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CH04 Consumption and Saving

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Chapter 4 Consumption, Saving, and Investment

Goals of Chapter 4
Examine the factors that underlie economywide demand for goods and services Assumes closed economy (for now) Focuses on consumption and investment Equivalent to studying saving and capital formation Examines trade-off of present vs. future Goods market equilibrium when desired saving equals desired investment Real interest rate plays key role in bringing goods market to equilibrium
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4.1 Consumption and Saving

The importance of consumption and saving
Desired consumption: consumption amount desired by households Desired national saving: level of national saving when consumption is at its desired level, Sd = Y - Cd - G (4.1)

The consumption and saving decision of an individual

A person can consume less than current income (saving is positive) A person can consume more than current income (saving is negative) Trade-off between current consumption and future consumption
The price of 1 unit of current consumption is 1 + r units of future consumption, where r is the real interest rate Consumption-smoothing motive: the desire to have a relatively even pattern of consumption over time
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4.1 Consumption and Saving Effect of changes in current income

Increase in current income: both consumption and saving increase (vice versa for decrease in current income) Marginal propensity to consume (MPC) = fraction of additional current income consumed in current period; between 0 and 1 Aggregate level: When current income (Y) rises, Cd rises, but not by as much as Y, so Sd rises

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Figure 4.1(a) The index of consumer sentiment,

January 1987December 1994

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Figure 4.1(b) Total consumption expenditures and

consumption expenditures on durable goods, 19871994

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4.1 Consumption and Saving Effect of changes in expected future income

Higher expected future income leads to more consumption today, so saving falls Application: consumer sentiment and the 199091 recession; sharp contraction in consumer sentiment in 1990 led to fall in consumer spending

Effect of changes in wealth

Increase in wealth raises current consumption, so lowers current saving
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4.1 Consumption and Saving Effect of changes in real interest rate

Increased real interest rate has two opposing effects
Substitution effect: Positive effect on saving, since rate of return is higher; greater reward for saving elicits more saving Income effect
For a saver: Negative effect on saving, since it takes less saving to obtain a given amount in the future (target saving) For a borrower: Positive effect on saving, since the higher real interest rate means a loss of wealth

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Empirical studies have mixed results; probably a slight increase in aggregate saving


4.1 Consumption and Saving

Taxes and the real return to saving
Expected after-tax real interest rate:

ra-t = (1 - t)i - e


Simple examples: i = 5%, e = 2%; if t = 30%, = 1.5%; if t = 20%, ra-t = 2%

In touch with the macroeconomy: interest rates

Discusses different interest rates, default risk, term structure (yield curve), and tax status Since interest rates often move together, we frequently refer to the interest rate
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Table 4.1 Calculating After-Tax Interest Rates

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4.1 Consumption and Saving

Fiscal policy
Affects desired consumption through changes in current and expected future income Directly affects desired national saving, Sd = Y - Cd - G Government purchases (temporary increase)
Higher G financed by higher current taxes reduces after-tax income, lowering desired consumption Even true if financed by higher future taxes, if people realize how future incomes are affected Since Cd declines less than G rises, national saving (Sd = Y Cd - G) declines So government purchases reduce both desired consumption and desired national saving
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4.1 Consumption and Saving

Lump-sum tax cut today, financed by higher future taxes Decline in future income may offset increase in current income; desired consumption could rise or fall Ricardian equivalence proposition
If future income loss exactly offsets current income gain, no change in consumption Tax change affects only the timing of taxes, not their ultimate amount (present value) In practice, people may not see that future taxes will rise if taxes are cut today; then a tax cut leads to increased desired consumption and reduced desired national saving
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4.1 Consumption and Saving

Application: a Ricardian tax cut?
The Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconstruction Act (EGTRRA) of 2001 gave rebate checks to taxpayers and cut tax rates substantially From the first quarter to the third quarter, government saving fell $245 billion (at an annual rate) but private saving increased $212 billion, so national saving declined only $33 billion, a result consistent with Ricardian equivalence Most consumers saved their tax rebates and did not spend them As a result, the tax rebate and tax cut did not stimulate much additional spending by households
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Application A Ricardian Tax Cut?

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4.2 Investment
Why is investment important?
Investment fluctuates sharply over the business cycle, so we need to understand investment to understand the business cycle Investment plays a crucial role in economic growth

The desired capital stock

Desired capital stock is the amount of capital that allows firms to earn the largest expected profit Desired capital stock depends on costs and benefits of additional capital Since investment becomes capital stock with a lag, the benefit of investment is the future marginal product of capital (MPKf)
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4.2 Investment
The user cost of capital
Example of Kyle's Bakery: cost of capital, depreciation rate, and expected real interest rate User cost of capital = real cost of using a unit of capital for a specified period of time uc = rpK + dpK = (r + d)pK (4.3)

Determining the desired capital stock (Fig. 4.2)

Desired capital stock is the level of capital stock at which MPKf = uc MPKf falls as K rises due to diminishing marginal productivity uc doesn't vary with K, so is a horizontal line If MPKf > uc, profits rise as K is added (marginal benefits > marginal costs) If MPKf < uc, profits rise as K is reduced (marginal benefits < marginal costs) Profits are maximized where MPKf = uc
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Figure 4.2

Determination of the desired capital stock

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4.2 Investment
Changes in the desired capital stock
Factors that shift the MPKf curve or change the user cost of capital cause the desired capital stock to change These factors are changes in the real interest rate, depreciation rate, price of capital, or technological changes that affect the MPKf (Fig. 4.3 shows effect of change in uc) Taxes and the desired capital stock
With taxes, the return to capital is only (1 - )MPKf Setting the return equal to the user cost gives MPKf = uc/(1 - ) = (r + d)pK/(1 - ) Tax-adjusted user cost of capital is uc/(1 - ) An increase in raises the tax-adjusted user cost and reduces the desired capital stock
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Figure 4.3 A decline in the real interest rate raises the desired capital stock

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4.2 Investment
In reality, there are complications to the tax-adjusted user cost
We assumed that firm revenues were taxed In reality, profits, not revenues, are taxed So depreciation allowances reduce the tax paid by firms, because they reduce profits Investment tax credits reduce taxes when firms make new investments Summary measure: the effective tax ratethe tax rate on firm revenue that would have the same effect on the desired capital stock as do the actual provisions of the tax code Table 4.2 shows effective tax rates for nine different countries; some are negative, implying a subsidy to capital

Application: measuring the effects of taxes on investment

Do changes in the tax rate have a significant effect on investment? A 1994 study by Cummins, Hubbard, and Hassett found that after major tax reforms, investment responded strongly; elasticity about -0.66 (of investment to user cost of capital)
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Table 4.2 Effective Tax Rate on Capital, 1990, Selected Countries

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4.2 Investment Box 4.1: investment and the stock market

Firms change investment in the same direction as the stock market: Tobins q theory of investment If market value > replacement cost, then firm should invest more Tobins q = capitals market value divided by its replacement cost
If q < 1, don't invest If q > 1, invest more

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4.2 Investment
Stock price times number of shares equals firms market value, which equals value of firms capital
Formula: q = V / (pKK), where V is stock market value of firm, K is firms capital, pK is price of new capital So pKK is the replacement cost of firms capital stock Stock market boom raises V, causing q to rise, increasing investment

Data show general tendency of investment to rise when stock market rises; but relationship isnt strong because many other things change at same time This theory is similar to text discussion
Higher MPKf increases future earnings of firm, so V rises A falling real interest rate also raises V as people buy stocks instead of bonds A decrease in the cost of capital, pK, raises q
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Figure 4.4 An increase in the expected future MPK raises the desired capital stock

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4.2 Investment
From the desired capital stock to investment
The capital stock changes from two opposing channels
New capital increases the capital stock; this is gross investment The capital stock depreciates, which reduces the capital stock Net investment = gross investment (I) minus depreciation: Kt+1 - Kt = It - dKt (4.5) , where net investment equals the change in the capital stock Fig. 4.5 shows gross and net investment for the United States

Rewriting (4.5) gives It = Kt+1 - Kt + dKt

If firms can change their capital stocks in one period, then the desired capital stock (K*) = Kt+1, so It = K* - Kt + dKt (4.6) Thus investment has two parts Desired net increase in the capital stock over the year (K* - Kt) Investment needed to replace depreciated capital (dKt)

Lags and investment

Some capital can be constructed easily, but other capital may take years to put in place So investment needed to reach the desired capital stock may be spread out over several years
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Figure 4.5 Gross and net investment, 19292002

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4.2 Investment Investment in inventories and housing

Marginal product of capital and user cost also apply, as with equipment and structures

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4.3 Goods Market Equilibrium

The real interest rate adjusts to bring the goods market into equilibrium
goods market equilibrium condition : Y = Cd + Id + G (4.7) Differs from income-expenditure identity, as goods market equilibrium condition need not hold; undesired goods may be produced, so goods market won't be in equilibrium Alternative representation: since Sd = Y - Cd - G, Sd = Id (4.9)

The saving-investment diagram

Plot Sd vs. Id (Key Diagram 3; Fig. 4.6) Equilibrium where Sd = Id How to reach equilibrium? Adjustment of r
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Key Diagram 3 The saving investment diagram

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Figure 4.6 Goods market equilibrium

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Table 4.3 Components of Aggregate Demand for Goods (An Example)

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4.3 Goods Market Equilibrium

Shifts of the saving curve
Saving curve shifts right due to a rise in current output, a fall in expected future output, a fall in wealth, a fall in government purchases, a rise in taxes (unless Ricardian equivalence holds, in which case tax changes have no effect) Example: Temporary increase in government purchases shifts S left Result of lower savings: higher r, causing crowding out of I

Shifts of the investment curve

Investment curve shifts right due to a fall in the effective tax rate or a rise in expected future marginal productivity of capital Result of increased investment: higher r, higher S and I
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Figure 4.7 A decline in desired saving

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Figure 4.8 An increase in desired investment

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4.3 Goods Market Equilibrium

Application: Macroeconomic consequences of the boom and bust in stock prices
Sharp changes in stock prices affect consumption spending (a wealth effect) and capital investment (via Tobins q) Consumption and the 1987 crash
When the stock market crashed in 1987, wealth declined by about $1 trillion Consumption fell somewhat less than might be expected, and it wasnt enough to cause a recession There was a temporary decline in confidence about the future, but it was quickly reversed The small response may have been because there had been a large run-up in stock prices between December 1986 and August 1987, so the crash mostly erased this run-up
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Figure 4.9 Real U.S. stock prices and the ratio of consumption to GDP, 19872002

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4.3 Goods Market Equilibrium

Consumption and the rise in stock market wealth in the 1990s
Stock prices more than tripled in real terms But consumption was not strongly affected by the runup in stock prices

Consumption and the decline in stock prices in the early 2000s

In the early 2000s, wealth in stocks declined by about $5 trillion But consumption spending increased as a share of GDP in that period

Investment and Tobins q

Investment and Tobins q were not closely correlated following the 1987 crash in stock prices But the relationship has been tighter in the 1990s and early 2000s, as theory suggests
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Figure 4.10 Investment and Tobins q, 19872002

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Appendix 4A A Formal Model of Consumption and Saving

Appendix 4.A: A Formal Model of Consumption and Saving How much can the consumer afford? The budget constraint (BC)
Current income y; future income yf; initial wealth a Choice variables: af = wealth at beginning of future period; c = current consumption; cf = future consumption af = (y + a - c)(1 + r), so cf = (y + a - c)(1 + r) + yf (4.A.1) the BC

The budget line

Graph budget line in (c, cf) space (Fig. 4.A.1) Slope of line = -(1 + r)

Present values
Present value is the value of payments to be made in the future in terms of today's dollars or goods Example: At an interest rate of 10%, $12,000 today invested for one year is worth $13,200 ($12,000 1.10); so the present value of $13,200 in one year is $12,000 General formula: Present value = future value / (1 + i), where amounts are in dollar terms and i is the nominal interest rate Alternatively, if amounts are in real terms, use the real interest rate r instead of the nominal interest rate i
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Figure 4.A.1 The budget line

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Appendix 4.A: A Formal Model of Consumption and Saving

Present value and the budget constraint Present value of lifetime resources: PVLR = y + yf/(1+r) + a Present value of lifetime consumption: PVLC = c + cf/(1+r) The budget constraint means PVLC = PVLR c + cf/(1+r) = y + yf/(1+r) + a Horizontal intercept of budget line is c = PVLR, cf = 0 What does the consumer want? Consumer preferences (4.A.2) (4.A.3)

Utility = a persons satisfaction or well-being (indifference curve, IC) Graph a persons preference for current vs. future consumption using IC An IC shows combinations of c and cf that give the same utility (Fig. 4.A.2) A person is equally happy at any point on an IC Three important properties of ICs Slope downward from left to right: Less consumption in one period requires more consumption in the other period to keep utility unchanged ICs that are farther up and to the right represent higher levels of utility, because more consumption is preferred to less ICs are bowed toward the origin, because people have a consumptionsmoothing motive, they prefer consuming equal amounts in each period rather than consuming a lot one period and little the other period
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Figure 4.A.2 Indifference curves

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Appendix 4.A: A Formal Model of Consumption and Saving

The optimal level of consumption
Optimal consumption point is where the budget line is tangent to an IC (Fig. 4.A.3) Thats the highest IC that its possible to reach All other points on the budget line are on lower ICs The effect on consumption of a change in income (current or future) or wealth depends only on how the change affects the PVLR An increase in current income (Fig. 4.A.4)
Increases PVLR, so shifts budget line out parallel to old budget line If there is a consumption-smoothing motive, both current and future consumption will increase Then both consumption and saving rise because of the rise in current income

The Effects of Changes in Income and Wealth on Consumption and Saving

An increase in future income

An increase in wealth

Same outward shift in budget line as an increase in current income Again, with consumption smoothing, both current and future consumption increase Now saving declines, since current income is unchanged and current consumption increases Same parallel shift in budget line, so both current and future consumption rise Again, saving declines, since c rises and y is unchanged

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Figure 4.A.3 The optimal consumption combination

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Figure 4.A.4 An increase in income or wealth

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Appendix 4.A: A Formal Model of Consumption and Saving

The permanent income theory
Different types of changes in income Temporary increase in income: y rises and yf is unchanged Permanent increase in income: Both y and yf rise Permanent income increase causes bigger increase in PVLR than a temporary income increase So current consumption will rise more with a permanent income increase So saving from a permanent increase in income is less than from a temporary increase in income This distinction between permanent and temporary income changes was made by Milton Friedman in the 1950s and is known as the permanent income theory Permanent changes in income lead to much larger changes in consumption Thus permanent income changes are mostly consumed, while temporary income changes are mostly saved
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Appendix 4.A: A Formal Model of Consumption and Saving

Consumption and Saving Over Many Periods: The Life-Cycle

Model Life-cycle model was developed by Franco Modigliani and associates in the 1950s

Looks at patterns of income, consumption, and saving over an individuals lifetime Typical consumers income and saving pattern shown in Fig. 4.A.5 Real income steadily rises over time until near retirement; at retirement, income drops sharply Lifetime pattern of consumption is much smoother than the income pattern In reality, consumption varies somewhat by age For example, when raising children, household consumption is higher than average The model can easily be modified to handle this and other variations Saving has the following lifetime pattern Saving is low or negative early in working life Maximum saving occurs when income is highest (ages 50 to 60) Dissaving occurs in retirement
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Figure 4.A.5 Life-cycle consumption, income, and saving

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Figure 4.A.5 Life-cycle consumption, income, and saving (contd)

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Appendix 4.A: A Formal Model of Consumption and Saving

Bequests and saving

What effect does a bequest motive (a desire to leave an inheritance) have on saving? Simply consume less and save more than without a bequest motive

Ricardian equivalence
We can use the two-period model to examine Ricardian equivalence The two-period model shows that consumption is changed only if the PVLR changes Suppose the government reduces taxes by 100 in the current period, the interest rate is 10%, and taxes will be increased by 110 in the future period Then the PVLR is unchanged, and thus there is no change in consumption
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Appendix 4.A: A Formal Model of Consumption and Saving

Excess sensitivity and borrowing constraints

Generally, theories about consumption, including the permanent income theory, have been supported by looking at real-world data But some researchers have found that the data show that the impact of an income or wealth change is different than that implied by a change in the PVLR There seems to be excess sensitivity of consumption to changes in current income This could be due to short-sighted behavior Or it could be due to borrowing constraints Borrowing constraints mean people cant borrow as much as they want. Lenders may worry that a consumer wont pay back the loan, so they won't lend
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Appendix 4.A: A Formal Model of Consumption and Saving

If a person wouldnt borrow anyway, the borrowing constraint is said to be nonbinding But if a person wants to borrow and cant, the borrowing constraint is binding
A consumer with a binding borrowing constraint spends all income and wealth on consumption
So an increase in income or wealth will be entirely spent on consumption This causes consumption to be excessively sensitive to current income changes

How prevalent are borrowing constraints? Perhaps 20% to 50% of the U.S. population faces binding borrowing constraints
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Appendix 4.A: A Formal Model of Consumption and Saving

The Real Interest Rate and the Consumption-Saving Decision

The real interest rate and the budget line (Fig. 4.A.6)
When the real interest rate rises, one point on the old budget line is also on the new budget line: the no-borrowing, no-lending point Slope of new budget line is steeper

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Appendix 4.A: A Formal Model of Consumption and Saving

The substitution effect

A higher real interest rate makes future consumption cheaper relative to current consumption Increasing future consumption and reducing current consumption increases saving Suppose a person is at the no-borrowing, no-lending point when the real interest rate rises (Fig. 4.A.7)

An increase in the real interest rate unambiguously leads the person to increase future consumption and decrease current consumption The increase in saving, equal to the decrease in current consumption, represents the substitution effect
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Figure 4.A.6 The effect of an increase in the real interest rate on the budget line

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Figure 4.A.7 The substitution effect of an increase in the real interest rate

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Appendix 4.A: A Formal Model of Consumption and Saving

The income effect

If a person is planning to consume at the noborrowing, no-lending point, then a rise in the real interest rate leads just to a substitution effect But if a person is planning to consume at a different point than the no-borrowing, nolending point, there is also an income effect

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Appendix 4.A: A Formal Model of Consumption and Saving

The intuition of the income effect

If the person originally planned to be a lender, the rise in the real interest rate gives the person more income in the future period; the income effect works in the opposite direction of the substitution effect, since more future income increases current consumption If the person originally planned to be a borrower, the rise in the real interest rate gives the person less income in the future period; the income effect works in the same direction as the substitution effect, since less future income reduces current consumption further
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Appendix 4.A: A Formal Model of Consumption and Saving

The income and substitution effects together

Split the change in the budget line into two parts (Fig. 4.A.8)
A budget line with the same slope as the new budget line, but going through the original consumption point (BLint) The substitution effect is shown by the change from budget line BL1 to budget line BLint, with the consumption point changing from point D to point P The income effect is shown by the change from budget line BLint to budget line BL2, with consumption point changing from point P to point Q

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Appendix 4.A: A Formal Model of Consumption and Saving

The substitution effect decreases current consumption, but the income effect increases current consumption; so saving may increase or decrease Both effects increase future consumption For a borrower, both effects decrease current consumption, so saving definitely increases but the effect on future consumption is ambiguous The effect on aggregate saving of a rise in the real interest rate is ambiguous theoretically Empirical research suggests that saving increases But the effect is small
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Figure 4.A.8 An increase in the real interest rate with

both an income effect and a substitution effect

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