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Recombinant DNA Technology

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Recombinant DNA technology


Introduction Cutting and joining DNA Molecular cloning Constructing DNA libraries DNA sequencing


The cornerstone of most molecular biology technologies is the gene. To facilitate the study of genes, they can be isolated and amplified. One method of isolation and amplification of a gene of interest is to clone the gene by inserting it into another DNA molecule that serves as a vehicle or vector that can be replicated in living cells. When these two DNAs of different origin are combined, the result is a recombinant DNA molecule. The recombinant DNA molecule is placed in a host cell, either prokaryotic or eukaryotic. The host cell then replicates (producing a clone), and the vector with its foreign piece of DNA also replicates. The foreign DNA thus becomes amplified in number, and following its amplification can be purified for further analysis.

2.Cutting and Joining DNA

Two major categories of enzymes are important tools in the isolation of DNA and the preparation of recombinant DNA: restriction endonucleases DNA ligases. Restriction endonucleases recognize a specific, rather short, nucleotide sequence on a double-stranded DNA molecule, called a restriction site, and cleave the DNA at this recognition site or elsewhere, depending on the type of enzyme. DNA ligase joins two pieces of DNA by forming phosphodiester bonds.

Classes of Restriction Endonucleases

Class Type 1 AbundancRE Site e Less common CompositiUse on Not useful

Cut both strands 3 subunit away from complex,individu RE,30bp away al has methylase,recog nintion+endonucl ease activity Cut both strands Single at subunit,methylas RE,pallindromic e and endonuclease are separate. Cut one strand at non specific sites,20-26bp 2 subunit,methylas e and endonuclease are separate.

Type 2

Most common rare

Very useful Not useful

Type 3


Restriction endonucleases are named for the organism in which they were discovered, using a system of letters and numbers. For example, HindIII (pronounced hindee-three) was discovered in Haemophilus influenza (strain d). The Hin comes from the first letter of the genus name and the first two letters of the species name; d is for the strain type; and III is for the third enzyme of that type. SmaI is from Serratia marcescens and is pronounced smah-one, EcoRI (pronounced echo-r-one) was discovered in Escherichia coli (strain R), and BamHI is from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (strain H). Over 3000 type II restriction endonucleases have been isolated and characterized to date. Approximately 240 are available commercially for use by molecular biologists.

RE site

Each orthodox type II restriction endonuclease is composed of two identical polypeptide subunits that join together to form a homodimer. These homodimers recognize short symmetric DNA sequences of 48 bp. Six base pair cutters are the most commonly used in molecular biology research. Usually, the sequence read in the 5 3 direction on one strand is the same as the sequence read in the 5 3 direction on the complementary strand. Sequences that read the same in both directions are called palindromes (from the Greek word palindromos for run back) Some enzymes, such as EcoR1, generate a staggered cut, in which the single-stranded complementary tails are called sticky or cohesive ends because they can hydrogen bond to the singlestranded complementary tails of other DNA fragments.

DNA ligase

The study of DNA replication and repair processes led to the discovery of the DNAjoining enzyme called DNA ligase. DNA ligases catalyze formation of a phosphodiester bond between the 5phosphate of a nucleotide on one fragment of DNA and the 3-hydroxyl of another. This joining of linear DNA fragments together with covalent bonds is called ligation. Unlike the type II restriction endonucleases,DNA ligase requires ATP as a cofactor.

3.Molecular cloning

The basic procedure of molecular cloning involves a series of steps. First, the DNA fragments to be cloned are generated by using restriction endonucleases, Second, the fragments produced by digestion with restriction enzymes are ligated to other DNA molecules that serve as vectors. Vectors can replicate autonomously (independent of host genome replication) in host cells and facilitate the manipulation of the newly created recombinant DNA molecule. Third, the recombinant DNA molecule is transferred to a host cell. Within this cell, the recombinant DNA molecule replicates, producing dozens of identical copies known as clones. As the host cells replicate, the recombinant DNA is passed on to all progeny cells, creating a population of identical cells, all carrying the cloned sequence. Finally, the cloned DNA segments can be recovered from the host cell, purified, and analyzed in various ways.

a. Vector DNA

Cloning vectors are carrier DNA molecules. Four important features of all cloning vectors are that they: (i) can independently replicate themselves and the foreign DNA segments they carry; (ii) contain a number of unique restriction endonuclease cleavage sites that are present only once in the vector; (iii) carry a selectable marker (usually in the form of antibiotic resistance genes or genes for enzymes missing in the host cell) to distinguish host cells that carry vectors from host cells that do not contain a vector; and (iv) are relatively easy to recover from the host cell. There are many possible choices of vector depending on the purpose of cloning. The greatest variety of cloning vectors has been developed for use in the bacterial host E. coli. Thus, the first practical skill generally required by a molecular biologist is the ability to grow pure cultures of bacteria.

b. Examples of cloning Vectors

VECTOR BASIS SIZE LIMIT of Insert Major aplications PLASMID Naturally occurring multicopy plasmids Bacteriophage lambda 10kb cDNA cloning, expression assays Genomic DNA cloning, cDNA cloning Genomic library construction
Analysis of Large genomes




Plasmid containing bacteriophage lambda cos site E coli F factor plasmid





S. Cerevisea telomeres, 100-1000kb centromeres and ARS Mammilian 100-1000kb Centromere,telomere,Or igin of replication.

Analysis of Large genomes


Human Gene therapy

c. Plasmid DNA as cloning Vector

Plasmids are naturally occurring extrachromosomal double stranded circular DNA molecules that carry an origin of replication and replicate autonomously within bacterial cells. The plasmid vector pBR322, constructed in 1974, was one of the first genetically engineered plasmids to be used in recombinant DNA. Plasmids are named with a system of uppercase letters and numbers, where the lowercas p stands for plasmid. In the case of pBR322, the BR identifies the original constructors of the vector (Bolivar and Rodriquez), and 322 is the identification number of the specific plasmid. These early vectors were often of low copy number, meaning that they replicate to yield only one or two copies in each cell. pUC18, is a derivative of pBR322. This is a high copy number plasmid (> 500 copies per bacterial cell).

Plasmid vectors are modified to contain a specific 1.antibiotic resistance gene and 2.a multiple cloning site (also called the polylinker region) which has a number of unique target sites for restriction endonucleases. Cutting the circular plasmid vector with one of these enzymes results in a single cut, creating a linear plasmid. A foreign DNA molecule, referred to as the insert, cut with the same enzyme, can then be joined to the vector in a ligation reaction . .

Ligation problem
Ligations of the insert to vector are not 100% productive, because the two ends of a plasmid vector can be readily ligated together, which is called self-ligation. The degree of self-ligation can be reduced by treatment of the vector with the enzyme phosphatase, which removes the terminal 5-phosphate When the 5-phosphate is removed from the plasmid it cannot be recircularized by ligase, since there is nothing with which to make a phosphodiester bond. But, if the vector is joined with a foreign insert, the 5phosphate is provided by the foreign DNA.

d. Transformation

The ligation reaction mixture of recombinant and nonrecombinant DNA is introduced into bacterial cells in a process called transformation. The traditional method is to incubate the cells in a concentrated calcium salt solution to make their membranes leaky. The permeable competent cells are then mixed with DNA to allow entry of the DNA into the bacterial cell. Alternatively, a process called electroporation can be used that drives DNA into cells by a strong electric current. Successfully transformed bacteria will carry either recombinant or nonrecombinant plasmid DNA.


Multiplication of the plasmid DNA occurs within each transformed bacterium. A single bacterial cell placed on a solid surface (agar plate) containing nutrients can multiply to form a visible colony made of millions of identical cells. As the host cell divides, the plasmid vectors are passed on to progeny, where they continue to replicate. Numerous cell divisions of a single transfomed bacteria result in a clone of cells (visible as a bacterial colony) from a single parental cell. This step is where cloning got its name. The cloned DNA can then be isolated from the clone of bacterial cells.

5. DNA sequencing

DNA sequencing is used to identify genes, determine the sequence of promoters and other regulatory DNA elements that control expression, reveal the fine structure of genes and other DNA sequences, confirm the DNA sequence of cDNA and other DNA synthesized in vitro (for example, after in vitro mutagenesis to confirm the mutation), and help deduce the amino acid sequence of a gene or cDNA from the DNA sequence.

With the advent of automated DNA sequencing technology, large genome sequencing projects are yielding information about the evolution of genomes, the location of coding regions, regulatory elements, and other sequences, and the presence of mutations that give rise to genetic diseases.


In 1977, Frederick Sanger, Allan Maxam, and Walter Gilbert pioneered DNA sequencing. The Maxam and Gilbert sequencing method uses a chemical method that involves selective degradation of bases. The most widely used method for DNA sequencing is the Sanger or dideoxy method, which is, in essence, a DNA synthesis reaction. In this method, single-stranded DNA is mixed with radioactively labeled primer to provide the 3-OH required for DNA polymerase to initiate DNA synthesis. The primer is usually complementary to a region of the vector just outside the multiple cloning site. The sample is then split into four aliquots, each containing DNA polymerase, four dNTPs (at high concentration), and a low concentration of a replication terminator.

The replication terminators are dideoxynucleoside triphosphates (ddNTPs) that are missing the 3-OH. Because they lack the 3-OH, they cannot form a phosphodiester bond with another nucleotide. Thus, each reaction proceeds until a replicationterminating nucleotide is added, and each of the four sequencing reactions produces a series of singlestranded DNA molecules. The polymerase of choice for DNA sequencing is phage T7 DNA polymerase (called Sequenase). The sequencing mixtures are loaded into separate lanes of a denaturing polyacrylamide gel and electrophoresis is used to separate the DNA fragments.

Autoradiography is used to detect a ladder of radioactive bands. The radioactive label (primer) is at the 5 end of each newly synthesized DNA molecule. Thus, the smallest fragment at the bottom of the gel represents the 5 end of the DNA. Reading the sequence of bases from the bottom up (5 3) gives the sequence of the DNA molecule synthesized in the sequencing reaction. The sequence of the original strand of DNA is complementary to the sequence read from the gel (3 5).

Automated DNA sequencing

In 1986, Leroy Hood and Lloyd Smith automated Sangers method. In this new sequencing technology, radioactive markers are replaced with fluorescent ones. Each ddNTP terminator is tagged with a different color of fluorophore: red, green, blue, or yellow. Thus, instead of having to run four separate sequencing reactions, the reactions can be combined into one tube. The first automated sequencer made use of a 1)polyacrylamide gel to resolve the samples, 2)a laser to excite the dye molecules as they reached 3) detector near the end of the gel, and 4) a computer to read the results as a DNA sequence. In this system each automated sequencer was able to produce 4800 bases of sequence per day.

The current automated systems replace the oldstyle gel with arrays of tiny capilliaries, each of which acts as a lane. A pump loads special capillaries with a polymer that serves as the separation matrix. DNA samples in a 96-well plate are loaded into the capillary array by a short burst of electrophoresis, called electrokinetic injection. The capillary array is immersed in running buffer and the DNA fragments then migrate through the capillary matrix by size, smallest to largest.

As the DNA fragments reach the detection window, a laser beam excites the dye molecules causing them to fluoresce. Emitted light from 96 capillaries is collected at once, spectrally separated into the four colors and focused onto a CCD camera. Computer software interprets the pattern of peaks to produce a graph of fluorescence intensity versus time (electropherogram), which is then converted to the DNA sequence With this system, as many as 2 million bases can be sequenced per day.

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