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Unit 3

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1 Marriage

1. Meaning and Definition of Marriage

Marriage is a socially or ritually recognized union or legal contract
between spouses that establishes rights and obligations between
them. Principally, it is an institution in which interpersonal
relationships, usually sexual, are recognized.
“Marriage is an institution admitting men and women to family.”
(E. S. Bogardus)
“Marriage is a contract for the production and the maintenance of
children.” (Malinowski)
“Marriage is the approved social pattern whereby two or more
social persons establish a family.” (Horton and Hunt)
“Marriage is a relatively permanent bond between permissible
mates.” (R. H. Lowie)
3. Basic Functions of Marriage
1. Regulate sex life and sex relations
2. Procreation of children
3. Leads to establish the family
4. Creates affinal kinship
5. Contributes to social security (Especially for women)
6. Gives economic security (Especially for women)
7. Cooperates in Children socialization
8. Increases man power
9. Determines right, duties and obligations
10. Perpetuation of lineage

5. Types of Marriage

3.2 Family

Meaning: The word ‘Family’ is derived from Roman word

‘famulas’ meaning ‘a servant’. Historically, it denotes the group
procedure of same descent group. Family is a fundamental
primary unit of society. Generally, family is a social group
consisting of parents and their children. Following relations can
be found among the family members:
 Relationship between husband and wife
 Relationship between parents and children
 Relationship among siblings
Family is the primary institution for socialization. Economic,
cultural, political as well as recreational functions are performed
by family. It provides social protection for an individual. It is also
a means of social control.
“Family is a group defined by a sex relationship sufficiently precise
and enduring to provide for the procreation and upbringing of the
children.” (MacIver and Page)
“Family is a biological/geneological unit composed of husband, wife
and children.” (Clare)
Thus, family is a system of relationship existing between parents
and children.
1. Universal social institution
2. Provision common residence
3. Division of work
4. Mutual cooperation among members
5. Provision of nomenclature
6. Agent of socialization
Functions of Family:
1. Sexual satisfaction
2. Production
3. Reproduction
4. Socialization
5. Protection
6. Recreation
7. Provision of habitat
8. Educational, political, religious and affection functions
Types of Family:
9. Nuclear Family: A small group composed of husband , wife and
their immature children is called nuclear family. It is basically
formed by one or two generations parents and their children.
Nowadays the practice of nuclear family is increased all over the
 Structurally small size 7
 More freedom
 potentiality for progress
 proper hearing and caring of children
 cooperation, peace and harmony among members
2. Joint Family: The joint family consists of members who at least
belong to three generations: husband and wife, their married and
unmarried children; and their married as well as unmarried grand
 Structurally large size
 Common property, kitchen and residence among members
 Rigid division of labor
 Less freedom and low status of women
 Lack of individual secrecy
Kinship System

3.3 Kinship
Meaning: Kinship refers to the social recognition and expression
of genealogical relationship, both consanguineous (blood ties)
and affinal (marriage). In anthropology, the kinship system
includes people related both by descent and marriage, while
usage in biology includes descent and mating. Human kinship
relations through marriage are commonly called "affinity" in
contrast to "descent“. Kinship is one of the most basic principles
for organizing individuals into social groups, roles, categories,
and genealogy.
“The bond of blood or marriage which binds people together in
group is called kinship.“ (MacIver and Page)
“Kinship is a set of durable interpersonal relationship derived
from descent and marriage” (Caplow)
Features of Kinship
1. Constructed by both consanguineous and affinal relationship
2. Socially approved system
3. Means of social control
4. Kinship has relations of several categories
5. Permanent social system
6. Kinship is universal
7. There are kinship rules on residence, descent and inheritance
Functions of Kinship
8. Social security
9. Social control
10. Social interaction
11. Economic and cultural assistance
12. Social unity 6. Socialization

2. Affinal: The bond of marriage is called affinal kinship.

When a person marries, he establishes relationship not
only with the girl whom he marries but also with a
number of other people in the girl’s family. Moreover, it is
not only the person marrying who gets bound to the
family members of the girl. For example, after marriage a
person becomes not only a husband, but he also becomes
brother-in-law & son-in-law. Here it may be noted that in
English language a number of relations created by
marriage are referred by the same term. After marriage a
girl becomes not only a wife but also becomes daughter-
in-law, she also of relationships which are called affinal
kinship. 13

3.4 Economy
Meaning: For every society, the vital task is to arrange and maintain
the provision of food, clothing's, and shelter to its members.
Society tries to fulfill those needs for members through the
interrelated form of provisions of production, distribution,
exchange and consumption. Thus, the term economy refers to the
established procedure to conduct the activities related to the
production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods and
services. Labor, trade, business, service, farming all are economic
activities for survival or existence. This is also known as an
economic system. There is another branch of sociology which is
called Economic Sociology. Economic sociology is the study of the
social cause effect and cause of various economic phenomena.
“The economy is the large set of inter-related production and
consumption activities that aid in determining how scarce
resources are allocated.” 15
Basic Features of Economy
1. Economy is related to the adaptation in the
given environment.
2. Economy defines the forms of ownership of the
3. Economy is related to defining the nature of
works and occupations.
4. Economy concerns with the nature of division of
labor in society .
5. Economy has the procedure of economic
6. Economy is the art of livelihood. 16
Types of Contemporary Economy
1. Capitalist Economy
• Class society/Class conflict
• Private ownership
• Individualism
• Laissez-faire
• Free trade
• Competitive market
2. Socialist Economy
• Oriented to classless society
• Collective/state ownership
• Collectivism
• Social welfare
• Centralized planning
Political Institution

Parliament of Nepal 18
3.5 Political Institution
Meaning: Society is not only the economic unit, it is also a political
unit. Politics is one of the unavoidable facts of human existence.
A political system is a system of politics and government. It is an
instrument and mechanism based on certain rules and regulations
designed to rule the country and the society. Politics consists of social
relations involving authority or power. It refers to the regulation of a
political unit, and to the methods and tactics used to formulate and
apply policy.
Definition: Sociologically, the term ‘political system’ refers to the
social institution which relies on a recognized set of procedures for
implementing and achieving the political goals of society.
“A political system in any persistent pattern of human relationship
that involves (to a significant extent) power, rule and authority.”
(The Concise Oxford Dictionary)
Basic Features of Political System
(1) Universality: There is universality of political system. It means that
political system exists everywhere.
(2) Use of legal authority: Power, rule and authority are the basic
components of political system. Legal authority can use to compel
anybody to obey its orders. It possesses legitimate and heavy sanctions
and rightful power to punish.
(3) Comprehensiveness: Political System is comprehensive because it
includes all the interactions from the formal as well as informal
institutions in the society. For example, it includes the interaction of
regionalism, religious upheavals, inflation, party-politics, tactics of
pressure groups and social changes brought about by modernization.
(4) Multifunctional: Every political system is multi-functional and performs
a number of functions.
(5) Collective Goal: The ultimate responsibility of polity is to address the
social issues for the betterment of the people. Polity is always directed
to collective goals of the group of the society. 20
Functions of Political System
1. Allocation of goods and services
2. Rule-making
3. Regulation of law and rules
3. Political socialization
4. Political Recruitment
5. Maintain integration
6. Making diplomacy

3.6 Educational Institution
Meaning: Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the
acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits.
Education frequently takes place under the guidance of educators,
but learners may also educate themselves. Education can take
place in formal or informal settings and any experience that has a
formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be
considered educational. A right to education has been recognized
by some governments, including at the global level: Article 13 of
the UN' 1966.
"Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one
generation to another" (G.K. Chesterton)
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to
change the world" (Nelson Mandela)
Characteristics of Education
1. Education is a life-long process.
2. Education brings about integrated development.
3. Education is a tri-polar process: Students, Teachers, Environment
4. Education brings changes in the behavior.
5. Education is the development of mental faculties.
6. Education has a specific goal of improving one’s capabilities,
capacities and performances.
7. Education is a continuous reconstruction process.
8. Education is the nurturing process of personality.

Functions of Education System
Function of Education Towards Individual
1. Development of inborn potentialities
2. Modifying behavior
3. All-round development
4. Preparing for the future
5. Developing personality
6. Helping for adjustability

Function of Education Towards Society

7. Social change and control
8. Reconstruction of experiences
9. Development of social and moral value
10. Providing opportunity or equality 24
Types of Education
A. Formal Education :
i) Government ii) Community ii) Private
1. Planned with a particular end in view
2. Limited to a specific period
3. Well-defined and systematic curriculum
4. Given by specially qualified teachers
5. Includes activities outside the classroom
6. Observes strict discipline
B. Informal Education
7. Incidental and spontaneous
8. Not-pre-planned
9. Not imparted by any specialized agency
10. No prescribed time-table or curriculum
11. May be negative also 25
3.7 Religion
Meaning: It is considered that man is not only a political and
economic being but also the religious being. Sociology of religion is
one of the field of sociology that studies the belief system,
theology and spiritual life of mankind. Religion is the permanent
and universal social institution originated from the ancient period
by evolutionary process. Religion is basically a beliefs on
supernatural power that is god. According to religion, the world
and living creatures are the creation of higher power. Sociologically
religion is the macro social institution which deals with the spiritual
and moral behaviors and activities of a man or social group.
“Religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to
sacred things set apart and forbidden.” (Emile Durkheim)
“Religion is an attitude towards superhuman power.” (Ogburn)

Characteristics of Religion

1. Beliefs in supernatural power

2. Provision sacred/purity and profane/impurity
3. Gods, Goddess and Totem as symbols
4. Provision of Magic, Fetishism, Ghost etc.
5. Major factor for social stratification
6. Provision of some methods of salvation
7. Rites and rituals as manifest practice of religion
8. Social and communal in nature
9. A source of identity

Functions of Religion

1. Promoter of social morality and cohesion (Emile Durkheim)

2. An agent of socialization and social control
3. creates inner peace and harmony
4. Promoter of social welfare and recreation
5. Forming/influencing agent of economy (Max Weber)
6. Fulfill the individual needs
7. An ideology for legitimizing the structure of social inequality (Karl Marx)
Existing Forms of Religion in Nepal
1. Christianity: Jesus Christ
2. Islamism: Allah
3. Hinduism: Brhama, Vishnu, Maheshwor
4. Buddhism: Buddha
5. Jainism: Jain
6. Kirat/Nature:
Linkage: Business Administration and Management
Related Issues/problems and Social Institutions

Social institutions are established to fulfill the needs of the

people. They have some recognized patterns of working
procedure. They provide legitimacy to social activities. They help
to make systematic way for working behavior of the members of
group. On one hand, management and business administration
are also the core part of social institutions so they have same
characteristics as social institutions in social dimensions. And, on
the other hand, management and business administration are
arts and strategy for production related activities which require
help of other social institutions. Following solutions are
produced regarding with business administration and
management by the help of social institutions:
 Shaping individual’s or personnel's Characters
 Create peace, harmony and integration within organization
 Helps for better decision making within organization
 Provides legitimacy and social control mechanism
 Provides democratic rules and norms
 Offers the knowledge of conflict management procedure and an art
for managing organization
 Provides organizational integration and coexistence
 Carries the adaptive quality in socio-cultural as well as natural
environment to personnel
 Brings the knowledge, skills and efficiency regarding with rules,
obligation, responsibility, duties and accountability
 Enhance the knowledge of good-governance that requires for
institutional growth and development
 Provides the quality of handling employee, marketing, making proper
policies, analyzing the production relations and production forces 30

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