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002 Expert System

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CT017-3-1-IAI& Introduction to Artificial Intelligence


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At the end of this topic, you should be able to:
1. Name at least two categories of expert systems
2. Identify the main components of an Expert System in AI
3. Explain the structure of the expert system shell
4. Name at least two general categories of expert system applications
5. Distinguish between forward chaining and backward chaining
6. Name at least two applications for expert systems
7. Describe the life cycle of an expert system
8. Name at least four characteristics of an expert system
9. Explain the phases of the expert system development life cycle
10. Name two advantages and disadvantages of an expert system

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1. Categories of the expert system
2. Components of the expert system
3. Structure of the shell of the expert system
4. Characteristics of the expert system
5. Applications of the expert system
6. Life cycle of an expert system
7. Phases of the life cycle of expert system development
8. Advantages and disadvantages of expert systems

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Recap From Last Lesson

• What is the difference between artificial and human intelligence?

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What is Artificial Intelligence?

• Software that imitates human capabilities

1. Making decisions based on data and past experience
2. Recognizing abnormal events
3. Interpreting visual input
4. Understanding written and spoken language
5. Engaging in dialogs and conversations

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Common Artificial Intelligence Workloads

Predictive models based on data and statistics – the

Machine Learning
foundation for AI

Systems that detect unusual patterns or events,

Anomaly Detection enabling pre-emptive action

Applications that interpret visual input from

Computer Vision cameras, images, or videos

Applications that can interpret written or spoken

Natural Language Processing language

AI agents, (or bots), that can engage in dialogs

Conversational AI with human users

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What is Expert System?

• Expert systems were the first major commercially successful product to emerge from
the study of artificial intelligence

• An expert system is a computer program that can do the work of a human expert

• An expert system can be defined as "a computer program that can draw reasoned
conclusions from a body of knowledge in a limited domain."

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What is Expert System? …cont.

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Expert System vs Machine Learning in AI

• How much fur does the animal have?

• Does the animal have a long, thin tail?
• Does the animal have pointed, erect ears?
• Is the animal’s nose small and triangular in shape?

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Expert System vs Machine Learning in AI …cont.

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Expert System Shell Structure

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Quick Review Question

• What are the items in the following figure, labeled 1, 2, and 3?

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Common Artificial Intelligence Workloads

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Generic Categories of Expert System Applications

• Generic application areas of ES, where ES can be used:

1. Classification
2. Diagnostic system
3. Scheduling & Planning
4. Monitoring

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Functions of an Expert System

• An expert system represents the knowledge of one or more domain experts.

• A simple expert system may represent the knowledge of a single expert, but most
commercial expert systems represent the knowledge on many experts.

• The purpose of an expert system is to provide advice to a user through a process of


• The expert system can provide this consultation through a series of questions to the

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Forward Chaining vs Backward Chaining In Artificial

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Application of Expert Systems

• Expert systems have been developed for a wide range of fields.

• These include systems that provide medical, legal, or financial advice, but the range
of domains is expanding.

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Major Examples of Expert Systems

• MYCIN: used to recommend the correct dosage based on the patient's weight, and
diagnose various blood clotting diseases.

• DENDRAL: used in organic chemistry to detect unknown organic molecules with the
help of their mass spectra and knowledge base of chemistry.

• PXDES: used to determine the type and grade of a patient's lung cancer based on the

• CaDet: used to detect cancer in patients at early stages.

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Major Examples of Expert Systems: MYCIN

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Major Examples of Expert Systems: Plant Species

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Requirements for a Good Expert System

• A good expert system will also be able to explain to the user:

1. why certain questions are asked
2. how it came to its conclusion

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Quick Review Question

• You are to create an expert system for medical diagnosis. List the
steps required to create and use this expert system.

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Summary / Recap of Main Points

• Expert systems take a different approach: they collect the small fragments of human
know-how into a knowledge base that is used to solve a problem using the
appropriate knowledge.

• Another problem within the knowledge base's domain can be solved using the same
program without reprogramming.

• The ability of these systems to explain the reasoning process through backtracking
and to deal with levels of confidence and uncertainty provides an additional feature
that conventional programming does not provide

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Question and Answer Session

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Life Cycle of an Expert System

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Characteristics of an Expert System (ES)

• They have high-performance levels

• They are easy to understand

• They are completely reliable

• They are highly responsive

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Applications of Expert Systems

• Let's just go through it:

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Applications of Expert Systems

1) Automatic speech recognition systems

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Applications of Expert Systems

2) Medical Diagnosis and Predictions

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Quick Review Question

• MYCIN is not a term commonly associated with disease

diagnosis. However, you may be referring to "MYCIN," an early
expert system developed in the 1970s for medical diagnoses and
treatment recommendations. MYCIN played an important role in
the history of artificial intelligence (AI) and its application in

• Discuss with your group mates the role of MYCIN in the

diagnosis of disease.
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Phases of Expert System Development Life Cycle

• An expert system (ES) has been developed and refined over

several years. The life cycle of an expert system has five phases –
• Step 1: Identification: determine the characteristics of the

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Phases of Expert System Development Life Cycle…cont.

• Step 2: Conceptualization: finding the concept that produces the


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Phases of Expert System Development Life Cycle…cont.

• Step 3: Formalization: design structures to organize the

• Step4: Implementation: Formulating rules which embody the

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Phases of Expert System Development Life Cycle…cont.

• Step 5: Testing: Validating the rules.

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Phases of Expert System Development Life Cycle…cont.

• Three main personnel involved in the development of expert

systems life cycle:
1. Domain expert
2. Knowledge engineer
3. User

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Quick Review Question

• You are to create an expert system for medical diagnosis. List the
steps required to create and use this expert system.

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Summary / Recap of Main Points

• Artificial intelligence is the • Human intelligence is a mental

simulation of human intelligence quality consisting of the abilities
processes by machines, especially to learn from experience, adapt to
computer systems. new situations, understand and
handle abstract concepts, and use
knowledge to manipulate one's

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Advantages of Expert System

• Availability − They are readily available due to the mass production of

• Lower production costs − The production costs of expert systems are
extremely reasonable and affordable.
• Speed − They are very fast and reduce the workload.
• Lower error rate − The error rate is much lower compared to human
• Low risks − They are able to work in environments that are dangerous for
• Steady response − They avoid movements, tensions and fatigue.
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Disadvantages of Expert System

• Difficult knowledge acquisition

• Cost of maintenance
• Cost of development
• Adheres only to specific domains.
• Requires constant manual updates, it cannot learn on its own.
• It is unable to provide the logic behind decisions.

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Why do we use expert system in AI?

• Huge storage capacity

• Collaborative knowledge of experts

• Information stored securely

• Available 24/7

• Emotionless

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Example of Expert System

• The user interface of the expert system

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Example of Expert System …cont.

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Example of Expert System …cont.

• The output from the expert system

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Example of Expert System …cont.

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Example of Expert System …cont.

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Example of Expert System …cont.

------- patient-1 -------

Patient's name: HELP

Type one of the following:
? - to see possible answers for this parameter
rule - to show current rule
why - to see why this question is asked
help - to see this list
xxx - (for some specific xxx) if there is a definite answer
xxx .5 yyy .4 - if there are several answers with
different certainty factors

Patient's name: SYLVIA_FISHER


Age: 27
------- culture-1 -------

From what site was specimen CULTURE-1 taken? BLOOD

How many days ago was this culture (CULTURE-1) obtained? 3

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Example of Expert System …cont.
------- organism-1 -------

Enter the identity (genus) of ORGANISM-1? UNKNOWN

The gram strain of ORGANISM-1? ?

Must be one of: acid-fast, pos, neg

The gram strain of ORGANISM-1? NEG

Is ORGANISM-1 a rod or coccus? ROD

Is PATIENT-1 a burn patient? If so, mild or serious? WHY

[Why is the value of burn being asked for?]
It is known that:
The site of the culture is blood
The gram of the organism is neg
The morphology of the organism is rod
Rule 52:
If The burn of the patient is serious
Then with certainty of 0.4
The identity of the organism is pseudomonas

Is PATIENT-1 a burn patient? If so, mild or serious? SERIOUS

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Example of Expert System …cont.
What is the aerobicity of ORGANISM-1? AEROBIC

Is PATIENT-1 a compromised host? YES

Findings for ORGANISM-1
for these goals: identity

Is there another organism?YES

------- organism-2 -------

Enter the identity (genus) of ORGANISM-2? UNKNOWN

The gram strain of ORGANISM-2? NEG 0.8 POS 0.2

Is ORGANISM-2 a rod or coccus? ROD

What is the aerobicity of ORGANISM-2? ANAEROBIC

Findings for ORGANISM-2
for these goals: identity

Is there another organism? NO

Is there another culture? NO
Is there another patient? NO

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Quick Review Question

• Discuss in class what the characteristics of an expert system are.

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Summary / Recap of Main Points

• Rather than attempting to create an intelligent program, research focused on

developing a means of representing and accessing knowledge.

• The result was expert systems, computer programs that could give advice in a limited
area where it was possible to create facts and rules to represent knowledge.

• An expert system is an attempt to replace the human expert and make his knowledge
available in an inexpensive and imperishable form.

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What To Expect Next Week

In Class Preparation for Class

• Expert System • Knowledge representation

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