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Browser compatibility

For the best experience with our products, we recommend to use the most recently updated and publicly supported version of the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge

End of support for Microsoft Internet Explorer 11

Since 2016, Microsoft has announced changes about the support of Internet Explorer 11. To ensure full compatibility of our products with modern browsers, the support of Internet Explorer 11 was deprecated on December 31, 2021. 

We follow Microsoft recommendations, and strongly recommend upgrading to the latest version, now called Microsoft Edge (Chromium), for better performance, security and compatibility.

Details and our recommendations

Browser Versions Additional information
Google Chrome We support the last 2 versions Chrome Enterprise release notes
Mozilla Firefox We support the latest Extended Support Release (ESR) or newer versions, for details see Last ESR release notes
Microsoft Edge We support the latest 2 versions Public support dates
Microsoft Edge Legacy: The support for this product ended on March 9, 2021
Safari We support the latest 2 versions
Updates of Safari are included with the Mac operating system.
With Safari on MacOS 10.14, it is not possible to access our products if they are embedded in another application

We don't support any third-party browser extensions or plug-ins. JavaScript needs to be enabled.