PreInter REv Mid
PreInter REv Mid
PreInter REv Mid
1. When and where did the Industrial Revolution begin? 1750’s , in Europe (England)
2. What is factory system?
Items that were traditionally made by hand at home, were replaced by items made in
large quantities at lower cost by machines in factories.
5. What were the significance of steam engine during the Industrial Revolution?
Steam engine was the invention that powered the Industrial Revolution, it was used to
drive machineries and new transport like locomotives and ships which made
transporting of goods and people cheaper, easier and faster.
Thomas Savery in _______and
6. The first basic steam was built by ______________ 1698 was used to pump
water out of coalmine.
Who improve it and made the engine turn a wheel?
James Watt
7. Who designed the first steam-powered tramway locomotive? And who improved his
locomotive and designed the first railroad to carry both passengers and goods?
Richard Trevithick
_____________________________________ George Stephenson
8. Who perfected mass production technique by using assembly line?
Henry Ford
10. By the end of 1800’s, what became the new basis of wealth and power?
* Before the industrial revolution, wealth and power was based on owning __________
11. Living and working conditions (How IR changed the way people live and work?)
Positive Negative
Factories could produce goods Machines
____________ had taken over traditional
_________ and more ____________
cheaply skilled jobs such as weaving. (Many local
than before. industries were wiped out)
IR created enormous ________
wealth but it was
not evenly shared.
6. Why there were so many prisoners or convicts in Britain in 1700’s? (British jails were so
overcrowded that prisoners were put in hulks)
There had been a __________ unemployment
in population in the cities, there was high ______________
and a high crime rate.
7. When did British government stop sending convicts in America?
- after the British were defeated during the American Revolution (1700’s)
3. What was the common response of countries in Asia to the European imperial
expansion? - nationalist groups and movements developed and there were rebellions,
revolts or uprising against the European rulers
4. Which country in South East Asia remained independent? Thailand
5. Which country in Asia modernized its government, army and economy to compete as equal
with the west and followed imperialist policy? Japan
6. When did the Chinese government lose its control over their own country?
After losing in the Opium Wars and forced to sign unequal treaties
7. Who led one of the most important rebellions in China against the European rulers? (a
nationalist group) the Boxers
8. When did the British government take control of India, as part of its empire?
- After 1857 Indian mutiny
Why was it called the “Jewel in the Crown”?
- it provided the British empire cotton and other raw materials
10 What do you call the nationalist movement that campaigned and called for complete
Indian National Congress
independence of India? ______________________________________
11. Which European country took control of Indonesia? And what do you call the nationalist
movement formed in the country in 1908? Netherlands Budi Utomo
UNIT 5: Social, Political and Economic Ideas
_______________ 1. This idea emerged as a reaction against feudalism.
_______________ 2. This idea developed as peoples respond to the negative impact of Industrial
_______________ 3. This idea was founded by Adam Smith. He believed that the government should not
control trade and business.
_______________ 4. The political idea that people with the same cultural identity belong together and
must govern themselves.
_______________ 5. This ideology became a very important force in modern history (Johann Herder was
the first one to use this term.)
Karl Marx
_______________ 6. He believed that the government must take good care of the people and must own all
land and resources.
Adam Smith 7. He believed that competition and freedom were necessary for the country to prosper.
John Locke 8. He believed that people had the right to defend their life, freedom and properties.
American Revolution
1. United States was originally the _____________ Colonies of America, a colony of
2. People living in the colonies had to pay ________ to Britain but had no say in how their
country was ___________.
No taxation without representation they began a revolutionary war in
3. With the cry “_______________________________”,
4. Declared independence in ____________ but the war continued until British was defeated
in 1781.
French Revolution
1. Before 1789: Feudal monarchy
First estate : King and nobles the most privileged classes of France but
Second estate: clergy (church rulers) were not paying direct taxes
Third estate: common people No power but paying direct taxes
2. The king tried to impose new _________ but his officials refuse to implement them. He
called the meeting of the three _____________.
3. At the meeting, the representatives of the Third Estate declared themselves
National Assembly of France which was supported by some of the nobles and clergy
4. When the king declared that he would not follow any of the recommendation, He
expelled them from the meeting and the Third estate moved to the _______________.
__________ tennis court
6. In the tennis court, they declared that they would not leave until the France had a
_________________ ( the Tennis Court Oath)
7. July 14 1789, a mob stormed and captured the ____________. ( the royal prison)
After this, Paris was governed by a group of middle-class and citizen army, called the
National Guard
________________ . ( Peasants attacked their lords’ manor.)
8. August 4, 1789 – the Assembly passed a decree that _______________ the feudal system in
Impact of the American and French Revolution
-The American and French Revolutions served as ______________
for people worldwide by showing that traditional forms of power, like
feudal systems, could be ____________and
challenged overturned.
-The revolutionary ideas from France and the United States sparked
various ____________and movements
____________for change in different parts
of the world.
1. Who is known as the father of capitalism?
A. Adam Smith B. James Smith
2. What is the political idea that people with shared cultural identities should belong together?
A. Heroism B. Nationalism
3. Who was the British philosopher who believed that religion and government should be separated?
A. John Locke B. Robert Williams
4. Who was only given the right to vote when the Reform Act was passed in 1832?
A. man B. woman
5. What did the old rulers of Europe try to do after the French Revolution?
A. restore monarchies B. destroy monarchies
6. How did the American and French Revolutions impact the people?
A. disunity B. inspired people to fight for freedom and equality
7. Revolts broke out in almost every part of Europe except for which three countries?
A. Poland, France, and Italy B. Britain, Belgium, and Russia