Quick Quilting ProjectsStar Pillow PatternSelvedge QuiltsSelvage ProjectsCrumb QuiltStar PillowString QuiltTriangle RulerString QuiltsSelvage Star Pillow - CLPSGD005Cut Loose Press - Selvage Star Pillow - CLPSGD0057
Selvedge QuiltsSelvage ProjectsSalvage ProjectsQuilt TechniquesString QuiltsScrap QuiltLeftover FabricSewing FabricsScrap FabricSew Thankful Sunday, February 2019{I love the idea of “paying it forward”. I think the world would be a better place if we could spread some joy and acknowledgement of good deeds done by others. I try to do153
Spools Quilt PatternSelvedge QuiltsSelvage ProjectsSalvage ProjectsVintage SpoolsQuilt Table RunnerSpool QuiltQuilt ScrapsQuilt ModernenElena's Spools Selvage QuiltDo you remember Elena McDowell, the prolific selvage quilter from Austin, Texas? I've been looking at all the selvage items for sale on etsy.com and I found this delightful quilt made by my old friend Elena. It's listed for $100. Isn't this a cool quilt? I really like this one. Hugs to you Elena!6.8k
Selvedge Quilt BlocksSelvage Edge ProjectsSalvage QuiltsSelvedge ProjectsSelvedge QuiltsSelvage QuiltsSelvage ProjectsSalvage ProjectsSquare LayoutPat Sloan: The Splendid Sampler™ block 33Check out the Great Fabric Sales... Supplies and Patterns! My block is ALL about the Selvage.. do you keep them, toss them, give them away? What about a block for them? now your talking! I have a few tips for successful edge fabric sewing.. read on! I use a 7" x 7" foundation to sew the 6.5" square. Layout the strips in the order you want to sew them. This block I decided to pack in more strips, so they are thinner. I kept at least a 1/2" of the color of the fabric so i had great placement…125
Selvedge QuiltsSelvage ProjectsVinyl Fabric CraftsSalvage ProjectsSew TutorialsQuilt TechniquesScrap Fabric ProjectsString QuiltsLearning To SewHow To Make Selvedge Fabric - A Fast & Easy TuteHow To Make Selvedge Fabric - A Fast & Easy Tute This week I've made a laptop case using selvedges and I thought I'd share with you how I create selvedge fabric. When I buy a piece of fabric I remove the selvedges along both edges by folding the fabric in the correct direction to cut them off as full-length strips. It's up to you how wide you cut them, you may want to cut them wider and see more of the original fabric design. I line the selvedge edge up with a 1" line on the cutting mat and…400
Quilted Name TagsQuick Quilting ProjectsSelvedge QuiltsSelvage ProjectsQuilting LabelsBookcase QuiltsSalvage ProjectsSnippet RollsGifts To SewFree TutorialsWelcome to my growing list of free tutorials. They cover a variety of topics, so just scroll down until something looks interesting and catches your eye. Enjoy! Regards, Carla Free Tutorial Links…104
Selvedge Sewing ProjectsSelvage Edge ProjectsSewing Projects Using SelvagesWhat To Do With Old Tattered QuiltsHow To Add Sashing To Quilt BlocksSalvage QuiltsSelvedge ProjectsSelvedge QuiltsSelvage ProjectsSelvage Quilt Finished!I finally got my "Glass Tumbling Blocks" quilt finished from the book "Quilts from the Selvage Edge" by Karen Griska. I finished on time t...490
Fabric Selvage Projects IdeasSelvage Quilts Free PatternSelvage QuiltsSelvage ProjectsSalvage ProjectsScrap CraftsSewing ChairScrap QuiltingQuilted ProjectsSave your selvages for a colorful sewing projectSelvage projects are all the rage, so check out how Christine is using the NQ900 to convert selvages into a fun sewing project.64
Selvedge Quilts IdeasSelvage Edge ProjectsSelvage Quilts Free PatternFabric Selvage ProjectsSalvage QuiltsSelvedge ProjectsSelvedge QuiltsSelvage QuiltsSelvage ProjectsTutorial: Selvedge Block and QuiltIn September I shared this quilt finish. For want of a name, it's my "Selvedges Quilt" that finished at 59" X 72". I designed the block. Sev...546
Finishing A QuiltQuilts EasyCharm Pack QuiltStrip QuiltModern Quilt BlocksQuilt Pattern IdeasImprov QuiltingMaking QuiltsQuick Quiltsomething rosemade240