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First Law of Thermodynamics

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Physics 205 Chapter 18 Heat, Work and

The first law of thermodynamics Haga clic para modificar el estilo de subttulo del patrn By: Mariam Pitt
Essential UNIVERSITY PHYSICS, Volume 1 Richard Wolfson 5/28/12

18.1 The First Law of Thermodynamics

First Law of Thermodynamics The change in the internal energy of a
system depends only on the net heat transferred to the system and the net work done by the system, independent of the particular processes involved.

Mathematically, the first law is

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Change in Intenal energy Heat added to the system Work done by the system

U = Q W


18.1 The First Law of Thermodynamics

Example: Heat a gas, it expands against a weight. Force (pressure times area) is applied over a distance, work is done.

Work done by the system

Haga clic para modificar el estilo de subttulo del to the patrn system
Heat added


U = (UU)

U = Q W

Change in internal energy

18.1 The First Law of Thermodynamics

We are frequently concerned with rates of energy flow. Differentiating the first law with respect to time gives a statement about rates:

Haga clic para modificar el estilo de subttulo del patrn dU/dt is the rate of change of a systems internal energy. dQ/dt is the rate of heat transfer to the system. dW/dt is the rate at which the system does work. 5/28/12


The First Law of Thermodynamics: Thermal Pollution

The reactor in a nuclear power plant supplies energy at the rate of 3.0 GW, boiling water to produce steam that turns a turbine-generator. The spent steam is then condensed through thermal contact with water taken from a river. If the power plant produces electrical energy at the rate of 1.0 GW, at what rate is heat transferred to the river? The entire power plant is our system, comprising the nuclear reactor, including its fuel, and the turbine-generator. We identify U as the internal energy stored in the fuel, W as the mechanical work that ends up as electrical energy, and Q as the heat transferred to the river. We knowpatrn that: dU/dt = dQ/dt dW/dt. The reactor extracts internal energy from its fuel, so the rate dU/dt is negative; the power plant delivers electrical energy to the outside world, so dW/dt is positive. We need to solve for dQ/dt.

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The First Law of Thermodynamics: Thermal Pollution

and dW/dt = 1.0 GW

GIVEN: dU/dt = 3.0GW

-3.0 GW

1.0 GW

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-3.0 GW + 1.0 GW -2.0 GW


18.2 Thermodynamic Processes

Although the 1st law applies to any system, its easiest to understand when applied to an ideal gas. The ideal gas law relates the temperature, pressure, and volume of a given gas sample:

pV = nRt
The thermodynamic state is completely determined by any two of this quantities p, V, or T.

Haga clic para modificar el estilo de subttulo del p,V, patrn


p p,V, T V


18.2 Thermodynamic Processes

Reversible and Irreversible Processes
If we raise the These temperatures stay the same as reservoir the water temperature increases slowly temperature very slowly, both the water and gas temperatures will rise in unison, and the gas will remain Haga clic para modificar el estilo de subttulo T T in equilibrium. Quasi-static process A system is always in thermodynamic equilibrium.



Wat er

Ga s

Temperature control

18.2 Thermodynamic Processes

Reversible and Irreversible Processes
Reversible Process: Irreversible Process: If we suddenly We could reverse plunging a cool gas this heating process sample into hot by slowly lowering water, then it the reservoir becomes and temperatur; the gas irreversible process. Haga clic para modificar el estilo de subttulo The system is not in del would cool, reversing T T patrn its path in the pV equilibrium. diagram. Wat Ga
These temperatures stay the same as the water temperature increases slowly


Temperature control

18.2 Thermodynamic Processes

Work and Volume Changes
The work done by the system is related to the changes in pressure and volume:

Haga clic para modificar el estilo de subttulo del patrn (work done during volume change)


18.2 Thermodynamic Processes

Isothermal Processes
An isothermal process occurs at constant temperature. To find work, we relate pressure and volume through the ideal gas law: p = (nRT)/V. Then it becomes:

Haga clic para modificar el estilo constant, giving For an isothermal process, the temperature T is de subttulo del patrn


18.2 Thermodynamic Processes

Isothermal Processes
The first law of thermodynamics then gives U = 0 = Q W, so

Haga clic para modificar el estilo de subttulo del patrn T = constant

Q=W W = nRT*ln(V/V) pV = constant


18.2 Thermodynamic Processes

Constant-Volume Processes and Specific Heat A constant-volume process occurs in a rigid closed container whose volume
cant change. To express U = Q in terms of a temperature change T, we introduce the molar specific heat at constant volume Cv defined by:

Haga clic para modificar el estilo de subttuloconstant V = del patrn

Q = U W=0

Q = nCvT


18.2 Thermodynamic Processes

Isobaric Processes and Specific Heat
Isobaric means constant pressure. Processes occurring in systems exposed to the atmosphere are essentially isoberic. The work done as the volume changes from V to V, is the area under the isobar, or

W = p(V-V) = pV
(isobaric Haga clic para modificar el estilo de subttulo del process) patrn
Cp is the molar specific heat at constant pressure.

(molar specific heats)


18.2 Thermodynamic Processes

Isobaric Processes and Specific Heat
isobar p W T T

V V V Haga clic para modificar el estilo de subttulo del patrn p = constant

Q = U + W W = p(V-V) Q = nCpT Cp = Cv + R

18.2 Thermodynamic Processes

Adiabatic Processes
In an adiabatic process, no heat flows between a system and its environment. The way to achieve this is to surround the system with perfect thermal insulation. Since the heat Q is zero in an adiabatic process, the 1st law becomes simply

U = -W

(adiabatic process)

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18.2 Thermodynamic Processes

Adiabatic Processes
As a gas expands adiabatically, its volume increases while its internal energy and temperature decrease. The ideal-gas law, pV=nRT, then requires that the pressure decrease as well and by more than it would in an isothermal process where T remains constant.

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(adiabatic process)


18.2 Thermodynamic Processes

Adiabatic Processes
Q=0 U = -W W = (pV-pV)/(-1) TV(-1) = constant pV = constant

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An Adiabatic Process: Diesel Power

Fuel ignites in a diesel engine from the heat of compression as the piston moves toward the top of the cylinder; theres no spark plug as in a gasoline engine. Compression is fast enough that the process is essentially adiabatic. If the ignition temperature is 500C, WHAT COMPRESSION RATIO Vmax/Vmin is needed? Airs specific-heat ratio is =1.4, and before compression the air is at 20C. The problem involves temperature and volume, we apply the formula TminVmin (-1) = TmaxVmax (-1). Solving for the compression ratio Vmax/Vmin gives

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18.3 Specific Heats of an Ideal Gas

The specific heats of an ideal gas follow from the degrees of freedom of each molecule:

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Monatomic Cv = (3/2)R


3 degrees of freedom

5 degrees of freedom Cv = (5/2)R


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