
Stock Photo: Rice topped with stir-fried pork and basil with a fried egg on the table

Item number : 95464579 See all

This Stock Photo, whose title is "Rice topped with stir-fried pork and basil with..."[95464579], includes tags of chicken, cooked, cooking. The author of this item is jointstar (No.654662). Sizes from S to L are available and the price starts from US$5.00. You can download watermarked sample data (comp images), check the quality of images, and use Lightbox after signing up for free. See all

Rice topped with stir-fried pork and basil with a fried egg on the table 95464579

Rice topped with stir-fried pork and basil with a fried egg on the table

  • 1:1
  • 4:3
  • 4:5
  • 3:2(6:4)
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  • 640 x 480px
  • 22.6 x 16.9cm (72dpi)
JPG US$5.00
  • 2000 x 1500px
  • 16.9 x 12.7cm (300dpi)
JPG US$15.00
  • 4032 x 3024px
  • 34.1 x 25.6cm (300dpi)
JPG US$30.00
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Stock Photo: Rice topped with stir-fried pork and basil with a fried egg on the table tags

chicken  cooked  cooking  cuisine  dish  food  rice  asia  asian  background  basil  beef  breakfast  closeup  delicious  dinner  eat  egg  fork  fresh  fried  gourmet  green  health  healthy  hot  leaf  lunch  meal  meat  oriental  pepper  plate  pork  red  restaurant  spicy  spoon  stir  stir-fried  sweet  table  tasty  thai  thailand  topped  traditional  vegetable