Bulk explosives systems/ Site mixed system is suitable for customers who require large quantities of explosives. The materials, often mixed on the job by the supplier in the delivery truck, are directly drawn into the shot-hole by trained workers. This is intended for quarry and open pit mining tasks to enhance blast execution, security and environmental conditions. The material is transported as an oxidiser and is sensitised using emulsion processing technology during borehole loading. At SBL, we have bulk system only for emulsion explosives.
Should be kept away from heat/ sparks/open flames/hot surfaces
Eliminate all potential sources of ignition. Avoid activities that could create an impact, friction, spark or a sudden rise in temperature
Avoid spilling on the ground other than pumping into authorised shot holes. Keep away from drains & other water course
Keep product clean & free from contamination
Not intended to be stored. Only loaded at point of use. If loaded holes are left overnight, a guard should be placed
Re-pumpable Doped Emulsion / Straight Emulsion
Extremely Safe and Simple
Ambient Temperature System
Long Sleeping Time
Highly Stable Product
Fast Loading
Minimum Manpower Requirement
Reduced Inventory /Mine Bench Handling
Nominal Site Facility Needed
Costs would be less than that of cartridge explosives
Disposal of packaging on-site is no longer necessary
Bulk explosives fill-up the blast holes completely without gaps/voids
Allows widening of drill pattern, hence, cost efficient
Better performance since lot of non productive activities are eleminated
We are additionally ready to take into account any on-the-spot requests for change of mixes as per the purpose of customers.