The Deadline for Accepting Submissions Has Passed. PoetrySoup's Latest Anthology is Here!
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The Great PoetrySoup Poets in "Radiant Verses"
Scroll to see all of the names.
A. R. Ting
Abdul Malik Mandani
Abel Lereng Jae
AC Lawrence
Adeeso Adeyemi
Adrienne Theuret
Agona Apell
Ailsa Wright
Aimee Meyn
Akanksha Ayantika Mohanty
Akshata Arun
Andreas Akun
Alan Ireland
Alec Phillips
Alexander Corns
Alexander Matthew Ray
Alfonso II Rally Warally
Alhemaidy Abdullah
Aly Bahr
Amanda Dallela
Amin Jack Pedziwiater
Amitabh Divakar
Amy Michelle Mosier
Amya Richelle Ranck
Anchal Rai
Andrew Crisci
Andrew L. Chunn
Andrew Mears
Andrew Norris
Andrew P Morfett
Angelica Tao
Angie Sharp
Aniruddha Pathak
Anisha Dutta
Anita Wilson
Anitha Jayasankar
Anna Kaianah
Anna M Shepard
Anna Wakefield
Anne E Sangster-Keeley
Anne-Lise Andresen
Annette Hershey
Annette P. Kauffman
Anthony Passmore
Anthony Slauson
Anulaxmi Nayak
Anveshi Jaiswal
Apurva Dhiman
Apurva Nitin Prabhudesai
Aram Sarian
Ariana Pataki
Ashley Nicole Todd
Asma'u Sada
Ayanda Dlanga
Barbara Barry-Nishanian
Barbara P. Peckham
Barry Stebbings
Bartholomew Williams
Beata B. Agustin
Benjamin Bartley
Benjamin Mui
Benjamin Toney
Bernard Chan
Bernice Makotanyane
Beryl Adhiambo Ouma
Beryl Edmonds
Besma Riabi Dziri
Betty Jo Legros Kelley
Beverley Ann Abrahams
Bhavini Bhargava
Bhoomi Aminesh Agrawal
Bill D. Baker
Billy J. Brewer
Bonnie Bergeron
Bradley Lane
Brendan Joseph Simons
Brent Wright
Brian K. Bilverstone
Brian Rusch
Brian Sambourne
Brigita Kibasa
Brigitte Pace
Brooks Lewis III
Bryan Paul Norton
Byron Kaya
Callum Johnston
Carol A. Foster
Carol Ann Foster
Carol Ann Richardson
Carol Brown
Carol Mays
carole thewsey
Carolyn Marie Baatz
Catherine Johnson Broussard
Catherine Townsend
Cathy Strackbein
Chantelle Anne Cooke
Chantelle Smith
Charles Messina
Charlie Baker
Charlie Mackenzie
Chelsie Lucas
Chitra Arun
Christen Foster
Christina Bowring
Christine M Watts
Christopher Goss
Christopher Grieves
Christopher Tran
Christopher Westra
Christopher Witherspoon
Christuraj Alex
Chukwuemeka Victoria Chiamaka
Chula Schlesinger-Fleming
Clara Bereuter
clare barclay
Clive Blake
connie pachecho
Constance La France
Coral P. Urbina
Courtney Holladay
Courtnie Mckern
Crystol L. Woods
Curtis Lee Johnson, Sr.
Cynthia Griggs Rockwell
Cynthia Thompson
Cyrus Theuri
Daisy Bala
Dale Gregory Cozart
Dale S Reek
Daniel Durham
Daniel Henry Rodgers
Daniel J. Berg
Daniel T Bailey
Daniel Thomas
Daniel Turner
Darrell K Rose
David A Williams
David Barnett D’Braunstein
David Bowers
David Bull
David C. Fisher
David Cox
David Crandall
David D’Braunstein
David Drowley
David Harding
David Hurlburt
David I Mayerhoff
David Kavanagh
David L. F. Smith
David Richmond
David Wakeling
Davis Varghese
Dawn Drickman
Dean Earl Wood
Deanne gleeson
Deb M
Deborah Guenther Beachboard
Deborah Seale Schnadelbach
Debra Middaugh
Delores Allen
Denise Hart
Derani Blackburn
Dexter I Greener
Dharitri Bhaveshkumar Parmar
Dietra Reid
Djeli Celestia
Dominic Middleton
Doug Parker
Douglas S Brown
Dr Padma Shree R P
Dr Upma Sharma
Dustin Dennison
Edward Ibeh
Edward J Ebbs
Edward Wraith
Eileen Manassian
Elaine Cecelia George
Elaine Gonzales
Elaine Ogbeta
Elena Maria Mana-ay Parcon
Ellen Gwaltney Bales
Elvis ohis airohi
Emile Joseph Pinet
Emily Krauss
Emmanuel Obeng Yeboah
Eric Cohen
Eric Shuler
Eshita Jain
Estela O. Canama
Eve Roper
Evelyn Judy Buehler
Evelyn Pearl Anderson
Faith Alexis Williams
Felix Anaswa
Flossie Gierke
Floyd Lee Neal Jr.
Foziyabanu Shaikh
Frances Delaney-Barron
Frances Schiavina
Franci Hoffman
Francine Roberts
Francis J Grasso
Frank Blacharczyk
Frederic Parker
Fritz Purdum
Garty Bowersox
Gary Radice
George F. Aul
George Stanworth
George Stathakis
Gerald Dillenbeck
Ghairo Daniels
Gian Carlo S. Rosete
Gideon Isaac
Gordon Alexander
Gordon McConnell
Grace Gagnon
Grace Ohobu Adoga
Greg Gaul
Gregory Joseph Firlotte
Gregory Richard Barden
Gwendolyn D. Cloyd
Hannah Borek
Harpreet Kaur
Harry Clarke
Harsha Vasan
Heather Crismond
Heather Rodwell
Hebert Logerie
Heidi Sands
Helen Jane Ellis
Helga Schierloh
Hilda M Greenhough
Hiya Sharma
Howard L Schultz
Howard Osborne
Hugo Sarvida Jr.
Imran Nazeer
Indiana Shaw
Isaac Ojo Atere
Isabella Gurley
Isabella Mercado
Isabella Romu
Jackie Chou
Jacob Peacock
Jaiah And Phoenix
Jaiah Disher
Jake Werner
James A. Moore
James Edward Lee Sr.
james friske
James Marshall Goff
James Study
James Young
Janae Gertridge
Janice Canerdy
Janine Lever
Janis Medders Tobechi
Janny Vellinga
Jay Moore
Jay P. Narain
JCB Brul
Jeanette Swan
Jeanne Hicks
Jeannie Flinn Furlong
Jeff Kyser
Jeffrey John Howey
Jennifer Bozeman
Jennifer Nicole Rushing
Jennifer Proxenos
Jerry Horton
Jerry Thomas Curtis
Jesse Rowe
Jesse Teates
Jessica Amanda Salmonson
Jessica McDonald
Jessica Thompson
Jessica Wheeler
Jessie Oxford
Jeta Buch
Jette Mach
Jim Healey
Jim Slaughter
Jim Yerman
Jimmy Baer
Joanna Chamberlain
Joanna Daniel
Joe Flach
Joey Costa
John A Long
john anderson
John Christopher Blake
John G. Lawless
John Gondolf
John Jacks
John Lusardi
John Maurice Campbell
John Ralph Fiordelisi
John Stasukevich
John Summers
John Terence Miller
John Watt
Jonathan Michael Bellmann
Jorge Tuazon
Jose Vazquez
Josehf Lloyd Murchison
Joselito B. Asperin
Joseph .C. OGBONNA
Joseph Babatunde
Joseph Chukwuma Ahumibe
Joseph S. Spence Sr
Joy Seowon Jeung
Joyce Faure
Joyce Holder
Joyce Maria Bell
Julia Vaughan
Julie Little
Juraj Kuniak
Kai Michael Neumann
Kalea Stead
Karen Jones
Karen Sue Croft
Karina Jane Gibbs
Kate Davies
Katharine L. Sparrow
Katherine Symthe
Kathleen Hassall
Kathleen Rae Hassall
kayla herriford
Keerthi M Anand
Kelly Deschler
Kelly J Hawkins
Kelly McManis
Ken Allan Dronsfield
Ken Rone
Kenneth Cheney
kenneth john malone
kevin cummings
Kewayne Wadley
Khashayar Salehi Nobandegani
Kimberly A Sikorski
Kimberly Merryman
Koushik Jana
Krishnanand Guptar
Kudzai Mhangwa
Kumar Kuldip Medhi
Lairyck Beliveau
Lakshman Bulusu
Latha Mohan
Laura Gail Sweeney
Laura Gail Sweeney, Ed.D.
Laura Leiser
Lauren Tilley
Laurie Mahoney
Lauryn Luther
Laxika Vishnoi
Laxmi Maurya
Lee Cooper Etheridge
Lee Geoghegan
Leigh Haynes
Lekau Mamabolo
Lemuel Roger Griffiths.
Lena M Pate
Lena Smith Carter
Lennon Hammett
Leon Enriquez
Leon Harris Bey
Leonora Galinta
Linda Alice Fowler
Linda Eide
Linda Hamilton
Lip Sai Lin
Lockdown Larcs
Lon Wartman
Lonna Lewis Blodgett
Lori Harold
Lorie Desanto
Louise Riveiro - Mitchell
Luna Everheart
Lycia Harding
Lynda K Robinson
M.L. Kiser
Maclawrence Famuyiwa
Madathil Rajendran Nair
Madeline Male
Malabika Ray
Mangaiyarkarasi Periyasamy
Marcus Carter
Marcus Whitnell
Marguerite C. Anderson
Maria Amelia Corado
María Fernández García
María Fernández-García
Maria Paz Samelo
Maria Quernel
Marilene Evans
Marilyn M. Williams
Marissa Faries
Maritza Pagan
Marius Alexandru
Mark D. Stucky
Mark Edward Anderson
Mark Massey
Mark R Toney
Marshall Iftekhar Ahmed
Martin Challender
Marty King
Mary Waldeck
Matt Caliri
Matthew Ackerson
Matthew Bailey
Matthew Tripley
Melani Udaeta
Melissa Cornatzer
Melissa M Poulton
Melody Wiggett
Melvin D Gill
Meredith Tally
Mhiz Rhyme S. Cañete
Michael Henry
Michael J. Kalavik
Michael J. Ponnambalam
Michael John Gentile
Michael Johnson
Michael Lee Craig
Michael Lee Fuller
Michele Fermanis-Winward
Michelle A Smith
Michelle Faulkner
Michelle Morris
Michelle Waters
Mike Bayles
Mike Gonzalez
Mike O’Leary
Mike O'Leary
mike palmer
Mitchell Griswold
Mizero Clement Fabrice
Mohan Chutani
Monte Hayes
Mpho Leteng
Mulu Magdalinos
N Thiyagarajan
Nadiya Abdurahiman
Nailah Kanyingi
Nakang Sanette Mashilo
Natasha Turner
Nathan West
Nayda I Negron Flores
Naye Joseph Jeremiah
Ndaba Sibanda
Nelson Mwanza
Neva E. Romaine
Ngoc Minh Nguyen
Nick Ravenswood
Nico Pierre van Eeden
Nicole Reid
Noman Hamza
Olakunle Adegoroye
Olive Eloisa Guillermo - Fraser
Oliver McKeithan
Onwuzuruike Michom
Onyinye Maureen Kenneth
Oshorakpor Wilson
Paris-Maree Boreham
Pathan Nuzhat
Patrice Jackson
Patrick Barry
Paul Callus
Paula Goldsmith
Paulette Calasibetta
Pauline Faller
Payge Kinsey
Perrin Peacock
Pete Devlin
Peter Rees
Pett Ezra Isaac
Phoenix Raine Grundy
Phyllis Babcock
Pivotal Poetry
Pramod Rastogi
Prince Alexander
R R Kishore
Radhika Agarwal
Rama Balasubramanian
Ramajela Josia Majola
Randall S Johnson
Raven Howell
Ray Dillard
Raymond Zottola
Rebecca J Forbes
Regina Marie Elliott
Regina McIntosh
Renee Eunice Cotter
Renee Gross
Richard Allen
Richard Breese
Richard Carl Evans
Richard Hayes
Richy Walsh
Ridhima Chaudhary
Rijja Malik
Riquetta Brown
Robert E. Welch, Sr.
Robert Ippaso
Robert James Liguori
Robert Johnson
Robert L Carmack
Robert Moore
Robert Nehls
robert schatz
Robert Sidwell
Robert Trezise Jr
Robert Zimmerman
Robertina Basilico
robin davis
Rodney Mendoza
Roger K Harp
Ron VanHooser
Ronald A. Williams
Ronald David Thompson
Ronald J. Jorgenson
Rory James Galbraith
Rosna Babu
Roy B Jerden
Rukhsana Afridi
Ruth VanAlstine
Saanvi Randhawa
Sabrina Hansel
Sagari Adhikari
Saibal Ray
Sally Young Eslinger
Sam Harty
Sam Scott
Samuel Makuzula
Sandeep Kumar Mishra
Sandip Goswami
Sandra M. Haight
Sanford David Weir
Sara Kendrick
Sarah A Jullion
Sarah Stein
Sarah Walker
Sarala Munuganti
Scott A. Campbell
Scott A.Campbell
Scott Hamm
Sean Delport
Sean Rose
Shane Thacker
Sharron Read-Lambert
Shawn Chadwick Sackman
Sheila Van Zant-Lewis
Sherildine Beck
Shirley Hawkins
Shirley Hudson
Shirley Rebstock
Siddhi Pawar
Silpika Kalita
simon hamill
Simon Rogerson
Simon Scott
Smita Kulkarni
Soha Begum
Somya Tiwari
Stein Sivertsen
Stephen M Tefft
Stephen Mayne
Steven A. Mwakatundu
Steven Kopko
Stjepan Maksimovic
Subimal Sinha-Roy
Subrahmanyan Radhakrishna
Surya Prakash Sharma
Susan Lawrence Mazon
Susan M. Ashley
Susan Quigley
Suujish Kandampullyy
Suzan Satchell
Suzanne Delaney
Suzette Richards
Sweety Anoucheka Gangabissoon
Tammy R. Flanagan
Tania Kitchin
Tee Holloway
Terence O'Leary
Thama Logan
Theodore Eric Zendarski
Theresa Beyerl
Thomas Binford
Thomas Harrison
Thomas Koron
Thomas N. Crocker
Thomas Valles
Thriveni C Mysore
Tibor Viskovic
Titiksha Singhal
tom cunningham
tom walsh
Tom Woodliff
Tommy Wright
Tonye Ebitonmor
Tovah Boucher
Trisha Sugarek
Uchechukwu Ebereonwu
Ujjal Mandal
Uwe Werner Stroh
Val Brooklyn Rogers
Valerie Ann Thomas
Vasile Serban
Veena V
Veer Rathod
Vengadesan S
vernon michael witmer
Vickie Hurtt-Thayer
Vickie Jean Thayer
Victor Buhagiar
Victor Igiri Adirahu
Vijay Galia
Vince Suzadail Jr
Viora Thandiwe
Virginia Gelok
Vladimir Peter-Powell
Warren Doll
Wayne Wysocki
Wendy Stein
Wilbert F. Webb
Wilfred Aniagyei
William Darnell Sr
william herzog
William Kekaula
William T. Masonis
Wilma Neels
Yoni Dvorkis
Youcef Belhaoues
Zainab Hisham
Zainab Wasel Ali
Zeenat Nagpurwala
Zeeshan Shahzad
Zyrool Gifford
Submission is Free
Submission to this poetry anthology is free. You may submit one poem for possible inclusion. Lifetime Premium Members, however, can submit up to three poems for potential inclusion in the anthology.
How to Submit a Poem for Consideration
- Sign Up for the PoetrySoup account (we do not accept submissions via email or the postal service)
- Post a poem on the PoetrySoup website using the Submit Poems page.
- After you've posted the poem, go to the My Poems page.
- From the My Poems page, edit the poem you want to submit to the anthology by clicking the edit link next to the poem you want to submit.
- On the edit poem page, Click the Submit to Anthology link/button to submit a poem for consideration to the anthology.
- Follow the instructions on the Submit to Anthology page.
- That's it. We will let you know if your poem has been accepted for inclusion in PoetrySoup's next anthology.
Submission Deadline Was: October 13, 2024
Anthology Points to Keep In Mind
- Submission is free
- There is no financial compensation for inclusion in this poetry anthology.
- Submission is not a guarantee of acceptance.
- Lifetime Premium Members may submit up to 3 poems. All other members may submit 1 poem.
Submission Guidelines
- Do not include any content in the poem text field other than the poem. No titles, no dates, and no notes. Just the poem text itself.
- Poems must be posted on and in English. We do not accept poems via email or postal service.
- You must be the poem's author and sign an online release form allowing us to publish the poetry in print.
- Previously published works are allowed. However, the author must hold rights and be responsible for reprint permissions and fees. A citation to the original publication must be provided.
- Poems must be 50 lines or less. We are focusing on shorter poems this time. You can view your poem line count on the edit poem page.
- Translated works of other authors are NOT acceptable.
- Poems must be in the correct poetic form or requested theme.
- If accepted, you still own the rights to your poem and can publish it elsewhere.
Since anthologies are fairly large publications, we cannot provide free copies to poets included in the anthology.
Benefits of Poetry Anthology
The unique thing about poetry anthologies is that they benefit everyone. This includes the authors of the poem, the editorial team, and the readers. Let us brush through the benefits poems offer all these individuals.
For the Author;
- Their work gets to be published, giving a sense of achievement.
- It grants credibility.
- Showcases an author's skill and talent.
- Introduces one to a community of fellow like-minded individuals.
- An opportunity for one to soar higher in their writing career.
- Authors get to speak their minds to the world.
For the Editorial Team;
- The editors gain recognition for their great work.
- They can bring together a pool of talented individuals for future projects.
- By critiquing different poems, the editorial team boosts its skills.
- Working with gifted poets is in one way an honor.
For Readers;
- Inspiration on different aspects of life.
- They can also learn about new authors and proceed to look for more of their works.
- Learn and get educated on different themes.
- The act of buying these books is a sign of gratitude.
- In some cases, the proceeds of anthologies go to charity. Making this an act of kindness done to the world.
Having gone through the many benefits poetry anthologies offer to the community, let us look at some of the most well-known poetry books.
Examples of Famous Poetry Anthologies
Compiling a poetry anthology isn't easy. It's surprising how little recognition is awarded to editors for putting together different pieces. With that being said, if you are struggling to find the best poem book, here are examples of famous poetry anthologies worth checking out.
1. Poems that Make Grown Men Cry Compiled by Anthony and Ben Holden – The works of a father and son team, this anthology explores contributions by tens of successful men all coming from industries such as art, entertainment, and the media amongst others.
2. Staying Alive Edited by Neil Astley - If there is a poetry book out there that ventures into these unreal times is the Staying alive anthology. Featuring poems related to breakup, loss, love, and pain, this is the perfect book for anyone who wants to feel human.
3. A Poem for Every Day of the Year Edited by Allie Esiri – A poetry book compiled for everyone. Get it for your family and watch your kids learn about the different events in the calendar. Popular poets featured in this anthology include Longfellow, Stevenson, and Hardy.
4. Too Bright to See from Graywolf Press – These timeless poems by Linda Gregg are devoted to family, romance, love, travel, and a bunch of other aspects that we engage in on a daily basis.
5. Hybrida: Poems by Tina Change – If you prefer to read poems about love that are intertwined with fear, then Tina Chang's poetry anthology will have you up all night long. These poems explore the ferocity of raising mixed-race children.
These are just but some of the most popular poetry anthologies of all time. With time, you will come to realize the talents of one or two of these authors and that's how one builds a list of favorite poets.
Where Can I Find Free Poetry Anthologies to Read is a great resource of free ebook poetry anthologies by various authors and on a multitude of poetic subjects.
Free Poetry Anthologies
The Bottom Line
Poetry is a very unique form of art. It speaks differently and this is why you may have to go through dozens of poems before you can find one that pleases you. Having fully understood what poetry anthologies are and their benefits, feel free to gain inspiration from the above popular poetry books. And if you want to become a great poet, read as many poetry books as you can.