Irfan Jalal Bhat
Irfan Jalal Bhat
Irfan Jalal Bhat
Created By
Irfan Jalal Bhat
Department of Computer Science
Govt. P.G College Rajouri
• 1. Cloud Computing
• 2. History
• 3. Characteristics
• 4. Model
What is Cloud Computing?
• Cloud Computing is a general term used to describe a new class of
network based computing that takes place over the Internet,
– basically a step on from Utility Computing
– a collection/group of integrated and networked hardware, software
and Internet infrastructure (called a platform).
– Using the Internet for communication and transport provides
hardware, software and networking services to clients
– Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand
network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources
(e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services)
• These platforms hide the complexity and details of the underlying
infrastructure from users and applications by providing very simple
graphical interface or API (Applications Programming Interface).
What is Cloud Computing?
• In addition, the platform provides on demand
services, that are always on, anywhere,
anytime and any place.
• Pay for use and as needed, elastic
– scale up and down in capacity and functionalities
• The hardware and software services are
available to
– general public, enterprises, corporations and
businesses markets
Cloud Summary
• Cloud computing is an umbrella term used to refer to
Internet based development and services
• EARLY 1960S:- The computer scientist John McCarthy, come up with
concept of timesharing, and enabling Organization to simultaneously use an
expensive mainframe. This computing is described as a significant
contribution to the development of the Internet, and a pioneer of Cloud
• IN 1969:- The idea of an “Intergalactic Computer Network” or “Galactic
Network” (a computer networking concept similar to today’s Internet) was
introduced by J.C.R. Licklider, who was responsible for enabling the
development of ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network).
His vision was for everyone on the globe to be interconnected and being
able to access programs and data at any site, from anywhere.
• IN 1970:- Using virtualization software like VMware. It become possible to
run more than one Operating System simultaneously in an isolated
environment. It was possible to run a completely different Computer (virtual
machine) inside a different Operating System.
• IN 1997:- The first known definition of the term “Cloud Computing” seems
to be by Prof. Ramnath Chellappa in Dallas in 1997 – “A computing paradigm
where the boundaries of computing will be determined by economic
rationale rather than technical limits alone.”
• IN 1999
• The arrival of in 1999 pioneered the concept of delivering enterprise
applications via simple website. The services firm covered the way for both specialist
and mainstream software firms to deliver applications over the Internet.
• IN 2003:- The first public release of Xen, which creates a Virtual Machine Monitor
(VMM) also known as a hypervisor, a software system that allows the execution of
multiple virtual guest operating systems simultaneously on a single machine.
• IN 2006:- In 2006, Amazon expanded its cloud services. First was its Elastic Compute
cloud (EC2), which allowed people to access computers and run their own applications
on them, all on the cloud. Then they brought out Simple Storage Service (S3). This
introduced the pay-as-you-go model to both users and the industry as a whole, and it
has basically become standard practice now.
• IN 2013:-The Worldwide Public Cloud Services Market totalled £78bn, up 18.5 per
cent on 2012, with IaaS (infrastructure-as-a-service) the fastest growing market
• IN 2014:- In 2014, global business spending for infrastructure and services related to
the cloud will reach an estimated £103.8bn, up 20% from the amount spent in 2013
(Constellation Research).
How Cloud Computing works?
• For understanding How Cloud computing
works, first you must understand –
What is Cloud computing? and
Benefits of Cloud computing, second you
should understand the different types of Cloud
offering like Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS),
Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a
Service (SaaS) or must say “X as a Service,
(XaaS)” or “Anything as a Service”.
• The fist building block of Cloud is infrastructure where
The Cloud will be implemented. It is a wrong assumption that
environment should be virtualized, but cloud is a way to
request resource in on-demand way. If you have a solution to
provide resource in on-demand way on bare metal, then it is
also a Cloud service. This infrastructure supports different
types of Cloud Service like IaaS, PaaS, SaaS etc.
To provide these services you need Operating System
Service, which will be charged with requested service.
Business System Service (BSS) – This is mainly used to
validate the request and create the invoice for the consumed
services. There are multiple metrics, which are used to create
the invoice like Number of users, CPUs, Memory, Storage,
I/Os usage hours/month etc.
• How Cloud computing works in reality
• For accessing Cloud services, first step is to register on Cloud
service provider portal and create an account. Now login into
portal and you can order your services though the Cloud
service consumer area. These services had been created by
Cloud service provider. These services can be a simple virtual
machine (VM), some network component, an Application
service or any platform service etc.
• Business System Service (BSS)
• The Cloud provider will validate your request through Business
System Service (BSS), if the validation is OK (like Credit Card
detail, Contract etc.), Service provider will provide the
requested service through Operating System Service.
• To access these all service Cloud service provider will provide
you a credentials to access or make any request for service.
Monthly invoice get generate for services used by you.
Do you Use the Cloud?
Cloud Computing Characteristics
Common Characteristics:
Massive Scale Resilient Computing
Essential Characteristics:
On Demand Self-Service
Broad Network Access Rapid Elasticity
Resource Pooling Measured Service
Adopted from: Effectively and Securely Using the Cloud Computing Paradigm by peter Mell, Tim Grance 16
1. Shared / Pooled Resources:
• Resources are drawn from a common pool
• Common resources build economies of scale
• Common infrastructure runs at high efficiency
2. Broad Network Access:
• Open standards and APIs
• Almost always IP, HTTP, and REST
• Available from anywhere with an internet connection
3. On-Demand Self-Service:
. Completely automated
• Users abstracted from the implementation
• Near real-time delivery (seconds or minutes)
• Services accessed through a self-serve
web interface
4. Scalable and Elastic:
Resources dynamically-allocated between users
• Additional resources dynamically-released when needed
• Fully automated
5. Metered by Use:
Services are metered, like a utility
• Users pay only for services used
• Services can be cancelled at any time 18
Deployment Models
Public cloud
•Public cloud (off-site and remote) describes cloud computing where resources are dynamically
provisioned on an on-demand, self-service basis over the Internet, via web applications/web
services, open API, from a third-party provider who bills on a utility computing basis.
Private cloud
•A private cloud environment is often the first step for a corporation prior to adopting a public
cloud initiative. Corporations have discovered the benefits of consolidating shared services on
virtualized hardware deployed from a primary datacenter to serve local and remote users.
Hybrid cloud
•A hybrid cloud environment consists of some portion of computing resources on-site (on
premise) and off-site (public cloud). By integrating public cloud services, users can leverage cloud
solutions for specific functions that are too costly to maintain on-premise such as virtual server
disaster recovery, backups and test/development environments.
Community cloud
•A community cloud is formed when several organizations with similar requirements share
common infrastructure. Costs are spread over fewer users than a public cloud but more than a
single tenant.