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Geplaatst 1 year ago door

As of version 1.2, difficulty options have been added for Normal and Advanced, Advanced being the default game prior to 1.2. All runs prior to version 1.2 have been edited to be Advanced difficulty.

For the time being, Normal and Advanced difficulty runs use the same filter. That is, they appear on the same board, unlike Unrestricted vs Restricted. If you have any thoughts on this, please feel to discuss in the Discord.

Happy New Year and happy speedrunning :)

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Geplaatst 1 year ago door

A Discord server is now available:

We plan to update the leaderboards now that version 1.2 has dropped, introducing the new difficulty options: Normal and Advanced (the default difficulty prior to 1.2). If you have any thoughts on what you'd like to see out of the boards, please feel free to discuss in the Discord.

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Geplaatst 1 year ago door

A number of glitches were recently used in a run (first on SRC by MichaelK who learned of it from a run on bilibili in June). Here is the Mod Team's stance on how Restricted and Unrestricted differ, based on some notable glitches.

Falling through the ground at a Confluence by resting and teleporting: Banned from Restricted The Mod Team considers this to be a major bug that drastically alters the spirit and route of Unrestricted categories.

Dash-canceling with Prelude (or other) skill: Banned from Restricted While this may not appear to be a major glitch, and may even appear in line with being able to dash out of skills, the Mod Team considers this too altering to "vanilla" gameplay movement.

Attack-cancelling with an empty weapon: Banned from Restricted This glitch allows players to rapidly attack enemies, bosses in particular, and often stunlock them, thereby allowing them to engage with bosses less. This also requires rapid mashing between button, which may not be accessible for some players.

Breaking extra first Dew Crystals that ??? (42) spawns after the scripted death: Banned in Restricted. Allowed in Unrestricted BUT players must include the time spent spawning extra Crystals as a part of their run. Players have found that if the first Dew Crystal that ??? (42) spawns after the scripted death is skipped and the run is reset, the Crystal will be there in subsequent runs. This has enabled players to collect at least 700 Dew at this location at once (approx. 100 Dew per Crystal). In Unrestricted, players are allowed to reset the file multiple times to accumulate spawned Crystals, but the time spent doing this must be included in the run. Doing so makes IGT unable to be submitted, as it cannot be properly verified.

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Geplaatst 1 year ago door

New major content update for Version 1.1 is out. In addition to Trial of Soul being added, a number of QoL improvements and bugs were addressed. Most notably for speedrunning, Version 1.1 has patched out the bug using Scythe of Contagion (and likely other effects) to immediately kill Valo's second phase. As such, version sub-categories have been added, with the most recent major update being the main sub-category. Boss rush boards will be added a later date.

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Leaderboards updated to include difficulty

As of version 1.2, difficulty options have been added for Normal and Advanced, Advanced being the default game prior to 1.2. All runs prior to version 1.2 have been edited to be Advanced difficulty.

For the time being, Normal and Advanced difficulty runs use the same filter. That is, they appear on

1 year ago
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