
Stock Footage: Half Blurred shot of a cafe worker conducting tea inventory, weighing tea in transparent jars, calculating totals on a calculator, and recording data on a form with precise attention to detail.

Item number : 120847723 See all

This Stock Footage, whose title is "Half Blurred shot of a cafe worker conducting..."[120847723], includes tags of office supplies, tea inventory, caf worker. The author of this item is Vladyslav Babenko (No.2163710). Sizes from WEB (S) to 4K are available and the price starts from US$15.00. You can download watermarked sample data (comp images), and use Lightbox after signing up for free. See all

  • Length : 00:00:31
  • Audio : None
  • Aspect ratio : 17:9
  • Format : mov+mp4
  • Frame rate : 29.97
  • Codec : H.264
WEB_(S) 342 x 180px MOV+MP4 US$15.00
WEB_(L) 682 x 360px MOV+MP4 US$25.00
NTSC_D1 922 x 486px MOV+MP4 US$50.00
HD_720 1366 x 720px MOV+MP4 US$70.00
HD_1080 2048 x 1080px MOV+MP4 US$90.00
4K 4096 x 2160px MOV+MP4 US$180.00
Total :

Stock Footage: Half Blurred shot of a cafe worker conducting tea inventory, weighing tea in transparent jars, calculating totals on a calculator, and recording data on a form with precise attention to detail. tags

Description / Comment
Half Blurred shot of a cafe worker conducting tea inventory, weighing tea in transparent jars, calculating totals on a calculator, and recording data on a form with precise attention to detail