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Colour Theory

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By Dylan Rolls

Primary Secondary Tertiary

Primary Colours are the main three colours, Secondary Colours are the three different Tertiary Colours are the six colours produced
which go on to create the secondary colours. colours produced when mixing together when mixing together primary colours and
Only primary colours are able to create primary colours. Only secondary colours can secondary colours. These colours can be used
secondary colours. Primary colours cannot be fused with other primary colours to make to craft more colours, but are known as the
be created by mixing other colours, as red is the tertiary colours as all of the primary colour basis for when the colour wheel would end
made from a chemical compound, or other combinations make up the secondary colour with basic colours. The six tertiary colours
items that produce red pigment. The three spectrum. The three secondary colours are are Vermillion, Amber, Chartreuse, Teal,
primary colours are Red, Yellow and Blue. Orange, Green and Purple These are the Violet, and Magenta.
Those three colours are the building blocks equations to how you make the tertiary
for colours. These are the equations to how spectrum of colours.
you make the secondary spectrum of colours.
Red + Orange = Vermillion
Red + Yellow = Orange Yellow + Orange = Amber
Red + Blue = Purple Yellow + Green = Chartreuse
Yellow + Blue = Green Blue + Green = Teal
Blue + Purple = Violet
Red + Purple = Magenta
HOW DO YOU SEE When you see a certain colour, it is because of the item
COLOUR? absorbing all other colour frequencies, and refracting
Inside of your eye, there are colour-sensing the ones it shows, like an apple absorbs all colour
cones which have different purposes: one type frequencies except for possibly red,/yellow, or/green,
to see red tones, one type to see green tones, dependant on which colour apple you look at. Rainbows
and one type to see blue tones. Light refracts off
of objects, so certain light frequencies are may be seen as weird, but it is also caused by colour
picked up by the eye, filtered through the cones, refraction. I shall explain Rainbows in a second.
and the image is sent to the brain for it to
decipher and translate the information to colour.
If you are missing some of these cones, you
would be classified as being ‘colourblind’. This
is when you are unable to see certain colours
due to the lack of colour cones in your eye.
Rainbows are caused by light refracting off of Rainbows are able to show the full spectrum
the surface of water, and thus appearing in the of colours as the water reflects all the light
sky as a semicircle of colours, representing a back at different frequencies, thus causing
gradient from the beginning to the end, then our eyes to pick up different sets of colour
back to the beginning again. Rainbows show and making us see an ombre of colours from
the full spectrum of colours. Rainbows show start to finish, then to the start again.
all colours, but it’s caused by the same thing:
water. How, then, does the entire spectrum of
colours show from the same source of

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