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Programming Gratification

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My Promise To Myself

 Before the start of this introduction I want to give myself a promise, that this
presentation will always be my recap in these coming years until I finish my
university studies and continue with my career job, the purpose of my promise is
to see how I was seeing or observing the life of being as a software engineer, will
what I write next be the way I will think when I finish my studies or it will vary,
will I be wrong?
 I really don’t know because life is a challenge we should always be there, what I
mean is that technology is just getting better and better so basically no one knows.
 Me as Khaled have a question about what is programming and coding are they the
same? what is their meanings? Lets see….

Programming and coding

 Me as Khaled have a question about what is programming and coding are they the
same or similar? what is their meanings? And how could they make our life easier,
Lets see….
 After reading more about them I have got the point of them, I knew that they are
similar and different in the same time, that’s confusing isn’t.
 Basically programming is the way that makes a computer solve a problem, it’s a
creative task, there is no right or wrong way to solve a problem as there is not right
or wrong way to paint a picture, there are always choices.
 Programming is a set of work that will function the way you ask for, unfortunately,
computers don’t understand languages like English or Spanish, so we have to use a
programming language they understand to give them instructions.
 On the other hand we have something called coding, the process of creating
instructions for computers using programming languages.
 writing code is like creating a set of instructions. By learning to write code, you
can tell computers what to do or how to behave in a much faster way. You can use
this skill to make websites and apps, process data, and do lots of other cool things.
 The question is HOW it’s written?
Codes are written in various languages, such as JavaScript, C#, Python, and much
Every language have it’s own use, for example java language is used for playing
games, uploading photos etc. . While the language python is mainly used for building
For me I would mainly prefer C++ language since it’s used to develop software,
games, and apps.
Full Stack Web Developer
 First we should recognize that the full stack web developer is divided into two
And I will start with the (Front-End developers), basically these kind of developer
usually uses HTML, Java Script and CSS, But wait what is a front end developer?
He is the person that will make the web or program interaction more easier and safer.
They accomplish this by combining design, technology, and programming to code the
appearance of a website, as well as debugging.
 How are Front End developers responsible they should always keep in mind one
important thought which is establishing the structure and style of web pages,
creating a balance between functional and attractive design, and making sure web
design is optimized for smartphones these are just a few examples of how they
should show responsibility.
 Before being responsible you should have some important skills, this kind of
developer should have a high Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Another skill, Graphic design software such as Adobe Illustrator is a plus.
Working with these types of Graphic design software is so important sine it will
increase the percentage of being hired from 30% to 80%, but why not a 100%?
o Good interpersonal skills
o Problem-solving abilities
o Extensive knowledge of responsive and adaptive design.
These will surely get your percentage of being hired much more higher.

 On the other hand, we have people working on the

 BACK END DEVELOPMENT , Back-end developers
 collaborate with front-end developers to provide server-side logic for outward-
facing web application elements. In other words, back-end developers write the logic that allows the web
app to function properly, and they do so using server-side scripting languages such as Ruby or Python.
 For me I think that these kind of developers have way harder job since working as front end developer is
just a step to be a back end developer, because that is the first skill he should have. Another skill is that the
backend developer should be familiar with version control systems such as Git, GitHub, and GitLab since
these are the systems that he will usually work with. Last but not least It would be a benefit if you had an
experience hosting code and using Software as a Service platforms.
 Some more skills that are critically important!!!
API is a set of rules and definitions that allow different clients,

You should be well-versed in Programming Languages Databases Servers and APIs ,
software, or services to communicate with each other over the
 After getting introduced to the skills that being as a back end developer is in need
we should carry on to specify how is he responsible.
 His main responsibility is to troubleshoot issues and suggest improvements then
compile and analyze the data, and codes. Me saying ‘main’ doesn’t mean that it’s
the only responsibility since tracking industry developments and trends to
generate fresh thoughts programs is also so important unless this company wants
to stay delayed in our life, because for me programming is how fast you can
develop the place you are working in ,will you be able to race the future to have a
hand in a great generation. being at a race with future conclude that you should
always think about participating in lifelong learning to remain updated on best
projects, gain knowledge of various programming languages, and assist other
team members, and much more..
 That’s just a small idea which shows the importance of front end & back end
developers and their needed skills and concluding how they are responsible.
Software Test Engineering

 A software test engineer's duty is to supervise the analyzing software programs. This process will
involve developing testing methods, documenting test results, and making suggestions to improve
software programs based on findings.
 What are they responsible for then?
Test engineers are in charge of creating and implementing the tests that assure a product's quality and
effectiveness. One more duty is to understand the requirements and functional specifications of the
application. Finally the test engineer after preparing and designing he should run the application
under some circumstances so he can run his app so he can get a report that will show different result
so retesting is important in every life field. This will give you the 100% app efficiency.
 Being skillful is such an important habit and this habit is also needed for the software test engineer
here are some of these skills needed
 As a start we should concentrate on understanding programming languages since
it will help communicating with other group members. Moreover, understanding
the testing process where they should keep in mind that the testing budget, type of
application, nature of business approaches the client's priorities.
 Finally I wanted to specify one of the most important skill which is CREATING
DOCUMENTATION since as a software test engineer you must describe your
thoughts and testing techniques to be able to understand the type of application.
Software Project Manager

 The major goal of this position is to manage and

oversee business-specific projects that usually ranges
from medium to big and are very complex, using cross-functional or deep functional
project management experience. This also extends to different responsibilities and
 These responsibilities varies from one to another. Firstly, they should be able to
Measure project performance using appropriate tools and techniques. Secondly,
they are responsible of Performing risk management to minimize project risks as
they point is a must for every field in the world, another point is to Develop
comprehensive project plans to be shared with clients as well as other staff
members. So that users can be able to have the best and easiest experience in this
 On the other hand the project manager have some skills that are required to be
able to get hired or maybe to be the best in that field because many requirements
are needed such as,
 Being a productive software project manager, you should have a solid
understanding of project estimation techniques as well as the ability to inspire
coworkers. moreover great software project manager should be able to
communicate effectively by making sound decisions. Having a Good leadership,
decision-making, and organization skills is one of the most skills needed since
every teammate will be having a completely different idea of the project needed
and each teammate will try to make his word move on, but you as leader should
be able to convince everyone and try to knows their ideas better or maybe
improving it, this will eventually help yours, your teammates and company carear.
VR software Engineer

 Who the Exactly Is VR Software? Virtual reality software is used to create

impactful, simulated 3D environments. Teams accomplish this by bringing
together all of their virtual information with the help of a set of VR software
development tools. For me that’s one of the most favorite fields since it will help
me in my future project but as in any field I should be capable of some skills and
be responsible on the other hand.
 3D Tools, is one of the skills that I should have ,but wait what is a 3D tool? You
may print drawings to scale, modify or delete drawing parts, and add dimensions
and markups with 3D-Tool. 3D-Tool supports 2D drawings in the DXF, DWG,
HPGL formats, as well as CATIA and SolidWorks files in the Premium edition.
This can be a summary of what a 3D tool is all about.
 Lets talk about a common skill such as learning programming languages, for a VR
engineer we will have 2 kinds of platforms where Unity and Unreal are two of
the most popular VR development platforms. These two platforms allow you to
construct 3D worlds, with C# and C++ being the major coding languages for
Unity and Unreal, respectively. It would also be beneficial if you knew how to use
 Another final point that will increase the rate of being hired is basically having
knowledge designing and implementing APIs for real-time 3D applications, that’s
a full course study that will surely help your career development.
 Still being responsible is an important key to stay successful, I will just write
these responsibilities as points to make them easier to understand.
1. Create key components all the way up and down the software stack.
2. Develop and deliver industry-leading virtual reality products in collaboration with other engineers,
product managers, designers, and user researchers.
3. Contribute to defining the future of digital social interaction and establishing the requirement for how
people communicate across platforms and realities.
My Near Future Plan
 For my near future I have many things in mind, and to be honest that’s making me
so confused so as I said in my first slide this project will be my key to open the
door of being a smart, independent and hard worker software engineering but my
question to myself is what field of software engineering? Yes no one knows what
can happen tomorrow unless we pass this point, but still drawing a simple plan is
always a great idea.
 Lets start talking about the field of software I would love to join, after reading and
studying more about different fields, I'm practically convinced with the VR
software engineer field because honestly I have a plan for my future. My first
future project will be developing the VR where we can be able to live life easily
and faster, but how?
 I'm thinking of that VR glasses that will give us the real reality of the place we
are living in, basically each person will have this customized code where we can
join the real world by wearing these glasses for example if you are a person who
is looking forward to watch a game between besiktas and bursaspor, but you are
living in America you can just buy a ticket through an application and wear the
glasses before the match this will simply give you the full experience where you
will be able to see every single fan and player in that stadium this will give you
the experience and will help the club financially since this will make person in
this world live the moment and it will increase the number of fans in that stadium.
 My second project have really nothing to deal with the VR software engineering,
my idea is something that will eventually make our life much easier. First I
wanted to ask how many cards do we have as students?
 The first one is our university card ,second is identity card, third is transportation
card, fourth is a bank card and maybe some markets cards. Why don’t I make an
application that will let us carry just our phone. I was thinking of how apple made
apple pay go so popular and useable, this will be a copy of their ideas but with a
more featured way.
 This application will take the QR code of every card and we can just keep our phone
with us. Haven’t you noticed that in America there are some houses that have no keys,
where they just use an application on their portable device. Why don’t we help
ourselves with this simple idea that will eventually save our environment by using less
plastic, at least we will be able to minimize the amount of plastic eaten by humans
where the last fact said that us as humans are ingesting more than 250g of plastic a
year, I'm not saying its only because of cards but we can say that cards are one of the
main reasons aside plastic bags.

 To be able to start with these projects in future, I need to have more experience about
different languages and more information about the VR Software engineer and I
should have the full skills and responsibilities to be able to get hired.
 To have enough experience I should learn more about the program im in love
with ,but how will I be able to do this? First I will try to read more books through this
research I analyzed that there are many useful books that I can finish in theses
upcoming years.
 , the first book is named pearson, 13th Edition and its written by J. Glenn Brookshear
& Dennis Brylow, this will help me know our university syllabus and it will really
help to know more about different computer languages, so it will basically cover most
or maybe all software engineering lessons. Unfortunately, the book wont cover my
favorite career job so I should include a book that will talk more about VR technology
coding and maybe history for this point I came up with two books.
 The first one is the VR Book, Human-Centered Design for Virtual Reality and its
written by Jason Jerald, it will include VR history and the way to design and create
projects. My second book about VR technology is Unity Virtual Reality Projects by
Jonathan Linowes. This book includes a progressive coding example that covers key
VR and Unity subjects like physics, texturing, Unity builds, and First Person
Characters. That’s where . the books I would love to finish 100%.

 The world is not only book, our studies should be taken from many resources for
that I thought about logging in to YouTube. For me I will always try to get help
from CodeWithHarry channel since he basically covers all common languages
such as java script, c# and C++.
 I was really confused about how will I attend my internship session from the
moment I joined the department of software engineering but I found a way that
may help me. I can simply do my internship online without even moving from the
place I'm living in, for example I saw that Apple does have a software engineering
 I absolutely have faith in myself to be able to join a company like Apple, this
internship will absolutely make my CV file much more stronger.
 These words were the last in my todays presentation I hope I can achieve my
point in future where I can be an important CEO engineer and not just a simple

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