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Transportation System Manage

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2011-MS-TE-07 2011-MS-TE-08




A collection of assets that comprises a dynamic, complex, and unified whole.

A system maintains its existence and functions as a whole through the interaction of its parts.

A system is a collection of transportation assets, their relationships, and their emergent properties that collectively come together to perform a function, supported by institutional rules and regulations, and structured around processes. Assets include a node, link, or flow in a transportation system and can be physical, cyber, or human in nature.


o Is a vast, open, interdependent networked system that moves millions of passengers and millions of tons of goods. o The transportation network connects cities, manufacturers, and retailers, moving large volumes of goods and individuals through a complex network. o Transportation systems sector joined together in an unprecedented way to protect its customers, systems, and assets. o Comprises all modes of transportation (aviation, maritime, mass transit, highway, freight rail, and pipeline


Aviation includes aircraft, air traffic control systems, which include commercial airports and additional public airfields. Maritime includes the wide range of water-faring vessels,coastline, seaports and navigable waterways. Mass transit includes multiple-occupancy vehicles, such as transit buses, light rail, passenger rail (including both commuter rail and long-distance rail), automated guideway transit, inclined planes, and cable cars, designed to transport customers on regional and local routes. Highway encompasses roadways and supporting infrastructure.. Freight rail consist of railroads, route-miles of track, freight cars, and locomotives. Pipeline includes vast networks of pipeline that traverse Throughout the country, carrying nearly all of the nations natural natural gas,hazardous liquids as well as various chemicals.


Transportation Systems Sector is highly complex because of a number of reasons: One reason is sheer scalethe sector is composed of hundreds of thousands of assets, links, and nodes spread across the six modes.Some assets, such as airports or rail yards, are stationary. Others, such as hazardous materials (HAZMAT) trucks or commercial airplanes, are mobile. Secondly, the Transportation Systems Sector consists of numerous and diverse stakeholders such as federal, local government and private/operators. Third reason for the complexity that characterizes the Nations transportation network is interconnectedness and supply chain implications.


Strategic risks to the Transportation Systems Sector include: Disruption in the transportation network which faces a dynamic landscape of potential natural disasters, accidents, and terrorist attacks Use of a component of the transportation network as a weapon leading to loss of life and public property. Release of a biological agent at a major passenger facility, such as a rail station, ferry terminal, or hub airport (terrorism event affecting national public health and safety).


A risk management framework that helps define and clarify countermeasure programs aimed at a specific strategic risk objective(SRO), which will be integrated into the sectors strategic plan. SBRM is an important element of the sectors approach to determining its risk priorities, documenting them as SROs, determining approaches for achieving these objectives, and defining what success means for each of the SROs through performance measures


Transportation agencies have a range of responsibilities in managing infrastructure, such as construction, maintenance, operation, safety, and various other aspects. Asset Management is a concept recognizing the need to manage across these areas of responsibility.

Asset management is strategic, taking a long view of infrastructure performance and cost, and considering options in a holistic, proactive, and informed way.
Asset management influences a number of business processes related to infrastructure management in DOTs, including those related to planning, program development and recommendation, engineering of projects and services, and program deliver


Transportation Systems Management (TSM) is a strategy aimed at improving the overall performance of the transportation network without resorting to large-scale, expensive capital improvements. Transportation Systems Management (TSM) is a strategy aimed at improving the overall performance of the transportation network without resorting to large-scale, expensive capital improvements. TSM integrates techniques from across disciplines to increase safety, efficiency and capacity for all modes in the transportation system.



Helps optimize systems and approaches. Eliminates waste of resources and non-value added steps. Improves customer satisfaction Reduces unnecessary inventory Reduces overall cost.


Systems Management (TSM) approach to

Congestion mitigation seeks to identify improvements to enhance the capacity of existing system. Designed to improve traffic flow, air quality, and movement of vehicles and goods, as well as enhance system accessibility and safety. Advanced TMS applications incorporate increased planning and performance measurement capability.


Traffic signal and intersection improvements Freeway bottleneck removal programs Special events management strategies Data collection for monitor system performance

Special events management strategies

Access management

Traffic signal and intersection improvements include such elements as:

Signal timing optimization Traffic controller and signal head upgrades Vehicle detectors repair/replacement Communication with a central system Turning lanes Grade separations Pavement striping Lane assignment changes Proper lighting

Signal timing optimization

The main places responsible for traffic congestion are urban intersections. The primary reason for traffic congestion of urban intersections is the irrational cycle time of traffic lights.

How to assign the red and green time in a cycle is obviously important when dealing with traffic control problems.
The longer cycle time, the greater traffic capacity, but time delay and number of stops also increase with increasing of the cycle time.

Signal timing optimization

When the saturation of an intersection is small enough, the increase of the cycle time does not go far enough towards traffic capacity, and it only leads to the increase of time delay. Therefore, the cycle time of traffic lights should be justly distributed so as to minimize time delay and number of stops. The PASSER (software) series of traffic signal optimization. PASSER V available tools for timing traffic signals to maximize arterial progression.

Traffic controller and signal head upgrades:

Traffic controllers involves directing vehicular and pedestrian traffic around a construction zone, accident or other road disruption, thus ensuring the safety of emergency response teams, construction works and the general public. Traffic controllers also includes the use of CCTV.

Traffic control bollards separating the road from the worksite


Head Upgrades:

The visibility of traffic signals depends on the following criteria Luminous intensity distribution Phantom class Evenness of the luminous field Contrast between the signal light and its surroundings Size of the luminous field Light source

Vehicle detector repair/replacement:

Traffic detection is a fundamental component of the planning and operation of local roads and highways. Many traffic lights are controlled by vehicle detectors work through electromagnetic induction, using loops of wire buried in the pavement to sense the presence of a vehicle. This detection signal is used by the local and central traffic controllers to manage an efficient flow of traffic.

Turning lanes
Turn lanes at intersections are used primarily to separate turning traffic from through traffic by reducing delay. Removing turning vehicles from the through lane, turning lanes can also improve safety. Designated turn lane designs can be effectively used in situations where there are moderate to high levels of through traffic.

Grade separation:
Most crashes happen at intersections Grade separation is the method of aligning a junction of two or more surface transport axes at different heights (grades) so that they will not disrupt the traffic flow on other transit routes when they cross each other. Best way of stopping conflicting intersection movement is placing the intersecting roads at different levels, or grade separating them. This can be done with overpasses or interchanges.

An overpass is a simple grade separation of two roads whereby there is no actual link between them and hence no exchange of traffic is possible.

An interchange allows traffic to move between two or more roads which are grade separated. Interchanges vary from simple arrangements. Roads with grade separation generally allow traffic to move freely, with fewer interruptions, and at higher overall speeds; this is why speed limits are typically higher for grade-separated roads.

Grade separation, seen in the Circle Interchange.

Pavement marking
Pavement markings have important functions in providing guidance and information to drivers without diverting their attention. Pavement markings can also enhance safety.
Centerlines have been shown to cut crash frequency by 29% compared to roads without them. Marking types include not only pavement and curb marking but also objectmarkers, delineators, colored pavements, barricades and channelizing devices.

Pavement markings should conform to the following general principles

Pavement markings must be yellow or white.

Line width indicates the degree of emphasis. Normal centerlines and edgelines are 4-6 wide. A wide line is at least twice the width of a normal line.

Double lines two normal width lines separated by a discernible space indicate maximum restriction: driving across them is prohibited.

Solid vs. broken

Solid lines discourage crossing and should not be crossed. Broken lines may be crossed.

A centerline separates traffic traveling in opposite directions and is usually at the geometrical center of the pavement. Centerlines give drivers important guidance and can significantly enhance safety.

Pavement edgeline markings give drivers a guide to the edge of the pavement and also enhance safety.

Channelizing lines
Channelizing lines can be used to form channelizing islands where traffic is going in the same direction on either side of the island. They shall be a wide or double wide solid white line.

Stop lines
Stop lines are solid white lines and should be 12-24 wide. Stop lines emphasize the stop condition and indicate where to stop. They are not required, but are helpful in many situations.

Changeable Lane assignment signs

Traditional lane use signs reflect average conditions and do not change with changing traffic needs. Changeable Lane Assignments Signs (CLAS) offer a potentially effective solution to changing traffic conditions. The interchanges experience high turning movement demands, permitted double turns are often used to maximize traffic throughout. Lane use information at intersections is typically communicated with pavement markings and static signing.

CLAS is used as a space management technique to add an additional dimension to optimization.

Proper lighting:
Street lighting includes: prevention of accidents and increase in safety. Studies have shown that darkness results in a large number of crashes and fatalities, especially those involving pedestrians; pedestrian fatalities are 3 to 6.75 times more likely in the dark than in daylight. Street lighting has been found to reduce pedestrian crashes by approximately 50%.

Lighted intersections and highway interchanges tend to have fewer crashes than unlighted intersections and interchanges.

Freeway bottleneck removal programs

Freeway: This is a divided major roadway with full control of access and with no crossings at grade. A bottleneck in project managementis one process in a chain of processes, such that its limited capacity reduces the capacity of the whole chain. In engineering, a bottleneck is a phenomenon by which the performance or capacity of an entire system is severely limited by a single component. A bottleneck is a section of a route with a carrying capacity substantially below that characterizing other sections of the same route. This is often a narrow part of a road, perhaps also with a smaller number of lanes, or a reduction of the number of tracks of a railway line

Insufficient acceleration/deceleration lanes and ramps

Acceleration /deceleration lanes (also known as speedchange lane or auxiliary lanes) provide drivers with an opportunity to speed up or slow down in a space not used by high-speed traffic. On freeways and some major streets, the speed change can be substantial and cause stop-and-go traffic and a higher number of collisions for the main vehicle flow. Incorporating speed change lanes into the roadway design can mitigate these issues. Deceleration lanes allow traffic exiting a major street to slow down to a safer speed to make a left or right turn at an intersection without affecting the main flow of traffic.

Weaving Sections:
One source of vehicle conflicts is the freeway weaving section, where a merge and diverge in close proximity require either merging or diverging vehicles to execute one or more lane changes. A merge and diverge separated by less than 0.4 to 0.5 miles is typically defined to be within close proximity, depending on the type of weaving section. In traffic engineering, three types of weaving sections are traditionally distinguished based on the minimum number of lane changes required for completing the weaving maneuvers :

Types Of Weaving Sections:

Type A weaving sections: Every weaving vehicle (a vehicle merging or diverging) must execute one lane change. Type B weaving sections: One weaving movement can be made without making any lane change, while the other weaving movement requires at most one lane change. Type C weaving sections: One weaving movement can be made without making any lane change, while the other weaving movement requires at least two lane changes.

Changeable Lane Assignment Signs

Traditional lane use signs reflect average conditions and do not change with changing traffic needs.Changeable Lane Assignments Signs (CLAS) offer a potentially effective solution to changing traffic conditions. The interchanges experience high turning movement demands, permitted double turns are often used to maximize traffic throughout. Lane use information at intersections is typically communicated with pavement markings and static signing.

CLAS is used as a space management technique to add an additional dimension to optimization.

Sharp Horizontal Curves And Super Elevation:

Horizontal Curves are one of the two important transition elements in geometric design for highways .
A horizontal curve provides a transition between two tangent strips of roadway, allowing a vehicle to negotiate a turn at a gradual rate rather than a sharp cut. The design of the curve is dependent on the intended design speed for the roadway, as well as other factors including drainage and friction. These curves are semicircles as to provide the driver with a constant turning rate with radii determined by the laws of physics surrounding centripetal force.

Horizontal curves have roads that are tilted at a slight angle. This tilt is defined as superelevation. Which is the amount of rise seen on an angled cross-section of a road given a certain run, otherwise known as slope.

Horizontal Curve And It Sign Is Shown

Sharp vertical curves:

A vertical curve provides a transition between two sloped roadways, allowing a vehicle to negotiate the elevation rate change at a gradual rate rather than a sharp cut. The design of the curve is dependent on the intended design speed for the roadway, as well as other factors including drainage, slope, acceptable rate of change, and friction These curves are parabolic and are assigned stationing based on a horizontal axis.

Two types of vertical curves exist:

(1) Sag Curves and (2) Crest Curves.

Changeable Lane assignment signs

Sag curves are used where the change in grade is positive, such as valleys. Crest curves are used when the change in grade is negative, such as hills.

A Road Through Hilly Terrain with Vertical Curves

Installation Of Signage And Restriping:

To prevent collisions, good sign management and maintenance reduce your liability risk. On the other hand, poor sign management and maintenance can contribute to incidents, thus increasing liability exposure. To be effective, signs need to comply with these five basic rules: 1. Fulfill a need (install a sign if there is a need for warning, regulation or guide information) 2. Command attention (Using standard signs, proper placement, and well-maintained traffic signs will command attention. The highcontrast color combinations used on signs were chosen because they are eye catching and easy to read.)

3. Command respect (rely on road users to willingly obey traffic signs. They will obey warnings and regulations that obviously fulfill a need.) 4. Have one simple message(sign must communicate its message in a way that is easily read and understood. If a sign is not understood or misunderstood, results will be poor.) 5. Provide adequate time for proper response (Size, placement, and condition of signs should meet or exceed the standards so drivers can comply before it is too late.)

Weather conditions will be a determining factor in deciding the period of performance of striping of pavements. Marking on the pavements should be restriping after a specific period of time

Work crews have been re-striping portions of Street recently, the old lane markings.

Geometric Deficiencies:
Safety improvements into a project in conjunction with the pavement also relate to geometric work.

Effective pavement and safety management programs which systematically identify and incorporate needed geometric corrections.

A process that insures that safety is an integral part of project development consists of several critical elements which also include the determination of existing geometric operational features throughout the project.

Data Collection For Monitor System Performance:

Sustainability planning, assessment, and monitoring relies on data from a variety of sources to provide a complete picture of the environmental, economic, and social impacts as well as the basic functionality of transportation projects. Data quality and availability have proven to be significant barriers to comprehensive transportation sustainability assessment.

Special events management strategies

(1)Traffic manage plans The traffic manage plan include following features such as

Planning and managing both vehicles and pedestrian routes The elimination of reversing where possible Safe driving and working practices Protection of public Adequate vision and lines of vision The provision of signs and barriers Adequate parking and off loading/storage areas (2)Signal RE-TIMING PLANS (3)DYNAMIC LANE ASSIGNMENT

As a result of strategies of TSM the following conclusions are being drawn

Money saving multimodal solutions Relieve congestion Optimize infrastructure investments Promote travel options Improve travel time reliability Reduce crashes Improve transit on-time arrival Reduce travel delay Reduce fuel use Reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions



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