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Perdev Q1 M1noQ

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Personal development refers to the process of

improving oneself in various aspects of life, including but

not limited to, physical, emotional, intellectual, social,
and spiritual well-being. It involves setting goals,
acquiring new skills, developing strengths, overcoming
weaknesses, and enhancing self-awareness to lead a
more fulfilling and meaningful life. Personal
development can encompass activities such as self-
reflection, goal-setting, learning new things, seeking
feedback, and engaging in personal growth experiences.
Quarter 1 – Module 1:

Knowing and Understanding Oneself

during Middle and Late

Adolescence Personal Development

The lesson is on Knowing Oneself.
After going through this lesson, you are expected to:
1. Explain that knowing oneself can make a person
accept his/her strengths and
limitations and dealing with others better (EsP-
2. Share his/her unique characteristics, habits, and
experiences (EsP

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Knowing and Understanding

during Middle and
Late Adolescence
What’s In
Activity: “Sip and Share!”
Direction: In the spaces indicated by numbers, write down the
following. Use a
separate sheet of paper for your answer.
1. What is your full name?
2. What are the things in yourself you are proudest of?
3. What are the positive words your family and friends used to describe
4. What two personal goals you have that you already achieved?
5. What are the two things you considered as greatest achievements in
your life?
6. What good qualities you see in yourself that you want the whole
world to know?
7. What experience you have that had a positive impact in your life?
8. What are the two skills you have that you want to share with other
What’s New
Activity: “I Am What I Am!”
Direction: Describe yourself in terms of the
following aspects. Write your response
in the spaces indicated by numbers. Use a
separate sheet of paper for your answers.
1. Intellectual Self: include a description about your
reasoning ability, problem
solving skills, specific areas you are good at or the
wisdom you gained from your
2. Emotional Self: describe how you feel most of the
time, feelings you don’t want
to experience and the emotions you want to
improve. You may include an
experience that makes you feel sad, happy, angry,
1. 4
2. 5.
5.3. Physical Self: describe your physical image. You
may include adjectives
describing your complexion, height, weight, hair,
or any body parts that you like
the most.
4. Spiritual Self – write a word or a phrase about
your over-all spiritual development.
Describe your spiritual connection to your
religion and your spiritual relationship
with other people.
5. Social Self – include a description on
how well you get along with other
people with different types of attitudes
and personality. Describe the kind of
person you are when you are with
your closest friends, teachers, or your
Guide Questions:
1. As you accomplished the “Sip and Share” and “I Am What I
Am” activities, what
have you realized?
1.Do these activities remind you of your unique identity as a
person? How?
2. Do you consider yourself as a unique individual? How will you prove
What is It
Understanding the “Sense of Self”

Knowing and understanding oneself during middle and late adolescence is

quite hard at times. As we transition towards becoming an adult, we are
expected to be responsible, independent or self-reliant and depend less on
our parents.

Sometimes we are being surrounded with too much pressure and

expectations on how we should behave and act on certain
situations. Adolescence is a stage wherein we tend to build a
“socially constructed sense of self”, that is our sense of self as
influenced by how others view us. This socially constructed sense
of self is the reason why we tend to seek approval and acceptance
of other people for a purpose of attaining sense of belongingness.
Who Am I? – A question that leads to a
better Self-Awareness

Adolescence is a stage where we may

increasingly ask, “Who Am I?”. Don’t be
bothered If you find yourself asking this
question. You are on the right track! It is a
normal part of the process that you need to go
through as you advance to the next milestone
– the adulthood. Once you have a concrete understanding of your
entire being, your
personality, strengths and weaknesses, you may emerge as a
resilient individual who
is prepared to be a responsible adult.

Once in our life, someone might have said to us “Be yourself!” or “Be true to
yourself!” Actually, this is a very great advice. However, it is not as easy as it
may seem to stay true to ourselves if we do not know exactly who we really

Self-Awareness is a state of having the knowledge about our existence as

unique individuals who are able to recognize our values, beliefs, traits,
behaviors and feelings. The moment we are aware about ourselves, our
strengths and weaknesses, only then we can experience ourselves as unique
and separate individual beings. If we manage to become aware of who we are,
we will become empowered to making changes by building our areas of
strengths and at the same time by acknowledging areas of weaknesses where
we would like to make improvements. Furthermore, Self awareness is being
significantly conscious of what we are good at while recognizing our flaws,
limitations and imperfections.
The Johari Window

Self-awareness is a
never-ending journey as
there are still things that we
do not know much about
ourselves. Our awareness of
ourselves can be improved
by considering how others
view us, their opinions about
us and how they describe us
as a person. It is true that
sometimes, we don’t realize
our behavior, good qualities
and potentialities unless someone tells us.
Johari Window is a technique that helps people improve self-awareness,
interpersonal relationships and opportunity for personal development by giving or
receiving feedbacks on each other’s strengths, weaknesses and blind spots. This was
developed by American Psychologists Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham in 1955. The
name “Johari” is formed from combining their first names.
Basically, Johari Window has four quadrants or windows that
provide the four
basic forms of the self. These are the following:

1. Arena – or the Known Self. This form of the self is what you and
others see in
you. Things we know about ourselves and others know about us,
like that of the talents and skills or even our weaknesses that we
know about ourselves and others know about us.

2. Blind Spot – or the Blind Self. These are our actions and behaviors
others know about us that we are not aware of. These can be
positive or negative and may include hidden strengths and
potentialities or areas for improvement.
3. Façade – or the Hidden Self. In this form of self, we hide things that are
about ourselves. These may include feelings, ambitions and opinions
that we
choose to hide due to fear of negative reactions from others. Reasons
for hiding
may be because we do not want our weaknesses to be exposed.
4. Unknown – This form of self is not known to others and not known to
This includes skills, behaviors, undiscovered talents, etc. that are
unknown to us and to others. If we explore and get ourselves involve
in new activities with new groups of people will help us increase our
According to Carl Rogers, a humanist
is our
general awareness about ourselves, the
image that we have of ourselves. This
image is influenced by our interactions
with other people specifically those who
are important to us. Carl Rogers believed
that our self-concept is made up of three
different parts, the actual self, the ideal
self and the self-esteem.
The moment we go to school, to the mall or to a birthday party, we try
ourselves in the mirror to check our appearance. What do you see as
you look at yourself in the mirror? Do you see your actual self? Or your
ideal self?
Our Actual Self is our self-image, the one we
actually see including attributes
like our physical characteristics,personality
traits and social roles. It is how we think
and feel, behave or act. Our actual self is
built on self-knowledge, which is the actual
genuine information that we have about
our motivations, strengths or weaknesses.
On the other hand, our Ideal Self is the self that we aspire
to be. The one we hope will possess the characteristics that
we really want to have, like that of the image above.
Now, what about self-esteem?

Self-esteem is our overall subjective sense of value or

personal worth. That is how we feel about our strengths
and weaknesses. If we have healthy self-esteem, we feel
good about ourselves. If we have low self-esteem, we have
the tendency to put a little value on our ideas and
opinions. Likewise, if we have low self-esteem, we might
constantly worry about being not good enough.
What’s More
Activity: “Unlock Me”

Direction: Fill in the boxes your strengths and

weaknesses corresponding to the
aspects and cite ways on how you can improve them.
This is to help you unlock and improve your self-
awareness by being conscious of what you are good at
while recognizing your flaws, limitations and
imperfections. Use a separate sheet
of paper for your answers.
Guide Questions:
1. Does “Unlock Me” activity help you improve your self-awareness on various
aspects? How?
2. How realistic is your self-image as you assess your strengths and
3. Do you have qualities that you consider as your weakness but other
consider as your strength? Can you share some?
What I Have Learned
Activity: “Johari Window”

This activity will help you further improve your self-

awareness by considering how others view you, their
opinions about you and howtheydescribe you as a
person. It is true that sometimes, you don’t realize your
behavior, good qualities and
potentialities unless someone tells you.
a. In a piece of paper, write five (5) words that
describe you.
b. Ask six (6) people to do the same (2 classmates, 2
close friends and 2 family
c. After collecting all the words, write them down in
the Johari window according
to their classification.
d. Once done, share your thoughts on the following
guide questions
Guide Questions:

1. What surprised you about everyone’s feedback? Why?

2. How does their feedback help you know more about yourself?
3. What have you realized as you accomplished this activity?
The more we understand ourselves, the more we have
the power and ability to take charge of our future.
According to Bo Sanchez, part of taking charge of our
future is to write a script of our life according to how we
want it to be.

According to him, there are three kinds of people living

on this planet. The moviegoer, the actor and the actor-
scriptwriter. The moviegoers are the people who only
watch, admire and criticize the movie of their lives. They
do nothing else. They are the ones who have absolutely
no control of their lives except to just comment, react
and criticize.
The Actors do not just watch the movie of their lives, they act and
can control how they portray the character. However, they don’t have the
control over the script. The Actor-Scriptwriters do not only watch, do not
only act, but they actually create the whole movie and determine what
they will say, what they will do and how they will end the movie. They
realize they have the huge control over their life and see to it that the
movie will turn out to be amazing and beautiful.
Who are you among these three people?
Do you merely watch, admire and criticize your life and do nothing else?
Do you just act and control how you portray the character but don’t have
the control over the script? Or do you write, act and create the script and
make your life beautiful?
By the way, the Producer of the movie is God and He tells you to make
your movie beautiful and He will give you all that you need to succeed.
Activity: “This is Me, Myself and I”

Direction: Write a script about how you want

your life to be. Think of a title. Include
the talents and skills that you want to develop,
the career, the adventures, goals and
dreams that you want to experience and
achieve. Something that is unique of you
that will inspire others (3 paragraphs)

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