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Reports Divya

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Projects, Reports, proposals

What is a Report?
A systemmatic,well organized docu. Which defines & analyses a subject or a problem and includes: Record Interpretation Evaluation Discussion Conclusion Recommendation

Thus C.A. Brown defines as :- A report is a communication from someone who has some information to someone who wants to use that information

Basic Reports
Oral Reports Simple , easy to present No proof Denied at any time Vague Can be miscommunicated Written Reports Most preferred Written form Permanent record Accurate & precise Can change hands without danger of distortion during transmission

Reports must always be:

accurate concise
clear well structured

Study 5 Ws and 1 H


Important to study the problem

Purpose of analysis


Significance and relevance to the concerned dep. Or organization

Benefits out of report to various departments, org. or pupils.


Is involved in this situation- reader, writer or third party

Is the reader-same or changed

Starting point of the problem, does is a analytical problem, research required, facts comparisons needed etc.

Report writing time-time factor


Place of reading the report by the reader is very imp. i.e. in a meeting, or in his room the approach will matter.


How it has to be written i.e. final execution, which information to be included or excluded , which charts, graphs needed

An effective report can be written going through the following steps Determine the objective of the report, i.e., identify the problem. Collect the required material (facts) for the report. Study and examine the facts gathered. Plan the facts for the report. Prepare an outline for the report, i.e., draft the report. Edit the drafted report. Distribute the draft report to the advisory team and ask for feedback and recommendations.

Judgment for a good Report

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Precision Accuracy of facts Relevance Reader-orientation Objectivity of recommendations Simple & unambiguous language Clarity Brevity Grammatical accuracy


o To Executive-level managers - One or two pages o To Middle-level managers - Three to five pages o To Supervisory-level managers- Less than 10 pages o To Operational - level personnel - less than 50 pages.

Important points while writing

A Paragraph should convey a single idea. They should flow nicely, one to the next. Proper paragraphs structure can almost always be traced to outlining deficiencies. Sentences should not be too long. The average sentence length should not exceed 20 words. Studies suggest that sentences longer than 20 words are more difficult to read and understand. Write in Active Voice (Direct Speech). The passive voice becomes wordy and boring when used consistently. Eliminate Jargon. *** Always Remember -HARD WRITING MAKES EASY READING !!!"

Examples of different types of reports : laboratory reports health and safety reports research reports case study reports field study reports cost-benefit analysis reports proposals comparative advantage reports progress reports feasibility studies technical reports instruction manuals financial reports And on it goes

Classification of Reports.



According to functions:-

Informational reports.

Analytical reports

Research reports.

According to formality:-

Statutory reports

Non statutory or voluntary reports.

Statutory Reports

Routine Reports

Special Reports

Informational Reports.

These reports present facts about certain given activity in detail without any note or suggestions. Whatever is gathered is reported without giving any thing by way of either explanation or any suggestion.

Analytical Reports.
These reports contain facts along with analytical explanations offered by the reporter himself or may be asked for by the one who is seeking the report. Such reports contain the narration of facts, collected data and information, classified and tabulated data and also explanatory note followed by the conclusions arrived at or interpretations.

Research Reports.

These reports are based on some research work conducted by either an individual or a group of individuals on a given problem. In fact such a report is the result of a research.

Statutory Reports
These reports are to be presented according to the requirements of a particular law or a rule or a custom now has become a rule.
These reports are generally prepared in the prescribed form as the rules have prescribed.

Non Statutory Reports.

These reports are not in the nature of legal requirements or rules wants, therefore, the reports are to be prepared and submitted. These reports are required to be prepared and submitted: (i) for the administrative and other conveniences, (ii) for taking decision in a matter (iii) for policy formulations, (iv) for projecting the future or (v) any thing alike so that efficient and smooth functioning maybe assured and proper and necessary decision may be taken with a view to see that every thing goes well and the objectives of the organization are achieved with assured success.

Routine Reports.
These reports are required to be prepared and submitted periodically on matters required by the organization so as to help the management of the organization to take decisions in the matters relating to day to day affairs. The main objectives of routine reports are to let the management know as to what is happening in the organization, what is its progress where the deviation is, what measures have been taken in solving the problems and what to do so that the organization may run smoothly and efficiently. Routine reports are generally brief. They only give the facts. No comments or explanations are usually offered in such reports. Generally forms are prescribed for preparation and submission of such reports.

Special Reports.
Such a type of report is specially required to be prepared and submitted on matters of special nature. Due to an accident a death of the foreman has occurred in a factory. The factory manager may ask for a detail report from the head foreman. Such a report is classified as special reports. These reports contain not only facts and details but they may contain suggestion, comments and explanations as well.

Some of the reasons we write reports are to:

inform make proposals or recommendations for change analyse and solve problems present the findings of an investigation or project record progress

Format for Report writing

Basically two types of formats are followed: Letter style Report Schematic Report

Schematic Style Report

1. Terms of reference- purpose of the report, who requested it, scope of enquiry 2.Action taken- details-writer for presentation-task he is reporting-how matter gathered-date of his investigation. 3. Findings- what was done-observed-what information was gathered-all data relevant to the action or enquiryconclusions-writers opinion-assessment of the situation. Recommendations-suggesting a course of action.

Executive Summary
An executive summary plays an important part of a business report or business plan. An executive summary is typically a short summary of a long document providing a quick overview of a full-length business report


There is no set outline that can be user for preparing the pr report , it is determined by the nature of the target audience.

numbering system is used to indicate each section or subsection. Becoming more popular, however, is changing the font size of headings to indicate the importance of each heading. The report is broken into sections and each section and subsection has a heading.

Types of Project reports

Basically two types Academic Reports Related to studies and education, basically industry related projects. Manuals giving guidelines, procedures & rules. Business Reports

Difference B/W Academic & Business report

Business Report Imp part of business Written on a issue/project Submitted to a committee for further action As & when the need arises Can be informational, not live research Academic Report Academic requirement compulsory On a project comp. in a industry Submitted to superiors for evaluation At the end of summer term Findings & results of actual project

Business Report Practical in nature to study a prevailing problem Everyone do not prepare Good report earns good name for writers and suggestions considered Academic Report Compulsive in nature, not necessary to be used in future or suggestions may not be considered All students prepare Good report earns credit as grades& probability of placement

Sequence of items in Project Report

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Cover Page (On cover of the spiral bound report) Declaration by the candidate Certificate from the Industry Guide (wherever applicable) Certificate from the Faculty Guide Acknowledgements Preface (Detailed) Table of Contents (with page numbers). List of Figures (with figure number, figure titles and page numbers) 9. List of Tables with table number, table title and page number, List of Abbreviations 10. List of graphs & diagrams (Point No. 2 10, should have page numbers in roman, for e.g., i, ii, ix. Kindly not that the cover page should not bear the page number

11. Main Text a)Introduction b)Main findings c)Conclusions and recommendations 12. Introduction a)Introducing the theme b)Review of related literature c)Methodology adopted 13. Results a) Statistical analysis b) Testing of hypothesis c) Conclusions d) Recommendations

14.End Matter a) Annexure b) Bibliography c) Questionnaire d) Mathematical derivations e) Appendices

Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Aim 1.2. Scope 1.3. Background to study 2. PROCEDURE 2.1. Data collection method 2.2. Literature review 2.2.1. Literature review of journals ,ETC 3. ANALYSIS Of DATA 3.1. Research Methodology 3.2. .. 4. CONCLUSIONS 5. RECOMMENDATIONS REFERENCES APPENDICES

Research Paper work

Should not be more than 4000 words & between 15-20 pages. Format 1) Introduction 1.1)Objective of the study 1.2)Organization of study 2)Research material & design 3) Findings & discussions 3.1)Demographic characteristics of the sample 3.2)Extent of research in industry 3.3)Perceived benefits related to customers 3.4)perceived corporate related .benefits 4)Conclusions & implications of the study 5)Recommendation & limitation of study 5.1)Recommendation 5.2)Limitation References

It is a persuasive offer to complete a task, submitted either voluntarily or in response to a request or an advertisement. Unlike a report, a proposal may be sent to an expert or a review committee for evaluation & recommendation concerning the benefits of the proposed services, products, etc.

Types of Proposals

Research Proposal Business Proposal

Business Proposal
They provide information concerning the nature and benefits of the proposed product/services, cost of equipment etc. Transmittal letter or prefatory note is sent along with the proposal. Written for a beneficial response. They should be creative & effective.

Short Business Proposal has following: Small proposal drafted in form of Letter of transmittal letter or prefatory note

Body of Proposal

Gives information on project team Scope of services Cost of equipment Details as per the advertisement Details asked for

Letter of Transmittal
Follows the formula of AIDA for an effective sales communication. Attention Interest Desire Action

Difference b/w Proposal and Report

Solicited or unsolicited Can be official or unofficial Concerns the future Request for action Needs to be influencing and convincing Based on the AIDA formula Awaits a decision Always solicited Official document Concerns the past Just a statement Need not to be convincing Not to be based on AIDA formula Does not awaits a decision

4 Pof Proposal

Contents to be incorporated
Introduction Background details Benefits Description of the proposed work Method & procedure Qualifications Costs & Resources Conclusion

This is the most important writing skill This is basically done to test the written communication skills. It tests the writers ability to a) Understand the implication or scope of the topic b) Organize his/her thinking c) Express in a lucrative style. Freedom of expression

How to write effective paragraph

Choose the topic carefully Jot or sort out the facts carefully Use simple English Prepare the outlines Keep it short & precise Give an attractive beginning Maintain paragraph unity Make effective use of topic sentences Avoid unnecessary details or never be irrelevant

Make the paragraph move forward Different points in different paragraphs Dont repeat the information Answer the question being asked Dont use company jargons Dont overload with statistics Be honest and dont whine Conclusion should be clearly & firmly stated Find time to revise

Topics to write a paragraph

The career of a business Executive Advertisement The policy of Liberalization Problems of Globalization Qualities of a good manager Indian tourism industry

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