Dogs are probably one of the most diverse-looking species on the planet. Thousands of years of breeding has created a wide range of distinctive breeds with drastically different colors, coats, sizes and shapes.
But what happens when you take some of these distinctive breeds and combine their most notable properties?
You get dogs like these adorable cuties, who combine the best of both of their breeds.
We’ve compiled some of the most UNREAL pictures of boxer dog cross breeds that might shock you at first, but they are REAL.
But one things for sure… I don’t really care what they are… I just wanna to hug them all.
If you love Boxers as much as we do, then you’re sure to love these 15 gorgeous Boxer cross breed mixes.
Check out the pics on the next page! Wait 'til you see the last one!!!
Lorraine Roberts
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This is him at five months old all head an feet . Winston would love Skyler. He’s a real ladies man
Lexi Bougie
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Valerie Kupka I thought the same
Tina Mcalister
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I saw 1 won’t let me c the rest so$#%&!@*it
Tina Mcalister
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My dog is a boxer pit bull mix
Dan Marcinkus
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Dolly Marcinkus
Larry Collier
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Boxers are a crossbreed.
Tim Grikmanis
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I personally have no desire for cross bred boxers. I hold nothing against others but boxers are my families heart and soul and perfection can’t be changed.
Jesse Ball
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Breann Margaret Martin-Kuyits storm