
Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy outlines when, why, and how we collect and use personal information from users who visit and interact with our https://www.pokerlistings.com/ website, including any associated content, software, and mobile applications developed by us or on our behalf   (the "Website").

Please read this policy carefully, as it explains how we use your personal data, the conditions under which we may disclose it to others, your rights regarding your personal data, and how we keep it secure. By visiting the Website, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

We may update this Privacy Policy occasionally at our discretion. To stay informed about any changes, please check this page regularly. Updates will be posted here, with the modification date revised at the top. 

1. Who is the controller for the personal data processed?

A “controller” is a person or organization who alone or jointly determines the purposes for which, and the manner in which, any personal data is, or is likely to be, processed. This Privacy Policy is issued on behalf of legal entity Telmario LTD, registered under the laws of Cyprus (the “Company” or "us") as controller. Unless we notify you otherwise Telmario LTD  is the controller for your personal data.

2. What is Personal Information and its Processing?

Personal Information refers to any data that can identify, locate, or contact you, as well as related details. This includes information associated with your personal data, such as:

  • Personal identification information: Name, Second Name, Surname, and Username or Nickname used on social media networks for authorization on our Website.
  • Contact Information: Email address, telephone number, or links to social media profiles used for communication.
  • Information about your interactions with social media networks and messengers (e.g., Google, Discord, Facebook, Twitter), including data collected, controlled, processed, and disclosed by these platforms when you authorize their use on our Website.

Processing of data encompasses any action taken with your personal data, such as collection, recording, organization, storage, use, or disclosure by any means.

3. Cookies 

Cookies are small pieces of code stored on your device after visiting certain websites. We use cookies and similar technologies to improve your experience, provide our services, understand how you use our Website to enhance it, and display advertisements. Authorized third parties also use these tools in connection with our ads. For more information about cookies and their usage, please refer to our Cookies Policy. You can manage your cookies preferences here.

4. What do you use my information for?

We will only use your personal information if and to the extent that applicable law allows. We will therefore only process your personal information if:

  • it is necessary for the performance of a contract with you or the organization you work for;
  • it is necessary in connection with a legal obligation;
  • you have given your consent (where necessary) to such use or the organization you work for has obtained your consent (where necessary) to share your information with us; or
  • if we (or a third party) have a legitimate interest which is not overridden by your interests or your rights and freedoms. Such legitimate interests include the provision of our services, running our business and marketing relevant services directly to you.

5. How long will the personal data be processed and stored by us?

We store personal data in case we consider you to be potentially interested in our services. The retention period for your data depends on its processing purpose and can be specified upon request. We also retain personal data for newsletter subscribers until they choose to unsubscribe via the provided email form. After the retention period expires, we will either cease processing your personal data or pseudonymize it, unless otherwise required by applicable law.

6. How and why do we share your personal data.

We may share your personal information with our offices, branches, in-house companies and associated partnerships due to, for example, our shared IT systems and/or cross jurisdictional working on a matter. We use third parties who provide services on our behalf and will share your information with them, for example a technology supplier may have access to your personal information when providing software support, or a company we use for a communications campaign or to host our events may process the personal information of our contacts or attendees for us. We may share your personal information with third parties where:

  • you have consented to us doing so (where necessary) or the organisation that you work for has obtained your consent for us to do so (where necessary);
  • we are under a legal, regulatory or professional obligation to do so (for example, to comply with anti-money laundering or sanctions requirements or in relation to our employment obligations);
  • it is necessary for the purpose of, or in connection with, legal proceedings or in order to exercise or defend legal rights;
  • it is in our or a third party’s legitimate interest to share the information, and that legitimate interest is not overridden by your rights or freedoms; or
  • it is appropriate to disclose the information to parties with whom we have promotional arrangements (such as jointly hosted events).

We may transfer and store your personal information outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) to our partners. For these transfers, we rely on the EU Commission's Standard Contractual Clauses to ensure the protection of your data in third countries (outside the EU).

7.  Security

We process your data using computers and different tools, employing robust technical and organizational measures to ensure the security and integrity of your personal information. These measures are designed to protect against unauthorized or unlawful processing, as well as accidental loss, destruction, or damage. Our personnel undergo comprehensive training and adhere strictly to internal data protection policies to handle your data securely.

8. Links to third party websites 

Certain activities through the Website may be linked with those from other unrelated third party companies that offer you the option to share your personal information with the third party. We will not share your personal information with those third party companies; only you can if you make that choice. Links provided on the Website to third party websites are provided as a convenience to you and we do not control those sites or their privacy practices, which may differ from ours. We do not endorse or make any representations about any third party sites that may be accessible through the sites. We encourage you to review the privacy policy of any company before submitting your personal information. The personal data you choose to give to unrelated third parties is covered by their privacy policies, not this Privacy Policy. Some third party companies may choose to share their personal data with us; that sharing is governed by that third party company's privacy policy.

9. Your rights

You have certain rights that you can exercise under certain circumstances in relation to the personal information that we hold. These rights are to:

  • request access to your personal information (known as a subject access request) and request certain information in relation to its processing;
  • request rectification of your personal information;
  • request the erasure of your personal information;
  • request that we restrict the processing of your personal information; and
  • object to the processing of your personal information.

In the limited circumstances where you may have provided your consent to the collection, processing and transfer of your personal information for a specific purpose, you have the right to withdraw your consent for that specific processing at any time. Once we have received notification that you have withdrawn your consent, we will no longer process your information for the purpose or purposes you originally agreed to, unless we have another legitimate basis for doing so in law.

If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us by emailing [email protected]

10. Are you already 18 years old?

Our Website is intended for adult use only. We do not knowingly collect data from minors under 18 years old and this Website does not target such minors. We encourage parents and legal guardians to take an active role in their children’s online activities as well as their interests and ask the minors not to submit any personal data to us.

11. Our contact information

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us through the Contact section of the Website.

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