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Session5 DesigningBuildingAndEvaluatingWebSites

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Electronic Commerce


Session 5: Designing, Building and Evaluating Web

Dr. Paul Walcott

Dr. Paul Walcott - Department of Computer Science, Mathematics and Physics, University of the West Indies,
Cave Hill Campus, Barbados, W.I.; email; © 2005
Session Objectives
• The objectives of this session are:
– To analyse some basic Web site design
– To construct a Web site using e-commerce
and Web-based software
– To apply five criteria in order to determine the
credibility of an Internet source
– To test the usability of Web sites
Web Site Design Principles 1,2

• In this section we will:

– Briefly discuss
interface design
– Present some Web
site design principles
Web Site Design Principles
• What is an interface?
– It is the front end (or user controls) of a device
• E.g. a remote control is the interface for a
television set
• Or a light switch is the interface for an electric light
Web Site Design Principles
• So what makes a good Web interface?
– It must be easy to use
• The Web site functionality must be easy to deduce
– Important items are always available, yet not intrusive
• E-commerce site should provide links to the checkout
– The purpose of the Web site must be immediately
understandable; things must be arranged logically
• This includes no cryptic icons
– In addition, the site should be interesting and colourful
(without being irritating)
Web Site Design Principles

When designing a Web site the designer must
– The type of screen or device that the Web page will
be displayed on (is it in colour etc.)
– Whether the page will be printed
• Although this is a secondary issue
– The size of the screen
• The designer unfortunately does not have full
control over these media
Web Site Design Principles
• It is important to set a Web site theme.
This is a multi-step process:
– Set the Web site goals
– Determine your audience
– Define the look and feel of the Web site
Web Site Design Principles
• To determine the goals of your Web site
consider asking the following questions:
– What is the purpose of creating your Web site?
– Should I concentrate on only one goal?
– What will happen if the goals change and how will it
affect the maintenance of the Web site?
• Goals need to be balanced against available
resources and time
Web Site Design Principles
• To determine the audience of the Web site
consider the following factors:
– Visitor’s age: young, elderly or ageless?
– Language: is there a requirement to support more
than one?
– Culture
– Income group: who can afford your product/service?
– Educational sophistication: scientific Web sites have
less images
– Attention span: after a few clicks the visitor might
Web Site Design Principles
• When considering the Web site look and
feel it is important to communicate:
– The company’s logos, name, products and
– The unique qualities of the company
Web Site Design Principles
• Design principles
– Nonlinear presentation
– One or two screens
per page
– Simple navigation
– Small graphics for
faster page loading
– Appealing visual
Web Site Design Principles
• The WWW is characterised by:
– Non-linear information delivery
– Pages that are viewed on desktop PCs, Notebooks
computers, Web-enabled mobile phones and Palm
– Multiple Internet connection options including Fibre
optic lines, TV cable and dial-up phone lines
• These characteristics must be considered when
designing a Web site
Web Site Design Principles
• Nonlinear Presentation:
– Traditional media, e.g. a lecture, present
information in a linear way
– A Web site should utilize multi-
dimensional hyperlinks for quick, user-
centered navigation
Web Site Design Principles
• One or Two Screens Per Page:
– The home page of a Web site should be no
longer than one or two pages
• Effective home pages present corporate
information, logos and links on the first or second
• This prevents the need for a significant amount of
scrolling, since the top of the page is what a visitor
sees when entering the site
Web Site Design Principles
• Simple Navigation:
– The layout of a Web site should be clear
and simple allowing easy navigation
• Hyperlinks should be grouped together logically
• Each hyperlink should connect a major topic or
category e.g. Products
Web Site Design Principles
• Navigational links could be presented as:
– A bar of file folders
– A line of small rectangular or oval buttons
– A list of underlined text
• For easy navigation links should be placed:
– On the left, right or top side of the screen
– Or frames could be used which freeze the navigation
controls on the screen
Web Site Design Principles
• Smaller Graphics For Faster Page
– The larger the graphics the longer a Web
page will take to load, especially on a
narrow-band connection (e.g. dial-up)
• Visitors will probably get fed up and leave the site
Web Site Design Principles
• As a general rule:
– JPEG (Joint Photographic Expert Group
image format) is a 24-bit (16.7 million colours)
image format
– Photographs should use the JPEG format
– A JPEG pictures on a Web page should be
smaller than 50KB
– Not more than two (2) 50KB JPEG images
should be on a single Web Page
Web Site Design Principles
• Alternatively:
– The GIF format (Graphics Interchange Format
by CompuServe) is an 8-bit (256 colours)
image format
– The GIF format is therefore suitable for
navigation buttons, logos and Icons
– Navigation buttons should be smaller than
5KB each
• Typical buttons are 1-2KB each
Web Site Design Principles
• Appealing Visual Effects:
– Appealing visual effect can be made using
the right combination of style, layout and
• 12 point Times New Roman or 11 point Arial fonts
are typically used for regular text
• Headings are usually in a different colour, bold or
in a larger font
Web Site Design Principles
– Colour contrast between text and background
is crucial
• It is best to use a light background colour and dark
– Special effect (e,g. blinking text) are suitable
for short text strings, e,g, “Special Offer” not
long sentences
– Always check the page layout on 12.1” – 15”
diagonal screens since this is the monitor size
for the average user
Web Site Design Principles
• Some additional design hints include:
– Always ensure that the user can get to all
important pages (e.g. product
descriptions) using a small number of
mouse clicks
• Users get fed-up after a few mouse clicks
– Always design your Web site for the
slowest connection speed, and the earliest
browser used by your target audience
Web Site Design Principles
• Some additional design hints include:
– When creating information sites include a lot of
white space; make the pages simple and
• Users get fed-up after a few mouse clicks
– Always write an outline for your content and
decide whether each major topic will be on a
separate Web page (recommended); and which
sub-topics require their own pages
Constructing a Web Site 3,6,7,8

• Software and
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
• From the company goals you should be able to
– The number of visitors that will use your site
– The number of pages viewed by the average visitor
– The average and maximum allowed size of each page
– The maximum allowed number of simultaneous
• This allows the software and hardware
requirements to be determined
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
• First let us review some fundamentals
about Web clients and servers
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Web Clients and Servers
• When an individual connects to the Internet to
view a document, they become a client on the
Webs client/server network
• The client/server architecture is used for LANs,
WANs and the Web.
• Typical request serviced by servers connected
to these networks include request to print, to
retrieve information and to access databases
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Web Clients and Servers
• Web servers typically have
– More memory
– Larger and faster disk drives than client computers
• Web browser software e.g. IE, Netscape and
Firefox is the software that makes computers
work as Web clients
• The Internet connects several different types of
computers together, therefore Web software
must be platform neutral
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Dynamic Content
• A static page is an unchanging page retrieved
from a disk
• A dynamic page is a page created by a
program (script) based on user input
– E.g. a Web client inquires about the status of an order
and the Web page that is returned is created from
information stored in a database
• This property (being dynamic) can affect the
performance of the Web Server
– static pages are delivered faster than dynamic pages
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Dynamic Content
• The first Web site to provide dynamic pages
used server side scripting
– Programs running on the Web server that create web
– These technologies are slow
• Newer technologies used for generating
dynamic content include:
– Microsoft’s Active Server pages (ASP)
– Sun’s Java Server Pages (JSP)
– Apache’s PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP)
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Dynamic Web Pages: The Future
• Some critics say that ASP/JSP/PHP etc.
do not solve the problem since they simply
shift the responsibility of Web page
creation from people to programs
• A project that is currently underway to
tackle the problem of dynamic Web page
creation is the Apache Cocoon project
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Dynamic Web Pages: The Future
• The Apache Cocoon project:
– Is creating a Web development framework that
• Allows programmers to query the system using data in XML
• Receives output in multiple formats including HTML
– The content is stored in XML tags which describes the
semantics (meaning) of each content item
• A Java servlet handles the information request
• A style sheet is applied to the data
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
• A Server is any computer used to provide
files or make applications available to
other computers connected to it through a
– Server software refers to the programs that
run on the server
– Web Servers are connected to the Internet
and serve Web pages (e.g. Apache)
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
– E-mail Servers handle incoming and
outgoing email
– Database Servers are server computers on
which database management software runs
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Web Client/Server Communication
• When a Web Client requests a page from a Web
server the following occurs
– The request is converted into HTTP by the browser and
sent to the Web Server
– The Server receives the request and retrieves the
information requested by the Client
– The Server formats the information using HTTP and
sends it back to the Client
– The Client displays the information in the browser
• Web pages may take long to appear because each
page element requires a separate request/response
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
2/3-Tier Client/Server Architecture
• The typical Web Client/Server model is two tier
because it has one client and one Server
• In the three-tier Client/Server model the third tier
includes Server applications that supply
information to the Web Server
– E.g. a catalog style Web site with search, update and
display functions: the catalog database and database
management software would make up the third tier
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Web Server Hardware
• Web Servers have
more memory, faster
hard drives and faster
processors (or
multiple processors)
than desktop
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
• A high-end desktop PC with 512MB RAM, 3GHz
processor, a 200GB IDE drive, a good monitor
and DVD/CD-RW drive cost between US$2000 -
$4000 (in 2004)
– A low end Web server might cost the same amount
• Companies spend between US$6,000 and
$400,000 for a Web server
• Suppliers of these servers include Dell, Gateway
and Hewlett Packard
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Web Server Architectures
• Server farms refer to large (hundreds, or
thousands) of Web servers used to handle daily
traffic on large Web sites
• A Centralised architecture uses a few very
large and very fast computers
• A Distributed/decentralised architecture uses
a larger number of less powerful computers
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Web Server Architectures
• The Centralised architecture requires
– Expensive computers
– Is more susceptible to technical problems
• If one or a few of the servers are available then a
large proportion of the site is unavailable
– As a result a backup/recovery plan is
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Web Server Architectures
• The Distributed/decentralised architecture:
– Spreads the risk over a large number of servers
– The smaller servers are less expense that larger ones
(the cost of 100 smaller servers is usually less that
the cost of one large one)
– Additional hubs and switches are required to link the
servers together and to the Internet
– These sites might also use load-balancing systems
which are an additional cost
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Load Balancing Systems3
• A load-balancing switch:
– A piece of network hardware that monitors the
workload of servers attached to it
– Assigns incoming web traffic to the server with
the most available capacity at the given time
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Why Load-balance?
• Allows Highly-Trafficked Sites To Maintain Fast
Response Times
• Server Redundancy - If An Application Server
Goes Down, Your Site Stays Up
• Better Site Performance = Better User
Experience = Better Sales Results
• Readies Your Hosting Configuration For Traffic
Growth & Intense Traffic Spikes
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Simple Load-Balancing
• Traffic enters the site
from the Internet through
a router (not shown in
• This traffic is then
directed to the
appropriate Web server
by the load-balancing
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Load Balancing
Systems Cost
• Load-balancing
switches and software
cost between
US$10,000 and
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
• It should now be clear
what hardware and
server software is
required to construct a
Web site
• In this next section we will
discuss the client-side
and server-side software
used to construct Web
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Client-side Technologies
• Client-side Web technologies include:
– JavaScript
– VBScript
– Java Applets
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Server-side Technologies
• Server-side Web technologies include:
– Perl/CGI
– Microsoft ASP
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
• These technologies will be discussed in
the next session
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
• In addition to the client-
side and server-side
software that has just
been discussed, it is also
important to know the e-
commerce software that
is available to
businesses, who either
want to host their own
Web sites, or want to
outsource the hosting
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Finding and Evaluating Web Hosts
• When a company takes on the responsibility of
hosting their own Web site this is called self-
• Small and mid-size businesses tend to
outsource to a third party, i.e. use a Web hosting
service provider
• These third parties are called Internet Service
Providers (ISPs), Commerce Service Providers
(CSPs), Managed Service Providers (MSPs) or
Application Service Providers (ASPs)
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Finding and Evaluating Web Hosts Cont’d
• To find a host a company must determine what
type of service they require, for example:
– A shared hosting service where the Client’s Web site
is on a server which hosts other Web sites
– A dedicated hosting service where only the Client is
hosted on the Server
– Or, a co-location service where the Client installs his
own hardware and software, and rents a physical
space, a reliable power supplier and an Internet
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Finding and Evaluating Web Hosts Cont’d
• A list of Internet service providers can be found
• Exercise: use the above sites to find ISPs in
North America
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Electronic Commerce Software
• The software requirement for e-commerce
site vary tremendously and are dependent
on several factors including:
– The size of the enterprise and its projected
– The budget
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Electronic Commerce Software Cont’d
• All e-commerce solutions must provide at
least the following:
– A catalog display
– Shopping cart capabilities
– Transaction processing
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Electronic Commerce Software Cont’d
• Larger e-commerce site require additional
functionality, such as:
– Middleware that links the company’s existing system
(inventory control, order processing and accounting)
to the e-commerce system
– Databases and Applications
– Supply chain management software
– Customer relationship management software
– Content management software
– Knowledge management software
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Catalog Display
• This is used to organise the goods being sold
• Static catalog
– This is a simple list written in HTML that appears on
one or more Web pages
– To add or delete items from the catalog it is require to
edit the HTML pages
• Dynamic catalog
– Information is stored in a database
– May feature photographs of items, detailed
descriptions and search facilities
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Catalog Display Cont’d
• Smaller Web stores selling fewer than 40 items
only need a list of products or product categories
– Images of all the products might be able to fit on the
same page
• Larger stores require
– More sophisticated navigation, and product
organisation tools
– Also they must often alternative ways of finding
products, e.g. product categories as well as a free-
text search capabilities, e.g. “stereos”
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Shopping Carts
• In the earlier years of e-commerce text forms
were used to enter orders. These forms were
error prone because customers had to:
– Write down product codes, unit prices and other
information about the products before going to the
order form
– Customers also had to write down the price of the
item which was often on another page
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Shopping Carts Cont’d
• Modern shopping carts keep track of the items a
customer selects, allowing them to add or
remove items, or simply to view the cart
• All information about the item, including its price
and product code are stored in the shopping cart
• The clicking of a button (e.g. the checkout
button) executes the purchase transaction
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Shopping Carts Cont’d
• Some Web commerce sites allow the
storage of items in a shopping cart over a
period of days, allowing the user to come
back and pay for the items at that time
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Shopping Carts Cont’d
• Companies that sell shopping cart
software include:
• A one off cost of $250-$400
• ASP, ASP.Net & PHP
• Single User license $495
• Perl/CGI
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Transaction Processing
• Transaction processing occurs when the
Shopper proceeds to the virtual checkout
– At this point volume discounts, sales tax and shipping
costs are calculated (sales tax and shipping charges
must be kept current)
– These calculations must also include any coupons,
special promotions or time sensitive offers (e.g. make
a purchase by a given date and get a discount)
– A secure communication link is subsequently
established to transmit payment information
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
• Links the e-commerce software to existing
• Middleware may be written in-house or bought
from middleware vendors or consulting firms
• The total cost of a middleware implementation
can range from $50,000 to millions
– E.g. of middleware vendors are and
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
• A database manager stores software in a highly
structured way
• The database structure determine how easy the
database manager can retrieve the information
stored in the database
• Smaller e-commerce sites can use low cost
databases such as Microsoft Access
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Databases Cont’d
• Larger e-commerce sites require more
expensive data management software
such as:
– Microsoft SQL Server
– Oracle
• These packages cost between US$5,000
and US$200,000
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Databases Cont’d
• An increasing number of companies and
organisations are beginning to use MySQL
which is open source software
– Customers pay for service support if required
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Application Integration
• Application programs perform specific functions,
e.g. creates invoices
• An application server receives its input from
Web servers which in turn is supplied by the
• The function of the application software is
dictated by the rules of the business; this is
called business logic
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Application Servers
• Application servers are divided into two groups:
– Page-based application systems which return
pages generated by scripts containing rules for
presenting the data
• Examples include Macromedia ColdFusion, Java Server
Pages (JSP), Active Serer pages (ASP) and PHP: Hypertext
Preprocessor (PHP)
• This technology works well for small to mid size sites
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Application Servers Cont’d
– Component-based application systems
separate the presentation logic from the
business logic. Each logical component is
created in a separate module
• E.g. Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs), Microsoft
Component Object Model (COM) and Object
Management Group Common Object Request
Broker Architecture (COBRA)
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Web Services
• An accepted definition. is not yet available
• However it is a combination of software
tools that allow application software in one
organisation to speak to application
software in another organisation over a
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Web Services Cont’d
– E.g. a mortgage application service company
obtaining information from consumers
– forwarding the information to a Building
Society for a mortgage decision
– decision is relayed back to the service
• These services use XML
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
E-Commerce Software for Small to Mid-Size E-
• E-commerce software for small to mid-size
business is typically provided by commerce
service providers (CSP)
• CSP have the advantage of
– Offering free or low-cost e-commerce site building
– Cost typically less than US$20 month
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
E-Commerce Software for Small to Mid-
Size E-Businesses Cont’d
– Service appropriate for small businesses
selling no more than 50 items
– Transaction volumes of fewer than 20 a day
• E.g. ValueWeb hosts over 180,000 Web
site for over 130 countries
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Mall-style CSP
• Provide small businesses with:
– An Internet connection
– Web site creation tools
– Little or no banner advertising clutter
– Shopping cart software, and payment processing
• The monthly fee is higher than lower-end
providers (therefore less ads)
– May charge a one-time setup fee
– Percentage or fixed charge for every transaction
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Mall-style CSP Cont’d
• Examples include eBay Stores and Yahoo!
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Estimating Operating Costs For Small Web
Business Using ISP
• The first year cost (in US dollars) for Web businesses
that sell less than 50 different items
– Initial site setup fee $200
– Annual maintenance $1200
– Domain name registration $70
– Scanner or digital camera $500
– Photo editing software $100
– Occasional HTML design help $400
– Merchant credit card setup $200
– Total first year cost $2670
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d

Cost of Self Hosting a Site for a Small Business

• Setup and Web site maintenance includes
– Equipment: (server and network gear) one time cost of
US$3000 - $20000
– Communication: T1 or fractional T1 cost US$1200 -
US$12,000 per year
– Physical location: (e.g. room security, air conditioning
and communication access) cost $5,000 a year
– Staff: minimum cost US$50,000 - US$100,000 annually
– Total cost US$60,000 - US$100,000 or more for the
first year, and about the same in subsequent years
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Cost of Self Hosting a Site for a Medium-
Size and Large Business
• The startup cost is US$100,000 -
– Recurring annual cost of 50% this amount
• Large businesses spend US$1 million -
US$50 million to launch, with 50%
recurring annual cost
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Software Tools For Medium-Size to Large E-
• The software tools for midsize to large
businesses include:
– Macromedia Dreamweaver
– Microsoft FrontPage
– Visual Studio .Net – for dynamic pages
– Shopping carts, content management software
– Middleware
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Software Tools For Medium-Size to Large E-
Businesses Cont’d
• Buying and using mid-range e-commerce
software has an annual cost of US$2,000 -
– Offers connectivity to database systems
– Provides connections to existing inventory control
– E,g, IBM Websphere Commerce Professional Edition
(cost US$80,000 per processor)
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
E-Commerce Software for Large Businesses
• Higher transaction loads required
• Software cost much more
• Extensive support for B2B commerce
• Requires several dedicated computers, Web
server systems and firewalls
• E.g. IBM WebSphere Commerce Business
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Customer Relationship Management
• The goal is to understand the customer’s
specific needs and customise the product
to suit them
• A customer whose needs are being met
exactly is willing to pay more for goods or
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Customer Relationship Management Cont’d
• CRM software requires input from
– Sales automation
– Customer service centre operation
– Marketing campaigns
– Customer activity data from the Web site
• This helps managers to:
– Gather business intelligence
– Plan marketing strategy
– Perform customer behaviour modelling
– Product and service customisation
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Customer Relationship Management
• E.g. Siebel Systems; price starts at around
US$200,000; an average of about
US$5,000 per user
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Supply Chain Management
• Helps to coordinate planning and operations with
industry partners
• SCM software helps with
– Planning: helps companies develop coordinated
demand forecast using information from partners
– Execution: helps with warehousing and transportation
– E.g. i2 Technologies. A wholesaler with 3-4
distribution Centres might have to pay US$1 million
for the SCM software
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Content Management Software
• Used to update or maintain Web site
• Allows control of large amount of text,
graphics and media files
• E.g. Documentum which cost between
US$200,000 - $500,000
Constructing a Web Site Cont’d
Knowledge Management Software
• Helps companies to
– Collect and organise information
– Share information among users
– Enhance the ability of users to collaborate
– Retain knowledge gained to be used by future users
– E.g. IBM Lotus Discovery Server
– KM software can cost between US$50,000 to US$1
million or more
Evaluating Web Sites 4

• The Internet provides a

rich source of information,
– Although it is tempting to
think that everything is on
the Internet, it is not
– There are many Web sites
with inaccurate, confusing
and misleading information
Evaluating Web Sites Cont’d
• Since there is no editor in charge of the
Internet it is necessary to evaluate Web
sites before using the information on them
• Many criteria have been suggested in the
literature for the evaluation of the
credibility of an Internet source
Evaluating Web Sites Cont’d
• However the criteria that this course will
adopt are:
– Authority
– Accuracy
– Objectivity
– Currency
– Coverage
Evaluating Web Sites Cont’d
• Authority is concerned with the credentials of the
author of the information
– Who has created the Web page content?
– Is there any author contact information?
– What degrees or experience does the author have?
• These questions help to determine whether the
author is a reliable source or even an expert in
the subject area
Evaluating Web Sites Cont’d
• This is concerned with the accuracy of the
information contained in the Web site
– Can any of the facts be verified against another
– Are there spelling or grammatical errors (since this
helps to indicate whether the author took care in
writing the material)?
– Is there a person or body responsible for the accuracy
of the information (e.g. the Publishers of a Journal do
blind peer reviews)?
Evaluating Web Sites Cont’d
• This is an attempt to determine whether
the information is objective or biased
– Does the author have a clear point of view?
– Is the site run by Government, a University or
a business trying to sell a product?
Evaluating Web Sites Cont’d
• This is concerned with the publication date of the
• On Web sites this is not always clear
• Information that is updated regularly is more
likely to be useful as references for research
• Web sites with links that go nowhere (i.e. dead
links) often indicate that it has been abandoned
or that the information is simply not up to date
Evaluating Web Sites Cont’d
• This is concerned with whether information
about a given topic is covered in-depth
• Shorter articles, which are most common on the
Internet, tend not to have the depth of
information required for research papers
• Articles for bibliographies or a list of references
provide a valuable source of additional articles
that can be used
Evaluating Web Sites Cont’d
• Typically, the order of importance of
sources are:
– Peer-reviewed Journals
– Peer-reviewed conference proceedings
– .gov, .edu sites (run by the government and
– .org, .com, .net sites (run by individuals or
Web Site Usability 5,9,10,11

• “From whence we
– Early Web sites simply
provided information
and often did not
include e-mail
addresses; those who
did did not have
enough staff to
respond to the email
Web Site Usability Cont’d
• A visitor should be given access to the:
– organisation’s history,
– A statement of objectives/mission statement
– Information about products or services
– A way to communicate with the organisation
• Every visitor to a Web site is a potential
– It is difficult to meet all the needs of visitors
Web Site Usability Cont’d
• Some of the motivations of visitors include:
– Learning about products and services
– Buying products or services
– Obtaining general company information
– Identification of the management team and
their contact information
– Obtaining company financial information in
order to make investment decisions
Web Site Usability Cont’d
Meeting Visitors Needs
• To meet the needs of Web site visitors you must
– The expectation level and experience when they enter
your site
– The communication channel used to connect and the
– The web browser used
– The add-ins available for the browser being used
Web Site Usability Cont’d
Build Flexible Web sites
• Separate version with and without frames
• Text-only versions (for visually impaired people
who use special browser software)
• Get user the option to download smaller
versions of graphics
• If audio or video clips included, give user the
option to select the connection type (so that
adjustments may be made for bandwidth)
Web Site Usability Cont’d
Build Flexible Web sites Cont’d
• Let users select the level of detail, viewing
format and download format
• Offer visitors multiple information formats
(e.g. HTML, PDF or Excel spreadsheet for
financial data)
Web Site Usability Cont’d
Macromedia Flash
• There has been some controversy
surrounding the use of Macromedia Flash:
– The files (which are not rendered in HTML)
take a long time to download, especially if you
do not have a broadband connection
– Few major e-commerce sites use these type
of animated graphics pages
Web Site Usability Cont’d
Macromedia Flash Cont’d
– Some tasks however do lend themselves to
animation (e.g. pants fitting at
– One solution is to offer Flash or non-Flash
Web Site Usability Cont’d
Web Site Design Goals
• A Web site developer should try to meet the
following goals:
– Provide easily accessible organisational information
– Provide a two-way communication link with the
– Encourage return visitors (e.g. announce upcoming
content) and keep the attention of existing visitors
– Provide full access to products and services
Web Site Usability Cont’d
Customer Trust and Loyalty
• Customer trust/loyalty translates to return visits
– A customer that purchases a product from a business
and gets good service will begin to trust the business.
Multiple good experiences leads to loyalty
• A 5% increase in customer loyalty can yield 25-80% profit
• Customer service on E-commerce sites
– Research indicates a rating between average to low
– There is often a lack of integration between the call
centres and the Web site
– E-mail responsiveness is also an issue (slow or no
replies to emails)
Web Site Usability Cont’d
Usability Testing
• Companies are only now performing usability
testing on their Web sites
• Average e-commerce sites frustrate up to 70%
of their users (resulting in the user leaving the
site without purchasing anything)
– Sites are confusing or difficult to use
• In many cases simple changes can improve the
usability of the site
(See and for
further details)
Web Site Usability Cont’d
Customer-centric Web Design
• The following guidelines serve to meet the
needs of the customer (as opposed to any Web
site visitor):
– Arrange links in the way that a customer would use
– It should be possible to access information quickly
– Keep product and service descriptions simple, do not
over sell by including a lot of marketing
– Keep the language simple and jargon free
Web Site Usability Cont’d
Customer-centric Web Design Cont’d
– The Web site should work with the oldest
browser, running on the oldest computer at
the lowest bandwidth
• This might mean several different versions of the
Web site are required (what about the cost of
updating content?)
– Label all navigational aids clearly
– Test text visibility on smaller monitors
Web Site Usability Cont’d
Customer-centric Web Design Cont’d
– Choose colour combinations that would not
impair the vision of colour-blind visitors
– Test the usability of your site using potential
• Always ensure that enough information
has been provided for the customer
otherwise they will go elsewhere.
Web Site Usability Cont’d
Web site Response Times 9,10,11
• The required response time for hypertext
navigation is one second, therefore your
Web pages should be no more than 3KB
(assuming a 28.8kbps modem which most
users have).
• The above limitation rules out most
Web Site Usability Cont’d
Three Important Response Times
• The basic advice on response times are:
– 0.1 seconds for a user to feel that a system is
– 1.0 seconds for the user’s thought to remain
– 10 seconds for keeping a users attention
• Generally, the response time should be as fast
as possible
Web Site Usability Cont’d
Continuous Feedback
• When an immediate response is not possible
continuous feedback should be provided
• Myers11 suggests a percentage completed
indicator, if the operation takes more than 10
seconds, which has three advantages:
– It assure the user that the system has not crashed
– It indicates how long the user has to wait
– It provides the user with something to look at, which
makes the wait less painful (for this reason a graphic
progress bar is far better than text)
Web Site Usability Cont’d
Continuous Feedback Cont’d
• When the amount of work to be done by an operation is
unknown a percentage completed indicator might be
• In this case a number of progress indicators are still
– If an operation goes through a defined set of steps, these steps
could be displayed as they are started and completed
– As a last resort progress indicator, such as dots printed on a
status line or a spinning ball could be used – which indicates that
the system is working
Web Site Usability Cont’d
Continuous Feedback Cont’d
• For operations that complete within 2 – 10
seconds a percentage done indicator is

[1] Darnell, Rick, et al., “HTML4: Unleased”, Publishing, First Edition, 1997
[2] Zhao, Jensen J., “Web design and development for e-business”, Prentice Hall,
[3] INetU, “Load Balancing”, 2004. Online document available at
[4] Burrell, Carolyn, Hingley, Chris, “Evaluating Business Web Sites”, 2002. Online
document available at
[5] Nielsen, Jakob, “Flash: 99% Bad”, Alertbox, Oct. 2000. Online document available
[6] Schneider, Gary, P., “Electronic Commerce: The second wave”, Thomson Course
Technology, Fifth Annual Edition, 2004
[7] W3C, “HyperText Markup Language (HTML) Home Page”, 2004. Online document
available at
[8] Deitel, H., Deitel, P., Nieto, Frank, L., Lin, Ted, M., Sadhu, Praveen, “XML: How to Program”,
Prentice-Hall Inc., 2001

[9] Jakob Nielsen, “Why this site has almost no graphics”, 2005. Online document
available at
[10] Jakob Nielsen, “Response Times: The Three Important Limits”, 1994. Online
document available at
[11] Myers, B. A., “The importance of percent-done progress indicators for computer-
human interfaces.”, Proc. ACM CHI'85 Conf. (San Francisco, CA, 14-18 April),
1985, 11-17

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