Hacker. Luke 2:29-31
The Glory and Work of Old Age Stopford A, Brooke., A. Whyte, D. D. Luke 2:29-31
The Hunt Dimittis C. S. Robinson, D. D. Luke 2:29-31
The Last Scene G. Swinnock. Luke 2:29-31
The Song of Simeon C. Bradley, M. A., J. Parsons. Luke 2:29-31
The Waiting of Simeon H. Smith. Luke 2:29-31
Thy Salvation C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 2:29-31
Christ the Glory of His People C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 2:32
Christ the Glory of Israel G. Brooks. Luke 2:32
Christ the Light of All Nations Henry R. Burton. Luke 2:32
Light an Emblem of Christ H. Melvill, B. D. Luke 2:32
The Glory of Israel Dr. Newton. Luke 2:32
The Light of the Gentiles W. B. Collyer, D. D. Luke 2:32
By Their Treatment of Christ Himself Men Will Show What They Are Dean Vaughan., Stopford A. Brooke. Luke 2:34-35
Christ -- the Fall and Rise of Many C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 2:34-35
Christ is Set for the Ruin of Many Joseph Schuen. Luke 2:34-35
Christ Reveals Hearts Sunday School Times Luke 2:34-35
Christ Set for Our Fall an Upraising Stopford A. Brooke. Luke 2:34-35
Christ Spoken Against J. Wells. Luke 2:34-35
Christ the Rising and Fall of Many J. C. Hare. Luke 2:34-35
Christianity the Test of Character R. Hall, M. A. Luke 2:34-35
Christ's Knowledge of Man E. P. Hood. Luke 2:34-35
Christ's Mission A. Reed. Luke 2:34-35
Dual Aspect of Christ's Advent Canon Liddon. Luke 2:34-35
Fall and Rise J. J. Van Oosterzee, D. D. Luke 2:34-35
Man Saved or Destroyed by the Truth A. Maclaren, D. D. Luke 2:34-35
On the Advantages of Affliction B. Murphy. Luke 2:34-35
Simeon's Prediction S. Cox, D. D. Luke 2:34-35
Struggle and Triumph J. J. Van Oosterzee, D. D. Luke 2:34-35
The Detector of the Heart H. F. Burder, D. D. Luke 2:34-35
The Dual Aspect of Christ's Advent Canon Liddon. Luke 2:34-35
The Exhibition of Christ Tries the Human Heart N. Emmons, D. D. Luke 2:34-35
The First Prediction of the Cross Canon Vernon Hutton, M. A. Luke 2:34-35
The Prophecy of Simeon Dean Vaughan. Luke 2:34-35
The Touchstone of Truth W. Clarkson Luke 2:34, 35
This Child E. Mellor, D. D. Luke 2:34-35
Treatment of Christ and the Gospel James Foote, M. A. Luke 2:34-35
Use and Abuse of God's Gifts James Foote, M. A. Luke 2:34-35
What Christ was to be to Different People G. Brooks. Luke 2:34-35
Anna an Example to the Aged James Foote, M. A. Luke 2:36-38
Beautiful Old Age H. W. Beecher. Luke 2:36-38
First Female Testimony to Christ Van Doren. Luke 2:36-38
Occupation of Anna Dr. Geikie. Luke 2:36-38
Piety in the Aged Preachers' Treasury Luke 2:36-38
The Prophetess Anna J. Parker, D. D. Luke 2:36-38
The Story of a Lonely Woman's Work Marianne Farningham. Luke 2:36-38
The Testimony of Womanhood W. Clarkson Luke 2:36-38
Blessedness of Public Worship J. Aldis. Luke 2:37
Delight in Being in God's House   Luke 2:37
Fastings and Prayers M. F. Sadler. Luke 2:37
Neglectors of Public Worship J. Aldis. Luke 2:37
First Sunday After Epiphany J. A. Seiss, D. D. Luke 2:39-52
Glimpses of the Divine Childhood E. Johnson, M. A. Luke 2:39-52
Nazareth J. Stalker, L. A. Luke 2:39-52
The Early Years of Christ T. D. Woolsey, D. D. Luke 2:39-52
The Life of Jesus J. C. Jones. Luke 2:39-52
The Personality of Jesus Principal Fairbairn, D. D. Luke 2:39-52
The Training of Jesus Christ G. D. Boardman. Luke 2:39-52
A Bishop's Dream of Our Lord's Childhood Archdeacon Farrar. Luke 2:40
An Address to Children on the Child Jesus Dean Stanley. Luke 2:40
Apocryphal Stories of the Infancy George Dawson. Luke 2:40
Childhood Disparaged by the Ancients David Swing. Luke 2:40
Christ Our Example in Youth D. Moore, M. A. Luke 2:40
God's Mode of Training Men Canon Westcott. Luke 2:40
Great Results from Secret Processes Canon Westcott. Luke 2:40
Growth Under Ordinary Events Canon Westcott. Luke 2:40
Jerome's Love for the Child Jesus Archdeacon Farrar. Luke 2:40
Jesus the Friend of Children Archdeacon Farrar. Luke 2:40
No Abasement in Growth Sunday School Times Luke 2:40
Our Lord's Early Years Upon Earth S. P. C. K. Sermons Luke 2:40
Religion in Childhood   Luke 2:40
St. Edmund's Vision of the Child Jesus Archdeacon Farrar. Luke 2:40
Superstitious Reverence of Christ's Person Guarded Agains James Thomson, D. D. Luke 2:40
The Child Jesus, a Pattern for Children S. Cox, D. D. Luke 2:40
The Development of Christ Through the Influences of Outward Nature Stopford A. Brooke, MA. Luke 2:40
The Early Development of Jesus F. W. Robertson, M. A. Luke 2:40
The Growth of Children H. C. Trumbull. Luke 2:40
The Holy Child Jesus Dean Goulburn. Luke 2:40
The Source of Christ's Growth Sunday School Times Luke 2:40
Youthful Piety of Christ Dean Goulburn. Luke 2:40
Important Things Wrought Silently and Secretly Dean Goulburn. Luke 2:41-42
Making a Jewish Boy a Son of the Law Biblical Things not Generally Known. Luke 2:41-42
On the Way to Jerusalem Author of "Ben Hur." Luke 2:41-42
Religious Training H. C. Trumbull. Luke 2:41-42
The Holy Family on Pilgrimage H. N. Grimley, M. A. Luke 2:41-42
The Silence of Scripture Instructive Bishop Chris. Wordsworth. Luke 2:41-42
The Visit of Jesus to Jerusalem When a Boy R.M. Edgar Luke 2:41-52
Filial Obedience J. Clichtove. Luke 2:43
Passover Duties and Employments Dean Goulburn. Luke 2:43
Revelation of Perfect Child-Life Thos. H. Barnett. Luke 2:43
The Gospel of the Childhood   Luke 2:43
Ungrudging Service Dean Goulburn. Luke 2:43
A Lost Christ S. Baring-Gould, M. A. Luke 2:44-45
Easy to Lose Christ Dean Goulburn. Luke 2:44-45
Out of Company with Jesus W. H. M. H. Aitken, M. A. Luke 2:44-45
Religious Supposition J. Jackson Wray. Luke 2:44-45
Seeking the Lost Christ E. D. Solomon. Luke 2:44-45
Supposing Him to have Been in the Company C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 2:44-45
The Disappearance of Jesus Dean Goulburn. Luke 2:44-45
Answers W. Birch. Luke 2:46
Christ Engaged in Bible Study H. C. Trumbull. Luke 2:46
Christ in the Temple School Dean Goulburn. Luke 2:46
Jesus At Home in the Temple Dean Goulburn. Luke 2:46
The Finding of Jesus in the Temple D. Longwill. Luke 2:46
The Power of Simplicity Alexander Clark. Luke 2:46
The Saviour Lost and Found M. Faber. Luke 2:46
The Spirit and Method in Which to Learn Dean Goulburn. Luke 2:46
A Mother's Solicitude Hand and Heart. Luke 2:48
A Parent's Wonder Phillips Brooks, D. D. Luke 2:48
Christ's Strange Dealings with His People Dean Goulburn. Luke 2:48
Divine as Well as Human Education Phillips Brooks, D. D. Luke 2:48
Perplexity in Presence of Mystery Phillips Brooks, D. D. Luke 2:48
Sorrow for Grieving a Mother   Luke 2:48
The Manliness of Christ Thomas Hughes. Luke 2:48
The Mother and Son Archbishop Thomson. Luke 2:48
A Grand Purpose J. Clifford, D. D. Luke 2:49
A Plea for a Rejected Translation R. E. Wallis, Ph. D. Luke 2:49
About His Father's Business H. R. Haweis, M. A. Luke 2:49
Attending to God's Business Baxendale's Anecdotes Luke 2:49
Busy J. Vaughan, M. A. . Luke 2:49
Childhood to be Dedicated to God Frederick Brooks. Luke 2:49
Christ About His Father's Business C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 2:49
Christ Our Example W. Jay. Luke 2:49
Earnestness Exemplified   Luke 2:49
Father's Business J. Vaughan, M. A. Luke 2:49
God's Business the Only Work for Man Stopford A. Brooke, M. A. Luke 2:49
How We Must Make Religion Our Business   Luke 2:49
My Father's Business J. Vaughan, M. A. Luke 2:49
Need of Diligence in God's Service Dean Goulburn. Luke 2:49
Self-Forgetfulness in the Lord's Work   Luke 2:49
The Boy in the Temple Alexander Maclaren Luke 2:49
The Business of Youth S. Martin, D. D. Luke 2:49
The Constraining Motive Marianne Farningham. Luke 2:49
The Dawn of Sacred Duty: a Sermon to the Young W. Clarkson Luke 2:49
The Earthly and the Heavenly Parentage Dean Vaughan. Luke 2:49
The Epiphany of Christ's Childhood Frederick Brooks. Luke 2:49
The Epiphany of Work Dean Vanghan. Luke 2:49
The First Recorded Words of Jesus C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 2:49
The Motto of Christ's Life G. S. Robinson, D. D. Luke 2:49
The Spirit of Christ's Life J. Clifford, D. D. Luke 2:49
The Spiritual Development of Christ Stopford A. Brooke, M. A. Luke 2:49
A Great Love and a Great Lesson Dean Goulburn. Luke 2:50-51
Christ an Example in Filial Duties W. H. Lewis, D. D. Luke 2:50-51
Christ's Life of Submission Dean Goulburn. Luke 2:50-51
Development of Christ Through the Influences of Home Stopford A. Brooke, M. A. Luke 2:50-51
Duty to Parents   Luke 2:50-51
Every Duty has its Proper Place and Time H. C. Trumbull. Luke 2:50-51
God's Lessons Slowly Learned John Brown, M. A. . Luke 2:50-51
Gratitude to Parents H. W. Beecher, from his last public letter. Luke 2:50-51
His Mother Kept All These Sayings in Her Heart H. Bushnell, D. D. Luke 2:50-51
Home Duties H. R. Haweis, M. A. Luke 2:50-51
Mr. Cecil's Obedience   Luke 2:50-51
Obedience to Parents Wansidal. Luke 2:50-51
Obedience to Parents   Luke 2:50-51
Subjection of Children   Luke 2:50-51
The Christian Family H. W. Beecher. Luke 2:50-51
The Eighteen Silent Years John Brown, M. A. Luke 2:50-51
The Filial Dutifulness of Jesus Dean Goulburn. Luke 2:50-51
The Holy Family Weinzierl. Luke 2:50-51
The Home At Nazareth Canon Vernon Hutton, M. A. Luke 2:50-51
The Memory of the Heart G. Matheson, D. D. Luke 2:50-51
The Obedience of Childhood Sunday School Times Luke 2:50-51
The True Order of Obedience Bishop Chris. Wordsworth. Luke 2:50-51
Growth, Our Lord's and Our Own W. Clarkson Luke 2:51, 52
A Pattern Childhood and Youth H. M. Grout. Luke 2:52
Christ's Boyhood Charles Kingsley Luke 2:52
Christ's Growth in Wisdom J. J. Van Oosterzee, D. D. Luke 2:52
Christ's Increase in the Favour of God Dean Goulburn. Luke 2:52
God's Favour to be Sought H. C. Trumbull. Luke 2:52
On the Education of Children B. Murphy. Luke 2:52
Orderly Development H. R. Haweis, M. A. Luke 2:52
Progress in Spiritual Things John Smith. Luke 2:52
The Growth of Jesus in Wisdom Dean Goulburn. Luke 2:52
The Humanity of Christ N. Emmons, D. D. Luke 2:52
The Secret of the Growth of Jesus J. Clifford, D. D. Luke 2:52
The Silent Growth of Jesus J. Clifford, D. D. Luke 2:52
The Three Ages of Christian Life J. H. Grandpierre, D. D. Luke 2:52

