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Curriculum Research

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Research is the application of scientific method in the study of problems. Research is a systematic attempt to
obtain answers to meaningful questions about phenomena or events through the application of scientific
procedures. Research in curriculum is a systematic attempt to gain a better understanding of all components of
curriculum. It is an application of scientific method to the study of curriculum.

According to Florence Nightingale International Foundation,’ curriculum is a systematic arrangement of the sum
total of selected experiences planned by a school or a defines group of students to attain aims of a particular
educational program’
According to Cunnigham ‘Curriculum is a tool in the hands of the artist (teacher)to mold his/her material (the
pupil) in accordance with his idealism his studio’(school).

➢ To utilize/apply the concepts, theories and principles drawn from nursing and allied sciences in her/his area of
nursing specialty.
➢ To demonstrate advance competence in practice of nursing in her/his area of nursing specialty. Function
effectively as an educator and manager of nursing and allied health disciplines.
➢ To demonstrate leadership abilities to initiate and bring about change in her/his area of practice in health
delivery system.
➢ To demonstrate competence in conducting nursing research and interpret and utilize the findings of health
related research.
➢ To demonstrate interest in continued learning for personal and professional advancement.


➢ To develop stronger research base in nursing curriculum
➢ Curriculum Research in clinical area helps improve patient care and any research in an academic setting helps
in understanding various aspects of nursing care.
➢ Strengthening the knowledge of professionals and to build a stronger research base by developing more nursing
➢ The knowledge acquired through research can be taken to the nurses practicing in the clinical area who in turn
can create awareness about the facts, problems in daily habits and its solution among the community and wards.
Thus also know as evidence base Nursing.
➢ Research in curriculum modifications can be put into practice for different purposes ranging from altered
content knowledge, conceptual difficulty, educational goals, to instructional methods and assessment.


➢ With the help of research the needs of students and com- munity can be assessed, according to needs the
curriculum can be revised and changed to meet these needs.
➢ The knowledge obtained from research can be applied for effective curriculum planning, implementation and
➢ Research also helps to find new technological advances in medical and nursing field and accordingly we can
include the technologies and practices in nursing curriculum.
Nursing Practice
➢ To provide better services to the patients by relating theory with practice
➢ As there are more issues in practice used to solve, so research in curriculum is very effective.
Nursing Administration
➢ The curriculum coordinator will plan and modify the philosophy of organization
➢ The curriculum coordinator or dean of the institute will plan the course objectives, looking experience as the
curriculum research outcome.
➢ The curriculum coordinator frames the time requirement for the completion of the course's desired objectives
➢ The faculty will be appointed and the hours required will be distributed accordingly.
➢ With the curriculum research the effective curriculum is strengthened.
➢ The curriculum research helps to determine the effective process of planning, implementation and evaluation of
There are some basic elements in curriculum and its implementation. Research in this elements
help one to improve their curriculum and evaluate it. They are:
▪ The teacher
▪ Subject matter
▪ Learners
▪ Milieu.
Travers has pointed out some areas of curriculum research which need consideration by
researchers in the field of education .One of these is concerned with the structure of subject matter. In nursing
research can be done in relation to placement ,adequacy of content , prescribed theory or practical hours and its
relation to fulfilment of learning objective.
Research also can be done in organization of curriculum, adaptation of curriculum to local
needs, effects of examination on curriculum organization, analysis of textbooks, concept development on various
subjects, effectiveness of various teaching methods, human relation in curriculum development, study habits,
duration of college work, revision and modernization of curricula. As technology advances and the dynamics of
disease changes and newer disease emerges, it is necessary to upgrade the curriculum. In order to upgrade, there is
a need for systematic curriculum research so that the revision of the curriculum may be worked out as a well
coordinated program of improvement on the basis of the research findings. The preparation of suitable textbooks
and other teaching materials is also basic to the success of any attempt at curriculum improvement. Thus not only
does the suitability of the existing textbooks need to be verified, but there also seems to be a need for investigation
into the best types of textbooks. The research would also help us in solving the problems that relate to the
vocabulary, content, printing, and illustrations of textbooks.
Teacher education and preparation is another area where research is required. Teacher
education refers to the total educative process which contributes to the preparation in another area where research
is required. Teacher education refers to the total educative process that includes the program of courses and other
experiences offered by an educational services and for contributing to their growth in the competency for such
service. Thus research in the areas of syllabi, curriculum and program is essential for qualitative improvement of
nursing education.
The research in curriculum needs to be focussed on the following issues:
➢ Whether the designed curriculum is in tune with the philosophy of education?
➢ How can the curriculum be planned to meet the individual differences of pupils?
➢ How can the curriculum be related to the needs of developing nation and the man power requirements of our
➢ How can the curriculum be related to the global needs and demands?
➢ How can the theory and practice component in the curriculum be correlated?
➢ What kind of preparation and training is required for teachers to make the curriculum a meaningful experience
for pupils?
➢ what is the relative importance and suitability of each course of study?
➢ What type of instruction or teaching strategies should be best suitable for implementing the curriculum?
➢ What are the future needs of the pupils as far as curriculum is concerned?
➢ What method of evaluation helps in assessing the effectiveness of curriculum in all stages?
➢ When the existing curriculum needs reformation and changes or revision?• What is the effective clinical
learning environment for the students?
➢ How can the effective clinical learning environment provided for the students?

There is a need for curriculum research in nursing because of the changing needs of the
society. Nursing is a discipline where the core is the patient that is the human being. The curriculum of the nursing
education mainly revolves around the care of human being. Well planned and implemented curriculum ultimately
improves the welfare of the society which requires in-depth research in curriculum planning, implementation and
The Seven-step
1. Collecting the data
2. First read-through
3. Small group review
4. Large group comparisons
5. Determine immediate revision points
6. Determine points requiring research and planning
7. Plan for next review.

The Review Steps Step

1: Collecting the data

The review focus will determine the necessary data. The data may include one type of map or multiple types as
well as other data sources. At times, collecting data may be figurative rather than literal when using various search
and report features in a mapping system. Unless hardcopies are personally desired or requested for the small or
large group meetings, the data may not need to be printed out from the mapping system. When curriculum maps
are involved in the review, the mapping system's search and report features often play a role during Step 2's first
read through. Therefore, each team member must independently become familiar and comfortable with using the
system's features. If there are additional sources involved in the review process, each member needs to be provided
hardcopy documents or given information regarding how to personally retrieve the data prior to Step 2

Step 2: First read-through

Each review team member privately reads through the designated maps and, if appropriate, other data sources.
Members may choose to printout specific search and reportresults from the mapping system and bring them to the
small-group meeting. This can be done at the discretion of the reviewer, or it can be a part of the review process. If
the latter, indication of the type of report(s) needed is included in the informational or procedural packet. During
this personal reflective inquiry time, each member responds to the predetermined focus questions. in writing to the
predetermined focus questions.

Step 3: Small group review

A small group usually consists of two to eight members. Exceeding eight members is not recommended because it
can lead to a decrease in total-group participation and interaction. A small group leader may be preselected or
designated at the onset of the meeting. A recorder takes notes based on individual findings and collaborative
comments. These notations may be recorded longhand or in an electronic format such as Microsoft Word. If a
network server is accessible to all large group members, each small group team's electronic document may be
saved to a predestinated networked file. All members can then access the File to read each small group review
team's notes. If each team's notes are recorded long hand, a hard copy needs to be distributed to each member of
the large group. The length of time for this meeting is dependent on variables such as the focus, the amount of data
to be discussed, the number of and collegial abilities of team members, and the drafted timeline for the entire
seven steps. Whatever time limit is established for conducting the small group review, selecting a timekeeper is

Step 4: Large group comparison

All small group review teams' notes are personally read and compared by each team member before the large-
group meeting begins. If a facilitator has not already been determined, when the large group commences its
meeting, a facilitator should be selected to keep the review focusing the forefront of the group conversation. A
designated large- group recorder takes notes to document the conversations and decisions made or planned.
Depending on the total number of review members, everyone may be able to work together as an entire group
through out the meeting. However, if the group is quite large, when discussing specific points it may be best to
subdivide into smaller groups using However, the same or different configurations from those used in Step 3.
Given the focus, this step is intended for the review team to determine the best solution(s) by comparing and
discussing the small group findings. If the solution(s) can be integrated straightaway regarding curriculum design,
instructional practice, or environmental changes, the review begins to incorporate Step 5 into the large group
meeting. If the large group determines that the focus needs further or expanded exploration before solutions can be
reached, the review team first follows the procedures involved in Step 6.

Step 5: Immediate revision

Now that the large group has collaboratively come to agreement on a solution or solutions, actions can be taken.
Once everyone is clear on what those actions are, the recorder documents the decisions made. If necessary, a
timeline for the actions and faculty members who will be the accountability leaders are determined. Once Step 5's
discussions have been completed and actions have been documented, which may take more than one meeting; then
view process moves to Step 7.

Step6:Research and development

As mentioned in Step 4, if the large group cannot yet come to agreement on an immediate solution or solutions, it
must identify the area or areas of concern that need research and development. The large group forms a temporary
task force to investigate. It may not be possible to officially determine the task force members during the large
group meeting since people who are not members of the review team may need to be invited to participate in the
taskforce. During the large group meeting, what can be determined are the task force's expectations, timelines, and
management for disseminating new information. The initial large group meeting concludes by announcing the next
planned large group meeting date. All members should receive periodic research and development information
from the taskforce via e-mail or hard copy that is they must individually read before attending any new meetings.
Step 6 may take a few meetings or longer, depending on the depth of the task force's assignment, before the large
group is able to reach a final solution or solutions. When finally accomplished, procedures in Step 5 are carried out
and the review proceeds to Step 7.

Step 7: New review considerations

There are no long-term committees in curriculum mapping. The right people meet for the right reason at the right
time. Therefore, once the problem, issue, or concern has been resolved and appropriate actions have been carried
out, the large group review teams disbanded. The same is true for a task force that may have been formed during
Step 6. This is not to say that a large group or a task force will never meet again. A future problem, issue, or
concern may warrant the same people being involved in another review. Likewise, the same large group may need
to reconvene to revisit an earlier review focus.

There is a need for curriculum because research in nursing of the changing needs of the society. Nursing is a
discipline where the core is the patient that is the human-being. The curriculum of nursing education revolves
around, the care of human being. Well planned and implemented curriculum ultimately improves the welfare of the
society which requires in-depth research in curriculum planning, implementation and evaluation
1.Neeraja KP.Textbook of Nursing Education.2 nd edition 2021: Jaypee brothers medical
2. Sudha R. Nursing Education Principles and Concepts.1 st editon 2003:Jaypee brothers
3.Sodi Jaspreet Kaur.Comprehensive Textbook of Nursing Education.2 nd edition: Jaypee
brothers medical

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