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Thief Details Level Up TM Egg Move 5th Gen Dex3rd Gen Dex
This AttackDex is for Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, SoulSilver. If you're looking for the Generation VI Attackdex, Click here
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Attack Name Battle Type Category
Power Points Base Power Accuracy
10 40 100
Battle Effect:
The user attacks and steals the foe's held item simultaneously. It can't steal if the user holds an item.
Secondary Effect: Effect Rate:
May steal opponent's item (temporarily in trainer battles). -- %
Super Contests
Effect: Points:
Receives voltage points if previous pokemon reaches max voltage  
TM # Speed Priority Pokémon Hit in Battle
TM46 0 Selected target
BrightPowder King's Rock Physical Contact
Yes No Yes

Pokémon That Learn Thief By Level Up

No. Pic Name Type Abilities Base Stats Level
HP Att Def S.Att S.Def Spd DP Pt HGSS
Mightyena Intimidate
Quick Feet
70 90 70 60 60 70 Lv. 57Lv. 57Lv. 57
Kecleon Color Change 60 90 70 60 120 40 Lv. 1Lv. 1Lv. 1
Pokémon That Learn Thief By TM:

No. Pic Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Att Def S.Att S.Def Spd
Butterfree Compoundeyes 60 45 50 80 80 70
Beedrill Swarm 65 80 40 45 80 75
Pidgey Keen Eye
Tangled Feet
40 45 40 35 35 56
Pidgeotto Keen Eye
Tangled Feet
63 60 55 50 50 71
Pidgeot Keen Eye
Tangled Feet
83 80 75 70 70 91
Rattata Run Away
30 56 35 25 35 72
Raticate Run Away
55 81 60 50 70 97
Spearow Keen Eye 40 60 30 31 31 70
Fearow Keen Eye 65 90 65 61 61 100
Ekans Intimidate
Shed Skin
35 60 44 40 54 55
Arbok Intimidate
Shed Skin
60 85 69 65 79 80
Raichu Static 60 90 55 90 80 100
Sandshrew Sand Veil 50 75 85 20 30 40
Sandslash Sand Veil 75 100 110 45 55 65
Nidoran♀ Poison Point
55 47 52 40 40 41
Nidorina Poison Point
70 62 67 55 55 56
Nidoqueen Poison Point
90 82 87 75 85 76
Nidoran♂ Poison Point
46 57 40 40 40 50
Nidorino Poison Point
61 72 57 55 55 65
Nidoking Poison Point
81 92 77 85 75 85
Zubat Inner Focus 40 45 35 30 40 55
Golbat Inner Focus 75 80 70 65 75 90
Paras Effect Spore
Dry Skin
35 70 55 45 55 25
Parasect Effect Spore
Dry Skin
60 95 80 60 80 30
Venonat Compoundeyes
Tinted Lens
60 55 50 40 55 45
Venomoth Shield Dust
Tinted Lens
70 65 60 90 75 90
Diglett Sand Veil
Arena Trap
10 55 25 35 45 95
Dugtrio Sand Veil
Arena Trap
35 80 50 50 70 120
Meowth Pickup
40 45 35 40 40 90
Persian Limber
65 70 60 65 65 115
Mankey Vital Spirit
Anger Point
40 80 35 35 45 70
Primeape Vital Spirit
Anger Point
65 105 60 60 70 95
Growlithe Intimidate
Flash Fire
55 70 45 70 50 60
Arcanine Intimidate
Flash Fire
90 110 80 100 80 95
Poliwag Water Absorb
40 50 40 40 40 90
Poliwhirl Water Absorb
65 65 65 50 50 90
Poliwrath Water Absorb
90 85 95 70 90 70
Abra Synchronize
Inner Focus
25 20 15 105 55 90
Kadabra Synchronize
Inner Focus
40 35 30 120 70 105
Alakazam Synchronize
Inner Focus
55 50 45 135 85 120
Machop Guts
No Guard
70 80 50 35 35 35
Machoke Guts
No Guard
80 100 70 50 60 45
Machamp Guts
No Guard
90 130 80 65 85 55
Bellsprout Chlorophyll 50 75 35 70 30 40
Weepinbell Chlorophyll 65 90 50 85 45 55
Victreebel Chlorophyll 80 105 65 100 60 70
Tentacool Clear Body
Liquid Ooze
40 40 35 50 100 70
Tentacruel Clear Body
Liquid Ooze
80 70 65 80 120 100
Farfetch'd Keen Eye
Inner Focus
52 65 55 58 62 60
Doduo Run Away
Early Bird
35 85 45 35 35 75
Dodrio Run Away
Early Bird
60 110 70 60 60 100
Seel Thick Fat
65 45 55 45 70 45
Dewgong Thick Fat
90 70 80 70 95 70
Grimer Stench
Sticky Hold
80 80 50 40 50 25
Muk Stench
Sticky Hold
105 105 75 65 100 50
Gastly Levitate 30 35 30 100 35 80
Haunter Levitate 45 50 45 115 55 95
Gengar Levitate 60 65 60 130 75 110
Drowzee Insomnia
60 48 45 43 90 42
Hypno Insomnia
85 73 70 73 115 67
Krabby Hyper Cutter
Shell Armor
30 105 90 25 25 50
Kingler Hyper Cutter
Shell Armor
55 130 115 50 50 75
Voltorb Soundproof
40 30 50 55 55 100
Electrode Soundproof
60 50 70 80 80 140
Exeggcute Chlorophyll 60 40 80 60 45 40
Exeggutor Chlorophyll 95 95 85 125 65 55
Cubone Rock Head
50 50 95 40 50 35
Marowak Rock Head
60 80 110 50 80 45
Hitmonlee Limber
50 120 53 35 110 87
Hitmonchan Keen Eye
Iron Fist
50 105 79 35 110 76
Lickitung Own Tempo
90 55 75 60 75 30
Koffing Levitate 40 65 95 60 45 35
Weezing Levitate 65 90 120 85 70 60
Rhyhorn Lightningrod
Rock Head
80 85 95 30 30 25
Rhydon Lightningrod
Rock Head
105 130 120 45 45 40
Tangela Chlorophyll
Leaf Guard
65 55 115 100 40 60
Kangaskhan Early Bird
105 95 80 40 80 90
Mr. Mime Soundproof
40 45 65 100 120 90
Scyther Swarm
70 110 80 55 80 105
Jynx Oblivious
65 50 35 115 95 95
Electabuzz Static 65 83 57 95 85 105
Magmar Flame Body 65 95 57 100 85 93
Pinsir Hyper Cutter
Mold Breaker
65 125 100 55 70 85
Porygon Trace
65 60 70 85 75 40
Omanyte Swift Swim
Shell Armor
35 40 100 90 55 35
Omastar Swift Swim
Shell Armor
70 60 125 115 70 55
Kabuto Swift Swim
Battle Armor
30 80 90 55 45 55
Kabutops Swift Swim
Battle Armor
60 115 105 65 70 80
Aerodactyl Rock Head
80 105 65 60 75 130
Mew Synchronize 100 100 100 100 100 100
Sentret Run Away
Keen Eye
35 46 34 35 45 20
Furret Run Away
Keen Eye
85 76 64 45 55 90
Hoothoot Insomnia
Keen Eye
60 30 30 36 56 50
Noctowl Insomnia
Keen Eye
100 50 50 76 96 70
Ledyba Swarm
Early Bird
40 20 30 40 80 55
Ledian Swarm
Early Bird
55 35 50 55 110 85
Spinarak Swarm
40 60 40 40 40 30
Ariados Swarm
70 90 70 60 60 40
Crobat Inner Focus 85 90 80 70 80 130
Natu Synchronize
Early Bird
40 50 45 70 45 70
Xatu Synchronize
Early Bird
65 75 70 95 70 95
Sudowoodo Sturdy
Rock Head
70 100 115 30 65 30
Politoed Water Absorb
90 75 75 90 100 70
Aipom Run Away
55 70 55 40 55 85
Yanma Speed Boost
65 65 45 75 45 95
Murkrow Insomnia
Super Luck
60 85 42 85 42 91
Misdreavus Levitate 60 60 60 85 85 85
Girafarig Inner Focus
Early Bird
70 80 65 90 65 85
Dunsparce Serene Grace
Run Away
100 70 70 65 65 45
Gligar Hyper Cutter
Sand Veil
65 75 105 35 65 85
Snubbull Intimidate
Run Away
60 80 50 40 40 30
Granbull Intimidate
Quick Feet
90 120 75 60 60 45
Scizor Swarm
70 130 100 55 80 65
Heracross Swarm
80 125 75 40 95 85
Sneasel Inner Focus
Keen Eye
55 95 55 35 75 115
Teddiursa Pickup
Quick Feet
60 80 50 50 50 40
Ursaring Guts
Quick Feet
90 130 75 75 75 55
Remoraid Hustle
35 65 35 65 35 65
Octillery Suction Cups
75 105 75 105 75 45
Delibird Vital Spirit
45 55 45 65 45 75
Skarmory Keen Eye
65 80 140 40 70 70
Houndour Early Bird
Flash Fire
45 60 30 80 50 65
Houndoom Early Bird
Flash Fire
75 90 50 110 80 95
Porygon2 Trace
85 80 90 105 95 60
Stantler Intimidate
73 95 62 85 65 85
Tyrogue Guts
35 35 35 35 35 35
Hitmontop Intimidate
50 95 95 35 110 70
Smoochum Oblivious
45 30 15 85 65 65
Elekid Static 45 63 37 65 55 95
Magby Flame Body 45 75 37 70 55 83
Poochyena Run Away
Quick Feet
35 55 35 30 30 35
Mightyena Intimidate
Quick Feet
70 90 70 60 60 70
Zigzagoon Pickup
38 30 41 30 41 60
Linoone Pickup
78 70 61 50 61 100
Beautifly Swarm 60 70 50 90 50 65
Dustox Shield Dust 60 50 70 50 90 65
Lotad Swift Swim
Rain Dish
40 30 30 40 50 30
Lombre Swift Swim
Rain Dish
60 50 50 60 70 50
Ludicolo Swift Swim
Rain Dish
80 70 70 90 100 70
Nuzleaf Chlorophyll
Early Bird
70 70 40 60 40 60
Shiftry Chlorophyll
Early Bird
90 100 60 90 60 80
Taillow Guts 40 55 30 30 30 85
Swellow Guts 60 85 60 50 50 125
Wingull Keen Eye 40 30 30 55 30 85
Pelipper Keen Eye 60 50 100 85 70 65
Ralts Synchronize
28 25 25 45 35 40
Kirlia Synchronize
38 35 35 65 55 50
Gardevoir Synchronize
68 65 65 125 115 80
Surskit Swift Swim 40 30 32 50 52 65
Masquerain Intimidate 70 60 62 80 82 60
Ninjask Speed Boost 61 90 45 50 50 160
Shedinja Wonder Guard 1 90 45 30 30 40
Sableye Keen Eye
50 75 75 65 65 50
Electrike Static
40 45 40 65 40 65
Manectric Static
70 75 60 105 60 105
Volbeat Illuminate
65 73 55 47 75 85
Illumise Oblivious
Tinted Lens
65 47 55 73 75 85
Carvanha Rough Skin 45 90 20 65 20 65
Sharpedo Rough Skin 70 120 40 95 40 95
Spoink Thick Fat
Own Tempo
60 25 35 70 80 60
Grumpig Thick Fat
Own Tempo
80 45 65 90 110 80
Spinda Own Tempo
Tangled Feet
60 60 60 60 60 60
Swablu Natural Cure 45 40 60 40 75 50
Altaria Natural Cure 75 70 90 70 105 80
Zangoose Immunity 73 115 60 60 60 90
Seviper Shed Skin 73 100 60 100 60 65
Castform Forecast 70 70 70 70 70 70
Kecleon Color Change 60 90 70 60 120 40
Shuppet Insomnia
44 75 35 63 33 45
Banette Insomnia
64 115 65 83 63 65
Duskull Levitate 20 40 90 30 90 25
Dusclops Pressure 40 70 130 60 130 25
Absol Pressure
Super Luck
65 130 60 75 60 75
Starly Keen Eye 40 55 30 30 30 60
Staravia Intimidate 55 75 50 40 40 80
Staraptor Intimidate 85 120 70 50 50 100
Bidoof Simple
59 45 40 35 40 31
Bibarel Simple
79 85 60 55 60 71
Shinx Rivalry
45 65 34 40 34 45
Luxio Rivalry
60 85 49 60 49 60
Luxray Rivalry
80 120 79 95 79 70
Cranidos Mold Breaker 67 125 40 30 30 58
Rampardos Mold Breaker 97 165 60 65 50 58
Wormadam Anticipation 60 59 85 79 105 36
Wormadam Anticipation 60 79 105 59 85 36
Wormadam Anticipation 60 69 95 69 95 36
Mothim Swarm 70 94 50 94 50 66
Vespiquen Pressure 70 80 102 80 102 40
Ambipom Technician
75 100 66 60 66 115
Drifloon Aftermath
90 50 34 60 44 70
Drifblim Aftermath
150 80 44 90 54 80
Mismagius Levitate 60 60 60 105 105 105
Honchkrow Insomnia
Super Luck
100 125 52 105 52 71
Glameow Limber
Own Tempo
49 55 42 42 37 85
Purugly Thick Fat
Own Tempo
71 82 64 64 59 112
Stunky Stench
63 63 47 41 41 74
Skuntank Stench
103 93 67 71 61 84
Bonsly Sturdy
Rock Head
50 80 95 10 45 10
Mime Jr. Soundproof
20 25 45 70 90 60
Chatot Keen Eye
Tangled Feet
76 65 45 92 42 91
Spiritomb Pressure 50 92 108 92 108 35
Skorupi Battle Armor
40 50 90 30 55 65
Drapion Battle Armor
70 90 110 60 75 95
Croagunk Anticipation
Dry Skin
48 61 40 61 40 50
Toxicroak Anticipation
Dry Skin
83 106 65 86 65 85
Carnivine Levitate 74 100 72 90 72 46
Weavile Pressure 70 120 65 45 85 125
Lickilicky Own Tempo
110 85 95 80 95 50
Rhyperior Lightningrod
Solid Rock
115 140 130 55 55 40
Tangrowth Chlorophyll
Leaf Guard
100 100 125 110 50 50
Electivire Motor Drive 75 123 67 95 85 95
Magmortar Flame Body 75 95 67 125 95 83
Yanmega Speed Boost
Tinted Lens
86 76 86 116 56 95
Gliscor Hyper Cutter
Sand Veil
75 95 125 45 75 95
Porygon-Z Adaptability
85 80 70 135 75 90
Gallade Steadfast 68 125 65 65 115 80
Dusknoir Pressure 45 100 135 65 135 45
Rotom Levitate 50 50 77 95 77 91
Rotom Levitate 50 65 107 105 107 86
Rotom Levitate 50 65 107 105 107 86
Rotom Levitate 50 65 107 105 107 86
Rotom Levitate 50 65 107 105 107 86
Rotom Levitate 50 65 107 105 107 86
Darkrai Bad Dreams 70 90 90 135 90 125

Pokémon That Learn Thief By Breeding:

No. Pic Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Att Def S.Att S.Def Spd