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Exploring The Wonders of Water 1

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Exploring the

Wonders of Water
Water is a fascinating and essential chemical substance that makes up a
large portion of our planet and our own bodies. Its unique properties and
versatile nature have a profound impact on our world.

by Cheryl Bedano
Molecular Structure of Water
Molecular Composition Covalent Bonds Bent Geometry
Water is composed of The bonds between the The unique bent shape
two hydrogen atoms hydrogen and oxygen of the water molecule is
and one oxygen atom, atoms are covalent, a result of the
forming the familiar sharing electrons and electronegative oxygen
H2O molecular creating a stable atom and the two
structure. molecule. hydrogen atoms.
Physical Properties of Water
1 High Boiling Point 2 Low Freezing Point
Water has a relatively high boiling point Water freezes at 0°C (32°F), making it a
of 100°C (212°F) due to its hydrogen liquid at room temperature.
3 Cohesive Forces 4 High Specific Heat
Water molecules are attracted to each Water has a high specific heat capacity,
other, creating surface tension and allowing it to absorb and store large
capillary action. amounts of thermal energy.
Hydrogen Bonding in Water
Electronegativity 1
The unequal sharing of electrons in
the water molecule creates a slightly
negative charge on the oxygen atom 2 Attraction
and slightly positive charges on the The slight charges on the water
hydrogen atoms. molecule allow for the formation of
hydrogen bonds, where the hydrogen
atoms of one water molecule are
Unique Properties 3 attracted to the oxygen atoms of
Hydrogen bonding is responsible for neighboring water molecules.
many of water's unique properties,
such as its high boiling point, surface
tension, and ability to dissolve a wide
range of substances.
Density and Thermal Properties of Water
Density Thermal Expansion
Water is unique in that it is most dense at Water expands when it freezes, allowing ice
4°C (39°F), unlike most other liquids, which to float on the surface of liquid water.
become less dense as they cool.

High Specific Heat Evaporative Cooling

Water has a high specific heat capacity, The evaporation of water requires a large
meaning it can absorb and store large amount of energy, resulting in a cooling
amounts of thermal energy, which helps effect, which is important for regulating
regulate the Earth's temperature. body temperature.
Polarity and Solvent Properties of Water
Polarity Solvent Biological Importance
The unequal Water's polarity The solvent
distribution of allows it to dissolve a properties of water
electrons in the water wide range of polar are essential for the
molecule gives it a and ionic substances, functioning of living
slight positive and making it an organisms, as it
negative charge, excellent solvent for allows for the
making it a polar many chemical transport and
molecule. reactions. chemical reactions
necessary for life.
Demonstrating Water Properties
Surface Tension
Carefully place a paperclip on the surface of water to demonstrate the
cohesive forces and surface tension of water.

Capillary Action
Observe how water can be drawn up a narrow tube or paper towel
through capillary action, showcasing the adhesive and cohesive
properties of water.

Gently lower an ice cube into a glass of water to observe how the ice
floats, demonstrating the unique density properties of water.
The Unique and Vital Role of Water
Water covers over 70% of the Earth's surface
Ubiquity and is essential for all known forms of life.

Versatility Water's unique properties make it a versatile

substance that can be used in a wide range of
applications, from industry to agriculture to
daily life.

Importance Water is a crucial component for the

functioning of living organisms, and its
availability and quality are essential for human
health and the health of the planet.

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