Our School

Our School

Our school mission statement, "Achieving in faith, with love, as a community," reflects the core values that guide every aspect of our school life. Written by our students, it captures the spirit of unity and growth we strive for. Rooted in faith, we support one another, ensuring that each individual feels empowered to achieve their best, not just academically, but in every aspect of their personal and spiritual development.

Every morning, as we gather on the courts in tutor groups, we begin our day in prayer, bringing our whole school community together as one body. This collective moment of prayer is a reminder of our relationship with God, the foundation on which our community stands. Through love and faith, we are united in purpose and spirit.

As a diverse Catholic secondary school, we are committed to helping everyone grow and flourish. Our student expectations, encapsulated in the acronym FAITH, reinforce that this mission is at the heart of everything we do. Together, we strive to create a school environment where each person is valued, supported, and encouraged to be their very best selves.


St Michael Virtues


Our school virtues, based on the acronym of our patron saint, St Michael, guide our students in how to live meaningful, faith-driven lives. Every week, we deliver an assembly focused on one of these virtues, drawing connections to the gospel and showing how these values can be applied in daily life.

Through these reflections, students are encouraged to consider their actions and the impact they have on others and our wider community. It’s an opportunity to think about personal responsibility and how living out these virtues can foster a more compassionate, supportive environment where we grow not only in faith but also in character. By embracing these values, students learn how to make a positive difference in their own lives and in the lives of those around them.


Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic Social Teaching is deeply rooted in the gospel and the Church’s call for justice, peace, and human dignity. At our school, these principles are central not only in religion lessons but are woven across the curriculum, allowing students to engage with them in various subjects and reflect on how they relate to everyday life and society.

The principles are taught as a framework for understanding how to live out our faith in a practical and meaningful way. These values inspire students to consider the moral and social dimensions of their actions, both in the classroom and beyond, fostering a deeper connection between their learning, their faith, and the world around them.

  1. Solidarity

  2. Dignity

  3. Creation and environment

  4. Peace

  5. Dignity of work and participation

  6. The common good

  7. Option for the poor


Mission Team and Leadership

Our school Mission Team is an important pillar of our student leadership structure, with representatives from every form group playing a crucial role in shaping the spiritual and communal life of our school. These leaders are at the forefront of promoting and upholding the values that are central to who we are, ensuring that faith, service, and unity remain at the heart of everything we do.

Senior leaders from Post-16 take on significant responsibilities, leading the key strands of our mission; evangelisation, charity and justice, creative arts and media, environment, and multi-faith. These students bring leadership, vision, and dedication to each area, guiding the school community to live out our mission in practical, and meaningful ways.

Mission representatives are entrusted with organising the prayer rota, updating weekly virtues, and supporting liturgies and Masses throughout the year, as well as leading and running charity events. Their work is essential in fostering a school culture where faith is lived out daily, and where every student is encouraged to engage with the deeper purpose of our community. The impact of the mission team is felt across the school, as these leaders inspire their peers and uphold the values that define our identity.



Our curriculum intent is as follows in RE:

Discovering the riches of the Catholic tradition, in dialogue with other worldviews, in pursuit of the common good.

We want to ensure that the RE curriculum leads the way in our youngsters’ continued faith formation so that they can grow closer to God.

Our RE leads across primary and secondary ensure that the curriculum is progressive and aligned with the Religious Education Directory. All KS4 pupils are entered for the Edexcel Catholic Christianity GCSE. At KS5, pupils are able to study Philosophy and Ethics.