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Grievance Handling and Discipline

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Grievance handling and discipline

Presented by Vinothkumar.g

Labor contract cant cover all contingencies and answer all questions Ex. The contract says you can only discharge an employee for just cause you discharge some one for speaking back to you in harsh terms

Grievance procedure
It provides an orderly system whereby both employer and union determine whether some action violated the contract It is the vehicle for administering the contract on a day to day basis It allows both parties to interpret and give meaning various clauses It usually doesnt involve negotiating.

Steps in handling grievances

Receive and define the nature of dissatisfaction. Manner and attitude when complaint is received Assessment must be made that the complaint is presented fairly. Statement and issues must not be pre-judged. Proper time and attention is given. Get the facts Facts be separated from impressions and opinions. Consult the policies. Consult the records. Analyze and decide. Apply the answer. Follow-up

Sources of Grievances
Absenteeism Insubordination Plant rules

How to solve the grievance

1. Grievance procedure 2. Direct observation 3. Suggestion boxes 4. Personal counselor 5. Exit interviews 6. Miscellaneous channels

1. Investigate and handle each case carefully 2. Talk to the employee. 3. Enforce the time limit. 4. Visit the work area or place of grievance. 5. Determine witnesses.

6. Examine records.
7. Examine witnesses.

Discuss the case with the union representative alone Hold back the remedy if the company is wrong

Give long, written grievance answers

Agree to informal amendments in the contract

Bargain over items not covered by the


Characteristics of grievances
1.Visible grievances An employee may feel that there has been an infringement of his rights. Grievances exist in the minds of individuals.

2.Hidden grievances: Grievances may be concerning employment, working conditions, change of service conditions, biased approach, non-application of principle of natural justice, work loads and work norms.

The purpose of discipline is to encourage employees to behave sensibly at work (where sensible means adhering to rules and regulations). Discipline is called for when an employee violates one of the rules. Basics of fair and just disciplinary Process The employer wants its discipline process to be both effective (in terms of discouraging unwanted behaviour) and firm. Such a process is based on three pillars: clear rules and regulations a system of progressive penalties and an appeals process

Rules and Regulations

First, rules and regulations address issues such as theft destruction of company property drinking on the job, and insubordination. Examples include: 1) Poor performance is not acceptable. Each employee is expected to perform his or her work properly and efficiently and to meet established standards of quality. 2) Alcohol and drugs do not mix with work. The use of either during working hours and reporting for work under the influence of either are both prohibited. 3) The vending of anything in the plant without authorization us not allowed nor is gambling in any form permitted.

Progressive Penalties

Formal disciplinary appeals processes

step 1: management review the complainant submits a written complaint to a member of management (manager, senior manager or managing director) within seven calendar days of the occurrence of the eligible issue. step 2: officer complaint the complainant submits a written appeal to the vice president or senior vice president of the division within seven calendar days of the step 1 decision. step 3: executive appeals review the complainant may submit a written complaint within seven calendar days of the step 2 decision to the employee relations department. This department investigates and prepares a case file for the executive review appeals board. The appeals board the CEO, the COO, the chief personnel officer, and three senior vice presidents then review al relevant information and makes a decision to uphold , overturn or initiate a board of review or to take other appropriate action. Some companies establish independent ombudsman neutral counsellors outside the normal chain of command to whom employees who believe they were treated unfairly can turn for confidential advice.

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