Micro Biology
Micro Biology
Micro Biology
- Microorganisms are organisms too small to be seen by unaided
- Microorganisms must be viewed with a microscope.
- They include fungi, bacteria, algae, protozoa and viruses.
- Some microorganisms , like the eukaryotic microorganisms are
visible without magnification.
- Microbiology is the study of microorganisms.
- Based on evolutionary lines, organisms are grouped into three
domains: these are bacteria, archaea and eukarya
Unit 2 microorganism
Unit 2 microorganism
2.1. Eubacteria
Eubacteria means “true bacteria,”. Bacteria are simple in structure.
They are prokaryotic unicellular organisms with no nuclear
membrane, mitochondria, Golgi bodies, or endoplasmic reticulum
that reproduce asexually.
General characteristics
They are omnipresent i.e. present in soil, air and water.
They are unicellular, prokaryotic microorganism.
The cell bears a thick rigid cell wall (Peptidoglycan) outside the
plasma membrane.
Unit 2 microorganism
- They have great variation in the mode of nutrition i.e. may be
autotrophic and heterotrophic. In heterotrophic mode of nutrition
they may be parasite saprophyte or symbiotic in nature.
- They lack true chlorophyll but few photosynthetic bacteria have
- Lack true nucleus (lacking nuclear membrane and nucleolus).
- They lack mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, plastid and endoplasmic
- Both DNA and RNA are present in the bacterial cell.
Unit 2 microorganism
Unit 2 microorganism
- Although the prokaryotic cell does not have a membrane enclosed
nucleus, it does have a nuclear area( nucleoid) which contains DNA.
From Solomon
acid-fast :-Not decolorized by acid after staining, as bacteria that retain dye after an acid rinse. --ac“id-fast”ness n.-fast
2.1.3 Reproduction of bacteria
2.1.3 Reproduction of bacteria
2.1.3 Reproduction of bacteria
2.1.3 Reproduction of bacteria
2.1.3 Reproduction of bacteria
2.1.3 Reproduction of bacteria
Diphtheria is caused by a gram-positive bacillus (Corynebacterium
diphtheriae) that produces a toxin. The diphtheria toxin kills cells and
causes inflammation.
Transmitted by intimate respiratory and physical contact. Endemic in
developing countries. Not common in U.S. since vaccine became
available in 1920s.
Infects the heart muscle and respiratory passageways.
2.1.3 Reproduction of bacteria
Pneumonia caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae
Transmitted from person to person. Strains of S. pneumoniae are resistant
to some antibiotics. Incidence has decreased since introduction of a
Anthrax is caused by the Gram positive rod Bacillus anthracis, anthracis is
often linked to its use as a biological weapon.
Anthrax Most commonly occurs in domestic animals. It Can be transmitted
to humans from infected animals or animal products. Endospores can live
in soil for many years. Infection can occur in three ways: cutaneous, by
inhalation, and gastrointestinal.
2.1.3 Reproduction of bacteria
Shigellosis is caused by members of the genus Shigella, which
are gram-negative, nonmotile rods.
Humans are the primary host of Shigella, which is transmitted by the
fecal–oral route.
The pathogen also is transmitted by flies and contaminated water.
Foods, such as eggs, vegetables, shellfish, and dairy products can become
contaminated through unsanitary handling.
2.2. Archaea
- Similar to bacteria.
- live as producers or decomposers.
- They are prokaryotic.
- They are single celled organisms.
- They lack membrane bound nucleus and membrane bounded
- Archaea lack true peptidoglycan in their cell walls.
- Their cell membrane lipids have branched hydrocarbon chains.
- Many are found in extreme environments.
2.2. Archaea
Phylogenetic tree of archaea. The tree, based on sequences of 16S rRNA genes, reveals
evolutionary split of Archaea into two phyla, the Crenarchaeota and the Euryarchaeota.
2.2. Archaea
Generally three major groups of archaea are recognized:
1. Methanogens (they generate methane),
2. Extreme halophiles, and
3. Extreme thermophiles
These groupings are based on physiology of the organisms and so
cannot be considered phylogenetic, or evolutionary, classifications.
1. The methanogens are strictly anaerobic organisms, having been
isolated from such divergent anaerobic environments as waterlogged
soils, lake sediments, marshes, marine sediments, and the
gastrointestinal tracts of animals.
2.2. Archaea
2. Extreme halophiles grow in highly saline environments such as the
Great Salt Lake, the Dead Sea, salt evaporation ponds, and the
surfaces of salt-preserved foods. extreme halophiles are obligate
3. Extreme Thermophiles: (hyperthermophiles) are found near
volcanic vents and fissures that release sulfurous gases and other hot
vapors. With optimum temperatures usually in excess of 80C, they
may be either obligate aerobes, facultative aerobes, or obligate
4. Thermophilic Extreme Acidophiles: Members of two genera,
Thermoplasma and Picrophilus, are notable for growing in extremely
acidic, hot environments.
2.2. Archaea
Acidophiles:- live at low PH ( as low as PH 1 and who die at PH 7)
Hyperthermophiles :- live at high temperature (at 121C)
Psychrophiles:- Organisms living in extreme cold environments are
known as psychrophiles.
- Some of them are able to live from 4 °C up to -20 °C.
- In the Antarctic grows best at 4 °C
Scientists identified archaea as a distinct type of prokaryotes on the
basis of unique rRNA sequences.
Archaea multiply by binary fission, budding, fragmentation or other
In budding , the cell becomes swollen at one edge, and a new cell, develops from the parent
cell ,A few species of bacteria (actinomycetes) divide by fragmentation. Walls develop within
the cell, which then separates into several new cells.
2.2. Archaea
2.2. Archaea
2.2. Archaea
Intron: a segment of DNA in a eukaryotic gene that does not code for
amino acids in a protein.
Methionine is a sulfur-containing amino acid with the side chain
─CH2CH2SCH3. Among the 20 protein amino acids, only methionine
and cysteine have sulfur.
2.2.1. Beneficial aspects of Archaea
Because of their tolerance to high temperatures and extreme
environments, some members of the domain have already been
exploited for commercial uses.
1) The source of enzymes that are usually added to detergents in
order to maintain its activity even at higher temperature and pH.
2) Proteases and lipases derived from alkaliphilic bacteria are being
used as detergent additives to increase their stain removal ability
3) Some Archaea also bear the potential for bioremediation.
2.2.1. Beneficial aspects of
4) The thermophilic Archaea, Thermus aquaticus, is an essential part
of the development of molecular biology. As a result, Archean has
become the source of the enzyme harnessed as the basis for the
amplification of the DNA in a technique called Polymerase Chain
Reaction ( PCR).
PCR can create millions of copies of a single gene, or any specific
piece of DNA, in a test tube. This means that a single gene among all
the human genes can be amplified (copied) using PCR.
2.2.2. Physical factors that affecting microbial growths
The environments in which some microorganisms grow would kill
most other microorganisms, the major physical factors which affect
microbial growth are solutes and water activity, pH, temperature,
oxygen level, pressure and radiation.
2.3 Fungi
Fungi are :-
-Have absorptive nutrition
-Lack chlorophyll
-Reproduce sexually and asexually.
-Scientists who study fungi are mycologists.
-The scientific discipline devoted to fungi is called mycology.
-The study of fungal toxins and their effects is called mycotoxicology.
-The diseases caused by fungi in animals are known as mycoses (s.,
2.3.1. General Characteristics of True Fungi
Chickenpox Varicella- Fever, headache, malaise with red, Droplet contact Chickenpox vaccine
(varicella) zoster itchy rash on face, scalp, chest, and
virus (VZV) back
Common viral diseases in Ethiopia
Common viral diseases in Ethiopia
Common viral diseases in Ethiopia
2.6 Normal microbiota
The normal microbiota is the population of microorganisms routinely
found on the body of healthy individuals.
Resident microbiota:- Microbes that inhabit body sites for extended
Transient microbiota:- temporary occupants
Why we study human microbiota:
1. Understanding of different microorganisms at particular locations
provides greater insight into the possible infections that might result from
injury to these body sites.
2. Helps the physician understand the causes and consequences of
colonization and growth by microorganisms normally absent at a specific
body site.
2.6 Normal microbiota
3. An increased awareness of the role these normal microbiota play in
stimulating the host immune response can be gained.
Considering how important this population is to human health, little is
known about its members.
The normal human microbiota have protective role from diseases
causing microorganism.
One of the most significant contributions of the normal microbiota to
health is protection against pathogens. The normal microbiota
excludes pathogens by:
2.6 Normal microbiota
1. Covering binding sites that might otherwise be used forattachment.
2. Consuming available nutrients,
3. Producing compounds toxic to other bacteria,
4. To stimulate the adaptive immune system.
When members of the normal microbiota are killed, as can happen
during antibiotic treatment, pathogens may colonize and cause
Oral antibiotics can inhibit the normal intestinal microbiota, allowing
overgrowth of toxin producing strains of Clostridium difficile that
cause diarrhea and colitis.
The Germ Theory of Disease and Koch’s
-Koch studied anthrax, a disease of cattle and occasionally of humans. -
Anthrax is caused by an endospore-forming bacterium called Bacillus
Koch demonstrated that when a small amount of blood from a diseased
mouse was injected into a healthy mouse, the latter quickly developed
He took blood from this second animal, injected it into another, and again
observed disease symptoms.
He discovered that the anthrax bacteria could be grown in nutrient fluids
outside the host and that even after many transfers in culture, the bacteria
still caused the disease when inoculated into a healthy animal.
The germ theory of disease and Koch’s
A German physician,
Robert Koch
The germ theory of disease and Koch’s
Koch announced his discovery of the cause of tuberculosis in 1882.
For his contributions on tuberculosis, Robert Koch was awarded the
1905 Nobel Prize.
Koch discovers the causative agent of cholera(Vibrio cholerae)
The germ theory of disease and Koch’s
Koch formulated a set of criteria, known as Koch’s postulates, for linking a
specific microorganism to a specific disease.
Koch’s postulates:
1. The disease-causing organism must always be present in animals
suffering from the disease but not in healthy animals.
2. The organism must be cultivated in a pure culture away from the animal.
3. The isolated organism must cause the disease when inoculated into
healthy animals.
4. The organism must be isolated from the newly infected animals and cultured
again, after which it should be seen to be the same as the original organism.
The germ theory of disease and Koch’s
2.7. Modes of disease transmission and ways of prevention
Microorganisms are transmitted by four main routes:
1. Contact
2. Droplet
3. Airborne
4. Common vehicle
Method of How the transmission route works Examples of diseases
Droplet Many of these diseases are respiratory Common cold, 'flu,
infection diseases - diseases affecting the lungs. The pneumonia
organisms are carried in tiny droplets
through the air when an infected person
coughs or sneezes. They are inhaled by other
2.7. Modes of disease transmission and ways of prevention
Method of How the transmission route works Examples of diseases
Drinking The micro-organisms transmitted in this way Cholera, typhoid
contaminated often infect regions of the gut. When fever
water unclean water containing the organisms is
drunk, they colonize a suitable area of the
gut and reproduce. They are passed out with
faeces and find their way back into the
Eating Most food poisoning is bacterial, but some Salmonellosis, typhoid fever,
contaminated viruses are transmitted this way. listeriosis, botulism
food The organisms initially infect a region of the
2.7. Modes of disease transmission and ways of prevention
Method of How the transmission route works Examples of diseases
Direct Many skin infections, such as athlete's foot, Athlete's foot, ringworm
Contact are spread by direct contact with an infected
person or contact with a surface carrying the
Sexual organisms infecting the sex organs can be Candidiasis, syphilis, AIDS
intercourse passed from one sexual partner to another gonorrhea
during intercourse.
Some are transmitted by direct body contact,
such as the fungus that causes candidiasis
(thrush). others are transmitted in semen or
vaginal secretions, such as the AIDS virus.
Some can be transmitted in saliva, such as
2.7. Modes of disease transmission and ways of prevention
Method of How the transmission route works Examples of diseases
Blood-to- Many of the sexually transmitted diseases can AIDS, hepatitis B
blood contact also be transmitted by blood-to-blood contact.
Drug users sharing an infected needle can
transmit AIDS.
Animal Many diseases are spread through the bites of Malaria, sleeping
vectors insects. Mosquitoes spread malaria and tsetse sickness
flies spread sleeping sickness. in both cases, the
disease-causing organism is transmitted when
the insect bites humans in order to suck blood.
Flies can carry microorganisms from faeces onto
2.7. Modes of disease transmission and ways of prevention
Sulfate reduction is the reduction of sulfate (SO42−) to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) by bacteria
Sulfhydryl (—SH) groups in proteins of dead organisms are converted to hydrogen sulfide
(H2S) by a variety of microorganisms.
Sulfur reduction is the reduction of sulfate to hydrogen sulfide. Like sulfate-reducing
bacteria, sulfur-reducing bacteria are anaerobes.
Sulfur oxidation is the oxidation of various forms of sulfur to sulfate. Thiobacillus and
similar bacteria oxidize hydrogen sulfide, ferrous sulfide, or elemental sulfur to sulfuric
acid (H2SO4).
2.8 Uses of microorganisms
2.8 Uses of microorganisms
2.8 Uses of microorganisms
steam injection.
2.9 Controlling microorganisms
Disinfection. Application of temperatures below what would be required for sterilization.
Important: boiling medical instruments, needles, syringes, etc. does not constitute
sterilization! Many bacterial spores are not killed by this method.
Dry heat sterilization:- Sterilization by dry heat includes
A. Flaming : Sterilization of inoculating loop or wire, the tip of forceps, searing spatulas,
etc., is carried out by holding them in the flame of the Bunsen burner till they become
red hot.
B. Incineration: Incineration is an excellent method for safely destroying infective
materials by burning them to ashes. It has many uses:
Incinerators are used to carry out this process and are regularly employed in hospitals
and research labs to destroy hospital and laboratory wastes.
The method is used for complete destruction and disposal of infectious material, such
as syringes, needles, culture material, dressings, bandages, bedding, animal carcasses
and pathology samples.
2.9 Controlling microorganisms
2.9 Controlling microorganisms
C. Hot air oven: Sterilization by hot-air oven requires exposure to 160-180°C for 2
hours and 30 minutes, which ensures thorough heating of the objects and destruction of
Moist heat sterilization. Autoclaves charged with saturated, pressurized steam are used
for this purpose:
Autoclaves contain a sterilizing chamber into which the objects to be sterilized are
placed. As steam flows into the chamber, it forces out the air, increases the pressure to
15 pounds per square inch (psi), and raises the temperature to 121°C. The time for
destruction of the most resistant bacterial species is about 15 minutes (see Figure 9.5).
For denser objects or large volumes of liquids, more than 30 minutes of exposure might
be required. Jeffrey.
2.9 Controlling microorganisms
Sterilization with Steam Under Pressure At sea level, normal atmospheric pressure is 15
pounds per square inch (psi), or 1 atmosphere. At this pressure, water will boil (change
from a liquid to a gas) at 100°C, and the resultant steam will not go above 100 °C. But
boiling temperature is not hot enough to kill all microbes. The only way to raise the
temperature of steam is to expose it to increased pressure. At higher pressures the
temperature at which water boils and the temperature of steam both rise. For example,
at a pressure of 20 psi (5 psi above normal), the temperature of steam is 109°C. As the
temperature is increased to 10 psi above normal, the steam’s temperature rises to 115°C,
and at 15 psi above normal (a total of 2 atmospheres), it will be 121°C. It is not the
pressure by itself that is killing microbes but the increased temperature it produces.
Such pressure-temperature combinations can be achieved only with a special device that
can subject pure steam to pressures greater than 1 atmosphere.
the most efficient pressure-temperature combination for achieving sterilization is 15 psi,
which yields 121°C
2.9 Controlling microorganisms
It is possible to use higher pressure to reach higher temperatures (for instance,
increasing the pressure to 30 psi raises the temperature to 132°C), but doing so will not
significantly reduce the exposure time and can harm the items being sterilized.
The duration of the process is adjusted according to the bulkiness of the items in the
load (thick bundles of material or large flasks of liquid) and how full the chamber is. The
range of holding times varies from 10 minutes for light loads to 40 minutes for heavy
or bulky ones; the average time is 20 minutes.
Kathleen P. Talaro, Barry Chess - Foundations in Microbiology
intermittent sterilization.
Certain heat-labile substances (e.g., serum, sugar, egg, etc.) that cannot withstand the
high temperature of the autoclave can be sterilized by a process of intermittent
sterilization, known as tyndallization.
This technique requires a chamber to hold the materials and a reservoir for boiling
water. Items in the chamber are exposed to free-flowing steam for 30 to 60 minutes. This
temperature is not sufficient to reliably kill spores, so a single exposure will not suffice.
2.9 Controlling microorganisms
On the assumption that surviving spores will germinate into less resistant vegetative
cells, the items are incubated at appropriate temperatures for 23 to 24 hours, and then
again subjected to steam treatment. This cycle is repeated for 3 days in a row. Because
the temperature never gets above 100°C, highly resistant spores that do not germinate
could survive even after 3 days of this treatment.
2.10. Bacterial Isolation techniques
Microorganisms can be isolated from food, soil, water or from other materials. For
bacterial/fungal isolation, the soil (food) samples are collected from the desired sites.
Microorganism are separated on artificial media by serial dilution method. Each of the
isolates are purified on new media and experimented for the morphological
characteristic like shape, gram nature and arrangement of cells, motility etc. Enzymatic
activities were tested by biochemical characterization. Finally, molecular techniques are
used for further identifications.
2.10. Bacterial Isolation techniques