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26 May 2020


Though our friends are saddened by the cancellation of this year’s many mystery conferences and conventions, Temple and I spent Memorial Day weekend at AloneStarCon, the first-ever presentation of the Lone Star State’s premier mystery convention. We thought we would share some highlights with you.

This year’s convention was held in a modest venue selected for its proximity to the guests of honor. Convention staff went above and beyond to ensure that every guest felt welcome, and the many presentations were nothing short of exceptional. The distance between any two points in the event facility was negligible, the intimate setting allowed close interaction between writer and fan, and everywhere we turned we ran into our favorite writer. There was never a wait for a table in the restaurant, the food was excellent, and the serve-yourself bar allowed for generous pours of one’s favorite libations.

May 22-24, 2020
Hewitt, Texas

Guest of Honor By Default: Michael Bracken
Fan Guest of Honor By Default: Temple Walker
Surprise Guest: Kiwi

First event of the day was the Speed Dating Breakfast, where I had a scant two minutes per table to discuss my story “Sleepy River” in the current issue of Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine.

Here I am holding up a copy of The Eyes of Texas: Private Eyes from the Panhandle to the Piney Woods while moderating the panel on anthology editing.

Later, I moderated the panel on creating and editing a serial novella anthology series, and I’m showing the audience the first two volumes of Guns + Tacos.

The Fan Guest of Honor caught me in the lobby, taking a break between panels.

Surprise Guest Kiwi failed to adhere to social distancing suggestions when he joined me in the lobby.

The dealer’s room had quite a selection, and here I am with a copy of Password to Larkspur Lane, one of Temple’s favorite Nancy Drew titles.

After a hard day of paneling and book buying, we found a place at the bar for some much-needed libation.

When we finally made it back to our room the first night, we dumped out our swag bag and found many titles written or edited by the Guest of Honor.

Though we hope AloneStarCon does not become an annual event, we must express our gratitude to the organizers for putting together this stellar event on such short notice.

Until we see you all again, stay safe!


  1. No shirt and tie. All right. Bet no one asked where do you get your ideas. Is Kiwi a bobtail?

  2. If you're worried about someone finding your writing-don't be afraid to destroy it afterwards. Simply knowing that you'll be doing this can allow a whole new level of freedom and authenticity with your writing.   Author's Unite

  3. Very amusing. There could be a future for this sort of conference!

  4. Love this.

    Kiwi looks like our Maine Coon, Ernie, who also has issues with social distancing.
    And congratulations on finding a terrific guest of honor for your event.

  5. Looks like a good conference, to me. Free parking too, I bet.

  6. Thanks, everyone.

    Kiwi is a Manx. His tail, such as it is, is a mere stub about half an inch long.

  7. AloneStarCon looks look a good convention/conference, Michael. The bar scene especially.

  8. Plum/Tricia Carr26 May, 2020 10:44

    Love this.

  9. You rank up there with the couple on YouTube who created a COVID-Cruise, complete with bathrobes and drinks on the veranda! Well done!

  10. Love this! my best to you both.

  11. And Mr. Bracken wins the Internet. Michael, you know the panel moderator is just supposed to ask questions and not dominate the discussion. I hope you followed that rule. Give my regards to Kiwi.

  12. Can I attend next year?
    Great post.

  13. Ah, Michael, I'm still smiling. What a fabulous conference. I particularly liked the swag. (And the bar.) Hope to see you next year!

  14. Damn. I'm sorry I missed this one. Did it have a book signing table?

  15. OMG, I missed out. Especially from the bar mingling. Next year!

  16. Hilarious, Michael! I'd love to attend next year, although I guess then AloneStarCon wouldn't be living up to its name

  17. Forgive me for not flying in, Michael. I looked forward to the panel How to Make Huge Profits from Writing.

    I like your idea. Let's all have our own MiniCon.

  18. This is brilliant, Michael. Thank you.

  19. Did the Texas bar happen to serve Jan Grape wine?

  20. Pat Marinelli27 May, 2020 14:39

    This is priceless, Michael. Sorry I missed AloneStarCon. I would have loved to meet Kiwi.


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