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Indian Forest

In 2018, the total forest and tree

cover in India increased to 24.39%
or 8,02,088 km2. It increased
further to 24.56 percent or 807,276
square kilometres in 2019.

As of 2019, the total forest cover in

India is 712,249 Sq km (71.22
million hectares), which is 21.67
percent of the total geographical
area. Whereas, the total forest and
tree cover in India is 807,276 Sq
km (80.73 million hectors), which

1.What is forest and Wildlife

2.Important forest of India
3.Vegeation and Wildlife of these forests (Flore
and Fona)
4.Stack holder of these forest
5.Conservation of forest
What is Forest and Wildlife

Forests and Wildlife: A forest is a large area of land that is dominated

by trees, aquatic biomes, animals belonging to several species, and
a million varieties of microorganisms. We can find many wild animals
present in the forests. Forests and wildlife are interdependent in the

Topical Deciduous Forest Important Forest
Topical Thorny Forest

Temperate Forest
Alpine or Sub-Alpine Forest

Topical Evergreen Forest
 Sub Tropical Forest
 Littoral and Swamp(Mangrove
Vegetation Of Indian Forest

Tropical Evergreen Forests : Wet Evergreen Alpine and Sub-Alipne

Dry Evergreen
Semi Evergreen

Tropical Deciduous(Monsoon Forests):Moist Deciduous Littoral and Swamp(Mangrove

Dry Deciduous

Tropical Thorny

Sub Tropical: Broad-Leaved Hill Forests

Pine Forests
Dry Evergreen

Temperate: Himalayan Dry Temperate

Himalayan Moist Temperate
Montane Wet Temperate
Wildlife of Indian
ndia is home to a large variety of wildlife. India lies within the Indomalayan realm and is the
ome to about 7.6% of mammal, 14.7% of amphibian, 6% of bird, 6.2% of reptilian, and
.0% of flowering plant species. India's forest lands nurture about 500 species of mammals
nd 2000+ bird species.

ndia boasts 104 national parks, 551 Wildlife Sanctuaries, 131 Marine Protected Areas, 18
iosphere Reserves, 88 Conservation Reserves and 127 Community Reserves, covering a
otal of 1,65,088.57 sq km. In total, there are 870 Protected Areas which make 5.06% of the
eographical area of the country.
Conservation Of

Conservation of forest is the practice of planting more trees and maintaining

the forested areas for the sustainability for future generations. Forests are an
important natural resource and are beneficial to humans in several ways. But
due to increasing deforestation activities, it has become essential to
conserve forests throughout the world. Deforestation is the permanent
destruction or loss of forests for the expansion of lands for agriculture,
livestock, etc. The process of destructing forests for the expansion of
Ways to conservation

1.With the advent of industrialization, several trees have been cut at an alarming rate for
raw materials and various other purposes. This felling of trees can be regulated by selective
cutting, clear-cutting and shelterwood cutting.

2.Forest fires are one of the common causes of loss of forests. Sometimes the forest land is
set on fire to make the land available for commercial purposes. Once cleared, there can be
no vegetation. Natural forest fires are also responsible for the destruction of huge forest
covers. Latest fire fighting techniques should be adopted to conserve the forest. However,
forest fires are an important part of the ecosystem and it helps replenish nutrients in the soil
from dead and decaying matter.

3.More trees should be planted to increase the forest cover. Trees should be selected
according to the geographical conditions of a particular region and proper care should be
taken during the growth of trees.
Important to conservation
Of Forest
If you’ve ever taken a walk in a forest, you know how rewarding that experience can be.
Imagine you’re in a forest right now. Can you hear the wind blowing through the leaves and
the songs of birds? Do you feel like you’ve become a part of something bigger than yourself?
Forests play a symbolic role in many of humanity’s oldest stories. They are often a place of
transformation, mystery, and even danger. In folk tales, trees can take on a life of their own,
providing a connection between the physical and spiritual realms. Tragically, the world’s
Whyface many Conservation
Forest threats such as deforestation and man-made climate change. Why is forest
Is Important
conservation so important?

#1. Forests #2. Forests filter the air and reduce pollution
create oxygen
orests provide food security #5. Forests are an important part of the water cycle

rests help reduce climate change

Carbon dioxide is one of the #6. Forests protect crops from wind
greenhouse gases that drive The wind is a powerful force.
climate change. Trees reduce the Especially-strong winds can destroy
amount that’s released into the crops, while constant wind causes
atmosphere. As a result, forests plants to lose more water thanks to
cool the environment around evaporation. In certain areas, the
them. In cities where it tends to be dust and debris blown around by
hotter, green spaces can help keep wind can hurt plants, as well. Trees
down the heat. If natural systems can block these dangerous winds
like forests were protected and and protect valuable crops.
restored, they could help the world
orests prevent soil erosion
#8. People depend on forests
Soil erosion has
dangerous consequences. Over 1.5 billion people
It causes the loss of fertile depend on forest
land, leads to increased resources for their
pollution in streams and livelihoods. These
rivers, and harms the resources provide food,
animal population. fuel, medicine, shelter,
Flooding, dust storms, and and more. Forests are
mudslides are also also essential as a
common in areas with backup plan for when
high soil erosion. Trees crops don’t do well.
reduce soil erosion by According to the World
anchoring the soil with Wildlife Fund, 300
their roots. The leaves hundred million people
and branches that fall live in forests. If these
from trees also help keep forests were gone, it
rainfall from washing soil would cause poverty to
away. skyrocket and create
millions of refugees.
. Forests provide medicine

Throughout history,
people have known
forests have healing
powers. There are
several types of trees
known for their
medicinal properties,
like the moringa tree.
Extracts have shown
antibiotic and
properties. The
compounds in the
original form of aspirin
came from a tree,
while two
chemotherapy drugs
are based on
chemicals extracted
from the Pacific yew
Forests support biodiversity

Biodiversity is very
important for the health
of our planet. When
species are threatened
and go extinct, it disrupts
the ecosystem. This sets
off a chain reaction that
makes life much more
difficult for every living
thing, including humans.
Forests provide perfect
environments for a wide
variety of creatures.
Experts estimate that
between 3-50 million
species make the tropical
rainforest their home. Of
the world’s total
End of Project

Made by
Name- Kishore Kumar Mahato
Class-X ‘B’
Roll No.-24

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