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18CEO406T Unit 5 2024

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Introduction to Renewable Energy
Renewable energy is energy that is generated from natural resources, such
as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, and geothermal heat, which are renewable and
replenished naturally. Unlike fossil fuels, which are finite and will eventually
run out, renewable energy sources can be harnessed to provide clean and
sustainable energy for generations to come. Benefits of Renewable Energy
• Reduces greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution
• Decreases dependence on fossil fuels and foreign oil
• Creates jobs and stimulates economic growth in the renewable energy
• Improves energy security and reliability


How It Works:
Solar panels convert sunlight into direct current (DC) electricity, which
is then converted into alternating current (AC) electricity for home use.
Advantages :
Renewable, clean, and abundant, with no emissions or pollution.
Disadvantages :
Expensive to install, the initial setup requires a lot of space, and energy
production is variable depending on weather and location.
Solar Energy
Environmental Impact of Solar Energy
Solar energy is one of the cleanest and most
abundant sources of renewable energy. It
produces no greenhouse gas emissions or air
pollutants and has a minimal impact on
water resources. However, the production of
solar panels does require energy and
resources, and their disposal can create
waste. Overall, the environmental impact of
solar energy is significantly lower than that
of fossil fuels.
Sustainability of Solar Energy
Solar energy is a sustainable source of energy because it is renewable and does not
deplete natural resources. With advancements in technology, the efficiency of solar
panels has increased, making them more cost-effective and accessible to a wider
range of consumers. Additionally, the use of solar energy can reduce dependence on
fossil fuels and contribute to a more sustainable future.
Growing Significance of Solar Energy
Solar energy is becoming increasingly significant as a source of renewable energy. In
recent years, the cost of solar panels has decreased, making them more affordable
and accessible. Many countries have set ambitious targets for renewable energy
adoption, and solar energy is expected to play a major role in meeting these targets.
Additionally, advancements in energy storage technology are making it possible to
store excess solar energy for later use, increasing the reliability and stability of solar
energy systems.

Hydro energy is a renewable energy

source that harnesses the power of moving
water to generate electricity. It is one of the
oldest and most widely used forms of
renewable energy, with hydroelectric power
plants providing around 16% of the world's
electricity. Hydro energy can be generated
from a variety of sources, including rivers,
streams, and tidal currents.
How It Works:
Running water turns turbines, which generate electricity. Renewable
and non-polluting, it produces more electricity in large-scale operations
than other renewables.
Advantages :
Renewable and highly efficient, it is the cheapest form of renewable
energy, and can also function as a flood control and irrigation tool.
Disadvantages :
It can impact fish and wildlife habitats, and large hydro projects can be
environmentally and socially disruptive.
Wind energy is one of the cleanest and
most sustainable sources of energy available. It
produces no emissions or pollutants and does
not require water for operation. However, wind
turbines can have an impact on wildlife,
particularly birds and bats, and can also create
noise pollution. Careful site selection and
turbine design can help mitigate these issues.
Sustainability of Wind Energy
Wind energy is a highly sustainable source of energy, as it relies on a
renewable resource - wind. The technology used in wind turbines is
constantly improving, making them more efficient and cost-effective. As a
result, wind energy is becoming increasingly competitive with traditional
energy sources.

Growing Significance of Wind Energy

Wind energy is one of the fastest-growing sources of renewable energy in
the world. In 2020, wind power accounted for 7% of global electricity
generation, and this figure is expected to continue to rise. The increasing
demand for clean energy and the decreasing cost of wind technology are
driving this growth.
Advantages :
• Renewable, clean, and cost-effective, with no greenhouse gas
• It can also serve remote areas and boost local economies.
Disadvantages :
• Intermittent energy production can cause fluctuations in the power
supply and a backup power source may be needed.
• Large upfront costs and equipment maintenance.

Geothermal energy is derived

from the heat of the earth's core and is a
renewable energy source. It is a clean and
sustainable alternative to traditional
fossil fuels.
Environmental Impact of Geothermal Energy
Geothermal energy has a relatively low environmental impact
compared to traditional fossil fuels. The process of extracting
geothermal energy does not produce any greenhouse gases or other
pollutants, and the land footprint of a geothermal power plant is
relatively small.
Sustainability of Geothermal Energy
Geothermal energy is a sustainable energy source as it is derived from
the earth's core, which is constantly generating heat. The amount of
geothermal energy that can be extracted is limited only by the rate at
which the earth's core generates heat.
How It Works:
The naturally occurring heat from the Earth's core, often harnessed
through steam and hot water that can drive turbines and produce heat.
Advantages :
Renewable, clean, and reliable, with no greenhouse gas emissions. It can
also be used for heating and cooling buildings.
Disadvantages :
It is location-specific and drilling for geothermal resources can be
expensive and risky.

Biomass energy is generated

through the combustion or decomposition
of organic materials, such as agricultural
waste and wood. This process releases heat,
which can be converted into electricity or
used for heating purposes.
How It Works:
Biomass energy is generated through the combustion or decomposition
of organic materials, such as wood, plants, and animal waste. When
burned, these materials release heat, which can be used to generate
electricity, heat buildings, or produce fuel.
Advantages :
Renewable, easily accessible, and abundant, plus it reduces waste in
landfills and cuts greenhouse gas emissions.
Disadvantages :
The creation and transportation of biomass can emit greenhouse gases,
and burning biomass can cause air pollution.
Environmental Impact of Renewable Energy
• Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Renewable energy sources emit significantly less greenhouse gases
compared to traditional fossil fuels, which contribute to climate
change and air pollution.
• Conservation of Natural Resources
Renewable energy sources utilize natural resources such as sunlight,
wind, and water, which are replenished naturally and do not deplete
over time.
• Reduced Dependence on Fossil Fuels
Renewable energy sources reduce our dependence on finite fossil
fuels, which are becoming increasingly scarce and expensive to
Environmental Impact of Renewable Energy
• Reduced Air Pollution
Renewable energy sources do not emit harmful pollutants such as
sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, which contribute to acid rain,
smog, and respiratory diseases.
• Cleaner Air and Water
Renewable energy doesn't produce air or water pollution, which is
essential for improved public health and a cleaner environment.
• Job Creation and Economic Benefits
The renewable energy industry is growing rapidly and provides job
opportunities while also reducing our dependence on foreign oil and
boosting local economies.
The Future of Renewable Energy

Solar Energy Wind Energy Geothermal Energy

Continued innovation in Advancements in wind Exploration and new
solar panel technology will turbine design will increase drilling techniques will
make it more affordable make it more accessible
efficiency and promote the
and efficient, with even and cost-effective, and
use of offshore wind farms to
more applications expand its applications
including transportation generate even more clean
beyond heating and
and space exploration. energy.
cooling buildings.
Environmental Impact of Renewable
Renewable energy technologies have a much
lower environmental impact than traditional fossil
fuels. For example, solar and wind power produce no
greenhouse gas emissions, while biomass energy
produces significantly fewer emissions than coal or
natural gas. Hydro and geothermal energy also have a
relatively low environmental impact, although there
are some concerns about the impact of large-scale
hydroelectric projects on local ecosystems.
Government Policies and Incentives for
Renewable Energy
Governments around the world are
implementing policies and incentives to encourage the
adoption of renewable energy technologies. These
policies include tax credits, feed-in tariffs, and
renewable portfolio standards. By providing financial
incentives for the development and use of renewable
energy technologies, governments are helping to drive
the transition towards a more sustainable energy
Sustainable development is a concept that seeks to
balance economic growth with social and environmental
considerations. It aims to meet the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations
to meet their own needs. Sustainable development is
about finding ways to create a better world for everyone,
not just for those who are already privileged.
The Three Pillars of Sustainable
Sustainable development is
often described as having three pillars:
environmental sustainability, economic
sustainability, and social sustainability.
These three pillars are interconnected
and must be balanced in order to
achieve sustainable development.
The Three Pillars of Sustainable Development
“Environmental Sustainability”
Environmental sustainability refers to the responsible use and
management of natural resources, as well as the protection and
preservation of ecosystems and biodiversity. It involves reducing waste
and pollution, conserving energy and water, and promoting sustainable
practices in industries such as agriculture and forestry.
“Economic Sustainability”
Economic sustainability involves creating a stable and resilient economy
that can provide for the needs of present and future generations. This
includes promoting economic growth, creating jobs, and reducing
poverty, while also ensuring that resources are used efficiently and fairly
The Three Pillars of Sustainable Development

“Social Sustainability”
Social sustainability refers to creating a society that is equitable,
inclusive, and just for all members. This involves promoting human
rights, reducing inequality, and ensuring that basic needs such as food,
shelter, and healthcare are met. It also involves promoting social cohesion
and community engagement.
• Environmental sustainability is the practice of conserving natural resources
and protecting the planet for future generations. It involves reducing waste,
pollution, and carbon emissions, and promoting the use of renewable energy
• Environmental sustainability is one of the three pillars of sustainable
development, along with economic and social sustainability. These three
pillars are interconnected and must be balanced to achieve sustainable
• Sustainable development is important because it ensures that the needs of
the present are met without compromising the ability of future generations
to meet their own needs. It also promotes economic growth, social equality,
and environmental protection.
What is Social Sustainability?
Social sustainability refers to the ability of a society to meet the
needs of its members while preserving the well-being of future
generations. It involves creating and maintaining a just and equitable
society that provides opportunities for everyone to thrive, regardless of
their background or circumstances.
The Importance of Sustainable
Environmental Sustainability
Sustainable development aims to
protect the environment and natural
resources for future generations while
meeting the needs of the present. This
includes reducing carbon emissions,
conserving biodiversity, and promoting
renewable energy sources.
The Importance of Sustainable
Social Sustainability
Sustainable development also aims to
promote social equity and justice by
ensuring that everyone has access to the
resources and opportunities they need
to thrive. This includes promoting
education and healthcare, reducing
poverty and inequality, and promoting
gender and racial equality.
The Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, the United Nations adopted the 17
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a universal
call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and
ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by
2030. The SDGs cover a wide range of issues, including
poverty, hunger, health, education, gender equality,
clean water and sanitation, affordable and clean
energy, decent work and economic growth, industry,
innovation and infrastructure, reduced inequalities,
sustainable cities and communities, responsible
consumption and production, climate action, life below
water, life on land, peace, justice and strong
institutions, and partnerships for the goals.
01 Introduction

02 Adaptation Measures

03 Green Building Technologies

04 Case Studies

05 Conclusion

Adaptation measures refer to strategies and actions taken to
address the challenges posed by climate change, particularly in the
context of building infrastructure. Green building technologies
encompass sustainable building practices and technologies that
promote environmental responsibility and resource efficiency. In an era
of climate change, it is essential to understand how adaptation
measures and green building technologies play a pivotal role in ensuring
the resilience and sustainability of buildings. The impact of climate
change on buildings is significant and growing, with increased risks of
extreme weather events, rising temperatures, and more. Both
adaptation measures and green building technologies are instrumental
in mitigating these challenges.

Adaptation Measures
● Adaptation measures are strategies to enhance
buildings’ resilience to climate change impacts.
They are distinct from mitigation measures
focusing on reducing greenhouse gas
emissions. Adaptation measures are about
preparing buildings to withstand and adapt to
various climate change hazards.
● To ensure effective implementation, it's
essential to consider factors such as design,
installation, operation, and maintenance.
Collaboration with experts in the field is often
Here are some examples of adaptation measures that can be
implemented in buildings:

• Heat Waves: Roof gardens, reflective roofing materials, and energy-

efficient cooling systems.
• Water Scarcity: Rainwater harvesting, greywater recycling, and
efficient irrigation systems.
• Flooding: Elevation of buildings, flood-resistant materials, and
improved drainage.
• Poor Air Quality: Air filtration systems, ventilation improvements,
and green walls.


Green Building Technologies
Green building technologies encompass a variety of sustainable practices and
innovations that enhance energy efficiency, water conservation, waste management,
indoor environmental quality, and overall resilience. These technologies align closely
with the goals of adaptation measures.
Some examples of green building technologies include:
• Energy Efficiency: Solar panels, LED lighting, and smart HVAC systems.
• Water Conservation: Low-flow fixtures, rainwater harvesting, and efficient
• Waste Management: Recycling systems, composting, and construction waste
• Indoor Environmental Quality: Natural ventilation, non-toxic materials, and green
• Resilience: Impact-resistant windows, seismic retrofitting, and disaster-resistant

Case Study 1: The Edge, Amsterdam, Netherlands
The Edge in Amsterdam is a sustainable office building known for its cutting-edge
design and environmental performance.
• Adaptation Measures: The building employs elevated foundations, flood-
resistant materials, and drainage systems to cope with heavy rainfall and
potential flooding.
• Green Building Technologies: Solar panels, smart lighting, and rainwater
harvesting contribute to its sustainability. The building generates more energy
than it consumes.
• Outcomes: The Edge achieved a BREEAM "Outstanding" rating and exemplifies
energy efficiency and occupant comfort.
• Challenges and Lessons Learned: Initial costs were a challenge, but
investment in innovative technologies paid off through energy savings and
tenant satisfaction
Case Study 2: One Angel Square, Manchester, UK
One Angel Square in Manchester, UK, is the Co-operative Group's headquarters,
renowned for sustainability.
• Adaptation Measures: The building features rainwater harvesting and a
responsive HVAC system to address climate change challenges in the UK.
• Green Building Technologies: A combined heat and power (CHP) system,
efficient lighting, and advanced insulation reduce energy consumption and
• Outcomes: One Angel Square received a BREEAM "Outstanding" rating,
significantly reducing operational costs and carbon emissions.
• Challenges and Lessons Learned: Initial costs and specialized expertise
were challenges, but the long-term benefits included energy savings and
improved comfort.

In summary, adaptation measures and green building technologies are critical
components in addressing the challenges of climate change within the realm of
building infrastructure. Through the case studies of The Edge in Amsterdam
and One Angel Square in Manchester, we've seen tangible proof of their efficacy
in enhancing building resilience, energy efficiency, and overall sustainability.
These strategies offer not only environmental benefits but also economic
advantages, including reduced operational costs and improved occupant well-
being. The importance of integrating adaptation measures and green building
technologies into our building projects cannot be overstated, as they are key to
creating a resilient and sustainable built environment in the face of an ever-
changing climate landscape.
Raising public awareness about environmental issues not only
benefits the planet, but also has economic advantages. By promoting
sustainable practices and encouraging environmentally friendly
choices, we can create a more sustainable economy.
Some of the economic benefits of raising public awareness
• Reducing costs associated with waste management and pollution
• Encouraging the development of new green industries and
• Creating new job opportunities in sustainable sectors.


Empowering individuals through educational programs to foster informed
decision-making and proactive engagement in environmental issues.
Utilizing targeted campaigns to reach broad audiences, leveraging persuasive
messaging and impactful visuals to inspire action and behaviour change.
Harnessing the power of media platforms, including social media, documentaries,
and news outlets, to amplify environmental messages and increase awareness.
Community Engagement
Engaging local communities through grassroots initiatives, citizen science projects,
and interactive events to foster a sense of ownership and action.


Positive Outcomes
Creating a culture of environmental stewardship, conservation of
habitats, and protection of biodiversity.
Balancing short-term results with long-term impacts, measuring
behaviour change, and addressing information overload.
Reaching marginalized communities, translating awareness into
action, and ensuring sustainability beyond short-term campaigns.


• Green jobs and economic growth through the development of
eco-friendly technologies and sustainable practices.
• Innovation and market opportunities in eco-tourism, renewable
energy, and circular economies.
• Costs associated with implementing awareness campaigns,
training, and infrastructure for sustainable practices.
• Resistance from industries and stakeholders unwilling to adapt
to environmentally conscious practices.
Encouraging individuals, organizations, and governments to take
responsibility for their ecological footprint and contribute to
sustainable solutions.
Ensuring diverse representation and cultural sensitivity to engage all
segments of society in environmental initiatives.
Putting systems in place to hold businesses and decision-makers
accountable for their environmental impact and promoting
Examples of Successful Public Awareness Campaigns
Plastic Pollution
Analyze case studies from around the world
showcasing effective campaigns to address plastic
pollution and promote sustainable packaging.
Renewable Energy
Explore success stories highlighting public awareness
efforts to accelerate the adoption of renewable
energy sources and combat climate change.
Urban Gardening
Discover urban gardening initiatives that have
increased public awareness about sustainable food
production and improved community well-being.
Conclusion: Collaboration and Innovation for
Bridging the Gap
Bringing together the realms of ecology,
economics, and ethics is essential to drive
impactful public awareness endeavours.
Collaboration and innovative approaches will
shape a sustainable future.
Definition of Carbon Sequestration
Carbon sequestration is a crucial
process in the fight against climate change.
It refers to the capture and long-term
storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other
greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.
This process helps to reduce the
concentration of these gases in the
atmosphere, mitigating their impact on
global warming and climate change.
Importance of carbon sequestration
Carbon sequestration helps combat Supports sustainable agriculture and
01 climate change by reducing excess CO2 06
food security

It slows down global warming and Creates new economic opportunities

02 07
stabilizes the planet's temperature and jobs

Preserves biodiversity by maintaining Protects coastal communities from

03 08
balanced ecosystems rising sea levels

Safeguards against extreme weather Fosters resilient and adaptable

04 09
events like hurricanes and droughts ecosystems

Enhances air quality and human Ensures a healthier and more sustainable
05 10
health future for generations to come
Why Carbon Sequestration Matters?
The Role of Excess Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
in Global Warming:
● Global warming is primarily driven by the
accumulation of excess CO2 and other
greenhouse gases in the Earth's
● These gases trap heat from the sun,
creating a "greenhouse effect" and leading
to a rise in global temperatures.
The Need for Reducing Carbon Emissions:
• Human activities, such as burning fossil
fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas),
deforestation, and industrial processes,
have significantly increased CO2 emissions.
• These emissions are a major contributor to
climate change, resulting in more frequent
and severe weather events, melting polar
ice, and rising sea levels.
• Addressing carbon emissions is vital to
combat these impacts and protect the
planet's ecosystems.
• Natural carbon sinks are ecosystems and natural features
that absorb and store carbon from the atmosphere.
Examples include forests, oceans, wetlands, and soils. These
ecosystems play a critical role in reducing atmospheric
carbon and slowing climate change.
• Forests, especially old-growth forests, are essential natural
carbon sinks as they absorb carbon dioxide during
photosynthesis, storing significant amounts of carbon in
their trunks, branches, and roots.
• Oceans are vast carbon sinks, with the capacity to absorb
substantial quantities of CO2 from the atmosphere.
• These two natural ecosystems play crucial roles in reducing
atmospheric carbon and mitigating climate change,
emphasizing the importance of conserving both terrestrial
and marine environments for a sustainable future.
• Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a technology that
captures carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from
industrial processes and power plants before they are
released into the atmosphere.
• It involves three main steps: capturing CO2 emissions,
transporting them to a storage site, and securely
storing the CO2 underground.
• Industrial CCS involves capturing CO2 emissions from
sources like coal-fired power plants and industrial
facilities, preventing their release into the atmosphere.
Geological CCS stores captured CO2 in underground
formations, as seen in projects like Sleipner in the
North Sea and Petra Nova in Texas, showcasing its
efficacy in curbing emissions from both industry and
energy sectors.
Types of Carbon Sequestration
• Biological Sequestration
Natural ecosystems, like forests, that capture and store carbon through plant
growth and soil processes
• Geological Sequestration
Secure storage of captured carbon dioxide (CO2) in underground geological
formations, such as depleted oil and gas reservoirs or deep saline aquifers.
• Direct air capture (DAC)
Innovative carbon sequestration technologies, including direct air capture
(DAC), enhanced weathering, and novel carbon storage materials.
• Oceanic Sequestration
Processes that enhance marine ecosystems to capture and store carbon in the
world's oceans, such as ocean fertilization.
Advantages and Disadvantages
• Mitigates Climate Change: Effectively • Cost and Energy Intensive: Some
reduces atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) carbon sequestration methods can be
levels, helping combat global warming. expensive and energy-intensive,
• Enhances Ecosystem Health: Supports affecting their feasibility.
healthy ecosystems, protects biodiversity, • Technological Risks: There are
and restores degraded lands. potential risks associated with carbon
• Economic Opportunities: Creates jobs capture and storage, including leaks
and economic benefits in sectors like from storage sites.
forestry, carbon trading, and clean energy. • Ethical and Environmental Concerns:
• Versatile Applications: Can be applied to Controversies regarding potential side
various emission sources, including effects, such as land use changes and
industrial processes and energy harm to local communities.
production • Not a Permanent Solution: Carbon
sequestration is not a substitute for
reducing emissions at their source.
In conclusion, carbon sequestration is a critical tool in our
efforts to combat climate change and its far-reaching impacts.
Through various methods, including natural sinks, geological
storage, and technological innovations, we can capture and store
carbon dioxide, reducing its presence in the atmosphere and
mitigating global warming. However, we must recognize the
urgency of this task and the challenges that lie ahead. While carbon
sequestration offers promising advantages in climate mitigation,
it's not a standalone solution. We must continue to reduce
emissions at their source and embrace sustainable practices. Each
individual, community, and nation has a role to play in supporting
carbon sequestration efforts. By taking action and advocating for
sustainable policies, we can work together to secure a healthier,
more resilient future for our planet and generations to come.
01 Life cycle analysis

02 Clean Technology

03 Biodiesel & Compost

04 Biodegradable waste


Definition of LCA
• Life cycle analysis (LCA) quantifies the environmental impacts
associated with a given product. In LCA, researchers create an
inventory of resources used and pollutants generated in product
production and use.
• From this an impact assessment estimates the product's ultimate
effects on human health, ecosystem function, and natural
resource depletion. Standardization of LCA methods has sought to
maintain flexibility while ensuring consistency and clarity in
Generally, LCA has four stages or
1. Goal and scope

2. Inventory

3. Impact assessment

4. Improvement assessment
Types of LCA
● Conceptual LCA: very basic level looking at qualitative
inventory, to create flow diagrams and understand, for example,
which components have the highest relative environmental
● Simplified LCA: Basically a proper LCA but using more generic
data and standard modules for energy production. A simplified
assessment that focuses on the most important environmental
aspects, and thoroughly assesses the reliability of the results.
● Detailed LCA: The full process of in-depth data collection,
highly specific to the product in question.

What is clean technology?
• Clean technology, in short cleantech or climate-tech, is any
process, product, or service that reduces negative
environmental impacts through significant energy efficiency
improvements, the sustainable use of resources, or
environmental protection activities.
• Clean technology includes a broad range of technology
related to recycling, renewable energy,
information technology, green transportation,
electric motors, green chemistry, lighting, grey water, and
Examples of Clean technology
Examples of clean technologies
in daily life are Solar heating
devices, Pressure cookers,
Energy-efficient refrigerators,
CFLs, etc.


● Biodiesel is a renewable, biodegradable fuel manufactured
domestically from vegetable oils, animal fats, or recycled
restaurant grease. Biodiesel meets both the biomass-based diesel
and overall advanced biofuel requirements of the
Renewable Fuel Standard. Renewable diesel is distinct from

● Biodiesel is a domestically produced, clean-burning, renewable

substitute for petroleum diesel. Using biodiesel as a vehicle fuel
increases energy security, improves air quality and the
environment, and provides safety benefits.
• Energy Security and Balance
• Engine Operation
• Safety
• Air Quality
● Composting Basics.
● Onsite Composting.
● Vermicomposting.
● Aerated (Turned) Windrow Composting.
● Aerated Static Pile Composting.
● In-vessel composting.
● Composting is a controlled, aerobic (oxygen-required) process
that converts organic materials into a nutrient-rich soil
amendment or mulch through natural decomposition.

● Microorganisms feed on the materials added to the compost pile

during the composting process. They use carbon and nitrogen to
grow and reproduce, water to digest materials, and oxygen to
Worm Composting (Vermicomposting)
Worm composting, or vermicomposting, is
another method of composting you can do at
home. It takes up little space, the materials are
simple and inexpensive, and it can be done
indoors or outdoors. You will need a container
or bin, bedding material, worms, and food
Also known as “Open Air Composting” or
“Direct Composting” this is your standard
compost pile. The cheapest, easiest, and most
popular small-scale composting, this method
essentially comes down to creating an
aerated pile of compost somewhere outside
either in a small hole or on some bare earth.
Aerated (Turned) Windrow Composting
Aerated or turned windrow composting is
suited for large volumes such as that
generated by entire communities and
collected by local governments, and high-
volume food-processing businesses (e.g.,
restaurants, cafeterias, packing plants).
This type of composting involves forming
organic waste into rows of long piles called
“windrows” and aerating them periodically
by either manually or mechanically turning
the piles.
n-vessel composting generally describes a
group of methods that confine the
composting materials within a building,
container, or vessel. In-vessel composting
systems can consist of metal or plastic tanks
or concrete bunkers in which air flow and
temperature can be controlled, using the
principles of a "bioreactor".

Compost Examples
Generally, most food and yard waste,
like banana peels and coffee grounds, or
grass clippings and leaves, can be
composted. However, not all items can
be composted.
For example, meat and fish waste, such
as bones or skin, should not be added to
compost., coffee

Biodegradable plastics
• Biodegradable plastics are plastics that can be
decomposed by the action of living organisms,
usually microbes, into water, carbon dioxide,
and biomass.

• Biodegradable plastics are commonly

produced with renewable raw materials,
micro-organisms, petrochemicals, or
combinations of all three.
The types of biodegradable plastics are:
• Bioplastics – produced partly or entirely with
biologically sourced polymers. They can be
derived from plants or in combination with
synthetic polymers. Not all are biodegradable.
• Oxo-degradable plastics – conventional
plastics with additives to break down faster.
• Photo-biodegradable – reacts to ultra-violet
light, and it requires initial oxo-degradation.
• Hydro-biodegradable plastics – made from
plant sources (like starch) and the
degradation is initiated by hydrolysis.

Who are Environmentalists?
• Environmentalists are people who have a deep passion
for the environment and a strong commitment to its well-
• They come from diverse backgrounds, including
scientists, activists, policymakers, and concerned citizens.
• Their work is of paramount importance in addressing
pressing environmental issues.

01 Climate Change 02 Oceans and Marine Ecosystems

03 Biodiversity Loss 04 Ecosystem Imbalance

05 Pollution 06 Resource Depletion
07 Habitat Destruction 08 Deforestation
The primary objectives of environmentalists include:
● Protecting and preserving natural ecosystems.
● Promoting sustainable practices in human activities.
● Advocating for policies that safeguard the environment.
Environmentalists actively engage in conservation efforts such as:
● Reforestation to combat deforestation.
● Wildlife protection to prevent species extinction.
● Promotion of sustainable agriculture to reduce ecosystem harm.
Environmentalists play a crucial role in:
● Raising public awareness about environmental issues.
● Influencing policy development and legislation.
● Providing environmental education to empower communities.
Environmentalists contribute to science and research by:
● Conducting studies to understand environmental challenges
● Providing data and insights for informed decision-making.
● Developing innovative solutions for sustainability.
Environmentalists often lead or participate in grassroots
movements that involve:
● Mobilizing local communities to address environmental issues.
● Initiating and supporting local sustainability projects.
● Inspiring change at the grassroots level.
Environmentalists face various challenges, including:
● Opposition from individuals or industries with vested interests
● Limited resources for their initiatives
● The complex task of balancing economic and environmental
“Leave no one behind”
Halting destructive projects through public pressure
and contributing to global policy changes

“Work for a better future”

Inspiring future generations to become stewards of the

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