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Holy Orders

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To believe firmly that the sacrament of Orders was instituted by Christ

To give due respect to those who received the sacrament of Orders

Established Goals
Jesus took the initiative and called his disciples.

Every Christian is called by Christ and he/she responds to that call in any particular state of life.

The life of a priest begins with a call and an initial response.

A Reading of the Gospel According to Mark

Mark 1:16-20

The Gospel of the Lord

Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ!

V. 16 As Jesus made his way along the Sea of Galilee
It was on the shore where men were fishing that Jesus called his first disciples.

They owned nets and hired workers secured of livelihood The call of Jesus was so compelling that they set to follow him and left everything behind.

v. 17 Come after me, I will make you fishers of men. A relationship with Jesus always begins with Jesus call. He takes the first step. The call of Jesus was so simple and direct: Come follow me. There were no promises nor coercion.

I will make you fishers of men The work Jesus was calling them to do was still in the future. The more immediate call is to discipleship, i.e. for them to follow him first.

v. 18 and 20 The immediate responses of the two pairs of brothers, stress two different points. That of Simon and Andrew stresses the promptness with which they responded.

That of James and John stresses giving up of everything nets, boats, father to follow Jesus without hesitation.

In other religions and sects at that time, it was the follower or disciples who sought out their master (teacher).

In the case of Jesus and his disciples, it was Jesus who took the initiative and called his disciples not to study the Jewish law but to follow him and engage in the work he was doing.

The call to the disciples shows the nature and meaning of discipleship

Every Christian is called by Christ and he/she responds to that call in any particular state of life.

But this call-response relationship is seen in a special way in the life of those who are ordained to participate in Jesus priestly ministry.

Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (Lumen Gentium), 10

Christ the Lord, high priest taken from among men, made the new people a kingdom of priest to God, his Father (Rev. 1:6; 5;9-10) The baptized, by regeneration and the anointing of the Holy Spirit, are consecrated to be a spiritual house and a holy priesthood, that through all their works, they may offer spiritual sacrifices and proclaim the perfection of him who has called them out of darkness into his own wonderful light (cf. 1Pt. 2:4-10

Through the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation, Christians are given a share in Christs priesthood.

PCP II Three aspects in of our sharing in the priesthood of Christ: 1. A consecration, i.e. committing everything we do to God 2. Mediation, i.e. Allowing ones self to be Gods instrument in transforming the world, 3. Offering ourselves as sacrifice together with the sacrifice of Christ in the Eucharist.

2. Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests (Presbyterorum Ordinis), 2

The Lord also appointed certain ministers among the faithful in order to join them together in the one body where all members have not the same function (Rom. 12:4). These ministers were to hold in the community of the faithful the sacred power of Order, that of offering sacrifice and forgiving sins. They would exercise their priestly office publicly on behalf of men in the name of Christ.

Through this sacrament, chosen men are set apart, anointed, empowered, and ordained to serve Gods people. All Christians are called to serve by virtue of the common priesthood they share through baptism.
Ordained ministers are considered as the servants of the servants of God. The ordained ministers are called leaders of Gods people.

The life and ministry of the ordained

1. He is a disciple, called to follow Jesus in total commitment.

2. He is an apostle, sent to serve in the mission of Jesus and of the Church.


He is a presbyter. Presbuteroi were elders in the early Church who took care of the needs of the people, especially the celebration of the Eucharist.


He is a presider at the Eucharist. He leads the community in prayer, especially in the celebration of the Eucharist

How do you think can you express your common priesthood of the faithful?

1. What is the Jewish concept of God?

2. Why do the Israelites obey the Law? 3. What is the meaning of Hebrew word qadosh? 4. How did Jesus present a new image of God? 5. What does the word ABBA mean and how does it affects our image of God? 6. Give at least three biblical proofs that God is holy?

Established Goals
To explain that God is both beyond us and among us whose presence can be felt through us

To make ones life a testimony that God is real and present and He wants to get involved with everybodys life

Lifes situation

Our different images of God reflects the kind of experiences we had in the past .

Lifes situation

happiest moment

loneliest moment

Jewish/Israelites concept of God



The Jews firmly believed the God was the cause of everything. Indeed, they see God as the Holy One.

For them, it was their duty and responsibility to obey the LAW simply because it was given by God who is Holy.

2 Kings 19:22

Psalm 89 : 19

Isaiah 1: 4

Jeremiah 50: 29

Hosea 11: 9
For I am God and not man, the present among you; I will not let the fames consume you.

In Hebrew, the word holy is qadosh

Different, separated, set apart


The thing or the person describe as holy is different, separated, set apart from other things or persons.


The priest is holy because he is different from other men; the Temple is holy because it is different from other buildings; the Sabbath day is holy because it is different from other days.


is supremely holy because he is different from all other persons and beings; He belongs to a different scale and sphere of life; He is completely different from men, set apart, and unapproachable. These have the prevailing notions of God among the Jews.

How did Jesus present the new image of God?

New Testament

The word ABBA discloses a very intimate relationship and is best translated as tatay, daddy, or Ama. Indeed, Jesus felt very

Jesus compares God to human father who is interested in and concerned about the welfare of his children. This is evident in the

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