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Webcast Conditions of Access
Legislative Assembly
This broadcast of proceedings of the Legislative Assembly, including broadcasts of its committees, is made available to provide greater community access to proceedings of the NSW Parliament.
Copyright of broadcast material belongs to NSW Parliament and no unauthorised use may be made of that material.
The broadcast material is made available on the following conditions:
The material shall not be used for:
(i) Political party advertising;
(ii) Election campaigns;
(iii) Satire or ridicule; or
(iv) Commercial sponsorship or commercial advertising.
The broadcast is a complete recording of proceedings and while in that complete and unaltered state is protected by parliamentary privilege.
Extracts or excerpts of the broadcast are protected if they constitute fair and accurate reports of proceedings.
The Parliament of NSW is not liable for loss or damage arising from use of the material or from delays or interruptions in service.
Legislative Council
Broadcasts of proceedings of the Legislative Council, including broadcasts of its committees, are made available to provide greater community access to the Legislative Council.
Copyright of the broadcast material belongs to the Parliament of New South Wales and no unauthorised use may be made of that material.
The Legislative Council makes the broadcast available on the following conditions.
The material shall not be used for:
i. political party advertising
ii. election campaigns
iii. satire or ridicule, or
iv. commercial sponsorship or commercial advertising.
The television broadcasts are continuous and while in that complete and unaltered state are protected by parliamentary privilege.
Extracts or excerpts of the broadcast are protected if they constitute fair and accurate reports of proceedings.
The Parliament of New South Wales is not liable for any loss or damage arising from use of the material or from delays or interruptions to the service.
This broadcast of proceedings of a committee of the Parliament of New South Wales is made available to provide greater community access to proceedings of the NSW Parliament.
Copyright of broadcast material belongs to NSW Parliament and no unauthorised use may be made of that material.
The broadcast material is made available on the following conditions:
The material shall not be used for:
(i) Political party advertising;
(ii) Election campaigns;
(iii) Satire or ridicule; or
(iv) Commercial sponsorship or commercial advertising.
The broadcast is a complete recording of proceedings and while in that complete and unaltered state is protected by parliamentary privilege.
Extracts or excerpts of the broadcast are protected if they constitute fair and accurate reports of proceedings.
The Parliament of NSW is not liable for loss or damage arising from use of the material or from delays or interruptions in service.
Official Records of the two Houses and webcast of proceedings
The official records of the proceedings of the two Houses include Hansard, the Legislative Council Minutes of Proceedings, Questions and Answers Paper and Notice Paper, and the Legislative Assembly Votes and Proceedings, Questions and Answers Paper and Business Paper. These official records and webcasts of proceedings are covered by parliamentary privilege. Republication by others is not afforded the same protection and may result in exposure to legal liability, including if the material is defamatory.
You may copy and make use of excerpts of proceedings where (1) you attribute the Parliament as the source, (2) you assume the risk of liability if the manner of your use is defamatory, (3) you do not use the material for the purpose of advertising, satire or ridicule, or to misrepresent members of Parliament, and (4) your use of the extracts is fair, accurate and not misleading. You are not authorised to copy or republish audio captions included in footage of Legislative Assembly proceedings. Audio captions are an accessibility aid published in the course of proceedings of Parliamentary bodies under the authority of the House and are not a formal record of proceedings.